mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
“of course you are.” the words coming from her lips sound true, she was sure of it. and her glare is replaced with a smile. but the blonde original has always been sure her brother will only ever think of her as a child. something that kept her from telling him all that happened in her life. “perhaps once, when we were human. but now human is our sustenance.” she could only watch as he walked away, her face dropping momentarily, before re-assuming it’s shape. “how rude of you. maybe it’s what they asked for.”
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“Also, deers are better than people. And the list goes on,” he kept saying, taking notes on his sales notebook. Mikael chuckled, looking up at her with a small smile. “That makes sense. I myself put a box of nails on my christmas wishlist, but that was before I remembered I actually sell them,” he said, lacing his words with a playful tone. 
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
There he was, doing it again. Everything Scarlett did, everything she said was obviously wrong and he was convinced it was to spite him, even after she’d made it clear that everything he’d done to himself, to her, to their family had been forgiven a long time ago. “You clearly don’t know what forgiveness means,” she murmured, her voice laced with disappointment. “Once again: I wasn’t ‘throwing it in your face’, I was just saying that you cannot pretend with me. Don’t even think about it because I’m not buying it. Because I know you, every single version of you. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.” The whole situation made her realize her decision to stay away from him was the right one: they’d never see eye to eye, he’d never understand her. “Fine, whatever. I couldn’t care less what you do, just stay away from my club.” The woman mentally scolded herself for letting him get to her again, she definitely should’ve been more careful. “Are you deaf? Or simply not listening to me?” When she spoke again, her voice was completely flat. “I can’t tell you anything because I don’t know anything with certainty yet.”
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“I’m not pretending anything,” he said, his voice becoming a little louder than he had intended. But again, that’s what always happened when he was talking to his sister. “I never said you should forget what happened. Hell, I will never forget what happened. But I certainly don’t need to talk about it or have you talk about it, I already have to live with it every day.” Mikael took a step back, looking up at the sky for a few moments before he could look at her again. “But you know something,” he stated, putting his hands inside his pockets. “And although it’s not even certain, it was enough to scare you,” he kept saying, keeping his voice as low as possible. The original looked at her, trying to figure it out in his head. “It’s really bad, isn’t it?”, he concluded, more to himself than to her. “You have to tell me, Scarlett.”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
       rolling her eyes, the original fixes him with a teasing grin. “you’ll still be saying that in a century you know.” for a moment her hands glide over the hood wistfully, where would they be in a hundred years ?? moved on from here surely. still together ?? she couldn’t say. turning on her heels she follows mikael indoors, she doesn’t respond much to his offer besides a slight smile and nod of the head. she knows it’s disgusting to him, what they are, what they do. but etta’s way is the most humane in her eyes. nobody gets hurt, nobody suffers - not even tiny little bunnies. everything she drinks is willingly given. “i’ll take one to go.” she says softly, trying to spare her brother the discomfort of witnessing it. moving towards him, she pushes herself up on the counter besides the sink and sits back. “it was beautiful, c’mon i’m a genius when it comes to this stuff.” the blonde brags harmlessly. “you know if you ever decide to get hitched you have to let me plan it. i promise no flower sabotage, you can have all the boring dahlias you want.”
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“Of course not, I will have fixed it by then. Plus, in a century this car will be worth thousands of dollars, so think of that before you mock it,” he said, squeezing her nose lightly. Looking at his sister with soft eyes, Mikael smiled at her as she spoke. One of his eyebrows went up with her next words. “I think that would be pretty difficult, Etta,” he said, referring to the idea of him getting married, “but you still have three sisters, so there’s a great chance for you there,” he said playfully, crossing his arms over his chest.
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Scarlett made a face– she always did when she saw bits of herself in him. Of course, he’d turn the whole situation around. The best defense was a good offense. “I’m not going to apologize for telling the truth. Especially not because you not forgiving yourself yet is not a problem of mine. Just for the record– I forgave you for everything you’d done a long time ago. I was never going to constantly remind you but I’m not going to forget all about it just so you could feel better about yourself either.” Scarlett spat, shifting her gaze from him. Her frustration manifested itself in the way she ran her fingers through her hair. She was busted. And didn’t like him figuring it out one bit. “I can’t tell you anything right now. Especially not here, where someone could hear us!” She hissed at Mikael, only to be thrown off by his next comment. Ever since the movie came out, the younger original had considered her brother to be the uglier, less fun version of Benjamin Button– an old man trapped in a young body. “… So you go clubbing to entertain yourself now?”
