Skype on your PC
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Install Skype using SkYPE MSI. Best solution for silent install
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modinewton-blog · 7 years ago
Skype 6 and 7 Upgrade Solution
Hey guys how you doing I wanted to do this video here. After a little bit of a scary experience, I just had with skype technical support, i was able to actually chat with them who, as you know, it's now obviously owned by microsoft, and i don't know who what happened initially, my my support call started with sarah and Then Sarah asked me if she could connect to my machine and when Sarah finally connected to my machine she became Jane.
So I'm not sure if Sarah is jen or Jenny Shara, but either way they got into my system to help me out and then requested. Control of my system to actually help me uninstall - and this is after i told them in detail exactly what's wrong and that i do not have the ability to uninstall skype from a computer couldn't even find my control panel in in windows, which scared me at which Point i disabled the session and say thank you. I need your help. However, I still had the same issue here with skype and I finally figured out how to resolve it, and I wanted to share with anybody you own skype, 69. 0.160, how to understand skype, if you can't do it, I have. I don't, have an uninstaller visible in my control panel, which I'll show you real quick. You know, as you can see here, if I just put in the word skype, it doesn't show up.
So there's no way for me to uninstall skype and when I actually run skype from the desktop it will come up here and once I enter my information, it will sign me in and immediately ask for the upgrade. So at this point I'm going back to the skype site - I mean that upgrade feature is not going to help us. It'S just going to fail and you're going to get an error over and over there's no way past that so what we want to do is go back to skype, calm and download the latest version for windows 7 or 8, but we want the desktop version.
We don't want the app there's actually two versions of skype right now, as you may know, an app version and an actual desktop version, and it's kind of weird to run both at the same time, because the app you get double notifications, there's a slight delay between The two, so you can get annoying you kind of, have to decide if you want to run the app which doesn't really allow you to multitask, because it fills your entire screen and you have to then just skype. You can't do other things if you're trying to chat, which is why i prefer the desktop. I can still have it minimized in the corner and continue my work while talking to my friends.
So when you just go to skype calm and try to download what they have here, they force you to basically get skype for windows 8, which I don't want. I'M going to text my operating system and it goes takes me straight to the Windows Store. I mean this is definitely not what I want so there's no way to just easily get to the desktop version. I'M not sure why they force people to do that. The only way to actually get there, i mean, i'm sure, there's a hidden link somewhere on skype com, but the best way to do it is just just search skype desktop download. You know if you just search that in google you'll find it as your second link here and i'm just going to click on download skype for windows, and it will take me to the desktop version of it. You can see here it's a different button.
It'S is get skype for windows desktop. So when i download this file, obviously it's going to show the little exe here. It'S 33 megabytes that's coming down and when i actually run this file, it's going to start to extract the data to a hidden folder on my machine. That'S located and see program data, it's pretty trivial and then it's going to start to extract. So here's that same error that I typically get when i click the Upgrade button in skype and it failed again. The good news is that this time I was able to capture the image I that I need to fix this problem. The image - I is the Microsoft installer that contains the information for the latest version of skype.
It'S really just a skype exe file and I now need to go find that installer and then extract it. So I'm going to close this and go back to my computer and just go to see program data if you just enter it like that, you'll be able to find it and once you're on this list just scroll down until you find the skype folder click on That and you'll notice that there are some folders here that were created with some interesting names, basically had let up registry folder names and what we want to do is open up the most recent version if i go to date modified some reason these are.
Oh, you know what these are old folders and they probably had the same folder name so skype just automatically downloaded the file into an older folder name. If you have not tried this before, you might not even see these. I have them because i've tried several times so just ignore the date here. If you do this today, for the first time your date will show the actual day, so I'm just going to try and find it manually real quick here we go so there's my skype. A Miss I'm, this is the actual date. 1 9 2014 date modified. So this is the file that I'm looking for and what I need now is a tool to extract this msi and the way to do that is you want to use a utility here: cold, less msi.
I don't know I've code like Les Miserable, but for some app is pretty funny just download it. It'S free, install it down. I extract it onto your desktop. It puts it into a little folder like this. You open it up and there's the files that comes in that and that down. You then run less msi run the exe file, go to file and say open and then go and open up that skype mas. I I just showed you guys in the program data folder, just open up that file and it will show you the contents of that installer in this list year. Alright, so now I've got all my files and there's a bunch of stuff in here. That'S just related to the image stoller this in PNG files. Here, it's all part of just what the Installer looks like graphics.
You can see there's the actual. So there's like a cloud graphic. You know it's all part of the skype installer of how its packaged the only file were interested in. Is this one, this guy bxe the way to fix that you can see? This is 66 11. So it's the most recent version, so all I'm going to do now is: let's close the program data. Let me go back to my computer and in the top here i'm going to enter c program files - x86. Let'S go in there and i'm going to scroll down this list. This is where the programs are actually installed until I find skype there. It is - and you can see here when you, when you open up skype, there's a bunch of stuff in your the updater or you know, don't worry about that for whatever reason, i'm not sure why skype installs it this way, but it is what it is. If you go into phone, you can see, there's the exe that we actually want to replace with the new one.
Actually, this is the CXC. So before we go any further, I just want to bring my skype window back into player, because you do want to make sure that you have exited completely out of skype and the way to do that is first, it's just say sign out. If you close it, it won't actually close guide will stay resident, as you may already know, but I'm just going to close that and then hit. Ctrl shift is skype on your windows keyboard to bring up the task manager and on the task manager.
You should be able to see skype 32-bit running here in your first panel and i'm going to right click on that and just say in task and that will actually force quit skype so right now the exe is no longer running. If you do not do that, you will not be able to override the sky. Pxe here will complain so file already in use, so make sure you quit skype and now we're going to go back here and we're really just going to try and extract as one file so here at the very bottom. Just click on extract - and you know four to be safe - I'm going to go to my desktop and create a new folder here, I'm just going to pull it skype.
Six point 11, and you can see here, is exactly what what the what the onions, what this extractor does. It basically replicates the structure of where this file should be placed, and what I'm going to do now is just drag. The new file over from this extracted folder to my installed version in program files and obviously it's going to want to replace, come on, come with an administrator message here, which is fine, just say, continue and there you go. So, let's see what happens if i run skype again, it should not want to upgrade anymore. Let me just sign in again and let's see if we still get that message nothing so far. Well, this is difficult. It'S go to help.
This is, as you can see, the new version, six point: eleven, oh one or two, so this solves the issue in terms of getting the latest version of skype running on your machine. It also gets rid of that annoying upgrade message that pops up each time skype loads, but it obviously doesn't do. Is it doesn't allow me to uninstall it? It'S still going to not show the skype as a listed uninstall option in my control panel. So that's just you know, it is what it is. Maybe I'll put that into a different video wonder when I find it. The only way to get that working would be to actually reinstall skype, so that windows can recreate those registry entries correctly for it to show up in that list in the first place. So it's not going to work this way, but hey you know what we don't really need it anymore, because skype is working and I'm not going to. I stole it anyway. Good luck to everybody, and I hope this helped. You write x,
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