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moechadfish · 7 years ago
A server which I am hosting to help promote and gather a fandom for the project I am working on. There are 2 parts of the entirety of A Sense of Wonder already up, a 3rd coming. Feel free to join the adventure.
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moechadfish · 7 years ago
First 3 Chapters of A Sense of Wonder
Part I: Naomi
The scene began out of focus at first, moving every which way, erratically, but not smoothly, as if the scene was popping up from one place to the another. With gold sparks all around the image, the scene slowly begins to focus, smoothly changing its colors from shades of gray to hues of red, yellow, and blue. The image then froze in place, stopping its erratic movement and now I can see clearly, like a movie.
A bluff of limestone outcropping a small lake, that is longer than it is wide, but I can only see that from a distances and if I look to the right. What I am guessing I am meant to see is the couple sitting on a bench near a large rock that is sitting vertical, and that looks as if you can just poke it and the boulder will tumble off the ledge it sits upon.
The couple is young and dressed in 40’s clothing, but then it looks as if time passes, the small trees that surround them start growing and as they do so, I see the girl remain sitting. The man disappears for a time, only to come walking in to sit next to the girl on the bench. It looks as if at least twenty years have passed and the bench disappears as a wedding takes place between them. The girl dressed with a beautifully long pink dress and the male in a handsome tux. At that moment, I felt as if something was trying to make me think, trying to show me something, but the feeling soon fades with the scene and time passes.
They begin to age now, and I soon begin to feel sorry for them, watching both aging so quickly. Kids enter and a realization comes over me. Two kids, a male and female. I try to say something to the female, not knowing why but my voice is not heard and as I watch the kids get older with their parents, I keep on calling out to the female wanting her to hear me, a lonesomeness building inside of me, but my voice is never heard. And just as soon as the kids appear, they vanish from the now almost elderly couple.
With the trees looking to be fully grown, things start to slow down; longer periods are between each transition, until finally, I see the daughter of the two kids that were there before, entering; no man shows this time. Slowly but surely the silence that was engulfing me fades out and I hear the two women, the older one hunched over crying on her daughter’s shoulder.
Blinking, everything vanishes. I do not know how I knew they were my family although that might be the reason I tried calling out to the girl, she was my mother who had died many years prior. Turbulence awakens me from my slumber as I open my eyes to the crowded but silent cabin of an airplane. Turning my head this way and that I stop, staring at the bug eyed kid in the seat in front of me.
Smiling, I hold out my hand and tilt my head saying in my friendly voice, “Hi, what is your name? I am Naomi.”
“Naomi, you’re crying.” He laughs, but I see a hand pat him on the head and his mom tells him that he is being impolite. “Sorry I was watching you,” He sighs and turns back in his seat, obeying his mother.
Bringing a hand to my cheek I feel the tears that the boy mentioned. Was I really just crying? What a strange dream, I think to myself as I dry my cheeks with my palms.
Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I look over to my grandmother sitting by my side. She lets out one of her snores and a smile crawls to my face as I think to myself that I did the right thing by bringing her back to the States where she grew up. Uncle Mike will be happy to see his mother again after so long. What has it been, ten years at least? Ten years since he saw me as well, I wonder what he will think of me all grown up.
Opening the window shade, I watch the sun dawning. Resting my chin on the back of my hand I remain watching the sun, thinking of the meeting that will soon take place between all of us. After so long, I wonder how my cousins are. I am sure they will be glad to see me. Pausing, trying to jog me memory, I see two female faces in my mind, both with white hair and both identical. Right, they are identical twins, and they must look really pretty now, being my age as well. Wonder if I am taller than them? I hope not. I am already a giant compared to the women and my classmates on Hawaii.
Another snore erupts from my grandmother and I let out a laugh, something which I hardly heard because I am shy and my voice is very soft. Blushing I look away from the window and down at my lap, clenching the hem of my skirt and ask myself the one question that I’ve been worried about since leaving…
Am I going to get along with them?