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Mikael closed his eyes in frustration, a humorless laugh coming out of his mouth as he looked the other way, mimicking Scarlett without even realizing it. He didn’t want to face her; the day he turned his humanity back on and realized his sister had been with him during his darkest moments, he knew she would never let it go. It was his weakest spot and she held it against him; Mikael was never surprised at all. “You forgave me so you could throw it in my face. How nice of you, sister,” he said, his words dripping with sarcasm. His eyebrows went up when she hissed at him; she was definitely afraid of something. “Then come to my store right now and tell me, don’t stand there hissing like an angry cat,” he mocked. The original rolled his eyes at her enquiry. “What I do is none of your business, Scarlett.”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
While waiting for his reaction, the younger Ahlberg shifted her posture, folding arms across her chest, as if protecting herself. She wasn’t even aware round #26543 was about to begin. “Before you say anything else on the matter, before you go on explaining how you’re not a maniac and I’m trash who knows nothing, remember who was the only person who saw you at your worst.” It was always fun, really, recalling the good old days when Mikael wasn’t Mikael but yet, he was. The memories alone gave her imaginary headaches. “Oh, I’m sorry. Thank you, brother, for drawing so much attention to us. For practically drawing a target on your back also. Good job, indeed.”
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By the time the last sentence had left her lips, she had lost her cool. Her hands flew around as she explained and her breathing even picked up. For the first time in 1000 years, Scarlett feared for her life. As she had recently found out, the Originals could be killed. Not that she expected any of her siblings to be aware. “What are you doing up, anyway? It’s past 10pm.”
“Are you seriously going to bring that up? When did you sink so low?”, he asked defensively. Mikael did everything he could to forget what he had done, what he allowed himself to become in the past, and he failed. His memories haunted him, no matter what; he could avoid the nightmares by not sleeping, but there was no running away from his thoughts when he was awake. Mikael raised one eyebrow at Scarlett. “I understand your concern, I’m so fragile and killing me would be so simple and not at all impossible,” he said, his words filled with a mockish tone. Although he had been sarcastic, his sister did seem concerned, which made him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Now that was something he hadn’t seen in a thousand years; Scarlett being afraid of something. “What is it that scared you?”
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“I’m always up. I don’t sleep, don’t have to,” he replied simply, ignoring completely the mock in her words. Mikael wasn’t sure if his sister knew about his wandering around at night, and he wouldn’t bother to tell her. 
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
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“ stop squirming, this will be over quickly, i promise… i’ll be gentle— ” pressing the gauze soaked in cold saline solution, it turns from white to a deep CRIMSON hue as nimble digits caress the back of their neck to soothe the ache. “ ssh, it’s okay… almost done. ”
Mikael didn’t bother looking around or noticing anything that was happening as he rushed into the clinic, helping a teenage girl walk; as disoriented as she was, he doubted she noticed the immense wound on her neck. She had lost way too much blood, he could hear her heartbeat becoming slower by the minute; Mikael couldn’t risk feeding her with his own blood and turning her into a vampire. “Hey- I need help, her pulse is failing.”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Rosamund nodded along with him, still slotted into his side like a puzzle piece. “Only 5?” Rosamund smiled “I would have thought more. You seem to know the place well.” she gestured to the park with another of her coy smiles. “No, unfortunately.” She shrugged her thin shoulders gently as if they were talking about something as simple was weather. “I don’t have any family anywhere.”
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“Yeah, well, it’s not really a big town, is it? I walk around a lot at night,” he explained, not deepening the subject. Most of his daytime was spent at his store, his sisters’ houses or hunting animals in the woods; Mikael wasn’t exactly fond of being out there, talking and socializing. As they entered the park, the stranger they had left behind could no longer be seen; he slowly took his arm away, but remained close to her. Mikael didn’t look away, his expression somewhat softer than it was before. Hearing her words, the original cursed himself mentally for asking- after all this time, he should remember that rarely any average vampire had family. “Oh,” he said, “I’m sorry.”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
my big brother is a dragon. at night, he stands guard at my door. there is a monster with heavy footsteps who walks the hallway sometimes, and he wants to come in, but my brother won’t let him. my big brother is a dragon. when scary things come round at night, he turns them to ash and smoke. as if they never were. my big brother has wings. great, scaly things, they. he could fly anywhere in the world. to china. australia. the moon. but he won’t. my big brother stands guard at my door all night. because monsters taste better than moon rocks. and little sisters are more important than a whole county. or a continent. or a continent-that-is-also-a-country-that-is-also-a-continent. or the moon. the moon is not my big brother’s little sister. i am. and at night, when the footsteps walk the hallway, i’m not afraid. because my big brother stands guard at my door. and my big brother is a dragon.
nickallaurus (via mymouthisfullofstars)
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
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The blonde’s eyes narrowed at his words. To someone as selfish and self-preserving as she was, it was strange to Mary that someone would help a stranger just for the sake of it. Especially in a town like Devil’s Lake, who did live up to its name, whether the inhabitants knew it or not. “And you just ran here and helped a stranger just because?” A small scoff escaped her, even if she hadn’t meant it to. Maybe it was her own lack of faith in others that was in play, but her disbelief was obvious in her words. “Believe me, I know just how messed up this town is. After all, a hungry vampire just tried to make me their meal. I’m no one’s side course.” She had a sick sense of humor, that was for sure. “Before all that, do I get your real name or should I call you Bruce?”
