17 posts
I'm new to Tumblr, so please forgive me because I am still figuring things out. Anyway, I love to write EricxOc Divergent fan fiction and want to share them with my fellow Jai Courtney lovers :) You can find them listed below.
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monawhiterose-blog · 7 years ago
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Some pics I took this past year.
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monawhiterose-blog · 7 years ago
That book
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That book
I want to be that book.
You know the one.
The one buried in the back of some second hand shop.
Dusty and a little worse for the wear.
I want to be that book
that despite my flaws, dings, and damage
Someone looks at me like I am their first edition
I might not have the same value to anyone else
But to them, I am priceless
I want to be that book
The one they go to when they need comfort
When they just need to lose themselves from the world around them
I want them to lose themselves in me
I want to be that book
The cover only hinting at what might lay inside
But it will take someone willing to look inside to see
What I really am
I want to be that book
No matter how many times they have read what is within
They always look at me like it is the first time
Finding something new while we both know the safety of each other’s arms
I want to be that book
The one you will never trade in
The one that you never wish to lose
The one that you can’t wait to add pages to together.
By Lea (lunaschild2016)
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
I just want to thank utopianparadise for the wonderful picture she made for my story TDNHAW!
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
The FBI one is for sure true with Divergent fanfiction
Do you crave positive attention, but don’t want to wear pants or leave the house? Ask your doctor if Writing Fanfiction (tm) is right for you!
Side effects may include: 
Making friends all over the world and coming to terms with the fact that you might only meet half of them, ever, if you’re lucky
Occasional-to-frequent sleep-deprivation because the words finally started flowing two hours after you were supposed to be asleep
Getting into arguments with strangers about which fictional characters should kiss
Realizing you are working through your own feelings about events from your own life by imagining your favorite fictional characters going through the same things
Researching the sorts of things that make you worry you’ll end up on an FBI watchlist 
Watching pornography only to help yourself visualize specific positions/acts
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
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This is an extremely helpful graph for when you don’t know how to describe how a character feels. Thank you to the submitter!!!
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Love it!
best fucking scene in the movie
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Blackmail is Not a Favor
Check out the most recent update to my story on my page!
Rated M for sexual content and some language
Divergent Eric X Oc
Olivia has been a Dauntless member for the past eight years and seven of those years she's managed to avoid Eric for the most part, even though he's her next door neighbor. But when his friend threatens to assault her in the worst way possible, he offers her protection but at what cost? Olivia isn't sure she wants to know but she can't afford to not accept his offer either.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Great story for Valentine’s Day
You Are Beautiful
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Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric/Tris Rating: K+ (absolute minor swearing) Words: ~2500 Warning: Fluff
I have found this prompt here and amended it slightly. Thanks @beautifulramblingbrains for beat-reading it!
This is dedicated to all my lovely ladies for Valentine’s Day. Even for those who are not into Tris, just imagine her name is Trish! ;D I love you all! @arobotunicorn @feminamortem @pathybo @synnocence @nimadge @frecklefaceb @feigningintrest @societalfailure @jojuarez26 @utopianparadise @feckyeslife @imnotafraid4 @scorpio2009 @mimigemrose @ladanvm @monawhiterose @branflakes82 @equalstrashflavoredtrash @emmysrandomthoughts @anditcametopass @insertamazingwords @clublulu333 @iammarylastar @siriouslyweasley
Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
She is late to the office and then an unusual message is written on her cup from the coffee shop. Who is the messenger and what is he up to?
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
I was tagged by: @murmelinchen Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better. Relationship Status: Married Lipstick or Chapstick: Chaptsick Last Song I listened to: Make me cry - Noah Cyrus Last Movie I watched: The Accountant Top 3 Shows: Supernatural, Westworld, Jane the Virgin Top 3 Characters: Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Eric Coulter (Divergent), James Fraser (Outlander) Top 3 Ships: Eric and OC, Hermione and Remus (time travel ones), and that’s about the only main ones...
I was tagged by: @llaneboi
Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better.
Relationship Status: Single Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick Last Song I listened to: I don’t remember Last Movie I watched: Suicide Squad Top 3 Shows: Bob’s Burgers, Criminal Minds, Friends Top 3 Characters: Dr. Spencer Reid, April Ludgate, Glenn Rhee Top 3 Ships: I don’t really have any.
I tag: @mimigemrose @just-opal-things @dontthreathenmewithagoodtime @autocorrect-inspired @afatbabe @i-dont-really-mind-im-a-victim @weedstop @callme-coco @kid4nothing
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Original prompt: “Is there a chance you’d ever come back?” “Just ask me to stay.” from @fanficspromptsandfun​ here, minorly amended. Word count: ~1100
He was the last one to stay. He had always been the last one. Because up until two weeks ago, they would cuddle up in bed together after their friends had left from a long poker night.
But they would not do that tonight. They had broken up.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
me: I’m so excited to write this fic, it’s going to be good, I love it, I’m so pumped
*writes it in head before sleeping, gets emotional over songs that could fit the story, elaborates background and characterisations, writes lines on phone*
also me, in front of laptop: yeah, but no, I’ve got nothing
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Loneliness (Sequel to Alone)
Pairings: Eric X Oc Mature theme Summary: Sequel to Alone. Eric is determined to get Alexis back and make her fall in love with him again now that her memory has been erased, but it’s not easy to fall for someone you barely know. (AU)
Chapter 1
It was in the wee hours of the morning and Four was nursing his third cup of coffee when the image of Eric traipsing through the brush appeared on one of his monitors and Four found himself talking to his former leader through the screen, as he often did.