Part II: Fate
“You look down, anything wrong?” My sister asks with her usual calm demeanor.
Setting my brush down and swiveling on my chair so I’m facing her I can tell she’s making a joke at my expense. What happened today feels off. “The Mistress shouldn’t be picking me to take her place. She could have easily picked one of you guys.”
She only smiles, “that isn’t our decision. She sees you as someone she respects, you know that, but now you’re being stubborn and you don’t want to accept her gift.”
Snorting, I turn back around knowing full well my sister is right, she’s usually the goodie two shoes. “Hope, you piss me off sometimes.”
“Glad I could help,” she answers sarcastically. Watching her through my mirror, I see she’s staring blankly at my back as I continue getting ready to meet our cousin after so long. The last time we’ve seen each other must have been years ago, how older were we when her parents died? “You know I can help…” she pauses, “you know your hair was beautiful before, I still don’t understand why you’d cut it so short.”
Before, my hair use to be as long as hers, just past my shoulder blades, but I’ve been asked to cut it by the Mistress for some time now. Hope doesn’t need to know the reason but she was surprised a few weeks back when she wanted to help comb my hair much like today. Our bonding time to her, I see it more of venting after a hard day from the Mistresses constant badgering and wanting us to preform with precision.
She’s blind…but she never lets that get in her way. She’s a kind person and I don’t ever want to get on her bad side. “I’m here if anything is wrong sister,” she tells me before trailing off, her clouded blue eyes hinting at a bit of gloom and I hate keeping secrets from her but until I’m told otherwise this is one I have to keep.
We share the same eyes, but hers are clouded. We have the same hair, silver, a gene passed to us by our mother; Isabella. And we’re twins, identical, both of us standing the same height of five foot. We’re both sophomores in high school as well.
A tapping on the door startles me as I gasp and a giggle leaves my sisters mouth as we hear Danny ask if I’m ready in his unusually high pitched voice. “Almost,” I answer back, grabbing my pair of jeans lying on my bed and slipping them on, butting up my white blouse and sliding on a frilly black skirt to sit over my jeans. An off colored windbreaker from the coat hanger to the side of the large door that leads into our room and I ‘m gone, leaving with a wave to Hope who instinctively waves back.
I shouldn’t say she’s completely blind, she can still see shades but with the twilight now setting in from the sun’s rays inking into our room, I guess I’m surprised.
Running into him as I leave my room he remains still, and I simply bounce off him. Grunting, he turns in the hall, ready to lead me to the car just outside the mansion’s walls. He’s taller that my sister and I, by a head or so, and by all accounts, he looks female. His thick coal color hair with a few gray strands lying flat while hanging just past his ears, he keeps his hair short so as not to have people confuse him for being male but our clientele still does. I don’t know if he resents this fact or not but he doesn’t seem phased.
We come to the foyer where two bay windows are on either side of the grand oak door which is beautifully carve with many verities of flowers, the main being lilies. He gets the door for us, and I’m greeted first with the cooling breeze that’s been blowing these past few weeks as we draw closer to the autumn season.
Danny is to drive me to the airport to pick Naomi up, and my dad has gone to fetch Tom and Bert. I smile at this thought knowing Tom was absolutely devastated to hear the Mistress tell us that I would take over for her. Clearing his throat, I see that he has taken his seat at the wheel and has opening the passenger’s window of the van to hurry me along. Once I’m in he stars the engine and we’re off for the hour ride to the airport
That hour flies by as before I know it we’re at the airport, and Danny departs, leaving me at the entrance to where passengers of the flights come to collect their luggage. Taking a seat across from a luggage rack I plant a large pair of older looking headphones, ones that are from the mid 90’s. Turning on some oldies rock from my cellphone, I close my eyes and let myself fade into the melodies. Opening an eye now and again to see if they have arrived yet.
