mo0ntanga · 2 years
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220904 ◇ villain (jeno)
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mo0ntanga · 2 years
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— dreamies at the beach
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mo0ntanga · 2 years
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haechan ♡ DREAM STAGE: GLITCH MODE behind 
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mo0ntanga · 2 years
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mo0ntanga · 2 years
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beatbox (cuddly version) 💕
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mo0ntanga · 2 years
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soft ♡
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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SVT’s Jun - ‘Silent Boarding Gate’ Desktop Wallpapers
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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sum soft jeonghao gifs <333
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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scrunchy boy
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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seokshine is better than sunshine ♡ ☀️
↬ goingcarats week1 ♡
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
welcome to the going carats fest!
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hello Carats!
GOING SEVENTEEN has been an ICONIC part of caratblr life - our 10:10 Monday slot filled with content to make the week better for us! and i’m sure we’ve all noticed that with the staff and boys taking a well-deserved break, the dash has become quieter and there’s less content being created :(
let’s remember all the good times the boys have brought us, and don’t be sad during this break! remember GOING is always going to us, and they’ll be coming back to us with more exciting GOING SEVENTEEN ~ 
 to celebrate the memories (and to help cure the Monday blues), the GOING CARATS FEST is starting!
 every Friday evening (KST), i’ll be posting three prompts inspired by Going Seventeen for creators to participate in!  feel free to post any time during the week using any of the prompts, including prompts from previous weeks! (honestly, any GoSe creations are welcome, even those outside the prompts ~)
all types of content are welcome - gifs, fics, edits, videos, anything you come up with! 
the rules are simple:
tag your creations with #goingcarats in the first 5 tags of your post so it shows up in the tag list;
reblog other carats’ creations to spread awareness;
remember what Minghao says: love ourselves before we love Seventeen. work and personal life comes first, if you miss a week or don’t feel like taking part, that’s totally okay!
and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
if you’d like, you can follow me (@junhaoshua) for updates about the fest and weekly prompts ~ but that’s totally optional!
i really hope you’ll all enjoy this, and i look forward to seeing what caratblr makes! remember to promote each other’s content, and have fun ~ it’s time for CARATS to be GOING!
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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happy seungkwan day!!! <333
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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Someone take them away from me . ESPECIALLY HOSHI
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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wonwoo - harper’s bazaar home;run behind
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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seventeen ft. games 
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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at first, i used to think that ‘i’ll just go wherever life takes me.’ but now it’s more like ‘life can take me anywhere, but i’ll still work hard.’ some say that you’ve succeeded in life if you have two to three really good friends, but i already have twelve of them. when we’re older, we’re going to stay in touch and go out to eat together. i can connect with all twelve of them on a sincere level - JEONGHAN
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mo0ntanga · 3 years
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