love and affection for stupid little butches
95K posts
isobel/saguaro | 26 | nonbinary butch lesbian (TME) | they/them | yaqui + white | never intentionally transmisogynistic/racist/etc | no minors
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
This part of the article breaks my heart:
Pavlovich assured them Palmer would participate. “I said to them, ‘She’s a public feminist, and she knows what happened. She’ll want to protect me. I’m sure she’ll speak.’” When the police contacted Palmer later that year, she declined to talk with them.
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Only 37 Euros left to reach 1400 Euros
Hurry up, friends, so I can collect the costs of my surgery and remove the metal pieces stuck in my body 😭😭
Donate here
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Hurry up friends and donate because I am in very severe pain all the time
Every donation, no matter how small, will make a difference and speed up my treatment.
Donate here
@boobieteriat @jonahmagnus @pitbolshevik @communistkenobi-archive @haootia @skinwretch @determinate-negation @talasem @girldraki @jame7t @treesbian @pollocks @rocksnstars @mayonaisalspray @toiletpotato @pisshandkerchief @longseasons @wis-art @beserkerjewel @wolf-tail @strangeauthor @wolfertinger666 @a-shade-of-blue @yekkes @postanagramgenerator @feluka @punkeropercyjackson @strange-aelurus @nabulsi @ringosnoop @sporesgalaxy @palhelp @turtletoria @valtsv @annabelle--cane @anneemay @tamamita @taffybunnie @prinnay @prisonhannibal @paper-mario-wiki @komsomolk @neechees @victoriawhimsey @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @ankle-beez @autisticmudkip @catnapdreams @mushroomjar
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
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Hello friends, supporters, and EveryTumblr, Today I have tragic news I want to share with you. We started our day with new evacuation orders for our displacement area 💔 This will be the 13th time of evacuating and fleeing from a real danger with my family, and everytime is harder than the previous one I almost can take my breaths, to bear a new displacement!!! Even the tents are worn out and cannot be dismantled and installed in a new place!! I really feel suffocated from this situation, and need your support to start over in a new place I appeal to the whole world to hear my and my family's mournful cry in Gaza. We need the helping hand that reaches out to wipe our tears and build a bridge to safety
We are really tired. I am making a great effort to convey my voice to you, and your donation is not a simple thing, it is a chance of new survival for my family Amplify me by reblogging and donate if you can, please 🙏🏻
• Our campaign is vetted by 🇵🇸 @/gazavetters List at #291 • DONATE HERE / VETTED HERE
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Help Jamal Shamia family
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Jamal Shamia, Iam a criminal lawyer, lam suffering of many diseases hypertension and diabetic mellitus and Muscle spasms and always got shocked and coma .
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Unfortunately, I was injured in the war and suffered a very serious injury, which was a blood clot in the hip joint area, which caused him many infections and the infection spread in the area. is currently in Gaza, and my home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We have lost security and peace. We have witnessed how a single rocket can destroy your entire life, both your past and your future. Our dreams have been shattered. Now the future is unknown and dark. There is no home, no basic life essentials, no job. We are now seeking to leave this country for a life abroad and to obtain security. We estimate our loss to be at least $50,000 to rebuild a home and start our lives anew.
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My wife, Mufida, is 62 years old. She traveled before the war to have surgery on her eye alone, and now she is stuck on the Egyptian side. She has no breadwinner and needs many medications and medical supplies.
After that, she suffered a broken hand due to the lack of necessary care for her. I want to collect money to go to her and support her.
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Rasha Jamal Shamia and her husband, Khalil Abu Samaan, have two children, Mira and Omar. They have been forced to flee their home in Gaza City and are now living in a tent in Rafah, far from everything they once knew. Their home, their children’s education, and their future—everything is gone. Their days are filled with fear, and their nights bring no rest. The constant sound of bombs haunts them, and they have no way to provide their children with the life they deserve
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Ahmad Jamal Shamia resides in Gaza and is a third-year student in dental school. He lost his education due to the devastating war in Gaza. He was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and his home was destroyed in the war. He is currently suffering from moving from one temporary shelter to another. Ahmad was a diligent, ambitious, and creative student who ranked first in his class. He didn't limit himself to what he learned in university. He attended courses and workshops online with Egyptian doctors to learn more and excel in his field. He always sought excellence and worked hard for it, and he loved helping all students.He now needs money to continue his education, which will cost him a lot of money since he will complete his studies in Egypt.