Five minutes pass which drags into ten, then fifteen. And after twenty minutes I see a tall girl walking arm in arm with an elderly woman. It’s the elderly woman I recognize first to by my grandmother. Her hair tied in a small bun, and grayed from age. The girl with her, must be my cousin. She’s changed a lot, far taller than Hope and I. Very tanned skin and an hourglass figure, she’s matured fast. It sure has been years since we last met, she wasn’t as distinguished as she now looks. Her eyes a sky blue, cold, and when our eyes meet.
She seems skittish as I place my headphones around my neck and greet them.
“Fate?” Naomi asks as I nod, watching my grandmother rather than her. Her eyes are soulless, I feel there is nothing behind those eyes even with her asking my name with a pleasing smile.
Grandma looks brittle. She’s moving slowly as she tries to dig something out of her carry-on, a small purse with the strap resting on her wrist, her other arm entwined with Naomi’s to help keep her balance. She’s hunched over, pulling a pair of glasses from the purse and placing them on her nose, her eyes glace me but briefly as she stares past me rather than at me, “who is this cute thing?” she asks, her voice weary from either the walk over me or the jet-lag. Could very well be both.
“This is…”
Naomi starts but I cut her off. “I’m Fate, your granddaughter, you remember me.” I tell her in a kind voice, but Naomi frowns and Grandma only mumbles something, as if she’s saying okay but she still doesn’t recognize me. I can’t say I was expecting much, Dad told me she’d be like this.
I’m not overly upset but Naomi does seem timid of me now. I forgot how she was back then and I can’t say I know how she is now. With years of time passed between us, I never got a feel for who she is. She’s in the same boat though and I look back to her, a fake smile on my face as I hold my arms opening. It’s a brief and awkward hug. She doesn’t hesitate but I can tell she’s not use to contact of this nature. Doing the same with my grandmother she accepts the hug more graciously as if she has some remembrances of who I am.
Naomi speaks quietly while I’m embracing our grandmother and she walks back towards the luggage rack to wait for their luggage to pass on the conveyor belt. When it does she grabs the two bags, both on wheels and comes back to us, a smile on her face, genuine unlike my earlier display. Her general cheerfulness is beginning to annoy me. She seems happy yet I can tell by her grip on the handles of the bags that she’s nervous as hell.
“Uncle Mike said something about a special spot we’re be going to before we head home. Where is it? It’s getting late too.”
I laugh, “we have a few hours’ drive, three to be precise, we’re not going to be back home until one but I was told that she must see it.”
“See what?” she asks.
“Devil’s Reservoir. A lake surrounded by limestone buffs, I was told that Grandma Kala spent a lot of time there in her early days and Dad feels it will jog some of her memories and he wants it done sooner rather than later because of her Eye.”
I’m already walking forward when I hear them in step with me, Naomi is a bit clumsy and stumbles with a quiet scream before righting herself. Grandma on the other hand follows in tune with me, she still seems out of it but her eyes have a look of acknowledgment to them. I feel she knows that name, she knows Devil’s Reservoir and she wants to go there.
A cab awaiting us outside, Naomi and I take the back seat while the cab driving provides some assistance to our grandmother and place her in the passenger seat.
We pull away from the airport and after sometime we see our grandmother losing it. She’s back to having no idea what’s going on. Before she was calm, following along quietly, and now she’s causing a racket because of her Alzheimer. Continually she complies to the cab driver, telling him where is he taking them, why and so forth. Naomi gently rest a hand on her shoulder, telling her that it’s okay and she’s calm for a while but it begins not ten minutes later and it’s like this the whole way there, save of the last twenty some minutes when she finally shuts up and watches outside, as if in awe.
Arriving at the gravel parking lot after entering into a State Forest we all disembark from the cab. The man’s very nice and with his gruff voice he tells us he’ll hang around. Told us that my dad payed him a little extra to get him to work and stay out this late, it’s already nine.