“Where are you going, Eric? The Divergent city is the other way.” He said, pointing to the right with his thumb.
As if he actually heard Four speak, Eric looked directly into the camera and gave him the finger as he passed by. Four couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face.
A year ago Four’s world had turned upside down. Jeanine had won the war and quickly injected everyone within the Faction system while the Bureau could do nothing but sit back and watch it happen, effectively cutting him off from his old life, and the girl he loved chose to take the Abnegation serum and leave for good when she found out about Eric’s betrayal.
Except, Four didn’t believe David’s story about Eric trying to kill him when confronted about his involvement with Jeanine because Eric was the best shot he’d ever seen and there was no way he’d miss at point blank range. No, he knew there was another reason why Eric was in the fringe and Alexis left without saying good-bye, and he faked his unwavering belief in David so he could keep an eye out for the truth.
It took a month before Mark finally mentioned about the fact that Duncan gave Alexis a vaccination for her panic attacks before the assault and finding it odd, since he knew for a fact that it didn’t work, Four had a talk with him.
His suspicions were quickly confirmed and over time he slowly found others who were growing doubtful themselves when David did nothing to stop Jeanine and helped to keep track of his plans while Four and Mark kept tabs on Eric and Alexis until they could finally make a move.
Alexis was doing well within the Divergent City, getting a job and apartment, but Four felt like she was sad. Even though she had friends, she often spent her leisure time reading old romance novels left over from before the Purity War that she borrowed from the library instead of going out and socializing. It was like her heart knew she was missing something and wouldn’t be able to find it there so she looked for it in a fantasy world.
Eric on the other hand was proving to be an even bigger badass than when he was in Dauntless. He quickly learned to spot the cameras early on so it wasn’t very often they saw him, but when they did it was always in a small settlement of GD’s asking for directions.
Only Divergent had ever been to the Divergent city, so Four wasn’t surprised at their lack of knowledge of its whereabouts, but it was clear Eric was beginning to get frustrated.
Before, whenever he managed to find hostile GD’s, he’d quickly end the argument by knocking them out and moving on, but lately he’d engage in an all-out fight with them, allowing them to get in a hit or two before he’d pummel them into the ground and rumor of him was quickly spreading throughout the fringe so that eventually no one wanted to cross him.
It wasn’t those rumors that were stopping the Divergent from going after him though. David refused to let them, citing that Eric would die out in the wilderness long before he’d ever reach Alexis, because it was obvious that’s where he was going, but a year later he was still going and closer to her than ever.
The plan now was to wait him out and if he did make it they would stop him at the gates. Knowing Eric, Four doubted the plan was going to work, but he kept his mouth shut.
“Hey.” Mark said as he sat down next to him.
Four leaned back in his chair and stretched with a yawn before replying, “Hey.”
“Long night?” Mark asked, nodding to the screen.
“Yeah. This is the first glimpse of him in a week.”
“What are we going to do when he does finally head the right way?” Mark asked, stifling his own yawn.
“We’ll keep an eye on him and as soon as he gets near enough we’ll send Amar to get them, but we’ll need to discredit David before we can bring them back here.”
“And just how do we plan to do that?” Mark wondered.
“I’m working on it,” Four replied and drained the last of his drink, “but first I need another coffee. *** Eric’s POV
“About fucking time.” Eric grumbled to himself as he spotted the tall fence of the Divergent City off in the distance.
He knew it was the right one this time by the large number of armed trucks waiting for him outside of it when all the others had nothing in the form of protection whenever he approached.
David was not kidding when he said Eric would never reach this place on foot, and he’d be right if he was talking about anyone else, but despite the fact this city was on the opposite side of the country from Chicago, Eric made it. Now all he had to do was get inside, unnoticed, and find Alexis.
Would she look familiar to him after all this time? Would she even be the same person with all her memories gone? So many questions ran through his mind his nerves were beginning to get the better of him. With a deep breath he double checked the ammo in his guns and came up with a plan.
It wasn’t going to be easy getting in. He had no authority here to just order someone to let him in and the entire Bureau knew who he was so he’d be spotted in no time if he tried to blend in; his only choice was to climb the wall.
Eric was checking the fence for blind spots in the cameras at a safe distance from the gate and guards when he was surprised by someone walking up on him.
“I hope you’re not planning to climb it, Eric.” Amar said behind him.
Eric spun around at the sound of his voice and whipped his gun out of the waist of his pants, aiming it at his old colleague with amazing speed.
“Hey man, I’m unarmed and I’ve been looking for you.” Amar said as he froze; his arms up in surrender.
“I bet you have.” Eric growled back at him, clicking the safety off his gun.
“No, listen. I’m with Four, not David and we’re trying to help you get Alexis out.” Amar explained.
“Four?” Eric repeated, his resolve to shoot Amar wavering. He narrowed his eyes at the other man in distrust. “Does he want you to steal her away from me as soon as I’ve got her and then shoot me in the back?”
“Why would we do that?” Amar sounded perplexed by his question.
“Revenge. He was in love with Alexis too and I’m the reason she was taken away from both of us. Not to mention that it’s apparently my fault you two almost died on that train so forgive me if I’m a little sceptical about you wanting to help me.” Eric said, his gun still aimed at Amar’s head.
Amar shook his head and took a brave step forward. “We know it wasn’t you. Since the night you left, David has been acting weird. He wouldn’t let us come after you and he wouldn’t let us stop Jeanine either. Four’s trying to get to the bottom of it so we can take him out of power.”
“Why don’t I just save you the trouble by telling you?” Eric arrogantly offered. “When David realized her serum could help him control the unruly GD population, he told her about our attack so she could get her hands on Alexis. He wants her to use that serum in the Factions as a testing group, see how it works, before he distributes it to the other cities.”
