I’ve Always Liked Cowabunga
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molzies-fanfics · 6 days ago
Some random interactions with Raphael ^^ I was too lazy to add details to the human or color these overall shdjd
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Sorry for the watermarks. Had to slap something on top
(and also characters are adults. Just putting this out there too just in case)
Oh yea, the carrying one on bottom left is referenced from Sylus' Lost Oasis memory from love and deepspace
Check out some expressions from prev post
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molzies-fanfics · 13 days ago
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molzies-fanfics · 1 month ago
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molzies-fanfics · 2 months ago
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A poetic writer, scholar, genius, scientist, and evil ruler.
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Can you tell that I fucking love that 2012 shredder pic?
Strangely this took 2hours. Usually im quicker than that. Im very tired—
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molzies-fanfics · 2 months ago
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First Kiss
Merry Christmas everybody!
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
Keep Ya Safe
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Keep Ya Safe
Raphael x Reader
Note: Me: *has 30 requests I need to write, a play to finish, and exams to study for* Also Me: Eh, why not write something literally no one asked for. Hey guys, remember that stuffed turtle I bought way back? Yeah, so do I. Anyway, I kinda smushed a request into this one a little bit. Tried to. Anyway, fluff for my favorite hothead. I might have some Leo coming up later too, so keep your eyes peeled.
Raph. Was. So. Bored. But it was day, so he couldn’t leave the lair, and you were at school anyway so he didn’t really have anywhere to go. And so therefore, he was lifting weights, as usual. Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting to hear your voice so soon.
“Boo!” You sprang into his makeshift gym.
“(Y/N)? Don’t ya have school today?”
“Skipped.” You answered, dropping down onto the large pillow in the corner of the room. Your reading nook. Raph’s eyes widened.
“Woah, we got a badass over here.” He looked impressed.
“Kidding. Half-day. Exams.” You laughed. “I’m a goody-two-shoes. We both know that.”
“Heh, right.” He chuckled. “So what’cha doin’ here? Don’t ya got better things to do than hang out in the sewers?”
“Nah.” You shrugged. “Figured I’d pay my best friend a visit.”
“Ah.” He nodded. “Well, as you can see, not much is goin’ on down here.”
“Do you have patrol tonight?”
“Nope. Why?”
“Do you maybe want to come over to my place and watch a movie?”
“Yeah, sure. What’s on the docket tonight, shorty?”
“What’s that about?”
“You’ll see.” You smiled innocently. “So are you in?”
“I don’t see why not.” But what he didn’t say was: I would watch paint dry if it was with you.  
After dark, you waited in your room for Raph’s tapping on your window. Soon enough, he arrived and lumbered inside the window that was just barely big enough for the massive muscular turtle.
“(Y/N), ya here?”
“In the kitchen making popcorn!” You called. “Stay in there I’ll be out in a minute!”
“All right.” He looked around your room. Everything was set up, the movie’s menu playing on the screen. He sat down on your bed, causing it to creak beneath his weight. It was then that he noticed something sitting there. It was a medium-sized stuffed turtle. But that wasn’t all. It had a red bandana tied around its eyes. Raph’s cheeks suddenly matched his mask. He held it in his large hands, still not able to believe this was something that was sitting on your bed. Something you…slept with.
And in that instant, he imagined you, curled up in your sleep. Curled up in his huge arms. He pictured the sleepy breaths and quiet mumbles, and he wanted nothing more than to hold you against his plastron, to bury his face in your soft skin and kiss away all of your troubles.
He was in love with you.
Shit, why hadn’t he realized it sooner? You had been in front of him all along, and he had never…he had never felt this way. No, maybe he had. The days you wore your red t-shirt or the turtle charm that sometimes dangled around your neck. He liked to imagine you were his. He wished you were.
He wanted to hold your hand and hold you close, and God, he wanted to kiss your lips. Your soft human lips. Usually when he looked at his reflection, he could never imagine anyone loving him. He could never imagine anyone calling him theirs. But this turtle had changed everything, his entire outlook on love had shifted after spending two minutes in your room.
You opened the door, a large bowl of popcorn tucked under your arm and your hair pulled up into a messy bun. You weren’t wearing make-up, but you had never looked more gorgeous.
“What’s this?” he couldn’t stop the words from falling out of his mouth. Now your face was red.
“Oh, um, that’s my…um…” you sighed. “He just makes me feel safe, you know, when I’m asleep.”
“Yeah.” You replied.
“So…” a ghost of a smile pulled at his scarred lips. “I make ya feel safe.”
“Yes.” You nodded and awkwardly walked over to the bed. “You do.”
