momdad · 4 days
Your Station Earth “Day In The Sun” is the Opportunity to PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY! None are to adversely interfere including Yourself! BALANCE POINT!Make the most of It! Find Your Unique BALANCE POINT of Harmony and Peace or as Well as can Be Wellness and share Your State of WORTHY with the World! That is why the Freedom “To Be” , to Optimize Your Self ESSENCE and Uniquely Share Loving Kindness,…
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momdad · 4 days
Your Station Earth “Day In The Sun” is the Opportunity to PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY! None are to adversely interfere including Yourself! BALANCE POINT!Make the most of It! Find Your Unique BALANCE POINT of Harmony and Peace or as Well as can Be Wellness and share Your State of WORTHY with the World! That is why the Freedom “To Be” , to Optimize Your Self ESSENCE and Uniquely Share Loving Kindness,…
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momdad · 10 days
Everyone Should Have It To Capture The Wisdom Of Uniquely Optimal Balance Harmony and Peace For As Well As Can Be Wellness Allowing Full Sharings Of Unique Loving Kindness avoiding if at all possible the languages of control, denial and suppression from evil and its violence along with any illness of narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule severely restricting Being for the grasping of…
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momdad · 12 days
Try Best to Live Optimal 🌻, You Owe It To Yourself to Avoid all the turmoil of control, denial and suppression languages from violence and its evil presented likely by the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule grasping for power control and wealth at everyone else’s expense 👎, there is no need to accept that sort of agony, misery and despair when The Priceless Potential For…
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momdad · 15 days
All About That Of Offering and Receiving RESPECT, The Mutual Unintimidated RESPECT Foundation of Human GOODNESS, A Priceless Optimal 🌻 Offering Going Way Beyond any turmoil, grief or suffering left by the languages control, denial and suppression of violence and its evil caught up with the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule 👎There Is A Significant Need To Always Gravitate To,…
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momdad · 15 days
All About That Of Offering and Receiving RESPECT, The Mutual Unintimidated RESPECT Foundation of Human GOODNESS, A Priceless Optimal 🌻 Offering Going Way Beyond any turmoil, grief or suffering left by the languages control, denial and suppression of violence and its evil caught up with the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule 👎 There Is A Significant Need To Always Gravitate To,…
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momdad · 1 month
THE Human GOODNESS Alliance
A RESPECT ISM or Organized Dealing of MUR Hoping To Help On The Journey of Station Earth Missions Practicing The Application and Utilization of RESPECT, Its Foundation and Offering To Our Station Earth!  May It Always Bring Along With It Peace and Understanding Rising Well Above any illness infections of narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule 🙂👍🌻 Here Is To The…
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momdad · 1 month
If The Priceless Potential Of Uniquely Optimal 🌻 Shared Loving Kindness is altered or removed in any way, WE HAVE A PROBLEM of interference only solvable Through Time Taken To Exercise An Appreciation and Application Of RESPECT, Mutual Unintimidated RESPECT or MUR the Foundation of Human GOODNESS Going On, Way Beyond Just Self Into Our Mission Realm Of Uniquely Optimal 🌻 Shared Loving Kindness 👍🙂…
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momdad · 1 month
the languages control, denial and suppression of violence and its evil playing into the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule?  Hopefully Not! Take The Time Necessary To Deal In RESPECT and Demand That Which You Offer Going Well Beyond the languages of control, denial and suppression Fully Into The Priceless Realm of Uniquely Optimal 🌻 Shared Loving Kindness Plus The Full Force…
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momdad · 1 month
Putting Things IN ORDER, The Order Of Balance Harmony and Peace, The As Well As Can Be Wellness For Station Earth, Our Optimal 🌻 Assignment For Only Then Can We Fully Share All Of Our Unique Loving Kindness Leaving Hopefully Behind, Well Behind, the languages of violence and its evil – control, denial and suppression and avoidance of the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule…
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momdad · 1 month
Optimal 🌻, Your Only Chance To Take On Fully Unique Sharings of Loving Kindness Fulfilling Our Assigned Missions Helping Each Other “Each Day In The Sun” To Make Station Earth A Better Place For All 🌻 DON’T JEOPARDIZE OPTIMAL, Thank You! 🖖🌍🖐 respect.home.blog
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momdad · 1 month
How It Goes, there is always some lie or conspiracy out there pushing for doubt, confusion and turmoil leaving You less than Optimal and with diminished Shared Loving Kindness 👎 and be especially cautious around the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule expressing the languages of violence and its evil – control, denial and suppression – just for the benefit of power, control and…
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momdad · 1 month
A Safe Place To Capture The Wisdom and Makings Of Optimal 🌻 Allowing You The Priceless Opportunity To Fully Share All Of Your Unique Loving Kindness As Assigned “To Be and Do” Here At Station Earth 🙂🌍 That Definitely Includes Capturing Full Daily Rests Of Safe Sleeps and Rests From The Rigors Of Each Of Yours “Days In The Sun” 🌅 To Do That, the illness of narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian…
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momdad · 1 month
Try Best to Live Optimal 🌻, You Owe It To Yourself to Avoid all the turmoil of control, denial and suppression languages from violence and its evil presented likely by the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule grasping for power control and wealth at everyone else’s expense 👎, there is no need to accept that sort of agony, misery and despair when The Priceless Potential For…
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momdad · 1 month
Try Best to Live Optimal 🌻, You Owe It To Yourself to Avoid all the turmoil of control, denial and suppression languages from violence and its evil presented likely by the illness narcissistic nihilism and authoritarian rule grasping for power control and wealth at everyone else’s expense 👎, there is no need to accept that sort of agony, misery and despair when The Priceless Potential For…
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momdad · 1 month
There Is NO ROOM For violence and its evil within Optimally 🌻 Unique Shared Loving!  Let Us Leave NO ROOM 👍🙂🌻 respect.home.blog 🖖🌍🖐
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momdad · 1 month
Of How Much violence and its evil has to be faced each “Day In The Sun” On Assignment To Station Earth?  Your Priceless Potential For Uniquely  Shared Loving Kindness Is Hoped “To Be” Of Help Within The Collective Strength of Human GOODNESS in dealing with it!  Thanks For Bringing Your Priceless Potential Along On Assignment! 🙂👍🌻 respect.home.blog 🖖🌍🖐
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