Amar’s eyes widened. “How did you find this out?”
“It came out of the horse’s mouth before he shot himself to put the blame on me.” Eric replied.
“Shit, Eric. Why didn’t you tell us this earlier?! You don’t know what she’s done to the city with that serum!” Amar said, completely forgetting about the gun pointed at him and began pacing.
“She has almost everyone living like the Factionless. Taking the best of everything from food, clothes, and luxury items for herself and Erudite while the rest of them are so brain washed that they’re okay starving. Dauntless has it a little easier though, in repayment for their loyalty to her and for their protection against the real Factionless. They still have free will and often try to attack Erudite, but they’re unorganized and poorly equipped that they always fail.” He explained.
“The Factions aren’t my problem anymore.” Eric ground out. He didn’t care what happened to them. They turned their back on him, just like the Bureau did and he didn’t plan on going back to either of them.
Amar stopped pacing and regarded Eric with disappointment. “They should be. You might have no one left, but Alexis does and her family is starving along with the rest of them.”
A stab of guilt shot through Eric’s chest at the mention of the Morgans and he lowered his gun. “Fine. How are you going to get me in?”
A smile slowly slid on Amar’s face as he said, “That’s what I wanted to hear.” He rubbed his hands together in excitement and said, “We’re going to pretend you’re a new Divergent being added to the city so they let us through the gate. From there you can find Alexis and use your skills of persuasion to get her to come with you to meet me back at the gate at midnight. We’ll steal away in the night and camp out until Four says it’s all safe at the Bureau. With the info you gave me about David, it shouldn’t take too long to arrest him.”
The plan sounded like it would work and Eric nodded, eager to get inside and see Alexis’ face again. He didn’t intend to follow through with Amar’s second half of the plan though, because he no longer trusted anyone besides himself and Alexis.
His plan was to use Amar to get inside, find Alexis and convince her to leave with him, slip past Amar and the Divergent and go somewhere where no one would ever find them. The hardest part about it was getting Alexis to believe him.
Eric tucked his gun away and followed Amar back to the gate, but mid-way there he realized the one hole in the plan and stopped.
Amar turned back and gave him a confused look. “What?”
“They’re going to recognize me if we just walk up there.” He replied.
Amar rolled his eyes and got close enough to tug on Eric’s beard. “Have you seen yourself lately? I can barely recognize you with the caveman thing you’ve got going on.”
Eric scowled and pulled away. “I’m sorry I haven’t had access to a bathroom recently enough for you.”
“No, it’s good. It means we can just walk up to the gate and not worry. No one’s seen your face, except Four, since you disappeared.” Amar said and Eric supposed he was right. They kept walking and Amar kept talking.
“Some info about the city: this place isn’t like the Factions, okay? Here everyone gets jobs based on skill and desirability. Like Alexis, she works as a secretary to a lawyer because she had experience working in an office while in Amity and it was the only job she was interested in applying for. No one is limited to a certain type of job based on their aptitude here.
“People don’t live in compounds. They have separate houses and apartments that they each choose to live in based on what they can afford to pay for.
“Luxury items and essentials, like food, are not evenly distributed either. If you want it and have enough money to pay for it, then you can have it. Got it?” He asked Eric, who grunted in reply.
The gate wasn’t as far away as he originally thought and they reached it in no time. Eric subconsciously fingered the knife hidden underneath his sleeve as they approached the countless Divergent who stood on guard and Amar joyfully greeted them as they passed by with minimal looks of inquiry.
The man at the gate grinned at Amar as they drew closer and said, “Hey, Amar, who’s your friend?”
Amar clapped Eric on the shoulder and replied with a wink, “This is Clarence. He’s coming home from a visit with his family back in Birmingham, Alabama.”
“I see.” The guard said with a smirk. “Had a long journey have you Clarence?” He asked, taking in Eric’s filthy appearance.
“Yes, sir. My car broke down and this kind gentleman offered me a ride home. Really looking forward to getting back and having a nice long shower.” Eric said, attempting to sound like he belonged.
“That’s quite understandable, Clarence. Go on in and I hope you had a good trip.” The man said and punched in a code on the door, which Eric committed to memory for later use.
Amar gave the guard a salute and followed Eric inside the city and down a few blocks to an area that Eric knew was camera free.
“Clarence?” Eric asked, wishing his partner had picked a better name.
“Sorry, it was the first name that came to mind, but it worked didn’t it?” Amar apologized.
Eric rolled his eyes and said, “Now what?”
“Now you find Alexis and meet me later. She works late most nights so you should find her there easy enough and if not she only lives a few blocks away.” Amar said and gave him the address to her workplace before turning back for the gate.
Eric didn’t bother to watch him go and immediately searched for her building. The city as a whole looked similar to Chicago with all its’ deteriorated buildings in the distance but the relatively small area around him was brand new with smoothly paved roads and sidewalks to accommodate the small population within.
The sun was going down by the time he found it and he could see movement in the windows as people walked by. It was hard to make out detail from his position in the bushes but he thought he saw her, a glimpse of a girl in a purple dress with her dark hair tied up in a high ponytail, and his heart sped up in anticipation. Not wanting to miss her as she left, Eric found a good spot to sit out of sight of the cameras and waited.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
You can find the rest on my page.
Pairings: Eric X Oc Mature theme Summary: Alexis is a Divergent that Eric desperately needs and in order to keep her, he holds her prisoner within Dauntless. Forced to train as an initiate with only Eric and Four to know she’s there, will she survive what Eric has planned for her? Will the boys be able to keep their feelings for her in check to succeed? Jeanine has no idea what’s coming. AU, No Tris.