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Vetted by:
Gazavetters no.#82
@90-ghost here
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PayPal account:
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@sylvianritual @ana-bananya
@aristotels @bixlasagna @bonesashesglass @blackprinter @buttercuparry @briarhips @cagandante-communistoide @crimsaph @crispyartdev @determinate-negation @distillatoria @dontbelasagnax @dlxxv-vetted-donations @deepspaceboytoy @distillatoria @evilreceptionist @ehksidian @e @fr0ge @freeshfries98 @feluka @fromjanna @f3l1c1af0x @greenwingspino @group-oc-tournament @gottfried @garden-of-vegan @hojanaranja @ip2lb @jacksonharries @khanger @kibumkim @lishadra @lightning-in-your-teeth @mangocheesecake @mobileleprechaun @oursapphirestars @omegaversereloaded @phantomofthetacobell-blog @primmsfairytale @paper-mario-wiki @pcktknife @sayruq @soullesscoyote @sanleigh @spacefunclubs @tilltshift
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
🙏😔Stop, please 😔🙏
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
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My name is Kariman Dohan, I am 25 years old. I was a committed and diligent teacher, and my husband, Ayman Olwan, 30 years old, is a business administration graduate, but due to unemployment and difficult conditions in Gaza, he was forced to work as a fisherman. We have a wonderful son named Hamoud, who is one and a half years old. We live in Gaza, specifically Khan Yunis, where the fishing boat, fishing equipment and the school where I worked were damaged🥹🫂💔😭😭😭😭
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We have been displaced several times, and our tragedy has reached the point that we now live in a tent that is unfit for living. We desperately need your help, I have launched a donation campaign but I cannot get the funds so I can get $50000 to get through this current crisis.
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Before the war and after the war, this is what happened to us😔💔
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I know that the world is full of people who want to help others, and you are one of them. Please be with us in this ordeal and share your donation to help us get out of these difficult situations🫂🥹🥹🙏🙏🍉
Donate, share and be the reason for our happiness 🙏❤️🫂🥹🍉😭🇵🇸💔😣
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
"Trapped Dreams"
.help me family🍉🍉
In a small corner of Gaza, where the lights fade and darkness falls, Mahmoud sat alone, thinking. He was a young man like any other, dreaming of a better future, a safe home, and a job that would provide him and his family with a decent life. But the dream turned into a nightmare, and life into a daily struggle for survival.
Mahmoud's family, which includes 43 members, lived under the burden of siege and war. They lost their homes, and watched their dreams fade before their eyes. Every day was a new challenge, searching for a living amidst the lack of water and electricity, and the fear of bombing that could come at any moment.
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"I saw hope in the eyes of my children, but the siege was taking it away from them little by little," Mahmoud says sadly. "They wanted to play in the streets, and go to school, but all that surrounded them was destruction and fear."
Mahmoud's dream now is simple, to get his family out of this hell, and to start a new life in a safe place. But the costs of migration are high, and far beyond their means.
Noha is a story of courage and determination. She reminds us that disability is not a barrier, and that anything is possible if you are determined enough.
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“We need your help,” Mahmoud says, his voice trembling. “We need a chance to build a better future for our children.”
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Please listen carefully Please listen carefully🙏 I need you to read this..🥹
On the seventh of October I am teacher Mahmoud Atta. I work as a teacher teaching secondary school students.
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #365 )✅️
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On October 7th, I was getting ready to go to school. On October 7th, while I was getting ready to go to school, my life was completely turned upside down. Israel declared war on Gaza. After that, they announced their entry into the roads and cities and forced us to leave the city from Khan Yunis to Rafah
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We passed through a road called the Road of Death. Tanks were everywhere. Bullets were raining down. We passed through a road called the Road of Death. Tanks were everywhere. Bullets were raining down. If you survived, your brother would not.
We've all seen the end of the world movies on the big screen. We have all seen end of the world movies on cinema screens, but what we saw was real and not imaginary. I wish it was imaginary.
We finally arrived in Rafah Finally we arrived in Rafah, the safe city as it is called, but where to go? The sea is behind us, the weather is freezing, and the borders are closed with Egypt on the other side and Israel on the third and fourth sides. I found myself making a tent out of nylon for myself and my family.
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No water, no electricity, no food, no place to go to the bathroom, no life. I wish I had died sooner.
We returned after a long time to our city.After a long time, we returned to our city. The first sight was that a giant monster had entered the city and left it in ruins, so much so that I did not recognize my house or my neighborhood. Oh my God, is this Khan Yunis?
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fI searched to find my home, to find my apartment, which contained my memories and my most beautiful days, destroyed. I searched to find my home, to find my apartment, which contained my memories and my most beautiful days, destroyed.
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Today I stand before you to search for Today I stand in your hands to search for any help to restore myself again thanks to you.. I am waiting for your help
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
next dynamic were sexualizing is that of a bull and a toreador
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Dear friends, hello
I am talking to you while I am suffering from the constant ban on my accounts, and recently this account was banned... I don't know why I did not make a mistake or violate the laws, or is it because I am Palestinian that this policy is followed!!!!
