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Blog Posts 11/30
Late term abortions can be absolutely necessary if the mother of the child is at risk of dying if she continues to have the baby, it is also necessary if there are other medical complications that will harm the mother. There are anti-abortion rights activists in Denver combatting this policy. Lynn Grandon who leads Respect Life Denver, is an organization of the city’s catholic archdiocese stated that she “heartened by the number of Coloradans who voted to end abortions that happen in late pregnancy” (Green 2020). This woman’s aim is to save as many infant lives as she can, so the support that the proposition received earlier in November gave her hope as her main priority is to help moms and save many babies throughout Colorado. These two blog posts have been written with the goal to see both sides of this politically controversial issue of the abortion laws in Colorado.
 Green, Emma. “A Look at the Future of Abortion From Colorado.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 5 Nov. 2020,Â
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Blog Posts 11/30
Colorado has had an abortion policy that allows for abortions up to the end of the pregnancy. During this recent election, there was a policy ban available for voting, this proposition has aimed to limit abortion more than 22 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. This proposition did not pass as Colorado is a blue state and abortion is a very politically driven issue. Especially in our societies current political climate, people are advocating for more women’s rights in regards to their body and their choice. Also, as the act of terminating a pregnancy becomes more and more difficult in America, the abortion rights supporters in blue states are not willing to tolerate anything that will degrade women’s choice. There are many issues with this Colorado policy as it is a vague policy as some women may believe they can get an abortion the very day they are due, many women travel from around the United States for this late term abortion, and it is very unhealthy physically and mentally on the mother.Â
Green, Emma. “A Look at the Future of Abortion From Colorado.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 5 Nov. 2020,Â
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Blog Posts 11/23
Women all over the world are faced and confronted by discrimination and inequality, many of these women are abused with violence, abused at home with unequal treatment, are abused at their places of work and in their communities, and they are also denied the chance and opportunity to learn. Oxfam understands that gender injustice as the full equality and equity between women and men in all spheres of life, resulting in women jointly, and on equal basis with men, defining and shaping the policies, structures and decisions that affect their lives and society as a whole. This organization believes that women taking control and taking collective action are the most important drivers of sustained improvements in women’s rights, and are a powerful force to end poverty not only for women and girls, but for everyone around the world. Oxfam’s aims to achieve this is by supporting women’s access to resources, raising women's voices, ending violence against women and girls, and strive for gender equality in emergency response.Â
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Blog Posts 11/23
Oxfam is an organization that helps to end poverty, it is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. This organization helps build a better future for those in need and helps save lives from disasters. One of Oxfam’s main goals is to help women receive the rights and equality that they deserve. This organization is helping women all around the world with being paid and valued as much as they should, they help women in Columbia defend the agriculture and environmental rights, they campaign for gender justice and women’s rights, and they help women in conflict zones. Women in conflict zones are in extreme danger and Oxfam helps prevent conflict and provide protection of women. Oxfam works with the Spanish government to deliver on its commitment to gender equality. There are many other ways that Oxfam aims to help women receive equal rights and they also have the aims to achieve gender justice in order to help fight against poverty.Â
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Blog posts 11/16
As other places around are also getting awarded for other programs promoting women as Egypt was also awarded for a program that brings many public services to women who are unable to access services for the early detection of breast cancer. It is called the “Women’s Health Outreach Programme” and it is the first government-funded Egyptian National Breast Cancer Screening program. This breast care clinic is a one-stop clinic where women who believe they could be having beginning stages of breast cancer can come get services free of charge. Germany is another country that has been awarded for the pubic service that provides women and men who took a family-related career break with prospects that will help reintegrate them into a career. Women are completely supported through the whole process of re-entry guided by coaches provided to them. Researching about these countries and their services specifically for women gives me hope that such services will make their way through the United States as well.
