Analysis Of A Golf Swing
18 posts
Matthew Geurten. Melissa Skuy. Delfina Gagliardi. Jessica Ratynski.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
The golf swing is a biomechanically complex skill that changes dramatically throughout the course of one’s developmental process. We can observe similar patterns of movements in other sports such as hockey and lacrosse, however golf requires complex aligned movements for a full swing and accurate execution. The objective of the golf swing is to hit the golf ball with the greatest distance possible and the ability to shape the ball with regards to the location to the target. As children develop into young adults and adults develop into older adults, multiple variations can be observed between the age groups while executing the golf swing. Individual changes must be accounted for with regards to the progression of the golf swing, as everyone develops at a different pace. Some of these changes include socio-economic factors, height and weight.
Throughout this Tumblr page, we will showcase a cross sectional analysis of five individuals in their different stages of development. These stages include: (1) early childhood, (2) later childhood, (3) adolescence and (4) older adulthood. Moreover, we will analyze the impacts of (5) amputation on the execution of the golf swing. Each analysis will be broken down into the preparation phase (address), execution phase (backswing and downswing) and follow-up (following through) phase of golf. The analysis can be observed in the following descriptions and videos below.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
“Of all hazards, fear is the worst.”- Sam Snead
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
The video above depicts a brief analysis of a 5-year-old boy performing a golf swing. Although process measures vary from each golf swing, the child exhibits most of the typical swing characteristics of a beginner. Such characteristics can be observed between the phases previously mentioned (preparation phase, execution phase and follow through phase). In the preparatory phase we see that the child’s stance is already too narrow. In golf, if the stance is too narrow, the golfer lacks stability and balance which we will see in the follow through phase 1. This position prevents the full use of the leg drive as a source of power to produce lateral movements of the hip and lower torso. The child must learn how to relax in order to have a balanced stance with the center of gravity right above his stance. In the preparatory phase, we also see almost no slight flexion of the knees. This will hinder his ability to produce greater torso rotation leading to a decrease in power 1. The child correctly had a straight back which allows rotation of the trunk. However it was too straight, as his weight is positioned too far back. Just as he is about to hit the ball with the swing, we see that the head is not directly over the ball (product of having a back that is too straight), which would be the correct way to approach a swing for accuracy. In the execution phase we can see the backswing and downswing. In order to execute a proper backswing, an individual must stay within their swing plane and foot weight must shift laterally. We see that as the arms are extending for a backswing movement the left leg leaves the proper stance, something we can see in early golf swings. He was not able to properly coil his shoulders and extend his arms - he approached it more like a slapshot in hockey rather than as a golf swing. As the execution phase continues into the downswing, we should be able to see the mirror image of the wind-up of the backswing falling into a downswing. In this downswing, hips should be rotating to allow weight transfer. We do not see this rotation at all. In the follow through phase, we see the head; a body part that has not moved through the entire swing- begin to rotate with the rotation of the hips and the momentum of the swing. It is important to keep in mind that as the child ages, certain techniques will develop that will make the swing more proficient, such as the incorporation of the stretch reflex principle for a greater drive. It is also important to keep in mind Karl Newell’s model of constraints when it comes to task, environmental and individual constraints. The child may be using a swing that is too large for him, which hinders proper rotation and alignment of the swing, posing as a task constraint.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
“Success in this game depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character.” - Arnold Palmer
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
The video above depicts an 11-year-old female executing a golf swing. She shows intermediate swinging ability. In the preparatory phase, she has a slight bend in her knees, which allows for increased torso rotation and for her to gradually absorb force when eventually following through 1. Her center of gravity is just above her base of support and her feet are shoulder width apart, thus enhancing her stability. She is in an upright position, allowing for more motion in her trunk 1. Her head is positioned directly behind the ball, and her hips are facing forward, generating an upright swing 1.
In the backswing, the golfer typically tries to establish a position that can generate the most power. With the hands and shoulders working together in one motion, the golfer’s weight shifts laterally from the front foot to the back foot, which should increase left hip rotation and ultimately turn the pelvis away from the ball. The girl, however, exhibits little trunk rotation due to the loss of the spine angle and does not exemplify any pelvic rotation. Moreover, the left arm should be straight and the right should be bent, however both her arms are bent, therefore her hands will lead the downswing. In an elite level golf swing, the shoulder should rotate at the top of the backswing, with the hands high and the left arm extended, however this is not exemplified 1. Furthermore, with no energy generated in her hips, shoulders, arms, and hands they cannot operate in the correct chain of movement 1. In the next phase, the downswing starts with hip rotation, progressing to lateral weight transfer from the back foot to the front foot 1. The golfer does not transfer her weight, but rather simply turns her back foot to face forward. At this point in the swing, the Reaction law occurs, whereby after turning the hips, the upper body unwinds, which is followed by the flow of the shoulders, arms, and hands 1. As the golfer follows through, and the club reaches the ball, the left quadriceps muscle is contracting completely 2. Then, the shoulder and back muscles contract isometrically, letting the hands go past the chest, ultimately accelerating the club through the downswing motion 2. As the club continues through in the swing, momentum continues until the follow through is complete.