Chapter 1
Alexis and her family traveled into the city to the main distribution centre where each faction dropped off their contributions to society.
She was unloading crates of food with her fellow Amity members when she caught the eye of the Dauntless leader overseeing their delivery, and shied away.
It was only a fleeting glace in her direction, he probably didn’t even notice her, but she feared he might one day.
There were rumors surrounding him about the Divergent. As far as she heard it, he actively sought them out and when he found them, they never returned.
Alexis was Divergent. On her testing day she found out she qualified for Amity, Abnegation and Dauntless. Her testing instructor told her to stick with Amity, where she would be safe, and manually put that in as her result.
She listened and stayed put, making sure to stay out of Dauntless’ way as much as possible and now she was 22 years old and happy, except when Eric showed up.
He was barking orders at someone from his position on the platform, making people scurry to and fro, and she was glad she never chose to go to that faction.
Her own people had formed a line and handed bag after bag to each other until it reached its destination; no one in charge and no one screaming at her.
Her father stood next to her with his yellow sleeves rolled up to his elbows and red vest flapping open in the breeze to cool him down.
It was nice out, but the hard work made everyone sweat and as she finished laughing at a joke he told her, her mother asked her to bring some water for them and her brothers.
Alexis was the oldest of five and only her brothers, Mark and Joshua were helping them, while her sisters Erin and Amy where at home with their grandparents.
She didn’t know if her brothers were Divergent as well or not, but they also chose to stay in Amity, as they were 20 and 17. Her sister Erin was next to choose her faction in another two years and Amy three more after that and she hoped they would stay too.
Alexis loved having her family around, it made her feel loved and cherished, and as she left her family to get some water, she toyed with the necklace her mother gave her on her choosing day.
It was a family heirloom, passed down through the generations since before the factions were created.
She rounded the corner and ran into another girl, dressed in black. She stumbled back and apologized.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.”
The other girl scowled, the piercing in her lip stuck out more from the expression, and she dusted herself off.
“Whatever. Make sure you look where you’re going next time, you banjo strummin’ softie.”
Alexis clenched her jaw at the name and fingered her pendant to calm down. But the girl noticed her necklace and pried it from her grasp.
“Hey, this is nice. I think I’ll keep it.” She said and went to walk away.
“Give it back!” She called after the girl, who turned around with a smile on her face.
“What will you do if I don’t? Hug me to death?” She snickered.
Anger swelled in her and when the girl turned her back on her, Alexis grabbed her arm and twisted it behind the girl’s back. She pulled tight, making the girl shout in pain.
“I said, give it back.” She hissed in her ear.
With speed Alexis hadn’t seen before, the Dauntless girl smacked her in the face with her elbow and Alexis let go, stumbling backwards. Blood dripped from her nose and she wiped it away with her sleeve.
The girl didn’t leave once free, but instead braced herself for a fight and charged. Instinctively, Alexis ducked her swing and punched her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her.
With the momentary pause as she regained her breath, Alexis took the opportunity and kicked her legs out from underneath her and snatched the necklace out of the girl’s hand once she was on the ground.
“What’s going on?!” A deep voice shouted from behind her.
Alexis spun on her heel and faced Eric. He looked furious as he marched over to her and she tried to run from him, but his grip tightened around her arm, forcing her to stay where she was.
“Stop struggling.” He said menacingly. Scared out of her mind, she kept fighting him to get away.
“Did you do this by yourself?” He asked. He shook her when she didn’t reply and repeated the question.
With a final shake, she looked up into his steely blue eyes and nodded. His eyes narrowed at her and he nudged the other girl with his foot.
“Get up Gina.”
The girl groaned, but sat up. She opened her mouth to accuse Alexis, but Eric stopped her.
“Shut it, Gina. I don’t want to hear how you let some Amity kick your ass. Get on the truck.”
With one last glare Alexis’ way, Gina grumbled as she left around the corner.
“Where did you learn to fight?” Eric asked her.
His grip on her upper arm was starting to hurt and she cringed when he squeezed harder.
“I didn’t learn.” She answered through gritted teeth.
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “You didn’t? Am I supposed to believe you did it out of instinct?”
“I guess.” She replied, terrified that he knew.
“Do you know it’s a grave offence to assault someone, especially a Dauntless?”
“Yes.” She whispered.
“Good. You’ll understand why I have to arrest you then.” He hauled her with him back to the trucks.
Alexis screamed and kicked, scared that he was going to kill her, the first chance he got. It drew everyone’s attention and her parents rushed over as soon as they saw them.
“What are you doing with my daughter?” Her father called.
Eric pushed her into the passenger seat of the Dauntless truck and answered her father. “She’s under arrest for assaulting a Dauntless.”
“No, dad, don’t let them take me!” She cried through the window.
Her father looked helpless and tried to reason with Eric. “Surely she was defending herself. You should be arresting the other person.”
“Like hell! She attacked me first!” Gina shouted, poking her head out of the vehicle.
“I’m sorry, Sir, but I caught her red handed. We’ll notify Amity of her sentencing.” Eric said and jumped into the driver seat without a second glance and started the engine.
They drove off as Alexis watched her parents cling to each other, crying in the distance as everyone else stood around in disbelief.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Time Does Not Heal All Wounds
Original version AU to my Blackmail story. Can find the complete story on my page. Please be advised that this story contains rape.
