butterflies | d. kaminari
you're my new best friend if you get the reference </3
genre: fluff
gender: neutral
warning: none
[ ✾ ]
You were fourteen when you first met him. It was a rainy day when you were walking to school that morning, and instead of doing the smart thing - bringing an umbrella - you decided you could just run the whole way there. And yet, despite training to be a hero, you couldn't run for ten minutes with your arms over your head as if that would somehow shield you from the rain like you imagined. So there you were, walking in your uniform and worrying about your reputation and how much it would be damaged, when all of a sudden, you didn't feel the cold drops of water splattering on your soggy clothes anymore. Instead, there was a slight feeling of warmth beside you. Glancing over, you looked into the golden eyes of a tall male, whose yellow hair wasn't the least bit wet. Ah, yes, he brought an umbrella. Like a smart person would do. He grinned like a dork and you ignored your stupid heart that fluttered when he smiled his adorably cute smile. "Hey." That simple word changed your fucking life. "Who the hell are you?" "Can you . . . see me?!" "Yeah . . . " "You can see me! I'm gonna have a new best- FRIENNND-" "Okay I think that's enough now," you said, pushing him away and snatching the umbrella out of his hand. "Wait wha?" You stared at the cute boy in front of you and decided you didn't like him, no matter how many times he smiled his stupidly cute smile at you, no matter how many times he would save you from the freezing rain, you would never like him. Never in your life. And so, you traipsed away from the boy with his lightning-patterned umbrella clutched tightly in your hand down the path to your school. You never looked back.
[ ✾ ]
Out of all the places you expected to see the blonde boy next, you never would've guessed the famous hero school of U.A. You didn't want to be reminded of him, of his cute face, his golden eyes, his honey-blonde hair, and his adorable grin, it wasn't particularly fair that someone could look that good. Just looking at him made you want to puke from nerves. And of course, he wiggled his way into your friend group. The two of you never talked about what had happened, but he always flashed his bright grin whenever he saw you, activating the ever-present flutters in your heart once again. You ignored the stupid butterflies. Quickly making friends at U.A., you thought that everything was looking up for you, the future was looking bright! That is, until villains suddenly bombarded USJ. And of course, as "fate" would have it, you got thrown into a group with your least favorite blonde. And yes, there were females from the class with you -- you hadn't bothered to learn their names -- but that didn't stop the stupid butterflies from deciding to come to life once again. They were worse when he made physical contact with you, such as when he saved you from tumbling off of a pile of rocks, or when he shoved you out of the way as a knife went flying by where your head had once been. Stupid butterflies.
[ ✾ ]
Note to self: never tell the Bakusquad you're going to study. They'll beg to come along. It wasn't that you didn't love your friends -- far from it -- but they could be a little . . . hectic, to say the least. When it comes to sitting still, go to the Dekusquad for studying help. Bakugou was fine, the only reason he came along was because Kirishima wouldn't "get off of his fucking back", at least he knew how to study quietly. Sero was okay; he was sorta mellow, occasionally finding the passion to study with no sound emitting from him, while other times, he was spilling Tic Tacs all over his books and having a mini food fight with Kaminari and Mina. Kirishima tried. He really did. He just had no concentration in him whatsoever. The red-haired male was constantly asking you or Bakugou for help, and while you were more than happy to help him, you came here to study, not to tutor. Bakugou, obviously, did nothing to help until Kirishima pulled out the puppy eyes. Kiri's got him hooked on a fucking leash. Kaminari = never ever ever ever ever ever ask him to study. The child probably had dyslexia, as he was c o n s t a n t l y asking how to pronounce the simplest of words, then going off and googling it as soon as you told him, thinking that you were the one who pronounced it wrong, not him. He peered over your shoulder, whispering in your ear for the correct math answer on the homework, fueling your already prominent blush on your face already. To say the least, you didn't get much studying done when you sat beside him, and instead, spent the entire time glaring at your book as you thought about the stupid butterflies that existed in your stomach. When it came to Mina, she honestly didn't really try. While she wanted to pass school and become a hero, it was hard for her energetic body to sit still and stare at books all day. When you suggested she grab some snacks for the group after seeing her restlessness, she jumped at the chance, but then didn't come back for a whole hour. When she did finally come back, she had no snacks in her arms, and instead, held a dog. Yes. Ashido fucking Mina bought a dog instead of getting a simple box of pocky for her friends. Everyone but you and Bakugou found it hilarious, asking to see the dog, pet it, and become the fucking parent. Then, they got kicked out of the library. Kaminari tried to engage you in a conversation as the group walked back home, but you were too pissed to concentrate on anything he rambled about. Mina bought a dog. A fucking dog. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BUY A DOG, MINA?!" you cried, interrupting the blonde's tangent about a hacker who beat him in Roblox. "Because it was cute," she said simply. You facepalmed. Kaminari slung his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and saying, "aw, c'mon [Name]! You gotta admit, it was pretty cute!" You shoved him in a mud puddle. Stupid butterflies.
[ ✾ ]
"Look Denki, I get that you want to have lightning bolt streamers everywhere, but this is Aizawa's party we're talking about here, not yours." You were in your second year of U.A., all of your class having graduated the first year of hero training with flying colors. You were on better terms with Denki now, having saved him from impending doom when the League kidnapped Bakugou. You worked all your differences out and were now good friends, some even going as far as to call the two of you besties. That didn't mean the butterflies had disappeared. In fact, they were worse than ever the more time you spent around him. It was like every time he put his arm around your shoulders or abruptly snatched your hand, the bugs were on a reproducing spree, manifesting more and more butterflies every time he came into physical contact with you. "C'mon! It's lightning! How could you not love it?!" "You weren't the one who came up with the idea for this party! I was!" Ah, yes. Your fiery temper was still there. "Fine, fine, we can use the black streamers," he said, rolling his eyes and heading to the kitchen. You grinned deviously, a plan already forming in mind that would surely get you a handful of swears from your teacher. Fuck it all, you were doing it anyway.