Please, my dears, as your friend, brother, or someone you love, I ask you to follow my account:
@omegaversereloaded @punkitt-is-here @tamamita @skunkes @ot3 @valtsv @paper-mario-wiki @spongebobssquarepants @90-ghost @komsomolka @sawasawako @hotvampireadjacent @necromancelena @certifiedsexed @3000s @chokulit @ankle-beez @pitbolshevik @prisonhannibal @apas-95 @neechees @memingursa @afro-elf @turtletoria @marxism-transgenderism @beetledrink @bevsi @beserkerjewel @feluka @spacebeyonce @grox @aflo @slimetony @boobieteriat @vampiricvenus @tpwrtrmnky @deepseasmetro @specialmouse @bruciemilf @amygdalae @necromancelena @unpeeled-human @sporesgalaxy @zzoupz @chokulit @tlirsgender @smoqueen @heycrabman @strawberry-crocodile
Please, my dears, share the post... There is persecution against the Palestinians here. Stand by me against this injustice!!!!!
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
"Together in Hardship: A Message of Solidarity and Hope"
To my friends in America and everyone affected by the devastating hurricanes and wildfires,
I watch with sadness and sorrow as you endure these difficult times. Seeing the images of destruction and tragedy reminds us all of how harsh life can be at times. Here in Gaza, despite the ongoing blockade and tough conditions, our hearts are with you, and we understand deeply the pain of loss and the challenge of fighting for a better tomorrow.
I wish you strength and patience as you navigate these hardships, and I pray that life returns to normal for you as soon as possible.
If there's one thing I’ve learned from our situation, it’s that human solidarity holds immense power. In this spirit, I share my personal hope to improve the conditions of my life and my family, which have been deeply affected by the situation here. Any support or sharing, no matter how small, can make a big difference in someone else’s life.
With all my prayers for your safety,
Abd al-Salam Al-Anqar, Gaza."
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Please continue to help donate to Nader and his family
. Our short term goal is to aim for 75% funded as of 1/12/2025 they have $72,895 raised/ 73%
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He and his family have been displaced by the war in Gaza 9 times and continue to struggle with daily life as they fundraise to evacuate. Every little bit matters if you can share.
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
black & native americans: hey can you (people from outside the US) stop using the fact that we live in the US to justify saying blatantly anti-black and anti-indigenous shit that is literally on the same level if not worse than the shit white USAmericans say to us
tumblr, apparently: oh you think yank is a slur? you think you're being oppressed for being american? you privileged amerikkkan apes. go hang yourselves. i wish i could genocide every last person on your continent. what do you mean native americans are colonized peoples youre just red yanks with a victim complex. i have no self awareness or critical thinking
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
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My zine in the lineage of Fucking Trans Women by Mira Bellwether, about my anatomy as a trans woman who's had nullification surgery. It started as a user manual for a partner but I believe it has value beyond that.
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Please continue to help donate to Nader and his family
. Our short term goal is to aim for 75% funded as of 1/12/2025 they have $72,895 raised/ 73%
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He and his family have been displaced by the war in Gaza 9 times and continue to struggle with daily life as they fundraise to evacuate. Every little bit matters if you can share.
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Can you imagine that this piece of iron came out of my body?
Help me get my surgery (Donate here)
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There are also four other pieces stuck in my body that need surgery to remove 😭😭
Help me get out the rest of the metal pieces stuck in my body please (Donate here please)😭😭
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
it blows my mind how you can be a usamerican on this website and spend the past year+ reblogging posts about palestine, (rightfully) condemning the genocide, the occupation, denouncing zionism, and acknowledging that theres no excuse for joining the IOF, only to then turn around and suddenly act shocked and offended when the victims of US imperialism extend the same hatred and vitriol towards your military. all the horrific crimes the IOF is committing against the palestinian people, the US military has committed over and over across the globe, whether it is in cuba or korea, laos or afghanistan, iraq or vietnam, but god forbid you point this out because then all of a sudden the worlds most thin skinned people will crawl out of the woodworks to explain why US soldiers are actually just poor little meow meows. how are you any different from a zionist. be serious. and stop expecting the victims of your countrys imperialism, that you benefit from, to coddle you
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monsterbutch · 2 months ago
Hi everyone, Ahed‘s daughter Iman is only six years old and suffers from curvature in one of her feet. This causes her a lot of pain and she needs treatment and a device to correct it. Because of their circumstances in Gaza, it’s hard to access medical treatment in general and when you can get it it can be very expensive. Seeing your child in pain is the worst thing a father can experience, and Ahed just wants safety and health for his children. He has two other daughters, nine year old Fatima and one year old Nour, and he works so hard to provide for his three daughters every day. As of today (31.12.24) they have raised €11,388 out of the 40,000 goal, but donations are very slow, and the last donations was eight hours ago.
If you can help donate to Ahed’s family, you’re helping Iman get a childhood without constant pain, and helping to feed their whole family and eventually get them to safety. You can follow @ahedfamily for updates from their family
@90-ghost , @tamamita @rhubarbspring @heritageposts @dirhwangdaseul @neechees @butchniqabi @feluka @socalgal @finalgirlabigailhobbs @darthteeth @newporters @closet-keys @pikslasrce @vampiricvenus @danlous @loumandivorce @jackiedaytona @deepspaceboytoy @autisticmudkip @nashvillethotchicken @femmefitz @frigidwife @pitbolshevik @sawasawako @iregularlyevadetaxes
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