modernmothman · 21 hours
dislike and discomfort are normal and healthy parts of the human experience actually
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modernmothman · 2 days
I heard you won stupidest cock at the sex olympics
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modernmothman · 3 days
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modernmothman · 4 days
You see it's quite simple: if they call the earth Gaia, it's fantasy. If they call it Terra, that's sci-fi
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modernmothman · 5 days
i love listening to MUSIC!!!!!! and imagining things happening
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modernmothman · 6 days
‘bread is bad for you’ ‘rice is bad for you’ sorry im not subscribing to the idea that staple grains that have been integral to cultures for centuries are evil. i love you carbs
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modernmothman · 7 days
We're trying for ants
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modernmothman · 8 days
I’m tired. At least my boobs rock.
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modernmothman · 9 days
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what life feels like when you have a yummy burger
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modernmothman · 10 days
Fascinated by slime taxonomy
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modernmothman · 11 days
Me thinking why a whale (big) would eat krill (small) and then I remembered rice (yum)
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modernmothman · 12 days
hiiiiii can i. can i come over to your discord server and not say anything 😊
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modernmothman · 13 days
One of life's greatest joys, I think, is passing an AU back and forth with your friends and making it progressively hornier and more fucked up
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modernmothman · 14 days
the phrase ‘this is my first time being alive’ has done wonders for me recently. Yeah, I don’t know how to navigate this situation! It’s brand new to me and I’m learning on the fly, aren’t humans such wonderfully adaptive creatures?
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modernmothman · 15 days
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modernmothman · 16 days
it sucks being an American because people from other countries will make fun of you for liking burger and you will try to be like NO! I EAT OTHER FOOD TOO! but you can't get the words out because you're too busy salivating over the idea of burger
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modernmothman · 17 days
basically a lot of my problems boil down to me being really bad at waking up. and also really bad at going to sleep
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