[ ✾ ]
"[Last Name], what the hell are you doing?" Aizawa inquired, rubbing his tired eyes vigorously. "Oh, don't worry Aizawa-sensei," you replied deviously, smirking at the black-clothed teacher. "Everything is a-okay!" "That automatically makes me assume that nothing is okay." "I SAID DON'T WORRY, AIZAWA-SENSEI!" "And I said that automatically makes me assume I have to worry." "BUT YOU DON'T!" "Mhm." You could hear the skepticism lacing his fatigued voice, giving a boost of excitement to your tired legs as you dragged the sleepy man to the common room, smacking your hands over his eyes. "Ow." "Okay, okay, okay, open your eyes," you said, ignoring his cry of pain. "I can't because your filthy hands are over them." "NOW OPEN THEM." His dark eyes opened, holding a small glint of surprise as he saw the black, silver, gray, and white streamers dangling from the ceiling that Shouji put up, the luscious dark chocolate cake Sato had prepared, the birthday balloons Yaomomo and Denki had dotted around, and the whole class sprinkled around the common room (plus Shinso and Eri), wearing party hats and smiling at their shocked teacher. Aizawa's throat caught slightly at the end, but he still managed to get out the words, "who's idea was this?" Denki stepped up, raising his arm but pointing his finger at you. "[Name] did, they just dragged us into it." You grinned sheepishly, rubbing the nape of your neck and quickly trying to atone for your sins. "I understand if you don't like it, I could take it all down if you want, I just thought that maybe-" Kaminari rushed over to your side and slapped his hand over your mouth, steadily looking you in the eye and shaking his head. "No, [Last Name], it's great." You were surprised to hear the tired voice of your favorite teacher, and even more surprised to see him crack a small grin at you, saying, "where'd you get the party hats?" �� "Yaomomo made them," Denki cut in. "He didn't ask you," you said, licking his hand as he jerked it away. "Let's party!"
[ ✾ ]
So far, so good, you thought, twisting your fingers together as you watched your favorite blonde attempt to playfully flirt with Uraraka. You can do this, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this. "Hey." You shrieked at the voice that suddenly appeared in your ear, jumping a little and whipping around, only to come face-to-face with an electric boy. "Denki! You scared me!" "And you made me bite my tongue! Even?" "How did I make you bite your tongue?" "When you jumped, my chin was on my way to your shoulder," Denki exclaimed, "but then it moved so my teeth clanked together and my tongue got in the way." You smiled, lightly punching him in the arm. "Clanked," you teased with a grin. "It's a word!" "Okay." You rolled your eyes. "Hey, what happened to Uraraka?" "Oh, as soon as I started talking, she said she had to make sure Midoriya had his hero notebook or something, then ran away." "WOW," you said, bending over and clutching your stomach, trying to breathe through your laughter. "That's a mood." "It is indeed," Kaminari replied, a grin on his face. Stupid butterflies. "Hey, Denki --" You were abruptly stopped by the strange feeling of another pair of lips on yours, kissing you passionately. Your shocked brain had no idea what was happening until the sudden warmth moved away, revealing the familiar golden eyes of a honey-blonde. "I'm so sorry, I just thought you looked really cute in that shirt and then I thought 'well why don't I kiss you' and then you didn't kiss back and --" You pressed your lips against his this time, a small smile gracing your lips as your crush kissed back with fervor. Finally, after what seemed like it would never be enough, you pulled away from the awkward-yet-electrifying kiss to inhale the life-saving air around you. "Did you get butterflies too?" you asked, panting. "Yeah, yeah I did." Those golden eyes. You couldn't look away from the millions of emotions swirling in his orbs, anxiety, euphoria, fear, nervousness, joy, shock, and trillions more. The same feelings were probably circling round and around in your eyes. "So what does this make us?" Another kiss was your answer.
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im literally so disgusted rn, why is this even a thing??? like the second to last image had bile in my mouth bc its so disgusting, i absolutely fucking hate it. pls sign the petition and get this website BANNED bc i dont wanna see it anymore.
Earlier today I stumbled upon a website called Rapey.co. This website is one of (many) forum websites which focuses on REAL people normalizing pedophilia, rape, incest and even murder. They share VERY disturbing stories about children (sometimes even their own) and the fantasies or plans they wish to carry out which involve the rape and murder of women and children. Some of these are accounts asking for advice as to how to rape, how to murder, how to seduce children. If you take a look at my friends Facebook post ( https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1471682506554480&id=100011382334335 ) or at the horrific website itself (trigger warning) there are many disturbing screenshots and posts to read from. You can see it is not hidden, it is in plain sight. This is not found on the dark or deep web.. it is accessible through ANY BROWSER. Imagine being so confident and comfortable with such evil and horrific crimes that you are able to open up an entire website about it? This is because even THEY know nothing is going to be done about it, so there is no need to hide it.
I am ashamed to live in a society where things like this can so easily be posted and encouraged on the internet and the amount of people who witness it and do nothing about it. We live in a society that is trying to justify and normalize rape and pedophilia, and this is UNACCEPTABLE.