We never really talked during the ride over, just a few comments here and there besides the constant trying to settle Grandma Kala down. But now that we’re here, and Naomi has given the cab driver a bit of extra money for his troubles we are ready to head to a peak that is within the forest, a path that we’ve been given permission to use tonight, even with the crescent moon in the sky, the trail will be hard to see thought I came prepared with I have a high powered flashlight.
Saying bye to the cab driver, Naomi and I turn to start walking down the trail close by when we notice that Grandma is nowhere in sight…“Where did she go?” I ask Naomi who rests a hand on my shoulder pointing to a figure some ways off in the distances, barely visible in the moonlight. What’s odd though is her movement, she’s much faster that I had thought. Not wasting anytime, we dash off after her...who we think is her at least, no one in there right mind would be out this late besides maybe campers to the park.
Naomi in front of me, her strides are much longer than mine, and she has a grace about her that I hadn’t previously noticed. Unlike at the airport she’s not stumbling, and even with the flashlight shaking about, she isn’t tripping as much as I would have guessed...where as I’m trained for such hikes, she isn’t to my knowledge. Our grandmother is out running the two of us by yards, how...she’s in her seventies and looked so frail not a few hours ago.
Never did we exchange words, nor are neither of us are panting as we travel the trail, moving from gravel to just a dirt path then to steps made from logs and soon enough we come to an opening, finally catching up to the figure we’ve been following. We both are hesitant, as there, facing away from us a younger woman. Her figure much like Naomi’s yet smaller in height.
She stopped and we approach consciously to either side of her, her clothing matching our grandmothers I only assume her to be...but I have never experienced something like this.
Looking to me first, her iris’s are glowing pink while turns her head to smile at Naomi who gasps. A hand is planted on my back, so to on Naomi’s when she parts from us. Walking with a slow stride to the bench which is dwarfed by two large lime stone spires. The ground worn smooth from repeated traffic from fellow hikers. The moon lighting up the ground as if this were a gift given to us. Naomi and I give each other simultaneously confused looks of shock and awe.
“It’s her,” Naomi struggles to say, standing very still and just watching. “it’s just like my dream…”
“That is Grandma Kala, she’s young, how is she young?” I ask having a very vague idea of why, but not fully understanding it.
“I don’t know.”
“I mean even with all my training I never seen this kind of event…these must be her memories taken physical form or at least a visual illusion that we’re seeing of her past self…”
“What?” She asks but I say no more, we both silently watch as our Grandmother takes a seat on the bench, watching the night sky and clasping her hands together and she looks to the sky, praying.
It’s not long before I hear a small snort come from Naomi, she’s crying, her eyes filled with tears, she’s moved a hand from her side to her mouth as she tries…fails to try to hold back her tears. Looking back at our grandmother I see a ghostly figure walking past us, he’s wearing army garb from what I can only guess to be World War II. Medium height, but a recognizable face, he looks much like my dad. “Grandpa?” I question.
“This…this must be where Grandma and Grandpa met…” Naomi struggles to say as the ghostly figure rests a hand on Grandma Kala’s shoulder and she turns her neck to face him, her youthful appearance diminishing to how she looked prior to changing. She’s back to her old self yet tears continue to stream down her cheeks. My eyes begin fogging up as well as I realize I’m witnessing something beautiful and yet sad. A bitter sweet moment and our Grandma stands, hugging the ghost.
“Frank.” We hear her say as the ghostly figure now vanishes and our grandmother slumps to the ground.
“Grandma!” Both of us shocked, we begin to rush forward only to be blinded.
When the light vanishes, I’m leaning against one of the many pine trees that are scattered about the clearing. Flashing red and blue lights and the sirens of an ambulance ring in my ears.