Mikael crossed his arms over his chest once again, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the girl’s disbelief. “What was I supposed to do? Pretend I didn’t hear it? Is that what you would have done?”, he asked. The original had been alive for way too long; he knew better than to let the world turn him into a bad person. “There are many things in this town that would try to make you their meal. An average vampire is almost a sign of good luck,” he said. “I’m Mikael, and you are...?”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Turns out, it was her brother who finished the thought for her; yanking the annoying swine away from her. Finally free and able to breathe, she turned to witness Mikael threatening him. Who knew this version of her brother could come up with so many creative and nasty threats? Yet, there he was, acting as if she was completely incompetent and helpless. Causing a scene over nothing. In her club! (Anger wouldn’t let her acknowledge the feeling of gratitude yet) In a flash– Mikael was gone and for a long moment, Scar kept standing there, not daring to move an inch. Why couldn’t he stay away? They had a deal. Luckily for her, she couldn’t care less about all those humans–whether they’d noticed what happened or not. Just when she decided she would not go after him, she noticed his wallet lying on the floor. Dammit. Unaware of what she was doing, she grabbed it and hurried outside. “Well, it’s official: we really are related. You’re a goddamn maniac too!” Exclaimed the blonde, throwing the wallet at Mikael’s back.
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Feeling something hitting his back, Mikael turned around to face his sister. His eyes only went to the wallet on the floor for a moment before they found their way back to her face. The original scoffed at her words. “Is that your way of saying thank you? Because if it is, it sucks,” he mocked, crossing his arms over his chest. He hadn’t really expected Scarlett to be thankful; Mikael himself still wasn’t sure why he had done that. She didn’t need him, she hasn’t needed him a long time, and he knew that. He thought maybe some things would never change; his sisters were immortal, stronger than any living creature and didn’t need anyone’s protection, but his first instinct would always be to protect them, no matter what. Looking at Scarlett, he knew that he still resented her for their latest fight; the fact that she wanted him away from her was still a little more painful than he’d ever tell her. “ And I’m not a maniac, I just scared the hell out of him. He won’t bother anyone anymore, I made the world a better place. Won’t happen again. Now I can peacefully stay out of your way. ”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Mary glared at the other, standing up. Her wrist didn’t hurt anymore but she sure as hell was feeling bitter after not getting the payback she was due. A laugh escaped her as she shook her head, catching her breath only a few seconds after. Then, as fast as lightening, the grin on her lips disappeared. “You know, maybe you should get the full scoop before doing something, Batman.” The blonde began, taking a few steps towards the man. So, he was a vampire – bats drank blood too, it was a good nickname. Question was, why the hell would he help a stranger. Albeit, no her, but she was still confused. “They attacked me, I defended myself. The rest was just to teach them a lesson.”
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Batman? Mikael couldn’t help chuckling at the reference. She stepped closer to him, but the original didn’t make a single move as he stared down at her. Hearing her explanation, he felt his features softening a little. His confusion was replaced by a slight discomfort; he broke the wrist of a girl who was merely defending herself. Placing both his hands into his pockets, Mikael sighed. “I didn’t know. I just heard the screams and came, alright? This town is full of homicidal freaks, I wasn’t about to stop and ask what you were doing,” he said, looking her in the eyes. “I’m really sorry I hurt you. Can I- I don’t know, can I do anything at all to make it up to you?”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Although the screams of the vampire echoed in the dark alley, they hadn’t been the only ones. When the Heretic felt the bones in her wrist crack, just like the bones in the vampire that had been stupid enough to attack her, Mary couldn’t help the scream that escaped her throat; not as loud as the vampire’s she had been torturing but still loud enough. Falling to the ground, landing on her back, the blonde rolled over to her side and groaned in pain; however, not long after, her own bones healed. Mary was more annoyed than anything, really. Looking up at the man that had broken her wrist, Mary glared at him. “What the hell?” The blonde asked. “What did you do that for?” The half-witch asked, her voice showing just how annoyed and pissed off she was.