The children talked about by adults in these forums are at great danger. One man said he is trying to seduce his own daughter, and if that doesn't work he'd force himself on to her. Although it's extremely disturbing and triggering to read, IT NEEDS TO COME TO LIGHT, SO IT CAN COME TO AN END. (This was copy and pasted from a friends server, next announcement I'm linking the petition to get rid of it)
http://chng.it/NyNDdBQsjV please sign. This website is literally fucking disgusting

You all better fucking reblog this shit, my inbox should be full of reblogs
@nac-nic @comic-nerd-dc @baeilish @batsydweeb @incorrectbatfam @odd-blue @psychovigilantewrites
#omfg this is so fucking disgusting#tw#rape tw#tw rape#pedophilia#pedophilia tw#tw pedophilia#tw incest#incest tw#jesus christ why does this exist
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aishite aishite aishite | e. kirishima
aishite aishite aishite - kikuo
fandom // boku no hero academia
gender // neutral
pairing // kirishima eijirou x reader
a/n: in a way, the reader in this one shot is a bit bipolar, with sudden mood swings and moments of instability.
this one shot might be a bit hard to understand since i tried to make it a mix of jumbled, convoluted emotions that mc is feeling, so if it seems to come in flashes, that's most likely what the reader is experiencing in the moment. it may not make a ton of sense, but then again, that's the price that comes with being a badass yandere.
[ in the far-off, distant past, there was once a coiling collar ]
You watched him laugh at the stupid joke Ashido made. That should be me. He grinned, flashing his sharp white teeth at his friends before wrapping his arm around Mina's shoulders. That should be me. It should be me he laughs with. Me and only me. No one else. He would. Eventually.
[ “i want people, i want people,” it cried, this cursed collar ]
"Hi, Kiri!" you cried, bouncing on your feet slightly. The male whipped around and returned your gleeful grin, closing his eyes and sporting his sharp white teeth. "Hi, [Name]-chan!" "Mind if I sit with you?" You opened your eyes with this statement and batted your lashes, hoping it would affect him in some way. "Y-yeah! We're over here today." Smirking inwardly once he turned around, you were careful to keep up your facade and trot diligently behind him. Eijirou set his lunch tray down on the table and patted the spot next to him, signaling you to sit down. Bakugou sneered. "[Name]-chan asked to sit with us today!" Kirishima exclaimed, a faint blush coating his features. Kaminari smirked devilishly. "Heyyy, [Name]-chan." The electric quirk user scooped up his tray and slid into the empty seat on your right, smirking at you with confidence aflame in his eyes. "Hi," you replied simply. Rice was scooped. Deposited in your mouth. All while closely monitoring him. Ignoring the people around you. Scooping rice in your mouth. All while staring at him.
[ don’t get angry. don’t abandon me. don’t go anywhere. ]
Falling in love with him. More and more. It was the little things that made your love deepen. The way his tongue would stick out of the side of his mouth cutely when he was thinking or concentrating. When he sheepishly scratched his neck, leaving red marks instead of pristine skin. The way his crimson eyes lit up when he answered a question correctly. "Please!" "Please, stop!" Oh, he would laugh. He would laugh like never before. "[Name], this isn't like you!" Love me. Love me like you never have before.
[ it strangles me tightly, til i could throw up, whenever no one's, no one's around ]
"Hey, Kiri! Over here!" You jumped up and down, waving your arm at the red-haired male who, in return, quickly spotted you and flashed his bright grin, jogging over to your place on the sidewalk. "Hey, [Name]!" Oh god, you thought. Why does he have to say my name like that? Why, why, why? Your heart beat faster, faster, faster, until there was no stopping it, there was no stopping the intense flutter taking place in your heart and stomach, no stopping the storm that occurred whenever he was around. Your head dropped into your hands, quickly walking away from the confused male, shoving away anyone who tried to approach. Why? I don't want to feel this way. It hurts. It really, really hurts. I can't stop it, I can't stop it, I can't stop it, this is the one thing that I have no control over. Control. Control. Control. I just want to be in control.
[ nice grades, huh? hey, hey, aren’t i a good kid? ]
At home and in bed, you tugged the covers over you and buried your face in your pillow, anxiety rippling over your features. Why, why WHY? Why can't I do anything to stop this? Tears leaked onto the pillow. Breathing was a struggle. What's wrong with me? Gagging at the sensation in your throat, you tumbled out of the bed and scurried over to the bathroom, where the familiar brownish sludge left your mouth. Splotches of red covered the floor. Love me. Love me. Love me like you never have before. Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, please. It became a mantra that you repeated in your everyday life. Love me, love me, love me, please. Love me, love me, love me, please. Love me, love me, love me, please. Every day, you seemed to say it more. More and more and more and more. "Kirishima." Until it was never enough. "Kirishima Eijirou, love me like you never have before." LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME PLEASE. "Kirishima Eijirou, love me, love me, love me, please." It was never enough. LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME PLEASE. "Love me, love me, love me, please."
#yandere#kirishima x reader#kirishima eijirou x reader#female reader#reader#reader insert#eijirou kirishima x reader#eijirou x reader#bnha#mha#yandere one shots#noi#noi's yandere one shots#badass yandere
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hi! my names karma, as you should know since you’re on my tumblr blog >:)
this is the request page (pretty sure i have one on my main page but im not sure since im still new to tumblr), where there are requesting rules!
requests are currently closed as of this time, since ive got a lot going on in my life rn and also trying to catch up on the pile of requests on quotev, so im not accepting any right now and i don’t think i’ll be anytime soon.
but still, here’s the rules for when i do open back up, so read if you wanna request, thx for checking it out :)
gender, pronouns, anime/fandom, basic plot, genre, and outcome are all required. any additional information should be specified
try to be nice abt it? like dont just hop on and demand i write smth for u nonono i dont do that here >:(
no smut as of rn, but i have been thinking abt it and im considering it, so be sure to stay updated!
no incest, pedophiles, or anything like that, msg me if ur not sure, i dont bite! ;)
be patient with me, i write extremely slow, so if it doesnt come out within a few days, that probably means im being myself and heavily procrastinating </3
u can dm (pm, msg, whatever) me anytime, whether its to chat, request (NOT NOW PLS </3), or just say u luv me in general ;)
again, requests are closed, srry abt that, but i’ll let u all know when theyre back open! luv u, drink lots and lots of water and wear a mask!