“What are ya scared of?” he asked quietly as you sat down beside him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“Losing you.” You mumbled.
“Losing you.” Your whisper was slightly louder this time.
“I ain’t goin’ anywhere. I promise.” His giant green finger turned your chin to face him. His eyes were soft and earnest. “Listen, I uh…” his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest and run down the street. “I might be all rough on the outside, but uh, ya make me wanna be soft…for ya. And I just wanna protect ya. Because you’re so small and I’m so big, and if anything ever hurt ya…I don’t know what I’d do.”
There was a long silence. You stared at him for a long time, trying to find the words.
“I know that’s a lot to dump on ya. I’m sorry, I know you probably…I’m a turtle and you’re…I’m sorry I’ll just-”
“I love you.” You blurted, heart racing. “I don’t know for how long I have, but I do. A lot. I can’t explain it. You just make everything feel right. You make me feel safe.” You poked the plushie. “Even if it’s just this.”
“You don’t need it to keep ya safe. Not anymore. I’ll, uh…I’ll keep ya safe. I promise.” There was a long moment of silence. Raph slowly reached out, pulling you into his arms and onto his lap. You curled into his plastron and exhaled a huge sigh of relief. “So…what’s the movie about?”
“A big rough red guy who falls in love with a human girl.” You replied quietly. Raph chuckled.
“Let me guess, that was your back-up plan?”
“You could say that, yeah.”
“Well it woulda worked.” He kissed your forehead.
“Noted.” And with that, you pressed play.
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
Opposites Attract
Raphael x Reader
Author: Admin Mo
Summary: You and Raph are different. So different that he doubts something between the two of you could ever work…
Note: After a brief (it wasn’t brief) stint as a Leo girl, I am now back to my Raphael girl roots.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.5k
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Raph wasn’t sure why he had such a big crush on you. He saw himself as someone who should be into the more athletic girls, super muscular girls, or, at the very least someone whose sarcasm rivaled his own. Instead, he found himself crushing on the quiet, mousy girl who mostly kept to herself.
The differences were innumerable. For starters, you read books for fun, you cared about school a lot, you drank tea and you were really good at chess (you’d given Donnie a run for his money). Meanwhile, Raph was…well, he was a 6’5” giant talking mutant turtle who hardly did anything aside from lifting weights.
You hung out in Raph’s workout area from time to time. You claimed the rhythm of his weights clinking helped you focus, but he liked to think that maybe, maybe you had feelings for him, too.
Keep reading
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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TARTARUGA brothers!!! /// 2016.09.25
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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How can this be the same turtle… And Mikey’s face is also priceless lol
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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Why is he sooooo beautiful?? 🥰🥰🥰
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molzies-fanfics · 4 months ago
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Raphael from the new movie
I love this big teddy bear, he is sooo fleshy I want to squeeze him all over, and he would snap me like a twig *snort*
Originally I had other plans with this pic, maybe later~ *snicker*
Thank you for everyone who commented at my pics :) you guys are awesome~
You can use my pics if you want just don’t remove my name from it and pretend it’s yours.
(sry for my english blabla)
here is two horrible person :) I can only recommend them ;
donnies-pop-tart and zanleyangelspit
They’re filling my dashboard full of fun facts and perverts things about TMNT *snort* ‘horribly awesome duo’
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molzies-fanfics · 5 months ago
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It's been a while since I drew my boy Usagi <3
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molzies-fanfics · 6 months ago
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Random stuff made at 2 am when I should be working on something else... or sleeping for that matter...
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molzies-fanfics · 6 months ago
This time I came up with something simpler and softer, I hope it's okay :)
Summary: Raph is mustering the courage to confess his feelings, but nothing goes as he plans after your birthday party.
MDNI / Raph is 26, and so is reader/fluff/ post 2007! movie
"Get a room, you two." 
Donatello rolled his eyes, turning back to the computer. Raphael glared at him, on the brink of delivering a witty retort, yet he stopped upon sensing your hand on his shoulder. You shrugged it off before shooting him a wink.
"No, no, he's got a point. Let's move to your room," you delivered with a knowing look.
Raph grinned, letting out a mischievous chuckle. He thoroughly enjoyed it when you teamed up to playfully taunt his brothers.
"Yeah? I don't know, maybe we won't be able to keep it down if we go," he quipped, infusing a flirtatious tone to his words.
Donatello growled low at the cringe-inducing sensation creeping up his neck. This happened quite frequently. You and Raph would giggle while snuggling on the couch. Some times you were in his lap, some others he laid his head on your legs while you massaged his head or played with the red bandana.
