Shinigami Coffee
16K posts
Hello! My name is Moaccyr K., I'm a brazillian comics artist, 32yo, and I formely went by "mike-peace" here on tumblr. You can find my art, my random thoughts and reblogs of things I like here. Part of Miccy Studio with @miileskine
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moaccyrk · 7 hours ago
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moaccyrk · 8 hours ago
sometimes I read a radioactively bad take and just sit there like "not only do you not understand this story but you fundamentally do not understand how stories work in general, and you have never considered that your discord with every piece of fiction you come across could possibly be a problem on your end"
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moaccyrk · 2 days ago
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moaccyrk · 3 days ago
Why are people so lax about AI voices, it's honestly way scarier to me than AI art
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moaccyrk · 4 days ago
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Paper Mario (Intelligent Systems, Nintendo, 2001)
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moaccyrk · 4 days ago
hey. don't cry. I went to Mad At You island and none of your friends were there :)
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moaccyrk · 4 days ago
Not “Only my reading of canon is correct” or “Interpretations are subjective and all valid” but a secret third thing, “More than one interpretation can be valid but there’s a reason your English teacher had you cite quotes and examples in your papers, you have to have a strong argument that your interpretation is actually supported by the text or it is just wrong and I’m fine with telling you it’s wrong, actually.”
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moaccyrk · 4 days ago
One thing that was kinda ingrained in me while storyboarding on Big City Greens was screen direction and the sort of illusion of progress that screen direction can create (this isn't just a BCG thing by the way, it's an actual film technique but this is where i learned it)
It wasn't a hard rule or anything but our showrunners generally preferred to have the characters going from left to right as the story/episode progressed (you'll probably notice this in a lot of movies now if you didn't know about this before haha). I've definitely had to restage sequences due to this rule when I first started LOL but it's become second nature to me at this point. Whenever a character moves left to right, in my brain, that means they're moving the story forward, much like how when you read it's usually left to right and you yourself are moving the story forward (obviously this is a more western thing).
I, in hindsight, realized I was doing this in my pilot. When I was first visualizing the pilot I always imagined Aika going from screen right to left at the beginning of the episode for some reason. I didn't really give it much thought but afterwards I asked myself why I did that, because I always start characters going left to right. It just felt correct in my head and now I'm understanding why. Because she's running away, actively trying to get away from the story and the goal. It's not until she gets to the cafeteria and starts moving left to right, towards Zira, who unknowingly is going to be the reason Aika has to dive back into her story. Then from that point on the left to right screen direction continues (even into the credits). I thought it was cool that my brain was just wired to do that after all these years but also a nice reminder about how important but subtle filmmaking and cinematography is. I think a lot of people do this even if they don't know the technique!
Idk why I felt like sharing this LOL. Just thought it was funny and maybe helpful for anyone looking to get into storyboarding or filmmaking! I actually don't know if there's a technical term for this? This video calls it Lateral Character Movement so maybe it's that!
but yeah anyways thought it'd be fun to share. I LOVE ART!!!
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moaccyrk · 5 days ago
I wish it was safe to place metal in the Micheal wave
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moaccyrk · 5 days ago
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moaccyrk · 5 days ago
as an aroace, im particularly dangerous, because i wont fuck or marry. i only know how to kill.
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
PSA To the Phantom, we have a Troll/Stalker!
Those who know me know this is somthing I won't typically resort to this, but today, I've reached the end of my long patience. ( one and half a year of patience) There is a Stalker/ Troll whose whole stick is trying to get people to draw Dani and Danny fan art. Thir asks will look like this. They will delete them as soon as you answer. I mod on a few Discord servers, so when I informed people on Discord that I had a digital stalker, someone reached out to me to ask me if this was them, as they didn't want to deal with what I had to put up with. That's how I got a hold of this:
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On Deviantart, they try to get into people's good graces by subscribing and donating a dollar. (it's a tip you can do on DA, not required) They ask you to do art, and if you bite, They won't stop pestering you about it. Like you didn't do it fast enough, or you didn't do it. And if you do, they have a new request lined up the minute you post the last. So it's never good enough. They will try to monopolize your time, and you never get time to draw what you want to if you try being kind at first. One telltale sign that it's them is that if you reply to them, they will delete all their messages with you after your reply to avoid detection by moderators.
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So here are the usernames I know them by; Usernames of them on DA; DanielFentonPhantom DannyFenton2 DannyFenton3 DannyPhantom11 JacobFritzsching1 JacobFritzsching2 JacobPhantom1 JakeFritzsching JakeFritzsching1 The username of the stalker on Tumblr: JacobFritzsching1 & JacobPhantom
I've tried to block them multiple times, And I suspect DA staff have banned some of their accounts.
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They don't understand no and stay away or that people have boundaries. I've reported them multiple times. They have been suspended multiple times (I was lucky enough to get this screenshot for a suspended account)
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They have been bothering me since Aug 28, 2023 and the latest block for this person was today.