~ karma <3
#requesting#requesting guidelines#guidelines#requests are closed#requesting rules#requests#wear a mask >:(#DRINK WATER SMH#neehee#karma's requests#karma
0 notes
popcorn war | d. kaminari // sometimes things don’t do as planned
ghosts | k. bakugou // too little, too late.
can’t help falling in love with you | e. kirishima // he breaks when it comes to you
dance practice | m. ashido // an eventful way to end your day :)
out | i. midoriya // coming out wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be
butterflies | d. kaminari // stupid butterflies
aishite aishite aishite | e. kirishima // love me, love me, love me please.
more coming soon!
always forever | monika [ ddlc ] // you and me, always forever.
#masterlist#bnha#bnha masterlist#ddlc#ddlc masterlist#more to come#in progress#karma's masterlist#mha#karma
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always forever | monika [ ddlc ]
always forever - cults
fandom // doki doki literature club
gender // female
pairing // monika x reader
[ you and me, always forever ]
Traumatizing is an understatement, I thought with a sadistic smile. [Name] smiled with her. [Name] cried with her. [Name] laughed with her. [Name] was best friends with her. [Name] was the one who found her hanging in her room by a thin rope, her hands bloody. Sayori. It was incredibly shocking and disturbing, she obviously couldn't handle it. It was terrifying, to say the least. The fact that her childhood best friend was willing to commit suicide just because [Name] turned down her confession was too much to handle. Collapsing in the floor of her room, she stared at the girl she had come to know and love, her lifeless eyes staring at the floor. Skin pale. White and papery. Bright blue eyes that used to be so full of life and cheer were dull and no more. She's gone. I basked in the glory of defeating my worst enemy, my worst fear, the cause of my anxiety. Sayori was no more. Which means [Name] is mine.
[ we could stay alone together ]
Getting her up the stairs was a hassle. Now you might be thinking, oh Monika! Aren't you the world-famous, brilliant hacker who could just reprogram her, or better yet, float her up the stairs?! Well, yes. Yes I could. Did I? No. I managed to drag her limp body up the stairs and into the club room, making sure Natsuki and/or Yuri weren't in there before depositing her unconscious form onto two desks pushed together. I cautiously caressed her cheek, looking at her with nothing but love present in my eyes. My soulmate. My darling. My love. She couldn't be best friends with Sayori anymore. The bow-wearing girl would only get in the way. Did I make her kill herself? In a way, yes. Did I want to? Yes. No, but it had to be done. I know she loves me. Deep down inside, buried underneath all of the growing guilt and hatred and fear and betrayal and overall negative emotions . . . She loves me. There's no denying it of course! How could you ever contradict the fact that we're meant to be? She'll realize it, of course. [Name] will be mine.
[ you and me, always forever ]
I made sure she woke up to the gentle sound of a piano playing, a hard surface making its presence painfully known in her back as she managed to sit up. Blinking rapidly, she looked around the familiar club room, finding a piano in a corner with my figure sitting neatly atop the bench, my swift fingers delicately dancing across the keys. "M-Monika?" she inquired, confusion staining her pretty face. "W-what's going on, why did I wake up on a desk?" I only smiled at her and continued playing, yet this time, I started to sing. My voice was soft and smooth, like the pleasant surface of a freshly opened book, and yet, it had a sharp edge to it. As if I were a paper cut. Carefully standing up, she made her way over to where I was perched, smiling contentedly at her. "Monika?" Oh god, it sounded so good. My name rolling off her tongue. It was beautiful. I wanted to confess my undying love for her right then and there, right in that goddamn club room and destroy the world around us so she wouldn't have anything left to run to except for me. I wanted to tell her everything, like when the first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. The one for me. The first time I laid eyes on her, Sayori was clinging to her arm as if it was her life support, the only thing keeping her tethered to the world and preventing her from floating away. I wanted to be the one on her arm. I wanted to be the one she smiled and laughed with, I wanted to be the one she couldn't live without, I wanted to be the one who would wash her worries away at my mere presence, I wanted to be the one she looked at with adoring eyes. But I wasn't. I knew [Name] had turned down Sayori's confession, as I should, considering the fact that I had watched the whole thing play out. Yet I prevented the wave of hope threatening to wash over me, and instead, pushed the salty water into a hole I had dug long before I began this stupid book club. Yes, I had been in love with [Name] for over a year. My obsessive tendencies began four months after I had first spotted [Name]. It was only little things, like making sure she and Sayori got home safely after a long day at school, when the two were both exhausted, or watching [Name]'s house all night to make sure she was okay before heading to my house to quickly get changed then rush back to her home to make sure she got to school safely. Then I unintentionally took it a little farther. Gradually progressing, I gathered the courage to discreetly follow her at school and on the weekends, just to make sure she was safe. A month later, I managed to slip a walkie talkie into her room - where she would never find it - to listen to her sleep. Two weeks later was graduation. After that, I never worked on clubs or camps or anything normal unless it involved her. I didn't bother answering my parents' questions about where I had been or what I had been doing all day and night when I rushed home to get changed in the morning. I was only concerned about her. I began to take pictures of her secretly since she never knew me that well, and it would be too suspicious if I randomly asked her for one. One wouldn't be enough anyway. My jade green walls were now completely covered in pictures of her, the only thing occasionally breaking them up being her schedules and records of the time and places I had found her alone. It wasn't enough. Once I began a new school year, I knew I would have to find a more manageable way to keep an eye on her, so I convinced Sayori we needed more members for our club, considering she was the only person who really had any friends. My intentions were much more vicious than a simple