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Blog posts 11/16
After doing some research, there are a lot of complaints going across the world about the quality of public services and how there is a common refrain as there are many obstacles individuals have to navigate through to even access public health services and clinics. Part of this is having accessible services for women and girls. There are women who are promoting and supporting a special area of interest in the public service sector called “promoting gender-responsive delivery of public services. This promotes services that respond to the needs of women and girls. Morocco has been prized for implemented successful policies that address the representation of women in decision making at the local levels. Their aim was to increase participation and representation and they were successful in including more than 100 activities for women to participate in and this is helping the spread of gender equality in Morocco.Â
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Blog Posts 11/9
Feminism and women’s rights have always been a topic for social movements even one hundred years ago when women fought for the right to vote in the United States. Feminist movements have only continued from this and women fighting for the right to vote and this definitely put a strain on society because one hundred years ago men were very much misogynistic and did not want women to get this right and this not only affected society but also put a strain on political economy. It also affected the social systems at the time because women gained the right to vote and it created a new Amendment for our country. We have had three or four more waves of feminism since then and they all have put a strain on society, the political economy, and our governmental social systems. Social movements obviously change with our society and feminism and feminist movements have always been apart of our society.Â
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Blog Posts 11/9
The classic model that relates social movements to society, argues that social movements are a reaction to strain in society, the political economy, and social systems. I think this could relate to feminism because it does put a strain on society, the political economy, and social systems as feminism is a touchy subject as a lot of people criticize those who support feminism. This puts a strain on the political economy because people running to be an elected leader could use the feminist movements to fuel their voter base to vote for them. Social movements occur when a good amount of people in the society perceive our governmental system losing legitimacy, and they know they cannot control the illegitimacy but they can try to create change. Feminist movements could increase the political processes, it divides people and their different views, but it also brings awareness to serious issues that do affect society.Â
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Blog post 11/2
After searching into GiveWell’s website there is very few results for feminist or feminism but there were a lot of results when I typed in women. They have a lot of positive information about women and how one can help more women in the world. When I typed feminism into Charity Navigator there were a lot more results but a lot of the charities were not rated which concerned me, if someone is wanting to give their money to one of these charities and they see there is no rating what are the chances they will donate to that charity. I do not think that Charity Navigator’s process of rating charities is very effective. I don't think they should rate a charity and then not completely give a full report on why like Givewell does. I think just rating charities could put negative biases in people’s minds and then they do not donate to that charity.
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Blog post 11/2
Feminism today is a very big issue that could also be very involved in some charities out in the world. We talked about two charity rate sites that help inform people on which charities they could donate to and which charity would benefit the most from. I do not know if these charity rate sites would have any bias feelings towards different kinds of charity movements. That could be a negative of these websites we looked at this past week, there could be many nonprofits out there that have the aim to help with feminist movements but they could be overlooked by these websites if there are nay negative feelings towards this movement. It is like in the first couple posts I had posted talking about the negative stereotype that feminism has and this could carry over into bigger issues such as this.Â
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Blog Posts 10/26
I think that feminist policies could be in danger of being forgotten about as this happens in the implementation stage of the policy process. These policies could lose attention of others as attention could be given to other policies. In today's political climate, there are some very important issues going on with the protests for equality. If the two divided sides come together we could see a bottom up kind of solution process. If the people come together and start making changes we could possibly see a change in the top especially with legislation and implementation of policies. There are intersectionality's that go into feminism as well, there are so many different kinds of women out there that deserve equal rights, it will take a lot but every woman deserves equal rights. Women fought for the right to vote and now all women in the United States can vote, they fought for this right one hundred years ago, it took one hundred and thirty six years for the 19th Amendment to be passed. It took that long for women’s suffrage, imagine how long it will take to get equality for everyone, especially with a divided country.Â
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Blog Posts 10/26
As I was looking for a feminist meme to put in my tumblr post this week, all I could find were memes about how women’s rights is a joke or how women want equal rights as men but also want special treatment because they are a women. This made me very upset because it made me feel like women’s rights and equality is not being taken seriously. If the thought of women having equal rights is such a joke how does the country think we are going to have equal rights for everyone? We are having protests about equality and I think we all need to stop taking these issues as a joke and start taking these issues seriously and start to make a real change. If we start taking this seriously we could probably see more improvements in the system, we need the divided country to come together to solve these issues.Â
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Blog posts 10/19/20
I think that the feminist values are beginning to get more movement across the political spectrum in the United States. Even with individuals who do not necessarily consider themselves feminists, still support the values of the feminist movements and want more gender equality. Ethics in feminism have goals to understand how gender operates within moral beliefs and practices, it also tries to criticize and correct how gender operates within moral beliefs. Feminist ethics also builds on the beliefs that women’s moral experience has ben undervalued and underappreciated and this is very much male dominated. If a feminist law makes its way successfully through the policy process and it begins to be implemented how does one go about enforcing this new policy successfully? I think there are times when a policy is brought to the implementation and enforcing stage and it gets forgotten about because no one wants to adhere to this news policy.
