Monique Idlett Net Worth
The current numbers, however, make her a millionaire. Idlett-Mosley controls a net worth of $200 million in 2021, as multiple sources estimate. And her major, or rather, the current line of business is in venture capital with a $25 million fund of her own, Reign Ventures Capital. She started it in 2017 and invests at the Seed and Series A Stage in tech-related startups, focusing on women and minority-led ones. 
 A rags-to-riches story,  Monique Idlett Net Worth has set an example for the path one could not imagine to have taken towards success. While most have a vision for the future in one industry, she’s taken it to a whole new level, jumping from marketing to entertainment and then to the tech industry. And wait for it, she’s now working in front of the camera rather than being just behind the scenes.
The industry word for how she swerves her profession is called ‘Pivoting’, and she insists it’s the most important factor for her success. But Idlett-Mosley is perhaps best known as the wife of music producer Tim ‘Timbaland’ Mosley, who she filed for divorce twice. Behind the scenes, she was an integral part of his success in the music industry.
This year though, the 46-year-old (b. April 30, 1974) is making headlines for a different reason — the race to be a billionaire. She is currently part of three contestants on Discovery‘s reality series, Undercover Billionaires, alongside real estate developer & founder of House of Rock, Elaine Culotti, and a motivational speaker, real estate investor, author & Entrepreneur contributor, Grant Cardone.
Monique Idlett-Mosley Is Racing to Obtain a Billionaire Net Worth
Despite what the title suggests, Discovery’s show is not about billionaires, but rather a challenge they are presented with to become one. Monique Idlett-Mosley is not a billionaire yet, and like she, the other two contestants do not have a net worth of over $1 billion either.
The Undercover Billionaire challenge for Idlett-Mosley isn’t just limited to obtaining a net worth of $1 billion, but doing it with just $100, a cellphone and a car in the city of Tacoma, Washington as Monique Lemai in 90 days.
How Idlett-Mosley Made Her Money: She Got a Job at 22 One Couldn’t Imagine Getting Even at 40
The now-philanthropist had to begin somewhere to earn money to be doing what she is doing at the moment. And that was at USA Today in the mid-1990s, where she convinced a VP to get her the position of an advertising executive. The impressive thing about it was that it was the 90’s, certainly not easy for colored women to get such a job, and it was a senior-level sales position that required 20 years of experience.
At the time, she was 22, a senior in college and a single mother with a three-year-old son, Frankie Idlett, thus breaking all kinds of records. It was also around the time her father passed away, and she had to take care of her two siblings in their pre-teens. She doesn’t talk of the early days of her life, but it’s clear she went through some difficult things in her life.
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