craving for club expansion. Of course, I was one of the most popular girls in school, but I wanted no friends. I only wanted a lover. And I wanted her. [Name]. Her and only her would suffice. I brought myself back to the present and widened my grin at my future lover, proud to see my months of practice had paid off. The few minutes I wasn't watching [Name] was when I practiced piano, determined to create a song that would satisfy her and make her recognize her unending love for me. And there I was, before the love of my life, playing the song I had dedicated purely for her, her and only her. Your Reality. I figured it was a fitting title, since I would be the only one she would know, the only one she would see, the only one who actually deserved her love and affection. And instead of smiling, happy tears filling her eyes, or laughing and settling down beside me, she ruined it. "Where's Sayori?" Clang. Gravity pulled a pen down to the floor. My smile faltered. "W-what do you mean, 'where's Sayori'?" I inquired, anxiety painting my features. "I mean, where's Sayori? Is she at school . . . " Her sentence trailed off as she walked towards the door, finding dark rooms and vacant halls. "What . . . ? Monika, what's going on, where's Sayori?" I broke. "CAN YOU NOT THINK ABOUT HER FOR ONCE?!" It was only red. "WHAT ABOUT ME?" Only red staining my vision. "WHAT ABOUT ME, HUH?" It was the only thing I could see. "Monika-" "WHAT. ABOUT. ME?!" Nothing stood in my way as I shot up from the stool, storming over to [Name]'s terrified face. I loved that face. That scared look. I wanted her to be scared of me. They all would be once they saw what I could do. What power I could wield. "JUST SHUT UP AND TALK ABOUT ME FOR ONCE!" Red. Paper. Cuts. Blood. Sayori. Rope. Yuri. Knives. Natsuki. Neck. Snap. Death. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Insanity. "It's just you and me, [Name]," I said as blood gradually stained the walls, my pink-tipped shoes advancing towards my frightened soulmate. "You and me. Always forever." "W-what?! Monika what's h-happening?!" She stepped back. She stepped back. She was supposed to walk towards me with love in her eyes, wanting me and only me. That was the plan. It was then that I looked around and saw the tears littering [Name]'s face. The blood on the walls. The static. I was breaking everything. And yet my twisted mind still decided to say, "You and me, always forever."
#ddlc#sayori#doki doki literature club#monika#yandere#monika ddlc#reader insert#xreader#x reader#reader#monika x reader#ddlc sayori#ddlc monika x reader#monika ddlc x reader#doki doki
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out | i. midoriya
genre: fluff
gender: female to male
warning: gender dysphoria
[ ✾ ]
"Izu-kun!" you cried as you jogged to said male, waving your hand at him. He turned around at the sound of your voice and smiled, tackling you in a hug when you reached him.
"How was your break?" Midoriya inquired, slipping his hand into yours. "It was okay," you replied, trying to act normal. "W-what about you?" "It was amazing! Firstly, me, Mom, and All Might went to the beach before the rest of the class did, and then we went out for ice cream-" You nodded and forced a smile as the green-haired boy rambled about his summer break excitedly, using avid hand motions with his sparkling green eyes on full display. However, you couldn't help but think about what happened over your break, not particularly wanting to go into full detail to your best friend. Of course, that soon led to your thoughts spiraling downward, with notions such as, "he would never like me as a girl, much less as a boy!" "[Name]-chan? Are you alright?" His gentle voice brought you back to reality, his soft touch on your upper arm bringing comfort to you, his worried eyes held a burning passion for you that you could never forget. You were in love.
It was a simple statement, but held so much more than just those four words. It held longing, tears, pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, confusion, and so many more emotions that you couldn't even put into words. Quickly snapping yourself out of your trance, you turned towards the green-haired boy beside you and forced another smile, reassuring him that you were fine and yet he still didn't believe you. Izuku pulled you over to a deserted corner as anxiety was born in your stomach, a coil of nerves bundling up and overwhelming you to the point where you could barely speak, much less remember to breathe. "[Name]-chan, I know something's wrong," Midoriya said firmly, fists tightening at his sides. "Y-you don't have to tell me, I just wanted you to know I'm here for you-" "Izuku-kun I'm a boy." Well, that was definitely not part of the plan, but here you were, standing in front of your best friend/crush, coming out to the man when you weren't even sure yourself. He was shocked, to say the least. Not saying that you weren't, but he was probably a bit more shocked than you. "Wha-" "I'm not even sure myself, I just saw something about it and my cousin came out to me then I realized I didn't like being a girl and I didn't want to be a girl so then I researched-" "[Name]-" "Then there's non-binary people who aren't really a gender but I didn't really like that then there's people who go by xe/xem but that was too confusing-" "[Name]-" "Then I saw that you could be transgender and didn't have to be cis female or cis male and you could be whatever you wanted so I decided that that sounded good and I asked my cousin to call me by he/they pronouns so they did and it was really really great but I'm afraid that you'll hate me and not want to be my friend anymore-" You were cut off by soft lips pressing against your own, stopping you mid-rant and confusing the hell out of you. You were shocked when fluffy green hair invaded your vision, slightly tickling your cheek and making your eyes go wide. Not questioning the spontaneous outburst of the boy in front of you, you kissed the male back fervently, not wanting the moment to end, but alas, you needed air to survive. "I-Izuku-kun-" You let out a laugh when you saw his crimson face and threw your arms around his neck, standing on your tippy toes and giving him a peck on the cheek. This action only made his face a brighter red, so you grabbed your hand to see if he could explode from the sudden rush of blood coming to his face, but he had yet to do so. You smiled at Deku, happy that someone accepted you for who you were as a person and was willing to use your desired pronouns. No words needed to be exchanged between the two of you, and yet understanding was mutual as the two of you traipsed inside, hand in hand. It felt good to finally be out.
