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A cloaked creature.
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Tenrai Haru
Mechanoid warrior of spring.
Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHsm9zoKC8
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Spider lady.
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmsHJxbv
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Goth girl. Not much of a story to this. I was watching an episode of Ben Cossy's BIS For The Fans, which featured Djokson. I got some inspiration from Djok's mocs, so I decided to give a spin at the smol girl moc concept. Other half of the inspiration came from L.A. Miranda's doll mocs. Credit to those three for the idea I suppose. I was also eager to put purple balljoints to use from my lugbulk and I really ended up liking the dress design here. This was expanding my horizons again by doing something a bit different and inspired, but sticking to (mostly) technic as per usual.
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHskGfd2Vr
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"The last thing you see is those lights... before they come at you and tear your chest open." A husk of a toa reanimated and mutated by so many souls that it may as well have none. Blind and driven only by hunger for life. Senses souls. Appears to live in the Keep of the Leech, from where it ventures out, but avoids the Sanctum of the Divided due to Nor's presence. The cataclysm had shown to mess with life. Many were unable to die, while others were unable to live. In the chaos the most desperate grasping for life became monsters.
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHskKrHo5C
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Kanohi Tallus - the Mask of Walking
The wearer of this mask is granted the ability to walk on any surface regardless of density and orientation. The more it defies physics, the more the user must concentrate to keep the power active. 
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmjXBwKJ
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Avaru U-5
A small spaceship. I got the idea while I tinkered with HF blaster parts and decided to see how I'd pull the appearance. A pretty fun build overall. The name is a pun of "avaruus", which means "space" in Finnish.
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Skølldir the Terrible Space Viking has raided over a hundred spaceports, cargo ships and grocery stores. His legendary thirst for battle is unquenchable. Great raids are usually followed by great feasts and soon his nickname was altered to Skølldir The Terribly Overweight Space Viking. Nothing could scorn Skølldir more than this honorless title! Skølldir has set out on his space barge to impress the universe with his lightning fast fighting skills to prove this moniker wrong and show his nimbleness. Anyone who would dare to call him fat is met with a rapid series of crushing punches and is thrown aside. All the while, Skølldir's metallic suit is telling him how many calories he is burning. If you find yourself on the battlefield, and hear the sound of crushing bones and thunderous farts in the distance, flee as Skølldir's fury is upon you! 
Skølldir from the 2D MOBA game Awesomenauts.
Skølldir's theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BSYSpmJOIo
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmoEKnup
If you happen to be interested in the game now, use this code in it to get a free character: 5WDS-RY5L-J7UL (It also helps me should you reach level 8.)
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Some girl.
Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmpS6pYn
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Terak, Unyielding Earth
"Will Toa Onua put aside his peaceful nature and subjugate the creature of earth whose power matches his own?" 
Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmnedD2r
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Immobilized by his overgrown frozen beard and hair, the spirit could no longer speak and share his ancient wisdom.
My last minute Bio Cup 2018 entry. Been having a moc block, so smol and amusing was all I could muster with what time I had left.
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God bless your Elemental Creature revamps.
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Ikir, Blazing Skies
"Will Tahu find the humility and patience to earn deeper knowledge of fire and learn that not everything can be taken by force?"
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHskxhwSg8
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Ketar, Lord of the Sands
"Can toa Pohatu restrain the tricky master of the desert and learn that there's more to stone than just brute strength?"
Third of my creature revamps. A master of stone, sly as a hunter. Pohatu will need to outsmart this land shark of a creature that can’t be bruteforced into submission.
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmh2UDZa
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Phasmid - Plague Mech: Kappa
A unit designed to counter ranged weaponry. Due to its slender design and mobility, it's a difficult target to hit from a distance. As the design sacrifices strength, Phasmid relies on stealth to take its foes by surprise. My entry to Jayfa's plague mech contest. Modeled after phasmids aka stick insects. Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmjzGcP4                
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Marn, the Kanoka Hunter "I don't regret giving the kraahkan to Tarak. There was something he had to see, and he can take his time figuring it out for all I care. At the very least he's thinking."
-Marn Marn of the Divided is a fierce warrior who day by day dives into the Sunken Forge in search of kanoka discs and kanohi, though for what reason remains a mystery. However they occasionally hand masks out to those that need them. Marn's seemingly the only one capable of fighting off the sealife that have occupied the forge. For some reason he can breathe underwater without wearing a kanohi kaukau, an ability that's not been seen before. The Divided have been witnessed to act oddly in unison. Some of the members interact seamlessly, like they are of one mind. Whether they know each other well, or something else is at play, are just rumors. Tarak's state often opposes these thoughts however.
Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmeLF6iv
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When a piece of Syvon's soul containing his acperience powers returned, Viara and her father, the soul watcher, were both surprised. Though the fate of Monarth and the rest of Syvon was unknown, the soul watcher forged the returned soul into a new acperience warden. Alai, as the warden was named, was modelled after Viara, but took on a more brash personality. As opposed to Syvon, Alai's method of 'beating sense' into the dead proved effective and the soul cycle could slowly start to continue once more. Flickr: flic.kr/s/aHsmhcxwC2                
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