You shared many things together: meals, phone calls, your apartment (especially when he and Leo fought—hell, he even allowed you to use his bike!), and when you weren't teasing each other, you were playfully flirting. Although, at times, it seemed too genuine to be lighthearted. At least in Donatello’s opinion. 
He did his best to ignore both of you and once you left, he and the others started blitzing Raph with numerous questions. Why do you always act like that? Raph, do you like them? Are you secretly dating or something? Raph, have you asked them out yet? 
“Relax, we’re just messing around,” he deflected. 
"You must be careful with your words, Raphael," Splinter said. "Sometimes we dismiss what we think could tear our hearts apart, but that doesn't mean it'll go away, and if you let it linger there for too long, one day you may come to regret it.”
That struck a chord in him.
"I'm old enough to discern my feelings, thank you," Raphael snapped.
Now, one would have thought that after such a sharp response, Raph would not have dwelled on the matter any further. Yet, much to his annoyance, those queries circled in his head all week—a week during which he continued hanging out with you as usual. The only difference was that now he couldn't shake this tingle from his chest.
Perhaps it's always been there, he thought. Maybe he just hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge it.
Do you like them?
You smiled at him at that very moment, and he knew. The realization hit him like a goddamn train at maximum speed. He had feelings for you. Real feelings. Romantic feelings.
Never in a million years would you feel the same about him; he knew it. And even if you did, he was a mutant living in the sewers. What could he possibly offer you? You know, besides always protecting you and taking care of you. Would you be okay just with that? Would it— would he be enough for you?
“I think they like you back,” Casey asserted, shooting a smile at Raph. “Just ask them out.”
They found themselves on the rooftop of Casey's shared apartment with April. It was their habitual pullout, a place to unwind for a couple of hours after their patrol shift, when the night was too bright to head home.
Casey swung his bat absentmindedly through the air, while Raph sat with his legs hanging from the building, watching the hasty lights of various cars speeding below.
“I don’t know. What if they don’t? I don’t wanna risk what we have.”
"Raph, trust me, they like you back. Besides, you both look like a married couple already! Like, that fight over the cookies the other day? Come on,” Casey chuckled at the memory.
Raphael scratched the back of his head, trying to tone down the heat creeping up his neck. Yeah, maybe you did look like a married couple.
After pondering it for a few weeks, Raphael made up his mind to speak from his heart. He gathered the courage to talk to you and confess his feelings. Not tonight, though. Tonight was your birthday, and you both agreed to hang out after your small party at the lair.
He made sure you had a pleasant evening and gifted you a pretty handmade bracelet. After the song and the cake that Mikey lovingly baked, you both headed to your apartment for a movie.
Now he found himself in your bed, right next to you, and God, you looked beautiful. Who could concentrate on the TV with such a sight beside it? Certainly not Raph. He stared for so long that it didn’t take much time for you to notice.
“Is something wrong, babe?” You asked.
You’ve never called him that before, not even during fake-flirting. His heart rate pitched inside his plastron. Warmth flushed his cheeks. Damn. He turned quickly, trying to swallow the butterflies in his stomach. 
“Nah, just watch the movie,” he mumbled. 
“I was, you were the one staring at me,” you noted. 
“No I wasn’t” 
“Hmm, I positively think you were.”
“Well, what if I was?” he retorted.
You grimaced at the sudden harsh, low-key annoyed tone. Something felt off, and judging by his behavior over the past week, you already knew what it was. Grinning, you asked:
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
Raphael turned back to you, his heart beating faster now, a tingling sensation in his hands. Your gaze was flirty, but not as playful this time.
“You know I do,” he said simply. 
Damn, this was much easier when he hadn’t realized he had a crush on you.
“I think you’re really good looking too.” 
“I know,” Raph smirked, trying his best to play it cool. 
You snorted, turning completely towards him. Stretching your hand out, you ran your fingertips over the bracelet.
“This was incredibly thoughtful, you know? I love it. But you know what would be an even greater birthday present?”
“What?” He prompted.
“If you said this was our first date.” 
All doubts, nervousness, and his plans of awkwardly confessing were thrown out the window with that single phrase. His smile this time was wide, his gaze radiant with satisfaction and confidence.
"It is," he placed his hand over yours, his hold impossibly tender. "At least to us. The whole crew is convinced we're already dating," he said casually, suddenly unable to stop smiling.
“Yeah, I know. The other day your father asked me some things…”
Raphael gasped, horrified. “What did he ask you?!”
You chortled at the expression he made. Man, this was about to become the best birthday night ever.
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molzies-fanfics · 7 months ago
So, I heard this audio and this came out XD Just a fun silly short, one of the many in the make.
Original audio:
@cullenriley TikTok - i was 100% straight when i walked in
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