mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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Like these Pictures?
They’re Prints now!! 
Money earned from the Prints will go directly to a Non-Profit organization known as the Puppy Rescue Mission.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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More of me and my dog! She was so good, just relaxing and letting me take her off lead. Photos: Steve Berry Photography (On FB)
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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A gentle munch from a gentle pup. She really wanted the treat. She was such a good girl, wanting to cosplay with me, and her pictures really show it.
Photo by Steve Berry Photography
Also, check out my Facebook page by the same name as this tumblr!! There are more pictures there.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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*** This was supposed to be posted to my Cosplay page. Please follow this link for find my cosplay FB Or Click here to go to the Tumblr (I’m just too lazy to delete this.)
Who’s ready for some Kiba cosplay?? I am! The dog in the pictures is my actual dog, Faya.
She is a rescue from the middle east, and she is my life. I was super excited to do this with her! 
All pictures taken are safe for her, I always had a hand and eyes on her. She was not forced into any situation and had constant access to treats and water.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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When you finish a photoshoot and still feel awesome!! Hopefully I will have pictures next week. :3
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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Midnight and Eraserhead from Ch. 30 of Vigilantes
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
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Hey everyone, posting some pictures no one’s seen yet from Steve Berry Photography from my cosplay VS life shoot. There is also a bit of a vent/ramble below... I’m having a rough week. If you’re just looking for the pictures, please enjoy!
It’s strange... Cosplaying a hero. 
Cosplay allows you to embrace a character, take parts of them and add them to yourself, become someone you are not. So, what would make cosplaying a Hero strange? they are what you want to be, a human above the rest in a way, someone people look up to. Being a Hero makes you someone to aspire to.
Thinking about Heroes, we think capes, bright colors, a winning smile, in the public eye... But we all have Heroes outside of that, teachers, a friend, family, maybe someone you’ve heard about or follow online. People we find almost unobtainable in their greatness that we aspire to be close to them and learn from them. 
In my life, “Hero” is a word thrown around a lot. It’s in my blood, my work, my life choices... and I’ve come to learn that the way Heroes come to be is through hardship, pain, sacrifice, and making the choices that maybe not everyone agrees with. 
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I make those choices every day, some of which have gotten me hurt, lost, and at risk of losing everyone and everything I love. For me, it’s normal. I face losing people every day because I made a choice to keep strangers safe, while also knowingly doing things not everyone agrees with. 
So, it’s strange cosplaying a Hero, a man that makes mistakes but seems to keep moving forward... There seems to be no other place to go, and I can’t help but agree with it. It still comes to me as strange though, as Heroes are more than what they appear on the surface, and media can only capture so much. 
I’ve come to the realization that no matter what, I’ve made a choice to do things I may not like, but I will continue to do. It’s tough. It’s hard... And if I end up breaking down, it won’t be the first time. 
On top of all of it though, in the long run I do not feel much like a hero. I keep things from people close to me, letting myself fall into spirals to keep them safe, or even happy. I know things I choose to do will hurt people... I know things I decide I want to do will ultimately break people who do not understand how I think... And I’ll have to be okay with that. I can’t change a person... No one can.
Nothing in life comes easy.
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No amount of life can prepare you for some things.
and some times You need to accept things as they come.
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And as a person who looks to cartoon heroes, as a person who decided that they could be like one, if nothing else by style... It may be time to realize the choices I made for myself, and move forward. This is my life, these are my hopes, my plans... Letting it all end half way gets me no where. It’s just a same some things will be lost in the process... 
But so much more can be gained...
It will just take time.
Sorry for the ramble, this is all just what’s been going through my head with as little detail as possible toward what the actual situation is. The actual situation is confidential and only about... 3 people know what is going on... 
Thank you everyone, have a great day!
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
Cosplay means a lot to me, and these are beautiful cosplays and an even better message. Don’t let someone stop you from cosplaying who you love. Be fabulous. Be amazing.
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Vintage-Inspired Disney Sundresses Colossalcon 2015
♔ Rapunzel / Mulan / Merida / Belle ♕ Snow White / Tinkerbelle / Megara / Tiana ⚜ Photography
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mo-fox-cosplay · 6 years
Reblogging to say, really with your favorite BnHA ship. This one is starting to become a favorite. (Though Midnight/Mic works a bit better)
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I may be pretty impartial to most ships, but if I find a cosplayer willing to do ship pics… I will.
Photos by Steve Berry 
Midnight Mariana
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
See if you can find me twice in this video. I have posted both cosplays. 
Also, just check out all of these amazing cosplays, and the amazing Narwhalie. I wish I had all of the cosplay pages in this video.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
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I was screaming so much at this cosplay in the morning. I almost cancelled this shoot... 
Thank you so much Narwhalie for taking these and editing these two early!! If you’ve run across this post, please check her stuff out!! 
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
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Friday of COAF 2018 for me. I was Prince Coyote Starrk, design from Bleach: Brave souls.
First two photos by: TofuSnow Photography Who I am so honored to be photographed by.
Second two by the beautiful Narwhalie 
This was such a hecktic cosplay. I made it in about... 10 to 15 days? LORD SAVE ME!! I’m going to fix it.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
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COAF 2018 was AMAZING!
Here was me on saturday, photo by the amazing Camera Ninjas Who I didn’t quite realize took this picture. (Boy that was a long day...) 
Hopefully I’ll get more pictures of me from Saturday soon. I have a few that I’ll probably upload later for fun.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
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Aizawa Shouta at COAF? I'm getting better at his make up.
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
brush your teeth
wash your face
stay hydrated
study hard  
don’t make excuses
kick ass
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
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I may be pretty impartial to most ships, but if I find a cosplayer willing to do ship pics... I will.
Photos by Steve Berry 
Midnight Mariana
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mo-fox-cosplay · 7 years
Working on getting this album up on my facebook today, being that I have some time.
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The photos that started a thing. 
THe story behind these is, during a cosplay Vs Live Photoshoot hosted by Steve Berry I was chatting with one of the other Cosplayers. Turns out… She was doing Midnight! I wanted just two pictures… Just… Two…
Keep an eye out for more Eraser/Night photos on their way. 
Thank you, Mariana for letting me take these photos with you. <3
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