Trying to get my barrens I feel myself being helped up by a gentle hand. “Fate…good, your awake.” My sister says quietly as I look beyond her at the scene. Where we were standing who knows how long ago, Tom is helping Naomi who is silently crying while whispering…trying to speak but I hear no words. My father and Bert, near the ambulance and I head in that direction only to be stopped my my sister holding onto my arm. She look at our father, then back to me as I turn, to her, wanting her to let go of my hand. “She died…”
Part III: Tom
Dusk setting upon us, I know my brother has been following me since I stormed off an hour ago after Fate and Hope went to their room to ready themselves for the new arrival, their cousin Naomi. A long walk through the small town of Keso, and I find myself at the park where car shows a held during the summers and various other activities which all take place at the center of town here.
In my usual attire, a black and ripped sleeveless tee shirt with cargo shorts. Pouting about the Mistresses decision. My eyes catch the three empty tether-balls poles which line one of the few sandboxes, each containing different equipment for the younger kids who come here to play during reasonable hours.
“Seems fun,” I tell myself, my voice gruffer that usual as I pick up the ball from the far left pole and hit it. Spinning around by it’s string, I smack the ball in the opposite direction. It comes at me from the right and I swing harder. A clap echoes as I whale on the ball, making it swing back to the right the string going taunt. Taking a step back to adjust for the lengthen string,  the ball comes from my left.
Growling as I eye the ball, I let all my restraint go. Punching the ball with my right fist the ball swings around one more time before I hear shredding of the string and the ball flying off into the distances far out of sight.
“As stupidly strong as you are, I expected farther.” He’s decided to show himself as he squint his piercing brown eyes, searching for the ball. I didn’t even see where it went and my younger brother by half a year has glasses, he claims he can see where it went? He probably wants to help me cool off but I’m not here for that, and I don’t like that he’s been following me all this time.
“What do you want Berton? Do you want to scold me for calling her an old hag or something?” He pauses, standing and watching over me. He thin framed glasses resting on his nose while he adjusts them. I’ve argued with him about getting contacts but he says he wouldn’t look intelligent. His own way of looking down on me I guess but I’ve long since given up on that goal. It’s pointless. He wears a beige suit, not that it’s a special occasion or anything, he just always wears a suit. Hardly ever is he in relaxing or ordinary clothing. He says he wants to look professional but he seems more stuck up than anything. Similar black hair to mine only I have stubs growing because I rather go with the bald look. His is cut short and parted, he looks like a nerd.
“What you and her argue about isn’t my business, but I’m worried about this…it’s been a year since she told us she was going to stop training all of us, she told us that you, as well as Fate or even Hope could take her place. She could have easily asked Danny, or Mike to do so, but instead left it up to her students.”
“Why does that matter?” I ask and my brother with a frown then planting myself on a nearby bench. “Mike was her student years ago, why not pick him. Why Fate?”
“Tom, that is why you don’t understand.” He argues, “Mike already runs the funeral home himself, the Mistress is too old to deal with anything besides training us. At one point she did Mike’s job, even Danny’s but again she’s too old to be juggling stuff like she uses to. The Mistress chose Fate because she is reliable, she can get stuff done without going overboard as I’m sure you can contest to.”
Mummer some choice words, he rises a brow as he approaches me.
“I’m right Tom, and you know it.”
“Shut it!” I reply, my voice slightly louder than my growling from before. He thinks he’s above all of us because he’s smart, because he researches, because he lives in that library tower of his at home. “Why do you always talk down to me, like I know nothing about why I wasn’t picked.”
“Then act your age, if you know then man up and stop blaming everyone and everything for your stupid actions!”
Standing, and cocking my arm, ready to swing I’m inches from his four eyed face when her voice drifts past us. “Getting along as usual I see.” She points to her eyes, making a joke at her expense but giggling. We both stand at attention before her and her father—Mike who has silently walked forward.
Hope’s in a long dress that reaches her ankles which is uncommon for her, she likes to be a bit freer. A black sweatshirt tied around her waist while her white tee says something along the lines of “4 is a lucky number.” which is badly faded in black letters.