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Blog posts 10/19/20
.Are there moral hazards in bureaucracies when dealing with feminism? There are moral hazards of government when it rewards itself with additional funding and resources. There could be moral hazard when dealing with feminism. Some elected officials could decide to help feminist organizations or participate in feminist movements but only for the positive impact it will have on their time in office. They may think that supporting movements and ideas of the majority will give them better ratings or a better chance of being reelected when they really do not believe in feminism or do not necessarily want to support it. If a candidate is down in the polls they could donate some money to a feminist organization and just like that they are back in it, they only did it for themselves. This is a very sad thing to see but I believe I have seen it in our current political system.Â
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10/13 post 2
It is hard to think of negative externalities when it comes to feminism because how could someone not want equal rights for everyone? Women do so much for our economy and children but after doing research there is a negative externality with feminism and capitalism. Feminism is about fighting for equal rights and a good life for everyone. There are many positive externalities that will come from feminism which is the closing of the gender pay gap, the demise of gender roles, more rights for women, and for women to be completely treated the same as men. Men have so many advantages in the workplace, real world, and many other circumstances. These externaltiies will effect everyone, both men and women but the hard thing that will come about this is how to implement these equal rights for women. If there were new laws in place giving women more rights and to be treated equally as men, the issue would be to properly implement this law. Just because something is made a law does not mean everyone will follow the law.Â
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Positive Externalities
There is a problem with economists not accounting for women’s contribution to the economy as a whole. Labor economics ``could better understand trade-offs women when they have children” (Schrager). Quality parenting increases the future earnings and productivity of their children, and this will improve future growth and ultimately make the economy more competitive. Economists call these positive externalities,” it is a cost or benefits the decision-maker does not account for, in this case, how much good parenting now enhances future growth” (Schrager). There has also been research that shows that the gender pay gap discourages women to take time off work, opt for lower-paying degrees, and how much it is actually discrimination. Women not only fuel the economy, and they also raise the children that will fuel the economy in the future. There are positive externalities but there are also negative externalities that I will research further.Â
Schrager, Allison. “Economics Doesn't Need a Feminist Revolution.” Quartz, Quartz, 22 Mar. 2016,
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Policies for gender equality around the world pt. 2
There are many policies around the world that have helped advance gender equality, one policy being that catcalling is considered a hate crime in England, they had expanded the definition of hate crimes to include misogyny hate crimes. They define this as incidents against women that are motivated by a man towards a woman by men just because they are a woman. This strongly includes street harassment because it is a way that men like to show power over women. Another interesting policy in the world that support the equality of men and women is in Norway, company boards require boards to be at least forty percent women. This was enforced by current companies with boards that had less than forty percent of women on the board to be shut down by the government. Along with Norway, Germany has a similar law that states company boards should have thirty percent of the seats go to women. In the United States, only nineteen percent of boardroom seats go to women. This shows that the United States has a lot to learn from other countries around the world with policies on gender equality and there is much more to be done by the United States to serve men and women as a whole and equally, instead of favoring one gender over the other.  Â
Weiss, Suzannah. “5 Feminist Policies Around The World We Can Learn From.” Bustle, Bustle, 26 Sept. 2016,Â
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