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Mikael crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the witch on the ground, trying to get some sense out of the situation. Feeling her scent, one that he was familiar with, the original was quick to figure out what she actually was. Mikael raised one eyebrow at her annoyance, but he kept standing there, not bothering to move at all. “You tell me. You were torturing someone in a dark alley, in the middle of the night.”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
“A pleasure to meet you Mikel.” Rosamund’s smile was unwavering, cool blue eyes focused up at him. She appeared both doe-like and snake-like at the same time. “Oh?” came the amused response. “I enjoy this town so i try and visit the town as often as i can.” Another chuckle “It’s an absolute shame we are only meeting until now.” She nodded then. “New enough. I came here a few months. Have you been here long?” she asked, continuing their stroll down a small paved path into the closest park. 
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Mikael looked back into her eyes, keeping his expression steady as she spoke. There was something about her he couldn’t put his finger on. “It most definitely is a shame,” he replied, barely noticing his arm still around her. “I’ve been here for five years now. My whole family lives here. Do you have any family in town?”
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
Last thing Mary had planned for her stay in Devil’s Lake was to make it obvious that she was an Heretic. For whoever had the unfortunate card dealt and had the pleasure of meeting her, she was merely a witch – powerful because she trained and not because of her own vampirism. That would be a story for another time; another century perhaps. Last thing she had planned for the night, however, was to be attacked by a stupid vampire, ready to make her their meal. “Not tonight, buddy.” Mary spoke, words poisonous as she used her magic to break every bone in his body. Their screams in pain, echoing in a deserted part of town in a alley that smelled more like death than anything else, actually brought some sort of satisfaction to Mary – almost as if she was hurting those that had hurt her. 
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The streets were awfully quiet; even when fully concentrating, Mikael couldn’t hear anything strange anywhere. As he made his way into the most desert part of town, the original could barely hear a single heartbeat and a few steps. Maybe there were no humans to be attacked, or maybe there were too many vampires walking around. Mikael decided he would not leave until the sun came up, just in case. He stood quietly in a dark corner, hearing nothing but silence- that is, until loud screams pierced through his ears. Although the vampire was startled, it didn’t take him more than a few seconds to get to the source of the noise. His eyes spotted a witch using her powers on someone that was on the floor, screaming in pain, and Mikael could hear their bones breaking. On a quick movement, he stepped behind her and broke her wrist, making a loud cracking sound. He pushed her to the ground, approaching the man not far away shortly after. The original could finally feel his scent, and as the poor bastard healed, he got up and ran off as fast as he could with some bones still broken. Mikael looked at him with a confused expression, and when he turned to look at the witch, he had the same face on.
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mmikaels-blog1 · 8 years
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“Leave.” The word came out sharply, irritation crossing Scarlett’s face. The man beside must have heard her, despite loud music blasting from the speakers. The club was crowded with people ready to have some fun, maybe even cause some trouble, stir some drama. Scarlett wasn’t ready, though: unexplained and sudden bitterness took over. “Leave.” She tried once more. The man, however, didn’t move. Oh, how she was going to rip hi–
Mikael had been patroling the streets for a while now, making sure no supernatural creatures made any victims that night; usually, that was enough to keep anything else away from his mind, but his latest fight with Scarlett had brought back way too much, like pouring salt on old wounds. He kept his attention focused, but more than every once in a while he would drift away. When he decided to move his patroling to a night club, Mikael barely noticed where he was walking in; it was only when he took the time to smell the place and look around that he realized it was his sister’s club. The original shook his head negatively, and he was ready to leave when a familiar voice echoed in his ears over the loud music. “Leave,” he heard her saying. He moved amongst the crowd, trying to find her. Once his eyes spotted Scarlett and a strange man sitting next to her, Mikael thought whether he should intervene or not - she had told him to stay out of her way, and it wasn’t like she couldn’t handle the situation by herself. Yet, the oldest original couldn’t bring himself to walk away. He stood there, his arms crossed over his chest and every fiber in his body telling him to do something about it. When the guy refused to leave her alone, Mikael scoffed; that was enough.
In the blink of an eye, he was behind the two of them, grabbing the stranger by his shoulders and throwing him against the wall on the other side of the room. A few people stopped what they were doing to watch the scene, but the original barely noticed; usually, he would try to not attract so much attention, but the stranger had caught him on a particularly bad time. Pulling the man by the collar of his shirt, Mikael allowed the veins under his eyes to show and his fangs came out. “In case no one ever told you this, when a woman tells you to leave, you leave. Now, if I see you as much as looking at her again, I will put my hand down your throat and rip out your stomach. Are we clear?”, he growled. The vampire let go of the man, who ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could. Noticing the crowd that whispered and stared at him, Mikael adjusted his own shirt and stormed out, not looking back at Scarlett. No one would believe anything those people said, anyway.
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