Pairings: Eric X Oc Mature theme Contains explicit sexual themes and rape Summary: Olivia was a regular Amity girl when one day she was assaulted by Eric and left with life altering circumstances, a child. When Eric comes into her life again, will she accept him as her child’s father or avoid him at all costs? How will Eric fare in a completely different faction than his own? AU. No War
Olivia’s father was deathly ill, so much that the Amity doctors had him transferred to the Erudite hospital within the city for better treatment. She was on her way to visit him early that morning because she wanted to be there as soon as visiting hours started. There was another hour before the sky turned into a colourful painting as the sun woke up and she didn’t feel safe walking in the dark so Olivia was hoping to take the train while no one else was on it. It was a long ride away even on the train, one that would take that hour to get there.
Technically anyone was allowed to use the train, it just so happened that no one did other than the Dauntless faction because the train never stopped. People were either afraid or too out of shape to get on, but Olivia was going to try. The Amity life kept her in good shape, maybe not Dauntless shape, but good enough that she could catch up to the train and pull herself on. Relieved that she made it, she relaxed by sitting on the floor and rested her head against the rattling wall.
She was half way there when she heard more footsteps running alongside the train and male voices egging each other. Worried that they might get mad that she was on the train she hugged her knees and hoped they caught a different car.
She had no such luck as one guy pulled himself up. He was about her age, she guessed, with short blond hair and blue eyes. He was very good looking, even with the two piercings above his right eye and the maze like tattoos on both his arms that peaked out from his rolled up sleeves.
His gaze caught her and he stiffened slightly, like he wasn’t expecting anyone else on. Two more guys the same age hopped on one after the other and saw her too.
“Hey, look what we have here! An Amity girl all alone on the Dauntless train where she doesn’t belong.” The shortest one of them said. His brown eyes took her in and she immediately got a bad feeling. The third guy gave her an air kiss and said, “Should we punish her Eric? She looks like a bad girl who needs a good spanking.”
Her stomach turned at his words directed at the first guy who got on. She looked at Eric, pleading with her eyes for him not to do whatever they were thinking of doing.
She knew she was pretty, her auburn hair had natural soft curls to her mid back and her tanned skin made her green eyes stand out, but that didn’t give them the right to assault her.
The third man grabbed her arm and hauled her up. She squeaked in fear and he laughed in her face. His breath smelt of alcohol and his blue eyes raked over her just like the second guy’s did. The fact that they all were good looking did nothing to quell the disgust she felt towards them.
“Ralph, let her go man. She’s not worth punishing.” Eric said indifferent to her situation.
“Of course she is! She’s on Dauntless territory and if you want to be leader then you better toughen up and protect what is ours!” Ralph said but when Eric didn’t reply he continued, “If you don’t do it then John here will and we’ll tell everyone what a coward you are. You’ll never make leader then.”
Anger flashed across Eric’s eyes and he marched over to John, who still held her arm and motioned for him to get lost. Her heart rammed against her ribcage as John let go and joined his friend across the compartment. Eric towered over her, her head reached his collar bone so he leaned down to look at her.
His mouth was set in a grim line when he pushed her up against the wall and lifted her up. Olivia screamed and thrashed, trying to get away but he was too strong. He maneuvered himself between her kicking legs and lifted her skirt above her waist one handed. She continued to scream, praying someone would hear and rescue her, until something large forced its’ way into her.
Her scream caught in her throat at the pain and all she could do thereafter was sob as he held both her hands against the wall on either side of her head and continued to ram into her fiercely. As he got nearer to finishing, he had his face against her neck as he grunted in climax. His heavy breathing was hot against her skin while he gathered himself before letting her fall to the floor.
Zipping up his pants, his friends cheered and clapped him on the back in congratulations. “Now that’s what it takes to be a Dauntless leader! And just in time too, here comes our stop.” Ralph said happily.
The other two jumped out without a backwards glance at her and Eric made his way to the door slowly. He looked at her briefly, giving nothing away on how he felt and he jumped too.
She stayed on the train sobbing until it made its’ way back to the gate by Amity, her father completely forgotten. She was sore between the legs and blood stained her skirt but she managed to hop of the train and made her way home.
Her mother was surprised to see her home so soon and quickly became frightened at how dishevelled her daughter looked. “What happened Olivia?!” She rushed over and helped her to sit down in a chair at the kitchen table.
Through her tears she said, “I took the train to see dad, but I never made it because three guys got on and they…. They… raped me.” She broke down and cried harder into her mother’s shoulder.
Linda held her daughter tightly and let her cry, rocking back and forth, whispering softly to her. When Olivia began to calm down, she asked, “Were they Dauntless?” Olivia nodded her head. “Did all three of them hurt you?” She probed.
“No, two of them told the other guy to do it.” She replied numbly.
“Did you catch their names?”
Olivia hesitated. What if nothing happened to them if she told? Would it come back to haunt her? Would they? She didn’t want to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life so she lied and shook her head.
“Oh, my poor baby. We’ll get through this, you’ll be alright.” Linda said sadly and hugged her again. Olivia felt numb, her tears were spent and she was tired. So her mother helped her to her bed and she fell asleep. ***** Olivia stared at her reflection in the mirror. Two weeks had gone by since the incident and Olivia was coping as best she could, but the last few days she began to feel sick. Worried, her mother took her to see the Amity doctor where she found out she was pregnant.
Her eyes looked haunted and her skin was pale compared to her usual glow. She couldn’t believe this was going to be her life now. Her first time was forced upon her by some asshole and now she was going to be a single mother at the age of 18.
As tough as it might become, she was glad for her community. Amity showed kindness to everyone no matter what and she hated the thought of being in another faction in her condition where she would probably be ridiculed for it. Amity would help her raise her child in a place where it wouldn’t matter who his/her father was and they would never find out the ugly truth of their conception.