#trans#female to male#x reader#reader insert#izuku midoriya#mentions of all might and inko#midoriya izuku#bnha#mha#midoriya x reader#izuku midoriya x reader#midoriya izuku x reader#izuku x reader#trans reader#lgbtq+#love#romance#cute#fluff#transgender
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dance practice | m. ashido
genre: fluff
gender: female
warning: none
[ ✾ ]
Dancing was your passion. It came to you naturally, like the Japanese that you had grown up around your whole life, or flirting with anyone, male or female. It had always been a major part of your life, even influencing your dream for your future: wanting to be a professional dancer. Your quirk wasn’t meant to be for a hero, but that was okay; you had decided that hero-ing just wasn’t for you. Your quirk was called Grace; you had natural movements and you were never clumsy, you were just extremely light on your feet. Even when you messed up a dance move, no one could really tell. It was just a part of your quirk. You appreciated your hobby because you met Ashido Mina through it. If a bystander didn’t know the two of you, they’d say you were twins. If you threw a cheesy pick-up line at her, she’d throw one right back. If she started a sentence, you would finish it. You were just that close. That’s why you were terrified when you acknowledged you had a crush on her. It all started when you saw her walk through the door to the dance studio the two of you went to. She was carrying her usual pink printed bag and was walking with her usual self-confidence, but you couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed when she sashayed her beautiful hips over to you and stopped in front of you. “There’s this new dance move that I’ve been wanting to try out!” Mina exclaimed with her usual grin. “Are you up to it?” “S-sure!” You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering, especially when your crush gave you a weird look, but she quickly brushed it off and headed into the designated room. The two of you warmed up, then reviewed dance moves. You had to force yourself to not stare at the way her feet moved with so much experience, the rhythmic sway of her hips, and her excited expression, and to focus on the steps that Mina was *trying* to teach you. It was a challenge, but you eventually began to live in the moment, easily perfecting the complicated moves Mina gave you. Then the two of you transitioned. You quizzed Mina on past dance moves that she wanted to incorporate into your own dance, but of course she perfected them all because as she said, “I’m the dancing queen!” You just laughed and agreed. Finally, the two of you finished your dance. “I think it’s amazing, Mina!” you exclaimed, panting. Mina threw your [f/c] water bottle at you then took a swig out of her own. “Of course it is! I made it after all!” You laughed and slung your arm around her pink shoulders, secretly dying of nervousness on the inside. “When did you become so narcissistic?” “When I started hanging around Bakugou!” Her beautiful laughter filled the room, making yours cease just to take in the ring of it. Her laughter stopped as soon as she realized yours had, then smirked when she saw you staring at her in awe. “Hey, [Name].” “Huh?!" “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” Your fiery blush expanded across your cheeks as you stood immobile. Mina’s pink fingers danced up your back as she whispered in your ear, “Do you have a name or can I call you mine?” She smashed her lips onto yours and slammed you up against the wall, but you weren’t complaining. You kissed back hungrily, biting her bottom lip and asking for entrance. Your tongues danced faster than your feet, your sweat multiplying from the hot make-out session, and your cheeks aflame, but you couldn’t get enough. “What is going on in-” The manager of the dance studio burst in the room but quickly stormed out when she saw the suggestive position the two of you were in. You and Mina burst into laughter, then began to pack up your things. “Sooo... we’re girlfriends now, right?” you asked, fingers crossed behind your back. “Girlfriends.”
