moni-kin · 5 years
you can only reblog this on December 4th
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moni-kin · 5 years
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8K notes · View notes
moni-kin · 5 years
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283K notes · View notes
moni-kin · 5 years
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moni-kin · 5 years
drove past a hotel and they had a pretty big digital message board and I glanced over and almost had a fucking stroke while driving because it was just playing this gif
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moni-kin · 5 years
can you fucking imagine
Peter quill survives the snap right and is chilling with the avengers when endgame rolls around. he volunteers to go to Vormir bc Gamora obviously and it’s like him and nebula and they get up there and red skull is like “you must lose that which you love” and nebula and quill look at each other and are like ‘I don’t particularly love you’ and so quill fucking reaches into his jacket and pulls out his Zune Yondu got him in gotg2 and chucks it over the edge and red skull’s like wtf? but then it works 
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moni-kin · 5 years
Since a bunch of you are seemingly into tall, skinny dudes with questionable fashion choices, I present your next crush:
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Mr. Mint ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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moni-kin · 5 years
[ this person made a sponge mod that clears all water ] and i am positively losing my mind at this shit
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moni-kin · 5 years
this video was made by the devil
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moni-kin · 5 years
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moni-kin · 5 years
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moni-kin · 5 years
man no offense but reclaiming “dyke” as a lesbian doesn’t have a fraction of the push back as reclaiming “queer” has, and that really ought to tell you something about what really influences people’s knee jerk reactions to “queer.”
if I said “dykes unite!” it would be seen as a rallying cry for all of us who identify as dykes, but if I say “queer folks unite!” I’m going to get countless responses about how I’m “forcing queer onto people.”
concern over it being a “slur” is half assed and hollow ringing at best when no other reclaimed slurs get treated the same way, and besides the fact, its like no one understands what the word “reclaiming” even means.
but people still won’t take 2 seconds out of their day to consider that their socially influenced bias against “queer” vs any other similar term might be influenced by shitty people with shitty motives underneath it all.
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moni-kin · 5 years
I wonder how many gay people are actually transgender & dont know it because people thing being transgender is transitioning when it’s literally just not being cis.
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moni-kin · 5 years
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they’re *finally* making sexy oliver twist
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moni-kin · 5 years
Imagine a d&d game but everyone talks like golf announcers and you all just soft clap when someone rolls a 20
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moni-kin · 5 years
british summer is here.
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moni-kin · 5 years
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