She promised herself that Eric would never know about his child if she could help it, he didn’t deserve to be a father. And she would live her life, happy and full. This would not turn her into a victim.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Surviving Changes
My first divergent fanfic. You can find the rest on my page.
Pairings: Eric X Oc Mature theme Summary: A year after Erudite tried to kill all of Abnegation a new set of initiates have chosen their factions and Samantha is one of the few who have chosen Dauntless. Eric is heartless trying to toughen her up for initiation but will he be able to break her? Or will she soften him up instead? Based after the first movie mostly, AU for some of the plot.
Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Divergent or the characters except Samantha and this writing is just fiction written for fun.
A year has passed since the war between Erudite and Abnegation. Tris, Four and the last of Abnegation are in hiding while the rest of the factions returned to their lives. Amity and Candor have stayed to themselves, although cautious, as Erudite crawled back to their home licking their wounds.
The leaders of Dauntless lied about their involvement with the Erudite and claim they did not realize what the Erudite had planned to do with their simulation serum until it was too late. Everyone including their own soldiers believed them and went back to their daily lives as best they could, given the circumstances, all the while the Dauntless leadership continued to meet with the Erudite in secret.
And the next batch of initiates have been tested and chosen.
Chapter 1
Samantha Williams wiped her sweaty palms against her yellow cotton pants as the train neared the platform where she and her fellow initiates were supposed to jump on.
Just last week she saw the Dauntless do this and she remembered thinking how stupid it was to take such an unnecessary risk day in and day out and wondered why the heck her aptitude test said she should join this faction. But trusting in the result she chose to leave her happy life in Amity and joined the Dauntless.
She managed to jump onto the train in time only to find herself jumping back off onto a rooftop sometime later. There the crowd gathered around a woman named Lauren standing in front of the ledge who urged them to jump into a deep black hole in order to continue their training or face being factionless.
Now Samantha wasn’t exactly afraid of the fall, more like the possible death at the end of it that scared her, so she hung back until she felt reassured that no one had died after jumping. She was almost the last jumper except a Candor boy who looked like he was going to wet his pants just looking at the hole managed to snag that title from her.
The room was cold and dark compared to her home in Amity where the windows let in as much sunlight they could and the air smelled of grass and fresh air. Here there were no windows or plants or fresh air for that matter.
Out of the shadows a man appeared and introduced himself. Samantha recognized him from the newspaper the previous year. His name was Eric and he was a Dauntless leader. He was bigger than he looked in the picture, she guessed around 6 feet tall and his shoulders were almost just as wide she thought, but his stare was just as cold and intimidating as depicted. She shrank into the crowd as best she could to avoid his gaze but her bright yellow outfit set her up for failure.
Smirking he said, “Amity! Wow, Abnegation I can get with their boring lives but I didn’t think you guys even knew there was a city beyond your farms. Trying to impress a boy or something?” He teased. Samantha scowled and did not reply.
The Dauntless-born left with a guy named Zeke while Eric showed them their dormitory. It was a long cement room with bunk beds to sleep up to ten people even though there were eleven of them. To remedy that Eric suggested they draw straws on who got the floor and then he left shouting that training started at 8 am the next morning.
Thankfully Samantha didn’t get the short straw and she got a bunk close to the bathroom. Everyone got dressed into the Dauntless uniforms that were provided by the wall and Lauren came by to give them the grand tour and show them the way to the dining hall.
The dining hall was loud with numerous voices shouting and laughing as people chattered amongst themselves. The long tables were packed so much that they had to find spaces between strangers just to sit down.
Samantha chose a spot between a girl with long braided brown hair and a boy with a short blue Mohawk style. Neither of them were talking with the same group of people so she sat there eating her food with two different conversations going on either side of her. The girl and her friends talked about the cute male instructor Zeke who was training the Dauntless-born initiates and the other group to her left were discussing the best way to fix a broken leg out in the wilderness.
Without thinking Samantha responded with, “If the bone is poking through you need to push it back into place and rinse the wound off before wrapping it up with a fabric of some kind, most likely a shirt. Once it’s tightly wrapped you need to make a splint with a couple of strong stick like materials and wrap those securely to the leg, one on the inner side and one on the outside. Then find something to help walk like a crutch or another person to help you and try to avoid dragging the foot.” She took a bite of her meatloaf and chewed thoughtfully as the guys just looked at her.
“Yeah that sounds about right. How did you know?” The blue haired boy next to her asked.
“I’m from Amity, when we turn 14 all children are required to volunteer at the hospital for 2 years before the choosing ceremony, they believe it is a useful skill for everyone to have no matter the faction they are in.”
The boy smiled and offered her his hand. “You might come in handy, I’m Kyle and these are my friends Terrance, Nate and Rolly. We’re Dauntless-born initiates.”
“Sam.” She replied shaking his hand. “Rolly is an odd name.” She commented.
Kyle leaned over and whispered, “It’s short for Rowland but he hates that name so don’t ever call him that.” Samantha nodded in understanding.
“Well, it’s too bad we won’t be training together but if you ever want to hang out after class look us up.” Nate said as they got up to leave with their empty trays.
Sam grinned to herself, she was glad she managed to make some new friends.
Once the guys left the girl next to her gave her a scrutinizing look. “A pretty girl like you should be careful. The guys around here aren’t as nice and gentle as they are back in Amity. Who is your instructor?” She asked.
Somewhat uncomfortable with her news Sam told her it was Eric.
The girl grimaced. “Especially watch out for him, he’s as mean as they come and really hard on the newbies.”