#mina ashido#ashido mina#x reader#mina ashido x reader#female reader#lesbian#mina ashido x female reader#ashido mina x reader#dance#love#romance#mha#bnha#fluff#bnha fluff
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can’t help falling in love with you | e. kirishima
genre: angst, songfic gender: female warning: yandere, blood, dead bodies, suicide song: Can't Help Falling in Love [ ✾ ]
Wise men say Blood littered the streets, no one being able to stop the genocide that was taking place. Only fools rush in Everyone who tried ended up joining the pile of corpses scattered around the block. But I can't help She hummed as she found another victim, the innocent expression on her gorgeous face betraying the bloodied knife in her hand. Falling in love "Hello~!" With you "P-please... I'll do anything...!" Shall I stay? "Hm...~ Then just let me have some fun~!" Would it be a sin? She grabbed her victim by her long black hair and slowly dragged the glistening sliver blade along her pale skin, crimson liquid trickling down her throat. When the wails of her victim had subsided, the woman moved on. She let the flat end of the blade glide across her tongue, tasting the delightful, savory metallic flavor of blood. She trotted down the streets, humming a cute tune but still very aware of her surroundings. If I can't help That's why she wasn't affected at all when the hardened fist came hurtling her way. Falling in love In fact, she even dodged. With you But she was affected when she saw the determined face of Kirishima Eijirou staring back at her. "K-Kirishima...?!" Like a river flows "[Name]?!" Surely to the sea She quickly jumped away when she thought he was going in for another attack, almost tripping over a dead body on the way. Darling, so it goes "What are you doing here?!" she screamed, backing away and trying to create some distance in between the two. Some things "I'm a pro now! The real question is what are you doing?!" he cried in retaliation, stepping forward but making the yandere step back. She began to visibly panic when she felt her back hit the wall. Are meant to be... "You're murdering innocent people, [Name]-chan! Why?! I thought you wanted to become a hero, not a villain!" Take my hand "I DID!" Take my whole life too Silence. For I can't help "I did want to become a hero, but you know what happened? All Might happened." Falling in love Kirishima stared with wide eyes as she continued her wretched story, slowly but surely advancing towards him, making Red Riot take a step back for each one she took. With you "HE LEFT ME, KIRISHIMA! I GUESS ONE OF HIS STUDENTS WASN'T AS IMPORTANT AS THE MISSION! I GUESS I REALLY WAS UNWANTED! NOBODY CAME SEARCHING FOR ME! NO ONE!" She screamed insults at All Might, her twisted mind not caring if he was there to hear her or not. She didn't care if the boy she still had a crush on was standing right in front of her with wide eyes. She didn't care if she was waving a bloody knife around, splattering more blood on her clothes. Oh wait. She did care. She could escape this earth, escape her shitty life. She saw blue and red flashing lights illuminate her out of the corner of her eye, she heard their demands to drop her weapons, but the only thing she really heard was Eijirou's labored panting, she only really saw his muscular chest. For I can't help "Kill me, Eijirou." "WHAT?! I'm not gonna end a person's life, especially not yours!" he cried, but still maintained his distance. "Fine. Just know that I love you~" she said as she plunged her prized knife into her chest, letting more blood fall. Except this time it was her own. Falling in love Eijirou rushed forward, ripped the knife out of her chest, and gently laid her on the ground, trying to stop the blood from leaking out of her wound. "I LOVE YOU, [NAME]-CHAN, I LOVE YOU TOO!" he screamed, but she didn't hear him. [Name] couldn't hear anything anymore. With you...
#kirishima eijirou#one shot#eijirou kirishima#bnha#mha#yandere#blood#death#kirishima eijirou x reader#angst#eijirou kirishima x reader#x reader#reader insert#female reader#mha x reader#love#romance#suicide
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ghosts | k. bakugou
"Katsuki-kun!" the young girl cried as she peeked around the corner and found the ash blonde crouching there. "I found you!" Said boy only rolled his eyes and got up, following [Name] while saying, "fine, Baka, let's just go find that damn nerd already and get it over with." [Name] only giggled in response as she skipped around the playground, peeking under the slide, behind and in the bushes, and anywhere that was fit for a four year old to hide, determined to find her other best friend. Katsuki, on the other hand, stomped around the playground, his cute face formed into an adorable pout, barely trying to search for the green-haired male. Katsuki, truthfully, didn’t even want to look for the other boy. He didn’t want [Name] to even share her attention with him. Katsuki hated the idea of sharing [Name] with Izuku. He didn’t even like the boy anymore. He was just useless and annoying. Clinging onto [Name] and Katsuki so he’d have some friends. And [Name] was too kind to tell Izuku to not be their friend. Katsuki deep down knew the truth. The truth being that [Name] loved Izuku just as much as [Name] loved him. Katsuki knew that the truth was that [Name] loved all of them just the same. “Ha! I found you,Izuku!” [Name] yelled, throwing herself into Izuku, a grin on her [skin colored] face. “Haha! Yeah! You did [Nickname]!” Izuku yelled, wrapping his arms around her as the two giggled, their flushed cheeks touching as Katsuki let a bitter feeling build up in him. Jealousy. Jealous. Jealous. Jealous Katsuki.
Her eyes were glassy. Makeup adorned her pretty face to try and sugarcoat the fact that her skin was pale and cold, and her orbs held a faraway look. The people around him were wearing black to show their sorrow, but it meant nothing to him. Wearing black wouldn't bring her back. It wouldn't change the fact that she was gone. It only made it worse in Katsuki's opinion. More realistic.
[ ♥ ]
"Katsuki-kun, Katsuki-kun!" the small girl cried as she jumped up and down before her best friend, her bright eyes twinkling. "What do you want now?" he inquired, rolling his eyes at her. "Show off your quirk again!" "Hah?!" "Please, please, please~?" Bakugou smirked at her, his hands already emitting small crackles from the mini explosions coming to life in his palms. The girl in front of him jumped up and down with excitement flowing steadily through her veins as she watched the blonde climb up on his bed and tower over her with a triumphant look. Fireworks sparked to life in his hand, bringing an extra burst of light to the room and a twinkle to the young female's eyes. The two ignored the growing cracks in the ceiling, the heat of Katsuki's quirk causing severs to form. "You like what you see?" the ash blonde said with a smirk as he looked down at her ecstatic face. She grinned brightly and replied, "you're amazing, Katsu-kun!"
[ ♥ ]
Bakugou was brought back down to earth when he felt something hit his chest. Hard. He looked down to see a shaking pale hand thrusting a tattered notebook at him, and as his eyes traveled down the black-clothed arm, he looked into the familiar green eyes of his once best friend. "Deku-" "Don't give me that bullshit." Katsuki's eyes widened when he heard Midoriya's low growl and saw his narrowed eyes. "You know you were the one who killed her." Eyes of hate. "You know it and yet you did nothing to stop it." They were once filled with love. "You fucking knew." Happiness. "You even told her to swan dive off of the fucking roof, goddammit!" But now they were filled with hate. "You're such a fucking asshole." Loathing. "Why'd you say that?" Betrayal. "Why'd you say that when she always chose you?" Katsuki was silent. "Answer me, Bakugou." He felt sick. When did Izuku start calling him by his surname? "Whatever, I don't expect someone so above me to answer." His stomach was practically torn out when he heard the sheer disgust in the green-haired male's voice. "It sucks to know that she loved you and you were the one who brought her downfall."