Mike, much like Bert is dressed in a suit, without a jacket, he looks casual in his egg shell white dress shirt which isn’t even tucked in. Bert is prim and proper and Mike doesn’t care. I’d wish that attitude of his would rub off on my brother, he’s always stressed for no reason but I’m not sure what will help.
“Boys, we need to get going. I’m not sure how aware you’ve been made of Naomi’s and my mother’s arrival. We’re heading to Devil’s Reservoir; I’d like you two to come so we can do introductions away from Mary.”
Neither of us argue, what point would there be, and we’re both eager to meet Naomi, only knowing bits and pieces from Fate and Hope we gladly follow Mike to his apple red van in the park’s parking lot. Hope takes shotgun while I take the middle seat behind her and Bert behind Mike; next to me. He reverses and pulls out of the parking lot. A few hours later with very little conversion between us besides a call from Mike to the Mistress—where he does seem stressed—we arrive next to a taxi that’s sitting in the gravel lot. The man inside reading some news off his phone.
Mike is out the instant as he parks the van and heads over to the taxi as the rest of us take our time. “He’s rushed, is something up?” I ask Hope as we depart, feeling a dread as I familiarize myself with my surroundings. “something has to be up; you’re feeling it too?” Hope nods, looking worried.
“Bert, you’re staying with the Taxi driver, you understand?” Mike directs his attention on Bert who has just closed the sliding door behind him. He says nothing as he walks over to the Taxi driver while Mike hands off a flask to him. Mike now stares at us, “You two can reach the peak faster than I, I’m taking the path but you two, contact me once you get there or if anything else happens…my mother has passed on but if those get to her before she can completely leave she will never be able to rest.”
I’m not one to back down from a fight but, we may be up against many Husk at once is what Mike is saying. I hear rustling behind me as well as a bright pink light. Hope has already dashed into the woods. Turning on my toes, I dash off into the woods as well, following no direct path, rather using the trees and stones as foot holds as I bounce from one to the next like an acrobat. We’re trained in parkour and even with my small build but strong body I’m easily able to stay on my feet as I run though the damp woods, twigs scraping me along the way but I can dodge ever minor obstruction.
I don’t go long before dawning my own Harmony. A sort of outfit created from the soul that guards us to an extent. My clothing changing so I now only have my shorts, and shoes, revealing my muscular chest.
Catching up to Hope as she’s a bit ahead of me, she’s slow down and is waiting for me in her own Harmony. A charcoal colored maid outfit, with all the frills you’d expect. It’s cut short just above her knees and unlike the one her sister would be wearing; she goes without the white tights.
As we continue ascending the rather steep hill, the trees provide us good ground to launch from one branch to the next, testing each one briefly before considering it secured and targeting our next landing. This terrain is unfamiliar to us so we’re lucky to have not fallen yet, and some of the heights are enough to kill a man…well a normal man without the training we’ve been though by our brutal Mistress.
From below we begin to hear clatter, and inhuman noises. Both Hope and I pause, stopping our assent, and I’m the unlucky bastard to be the first to find a less than ideal branch as it snaps, sending me plummeting to the ground. I’m able to right myself before landing, falling to my feet and bending my knees while rolling forward to decrease the momentum and stop myself from any further injuries besides from the initial fall. My right arm has some blood trickling down from it but nothing to serious considering the twenty foot fall or so.
Hope appears next to me, a small smile on her face, I know she found it funny but that’s beside the point as we’re now in the midst of a horde of Husks. They’re hard to pinpoint in this lighting but what stands out is the blue orb we’ve dubbed the Eye. We destroy that and we vanquish the Husk.