Not surprised by this information Sam smiled softly and said, “Thanks for letting me know, I’m Sam by the way.” She stuck her hand out in a peaceful gesture.
The girl looked at her hand and got up. “Don’t be too nice around here or you might not survive.” Her friends looked Sam’s way a few times as they walked away from the table.
Maybe making friends wasn’t going to be as easy as she’d thought.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
Blackmail Is Not A Favor
Pairings: Eric X Oc Mature theme Contains explicit sexual themes and possible rape This is a AU version to Time Does Not Heal All Wounds
Summary: Olivia has been a Dauntless member for the past eight years and seven of those years she's managed to avoid Eric for the most part, even though he's her next door neighbor. But when his friend threatens to assault her in the worst way possible, he offers her protection but at what cost? Olivia isn't sure she wants to know but she can't afford to not accept his offer either.
Chapter 1
“Hey, mom. How’s Amity life treating you and dad?” Olivia asked her mother conversationally as she walked around her apartment, straightening up, with the cordless phone tucked between shoulder and chin.
“Oh, I’m fine, dear. Your father got a mild cough a few days ago but the doctor said it was a cold, nothing to worry over. How has work on the fence been?” Linda asked.
“Good. I noticed that your roses are coming in nicely this year.”
“I’ve been trying a new fertilizer Erudite came out with and they’ve been growing twice as fast.” She replied, enthused by the success of her garden. “It’s a comfort to know that you’re watching over us, Olivia, but speaking of the fence… Have you had any more problems with those boys?”
“Mom,” Olivia said, annoyed she was bringing it up again, “I already told you not to worry about it.”
“How can I not worry? You’re my only child in another faction where your father and I can’t protect you and they’ve been bothering you for years. If ignoring them isn’t working, then maybe you should tell someone.”
“You and dad practically dragged me to the Dauntless bowl and now you’re complaining that I’m not around for you to protect?!” She rolled her eyes and flopped down onto her bed. “Besides, it won’t work. They’re friends with Eric and he’s a leader. He won’t let them get into trouble.”
Not to mention he was usually with them when it happened, so he definitely knew, but she wasn’t about to tell her mother that. He visited Amity often enough, she didn’t need her mother marching up to him and demanding he help Olivia get his friends into trouble.
“We only wanted you to be happy, Olivia. It was obvious you belonged in Dauntless but you needed a push in the right direction and we gave it to you. But if we had known you wouldn’t have been safe there… Well, you’re a beautiful girl, and sometimes that can be a dangerous thing. Perhaps it’s time to make a conscious effort in making your appearance… less appealing.” Linda suggested.
“Mom.” She growled. “I’m not going to make myself ugly just so two idiots back off. I’m Dauntless, I can handle it.”
Linda sighed heavily on the other side of the line. “If you insist on not listening to me, at least find yourself a boyfriend. Dauntless or not, one woman against two men doesn’t sound like good odds and I’ll feel better knowing there’s someone there to keep you safe.”
Olivia threw her arm over her eyes in defeat. Her mother was right, of course, but it was easier said than done. Her looks got her a lot of dates but that was the only thing those guys cared about and it wasn’t something she was interested in. She wanted a guy who cared about her because of who she was and liked hanging out instead of just taking satisfaction from her, like so many did, without a care about her own needs.
The problem with being limited to your Faction when it came to romance was that the options eventually ran out and instead of choosing to settle, she decided to not bother until the playboys finally got bored with screwing around and wanted to settle down. Except, it was taking a lot longer than she thought it would.
“I’ll see what I can do, mom. Okay?” She said with a sigh.
“That’s all I can expect, I suppose.” Linda trailed off. “But you sound tired, so I’ll let you go. I love you, Olivia.”
“I love you too, mom, and tell dad the same. Bye.” She said and hung up. She tossed the hand held phone beside her on the bed and closed her eyes.
It was ten o’clock at night and it had been a long day but she called her parents anyway because she had promised she would and now a massive headache was brewing behind her eyes. Olivia curled up and threw the covers over her still clothed body and began drifting off, that is until music started blaring from the other side of her bedroom wall.
With a groan, she rolled over and stuffed her pillow over her head but it couldn’t stifle the pounding base of the music and she flipped the blankets off. It only took seven angry strides to reach her front door, which she whipped open, and another two to bang on the door that shared the wall with her bedroom.
The door swung open and the view of a shirtless Eric took up her whole view into the apartment. His hair was disheveled and there were scratch marks across his broad shoulders but he didn’t seem surprised to see her in the least. Probably because he did this almost every other night and she complained every other night too.
He leaned against his door frame casually and smirked. “To what do I owe the pleasure to, tonight?”
Olivia insecurely crossed her arms over her chest and glared. He may not be into harassing her like his friends did, but he was still her leader and that was intimidating enough. “You know why. Turn it down or turn it off. Some of us have to sleep like a normal person.”
“And I intend to do that, just after I finish entertaining my friend. You’re welcome to join us.” He teased, like he did every other night and like every other night, she turned him down.
“I’d rather not be a statistic on the STI board in the infirmary, if you don’t mind, and flirting with me isn’t going to help win you points.”
“It never does, but it’s fun to piss you off.” He said with that smirk faltering just a fraction. He pushed himself off the doorframe and said, “Sweet dreams, Amity,” just before closing his door on her face.
Olivia’s fingers curled into fists, the urge to bang his door down thrumming through her veins, but she turned on her heel instead and slammed her door behind her.