[ ♥ ]
Katsuki sat on his bedroom floor, staring up at the ceiling and counting all the little cracks and blemishes on it as he thought about how they got there. "Katsu-kun, do it again, do it again!" He remembered when he hit the roof to gain her attention on him instead of Deku. He saw the mark of his tiny fist. "You're amazing, Katsu-kun!" He counted eighty-two cracks and sixteen dents before looking down at the notebook. Ways to Win! The Heart of Kacchan ~ by Izu-kun and [Nickname] Katsuki opened the cover to find millions of ideas that the two had obviously come up with, all of them being ways for the female to impress the Bakugou. "Deku was right. I'm the one who killed you, [Last Name] [Name]."
#bakugou katsuki#reader insert#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#mha#bnha#boku no hero#ghosts#death#angst#izuku midoriya#midoriya izuku#x reader#female reader#bakugou#katsuki
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popcorn war | d. kaminari
A dumb blonde tackled you from you behind, making you stumble but eliciting a giggle from your lips nonetheless. "Kami~ What do you want now?"
Your bright grin made his heart stop, causing everything around him to come to an end for a second, even breathing. Kaminari's dumbass began to work again when the rest of your friends came up behind him, teasing him about his significant other and how he even managed to get one. He didn't care. As long as he had you, everything would be fine. You were his sunshine, his light, his darling, his everything. If he ever lost you, he would have had no clue what to do with his life, for the only thing he really wanted to do other than become a hero is worship you. You smiled and dumped him off your back, giving your boyfriend a wink before sauntering off to the lunchroom, leaving him dumbfounded and starstruck in the center of the hallway.
[ ♥️ ]
"So what're you guys doing tonight?" Sero inquired as people flooded into the cafeteria, your honey blonde boyfriend being one of them. "Mmm, well me and Mr. Pikachu over there are having a date night tonight," you replied, pointing a chopstick in said teen's direction before sticking it back into your ramen. "Oh?" Mina raised an eyebrow with a sly smirk on her face. "And just what are you and Mr. Pikachu doing tonight, hm?" You quirked your brow too and continued shoveling food in your mouth as Denki sat down beside you with his lunch tray in hand. "We're just having a movie night, nothing special. What, did you think we were gonna have sex or something?" Almost everyone except for you and the pomeranian across from you spit their food back into their trays, sputtering and choking on the various substances. "What?" you asked with a confounded expression. "W-we're in high school-!" Kirishima managed to get out before he choked on his yakitori again and chugged his bottled water. "Exactly. Aren't people especially horny around this age?" "You should know, you're 16," Bakugou replied as he spooned more curry into his mouth. "Well so are you, Firecracker," you retorted. He rolled his eyes and let out a snort once he had swallowed as he glanced at the "idiots" around him. "I can tell you for sure that I'm not." You rolled your eyes and sneered with annoyance, saying, "that's only because you're restraining your male tendencies because you wanna become the 'number one hero'." "You're not wrong-" the red head began before being smacked upside the head by the ash blonde beside him.
[ ♥️ ]
You bounded into your lovely boyfriend's room, the familiar place bringing comfort to your smiling form. He greeted you with a hug and a quick kiss on the lips before dragging you down to his side on the bed, snacks and drinks already prepared on the table. There was definitely a lot, but the one that caught your eye was the huge red bowl of popcorn. "You know me," you said with a grin as you grabbed a handful of the corn and skillfully threw some in your mouth. "I do," he replied as he pulled you closer and turned on the TV. "I don't think I would be considered your boyfriend if I didn't." "Oh, so everyone who knows me well is now my significant other?" you said with a smirk as you leaned closer to his face, making blood rush to his cheeks. "W-well, I d-didn't say that-" "But that's what you were implying." "I-" He stopped short when a handful of popcorn appeared in his face, gravity pulling the buttery food down to his lap. Denki looked up slowly, his cute smirk matching yours as he declared war with the words, "oh, you're askin' for it now." You let out a yelp as he tackled you to the bed, pinning you down with his legs and dodging your every feeble attack as he rained hell down upon you, showing no mercy. Your pleads for the blonde to stop fell on deaf ears as he launched handful after handful at any body part he could reach, and soon, it wasn't just popcorn. His hands descended swiftly on your body, tickling every inch of it that he could find. Your hysterical yells and laughter echoed throughout the room, bringing music to Kaminari's ears, his wide grin spreading across his whole face as he watched you squirm and laugh, your face becoming vermilion from the lack of air circulating through your lungs. "D-Denki-!" you managed, attempting to catch your breath but utterly failing as the electric boy relentlessly hurled another onslaught of attacks at you with no stopping. "Isn't this- supposed- to be- a movie night?!" you got out in between laughter, trying and failing to push his skilled hands away. "Not anymore!" he cried with his cute smirk on once again. The only time he stopped was to lean down to whisper softly in your ear: "This is a popcorn war, baby."
#kaminari denki#popcorn#kaminari denki x reader#kaminari x reader#reader#reader insert#bnha#mha#bnha x reader#bakusquad#movie night#fluff#humor#cute#denki x reader#denki kaminari
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