“No prep work, she’s not going to like us destroying them all but it’s not like we have a choice.” Hope pants quietly while I try to size up how many we’re dealing with. Some are large, while others small, but they all have similar looks. An amoeba like form, taking shape of an animal or some distorted human form. Most here resemble animals, but a few human looking ones. Most run right past us while a few hang behind, being distorted by our Harmony. They’re looking for soul, what they feed off of to grow stronger.
“How many are there?” Hope ask after a few seconds as she too can sense them approaching us. These Husk are bold, why are there so many though? Just for one soul, was Mike’s mother that strong?
“I can’t tell because we’re not in the trees any longer but over twenty if not more. This is insane I’ve never seen so many at once.”
A warm breeze comes from behind as we both turn, watching in the thicket of the woods as deep violet flames engulf one of many Husks. Then another and another, circling us as we’re dumbfounded by what’s going on around us. At least up until this point we understood what was happening. Many Husks who wanted Mike’s mother’s soul to eat were gathering but this, what is causing them to vanish into thin air via violet flames?
A woman laugh echoes in the woods as we watch on, helpless to the Husk being dispersed by who we can only guess is this woman laughing. Who’s she? But it’s not long before this woman in a tattered looking trench coat appears before us, only her back though as she say’s “whoops.” Before taking out a Husk that had gotten close to us without our noticing. But just as she was before us she vanishes, leaving us in the clear.
“What the hell.” I ask myself scratching my head.
“Best not to think about it, let’s get moving.” Hope answers, us wasting time watching this is going to annoy Mike who told us to reach the peak before he does and update him when we do.
She bolts off and I follow. In no time at all we’re at the peak where we find three bodies. Hope goes over to the one near the bench and quietly starts crying as she pulls out her cell, I hear her calling her dad, the conversation is brief as she then dials three buttons. She’s calling for an ambulance. Finding her sister next to a taller looking girl, kneeling and looking toward the setting sun, she must be Naomi. Picking her off the ground and I bring her over to a nearby tree to rest upon. Her pulse is normal and I remove my pointer and index finger from her neck.
Examining her, a faint glowing all but gone shines through her thin top under her left shoulder sleeve. Glowing white, it flickers and then is gone as I stop my thoughts and try to wake her up. This isn’t good for her to be out for so long, she could have a concussion.
“Dad already called for an ambulance, they’ll be here shortly, he’s almost up the path.”
“And that woman we saw earlier in the throng of Husks?” I ask, standing.
“That can wait…I need to process what’s going on, I just lost my grandma.”
Her voice is shallow, but still firm. She’s never been weak even with her disability so this is the most emotion I’ve seen on her face. I’m not sure what to do, only resting one of my large hands on her shoulder. “we’ve all gone through a death, it never gets easier. But why would we let it? You have memories of her right? Don’t lose them or else she will die.”
More tears begin flowing, “when did my dad give you a pep talk?”
“Really those are my true thoughts on the matter, Mike didn’t tell me jack.” I tell her in a playful tone even though I am annoyed by her thinking that I used her father words on her.
We hear the sirens before long and both Mike and Bert meet up with us. Hope has gone to try waking her sister while I’m trying to wake up Naomi who’s as stiff as a board.
“Slap her.” I hear Mike tell me from afar.
Bert who is standing near him gives him a serious look which he notices but continues staring at me, “I said slap her, we her need awake.”
Shaking her instead I shake more vigorously, hoping she’ll fall limp and it’s not long before she does. “I’m not going to slap her.” I tell Mike who sighs but seems pleased all the same. Naomi’s cold eyes flutter open but she still seems in a daze as I help her stand, “come on Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up.”
“A bit corny?” my brother questions but I ignore him as I head in the direction of the ambulance which Mike’s mother has already be loaded on to, pronounced dead here.
Arm in arm with Naomi, I see that Fate has recovered much quicker and is following her sister. Mike stays by the ambulance and tells Bert and I to head back to the van first, having us take Naomi with us while him and his daughters stay behind for a while before meeting back with us so we can head home at this late hour.
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