Thankfully, he did turn the music down, not by much, but she’d take it and went to her bathroom cabinet for a Tylenol. The argument distracted her from the pain momentarily but the throb was beginning to return and she turned all the lights off and crawled back into bed before it got worse. Her thoughts were slowly muddling together five minutes later and as she lay there between lucidity and dreams, a voice drew her back to reality.
“Hmm… Yes… Ugh, yes… Eric… Yes… Keep going… Yes…”
OMG… He has to be kidding. She screamed in her head. She rolled out of bed a second time and pounded on the wall. “Eric! You know this is the wall beside my bedroom! Have the decency to at least screw her in your bed instead of on your living room couch!”
Her attempts to sway him clearly went ignored because then the banging started. The painting on her wall rattled every time he rammed the couch against it and the girl would repeat the word ‘yes’, and over and over it went. Olivia gave the wall a disgusted look and went to sleep on her couch where the sound was muffled by the second wall between it and them.
In the morning she woke up stiff and sore. Her alarm clock, which was normally blasting in her ear, was quietly beeping away behind her bedroom door and she bolted up. A quick peak in her room told her that it had been going off for the last forty minutes and she was late.
It was a good thing she went to bed dressed, because all she had time for was a quick ponytail instead of her usual braid to keep her long, naturally curled auburn hair in check and a good teeth brushing before dashing out her door and running for the train. *** “You’re late.” Maxi frowned at her arrival and paused. “Did you sleep in your clothes?”
“Yeah I know. I’m sorry. I ended up sleeping on my couch and missed my alarm.” She panted in apology and took the gun Maxi handed her.
Maxi wasn’t exactly her friend. She had the night shift at their shared station, so they only saw each other for a few minutes before Olivia began the morning shift but because Olivia was late, Maxi had to stay late and so she owed her an explanation.
“Eric.” Olivia sighed. “He can’t keep it in his pants, can he? They were doing it right up against my bedroom wall last night; I wasn’t going to stick around to listen to it.”
“Why not?” Maxi said, her purple pixie cut glinting in the early sunlight. “If I know no one’s dusting your cobwebs then he knows it too. Maybe he’s trying to help you out.” She winked at her.
“You’re just as disgusting as he is.” Olivia said, stunned. “I don’t want him dusting anything for real or imaginary, okay. So, mind your own business.”
“Ah, don’t pretend like you haven’t wanted to, if you haven’t already. He’s hot as hell and every girl wants him.”
“Good looks diminish when the personality isn’t as appealing.” She retorted.
Maxi laughed. “Whatever you say,” She called as she began climbing down the ladder to the ground level.
Olivia frowned. So what if he knew she wasn’t getting laid? It wasn’t his business anyhow and besides, he didn’t seem the type to help anyone out unless it directly helped him too. Annoyed that he was on her mind at all, she turned to face the Amity fields and tried to ignore her thoughts and the crick in her neck.
The sky was clear that day and from her height, just beyond the main building, she could see her father trudging through the dirt with horse and plow. He was digging up rows of earth to plant the seasons’ corn crop and off to the right of that was their cottage. Her mother’s rose bushes were indeed flourishing, the bright pink flowers stood out against the dark green foliage, and in the back the washing was already hung out to dry.
The scene was always a comfort to her soul, to see that they were doing alright, and it allowed her to acknowledge that she made the right choice. Dauntless was her home and it made her feel alive. *** Olivia was dying. The headache she had last night was back and it was monstrous but she couldn’t get her hands on any medication until her shift was over and she got home.
The train wasn’t quite full but there were a few people in the same car as her and that included Ralph. Doing her best to ignore his staring from across the car, she watched the scenery wiz past as the train made its’ way through the city to the Dauntless compound.
“Have a rough night?” Someone beside her said. She was staring out the window so intently that she never noticed Ralph approach and jumped at his voice in her ear.
“My night was fine. I just have a massive headache and I would appreciate being left alone right now.” Her tone was clipped and she hoped he’d get the hint and leave but he didn’t.
He took a step closer even and said, “I know the best activity for curing headaches. We can go back to my place and I can help you out with it.”
Her lip involuntarily curled in revulsion at the idea. “No, thanks, Tylenol should do just fine.”
Thumps of more people hopping onto the train came as they passed the Factionless sector and a large hand clapped down on Ralph’s shoulder.
“Hey, man.” Eric said to his friend with a brief glance at Olivia and she watched, to her relief, as he steered Ralph to the other side and they began talking amiably.
He must’ve just come back with the recent patrol squad because he had a rifle slung across his back and the black vest he wore allowed his tattooed arms to get a light tan. Next to his tall and bulky height, Ralph was maybe a few inches shorter and much leaner, and his hair was a longer thick wavy brown compared to Eric’s meticulously gelled blond hair but they both had blue eyes.
Eric’s were a steely blue that seemed to penetrate your soul and make you freeze but Ralph’s deep ocean blues pulled you in to a never ending wave of malicious thoughts and at the moment she could feel both on her but she refused to look at them. When the Dauntless compound finally came into view she jumped off with practiced ease and made her way home without a backward glance. *** An hour later, Olivia was woken up by a knock on her door. Still tired and in pain, she grumpily climbed out of bed in her t-shirt and opened her front door but the hallway was empty. She was about to close her door when she noticed the pill bottle sitting on the ground.
With a great deal of confusion and caution, she picked the bottle up and read the label. It was Advil. The blood in her veins froze the second she registered that it was medication for her headache and a chill went down her spine. He hadn’t gone from comments to gifts, had he? Maybe she was in more trouble than she’d thought. Filled with fear, she put the bottle back and closed her door and locked it.
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monawhiterose-blog · 8 years ago
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Pray for Berlin 💔
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