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This is me reaching out to others in my discord communities over time for help, showing what it did to me mentally and why I no longer take art requests. (For the privacy of the other users, I've only included what needed to go in there with their usernames hidden.) The only other user by name than me is the stalker.
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I lay myself bare to you phandom community so that you may not suffer silently by JacobFritzsching1 hand. I know I'm not his only target. I've stayed quiet and done what I could for a year and a half. They have not let up, and I fear they are driving good people out of the community through their behavior. I will confess to thoughts of wanting to permanently delete my stuff just to escape this stalker. But I'm not letting them win. I am a Phandom elder, I have been a phan since the show since it aired back in the day; some of you may know me by my old username Jeanette9a, some of you will know I'm sited as one of the earlier ones to keep DP ship names list that now exisits on Ao3, and I have to use my every connection and pull to see this troll/stalker not mess with more of my fellow Phandom community. That so be it. I will pull out my megaphone and scram their misdeeds to heaves, so they may never walk anywhere without people knowing who JacobFritzsching1 is in regards to the phandom. You wanted attention well, here you go may I hope you enjoy what you have sown.
---- If anyone else has more receipts about this person feel free to reblog with a me too and show the phandom just who JacobFritzsching1 / JacobPhantom is. Because I'm just one person finally speaking up. I don't expect people to believe me outright. Not without more people who can attest to their character. Here is another post about the same user that is by someone other than me:
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
Tips for writing flawed but lovable characters.
Flawed characters are the ones we root for, cry over, and remember long after the story ends. But creating a character who’s both imperfect and likable can feel like a tightrope walk. 
1. Flaws That Stem From Their Strengths
When a character’s greatest strength is also their Achilles' heel, it creates depth.
Strength: Fiercely loyal.
Flaw: Blind to betrayal or willing to go to dangerous extremes for loved ones.
“She’d burn the whole world down to save her sister—even if it killed her.”
2. Let Their Flaws Cause Problems
Flaws should have consequences—messy, believable ones.
Flaw: Impatience.
Result: They rush into action, ruining carefully laid plans.
“I thought I could handle it myself,” he muttered, staring at the smoking wreckage. “Guess not.”
3. Show Self-Awareness—or Lack Thereof
Characters who know they’re flawed (but struggle to change) are relatable. Characters who don’t realize their flaws can create dramatic tension.
A self-aware flaw: “I know I talk too much. It’s just… silence makes me feel like I’m disappearing.” A blind spot: “What do you mean I always have to be right? I’m just better at solving problems than most people!”
4. Give Them Redeeming Traits
A mix of good and bad keeps characters balanced.
Flaw: They’re manipulative.
Redeeming Trait: They use it to protect vulnerable people.
“Yes, I lied to get him to trust me. But he would’ve died otherwise.”
Readers are more forgiving of flaws when they see the bigger picture.
5. Let Them Grow—But Slowly
Instant redemption feels cheap. Characters should stumble, fail, and backslide before they change.
Early in the story: “I don’t need anyone. I’ve got this.”
Midpoint: “Okay, fine. Maybe I could use some help. But don’t get used to it.”
End: “Thank you. For everything.”
The gradual arc makes their growth feel earned.
6. Make Them Relatable, Not Perfect
Readers connect with characters who feel human—messy emotions, bad decisions, and all.
A bad decision: Skipping their best friend’s wedding because they’re jealous of their happiness.
A messy emotion: Feeling guilty afterward but doubling down to justify their actions.
A vulnerable moment: Finally apologizing, unsure if they’ll be forgiven.
7. Use Humor as a Balancing Act
Humor softens even the most prickly characters.
Flaw: Cynicism.
Humorous side: Making snarky, self-deprecating remarks that reveal their softer side.
“Love? No thanks. I’m allergic to heartbreak—and flowers.”
8. Avoid Overdoing the Flaws
Too many flaws can make a character feel unlikable or overburdened.
Instead of: A character who’s selfish, cruel, cowardly, and rude.
Try: A character who’s selfish but occasionally shows surprising generosity.
“Don’t tell anyone I helped you. I have a reputation to maintain.”
9. Let Them Be Vulnerable
Vulnerability adds layers and makes flaws understandable.
Flaw: They’re cold and distant.
Vulnerability: They’ve been hurt before and are terrified of getting close to anyone again.
“It’s easier this way. If I don’t care about you, then you can’t leave me.”
10. Make Their Flaws Integral to the Plot
When flaws directly impact the story, they feel purposeful rather than tacked on.
Flaw: Their arrogance alienates the people they need.
Plot Impact: When their plan fails, they’re left scrambling because no one will help them.
Flawed but lovable characters are the backbone of compelling stories. They remind us that imperfection is human—and that growth is possible.
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
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You almost make it too easy
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
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It’s so much fun
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
maid engineered in a lab to sweep without a broom
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moaccyrk · 7 days ago
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Dragon Sculpture sitting at the bottom of Lake Neuchâtel. Location: Romandy, Switzerland
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