Mo Art Please
137 posts
Just a snippet of my endeavors. Original Art, Fan Art, Fanfiction, and other Writings. Find me on Instagram @Mo_Makeup_Please
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
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More "The Fernweh Saga" fanart of James Corvin and Lilette "Lily" Corv—I mean, Lily Stone 😉😉.
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
Some Reese Verner and Lilette "Lily" Stone WIP.
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
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Okay... so maybe James has my heart. He's so in love with Lilette "Lily" Stone and probably has been since childhood.
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
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Wayhaven Sketches
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
Adam, pining away for his Detective (or should I say fellow agent 🤫😉). So hopelessly in love. 🥰❤️
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I feel like my Tumblr is becoming a mostly Fanart page, which is fine, but feel free to find me on Instagram under the same pen-name Mo_Art_Please
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mo-art-please · 2 years ago
Find me on Instagram @
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
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Has this been made before? 
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Some recent digital sketches and artwork from this May and June.
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Oh Solas, you broke our heart.
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“Howl”, private commission.
After he went through the Eluvian in Trespasser. T_T
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Just taking a moment to color my Mason sketch. 🤗🥰❤️ I love Greek men! 😍
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Just posting some of my concept art. Hopefully now that I have a tablet (all of this was done on a phone) I might be able to finish some of these pieces. 😁
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Just a little process piece I'm working on. 😊
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
So I finally sucked it up and bought a tablet and I'm so glad I did. I've been doing all my digital art on my old Samsung Note 9 phone, which made it difficult do art due to the size of the screen. It took quadruple the time to finish a piece. But now I feel like I can get back into enjoying the digital art process. So here is my first piece, MASON from The Wayhaven Chronicles! Yay! Be sure to click on the photo for High Resolution. 🥰
I'll be posting the process on how I colored this on my Instagram Account Mo_Art_Please if you're interested in seeing it. 😊🙃
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
About time I doodled out my heartthrob Mason, from the Wayhaven Chronicles. 😁
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Just reblogging this and attaching my little fanfic drabble with it.
TITLE: "The Nightmare"
 (LI: Adam du Mortain)
I bite my lip. Looks like Felix isn't back from patrol yet.
"This is Agent du Mortain."
"Adam?" I can't help the surprise in my voice when the Unit Bravo leader answers the main phoneline at the Warehouse.  Just my luck that the man I was smitten with would have picked up.
I had expected it to be Felix, who had become my 'phone buddy' since returning to Wayhaven and out of the Agency's Facility. He had a way of taking over a conversation and turning my moods around for the better using his wild expressions in his thick New Orleans accented draw. With his exuberant stories and quick wit he usually had me laughing in no time.
But Felix didn't answer this time. Adam did.
As silence reigned between us, I was quickly beginning to regret calling in the middle of the night. Butterflies and uncertainty quickly began to flutter around in my stomach at the sound of his deep, masculine voice. It was a voice that had my body acting on its own causing my brain to go numb of thought. 
Luckily, it wasn't just me shocked by the random late night call. Adam was quiet on the other side, stunned into silence as well I assumed. "Detective, why are you calling at such an hour? Your human body needs sleep." Obviously Adam had recovered his voice before me.
I nervously plucked my comforter with my fingers in the dark of my bedroom. It all seemed silly now that I had Adam on the phone. The nightmare I experienced was haunting; more of a memory of the torture I endured under Murphy's experiments. I'm not sure why I called the Unit Bravo headquarters. Maybe it was because no one else knew what I had gone through? I had hoped Felix would answer like usual and prattle on about random fancies to make me forget, but instead the man that made my skin flush and my heart stutter had picked up the call.
Quickly I tried to backpedal as I nervously wrung my sheets in my hand. "Oh, sorry Adam, never mind it's nothing."
"Why is your voice trembling?" Quick as always and sharp as a tack Adam picked up the quivering of my voice, still unsettled by my dream. Sometimes it was unfair how intuned Vampires' senses were. "Are you in danger? I'm on my way--"
"No, no...nothing like that. Just forget I called," I could already imagine Adam charging through the night and breaking down my apartment door in mere minutes if he thought I was in trouble. "It's nothing, really. Don't worry Adam I'm fine, it was only a dream."
Silence invaded the phone call for a second time. I could just visualize Adam trying to figure out why a dream would have me upset. A 'human' trait I'm sure he wasn't too versed in. 
I could hear the ticking from my grandfather clock in the living room through my bedroom door as it counted the quiet that had become our conversation. The world surrounding me seemed to hold its breath. Finally, unable to stand the silence I decided to hang up, although reluctantly. Part of me wanted to hear Adam's voice. The strong, self assured tone always had a calming effect on me but luck didn't seem to be on my side tonight. 
"Well goodnight Adam--"
"Do you want to talk about it?" Adam's thick British accent and strong tone cut me off. I dropped the blanket I had been squeezing in shock. I opened and closed my mouth trying to find the words to say. Had he really asked me that?
"I...Ummm...Well... " I was having a hard time believing what I heard and my attempts of making a coherent sentence was lacking.
I sighed, my shoulders dropping as I moved the phone to my other ear. "Yes." I almost felt guilty in acknowledging Adam's question.  It was something we didn't talk about. Adam had been there when Murphy took me on that rainy day. It was a memory both of us wanted to forget. 
I let the quiet once again take over our conversation as I wiped the streaks of tears that were drying against my cheeks. I could almost feel the burning in my veins, the coldness of the table I was strapped to, Murphys voice echoing in my head unpleasantly like nails on a chalkboard...I gripped the side of my head and squeezed as if I could squash the traumatic memory out. A whimpering sob must have escaped.
"I'm coming over. Wait for me."
All I could do was nod, no longer aware Adam could not see the gesture through the phone. I curled farther into myself as the line went dead, unable to end my own call. Memories flooded my mind and all I could do was cling the blankets roughly as I fought back my terrorizing fear. In minutes there was a knock on the door. Adam had come.
I finally took the time to color and fix my Adam du Mortain sketch. If you'd like to see the whole coloring process, I'll have it posted to my Instagram under my IG Mo_Art_Please. ❤
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Am I the only one that draws Nate when I can't sleep? No? Just me? 😅
Sketch was done on my old Samsung Note 9 Phone. Maybe one day I'll finish it?....
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mo-art-please · 3 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
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And now that all the ten intended Dragon Age makeup tests have been done, here is a set of all of them.
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edit: added fenris and flemeth to the list. stupid tumblr for limiting photo posts to 10 photos max.
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