In the video, it is evident that the girl does not have a full downswing consisting of the above mentioned chain, and since her arms lead the swing with little shoulder use, she is unable to exhibit strength in her downswing. During the follow through, and as shown in the video, the right arm should rotate, with the right-hand climbing over the left, and the head turning forwards 1. Unlike early childhood golfers where there is no lateral shift of weight from the front foot to the back foot, later childhood golfers exemplify this critical aspect of the golf swing, which serves to increase the momentum generated in the backswing.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
“I have never learned anything from a match that I won.” - Bobby Jones
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
Portrayed above is an 18-year-old female athlete executing a golf swing. As we notice the transition from a young to older female, the traits, which make the golf swing proficient, truly become evident.
Starting off with the analysis of the stance, the female golfer displays ideal placement of the feet, shoulder width apart, with weight evenly distributed on both feet 1. She is aligned with the ball thus establishing static and dynamic balance 1. The knees are slightly flexed, hips are slightly rotated forward, and shoulders are parallel to the target line 2. Her head is positioned directly behind the ball, allowing for full eye contact with the ball. She is using an interlocking grip allowing her to have more control over the clubface, granting the club to hinge/unhinge during the swing 1. In addition, she needs to generate more power in the legs and core.      
With regards to the backswing, she properly stretches her muscles and joints that are responsible for generating the ultimate power 2. As the weight is moved to the back foot, lateral rotation at the left hip turns the pelvis away from the target 2. Her left elbow is extending, while her right arm is abducted 1. By taking the club past parallel, she loses her spine angle, thus executing a “reverse C” which takes one’s body out of alignment, causing a possible two way miss 1.
During the downswing, she returns the club to the ball in the correct plane with maximal velocity 1. Her hip begins to rotate and trunk muscles initiate the downswing, with the right arm adducting and elbow extending 2. She takes into consideration Newton’s Third Law, which provides more range of motion in the force phase of the movement thus enhancing muscle stretch 1. Contractile forces of the muscles increase and elastic tissue recoils easily 1. This means greater club head speed and increased distance in the shot. At impact, the wrist straightens, also referred to as uncocking of the wrist 1. She prevents major flaws observed during the execution of the golf swing. Without the forward shaft lean, she experiences inconsistent contact with the golf ball resulting in thin or fat shots 1.
For the follow through, she decelerates the body and club by using eccentric muscle actions 2. Her hands and wrists follow the plane of the swing; meanwhile her postural stability is maintained, allowing the swing to be completed in a balanced position. Her stance was wide enough, enabling her to finish strong and not lose balance 1.
It should be clear that movement occurs sequentially, starting from the largest body segments, progressing to the smallest. This concept is paralleled to the principle of kinetic chain link 2. The athlete above faces minimal constraints due to their closed environment and ideal size. Additionally, unlike the previous video, this individual is able to sequence the movements better. Finally, it is evident that there is better pelvic and trunk rotation, thus a fuller swing is executed 1.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the ball where it lies.” - Bobby Jones
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
The above video depicts the execution of a golf swing by a 60 year old individual.  Starting with address, we see a good base of support. The legs are shoulder width apart with slight flexion in the knees, allowing for the weight to be evenly distributed. The out-toeing of the feet will allow for greater rotation of the lower body, which will allow the individual to generate greater power. His head is positioned slightly behind the ball, enabling the individual an easier transition into the backswing. The individual also maintains a neutral grip which will allow the player to shape the ball more readily.
As he initiates the backswing, the hands and arms begin to move in sequence while the upper torso begins to rotate.  The individual will move off the ball rotating the lower body, while keeping the hips level. As the body rotates he maintains his spine angle through the backswing, allowing the club to stay on the proper plane. At the top of the backswing his left arm stays straight, while the right arm will bend and move under the left. This movement encourages the wrists to set at the top of the swing and assists in a full rotation of the upper body. The majority of the weight is now on the inside of the left foot, which enables the individual to push through the ground when they initiate the downswing. One adjustment the individual can make on their backswing would be to increase their shoulder rotation and try to bring the club to parallel, since this will increase their X-Factor (the angle between the rotation of the lower and the upper body), permitting the individual to generate more clubhead speed.
As he initiates the downswing, the individual is able to push off with his back foot and move into the ball.  The hips begin to clear, transferring the weight from the right foot to the left.  The upper torso begins to unwind as the arms and hands lag behind, until the club is parallel with the ground. At impact, the left hip has been completely cleared out of the way and the chest has begun to open up to the target. He keeps his head behind the ball, straightening up the left side of his body as the right side continues to move forward. As he moves through the hitting zone the hands are ahead of the ball, creating a forward shaft lean, causing the right wrist to flex and flattening out the left.
In the follow through, both arms are fully extended as the right arm continues to roll over the left. The hips have fully rotated through the impact zone and are now facing the intended target along with the shoulders.
This is would not be a typical swing seen in older adults. Most individuals in this age group lack the ability to complete a full rotation in the hips and upper body, causing inconsistencies when it comes to making contact with the ball.
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” - Arnold Palmer
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
Throughout our Growth and Development course we have been able to analyze and understand typical development of individuals, but most importantly been able to appreciate atypical development. An amputee is not exactly atypical development, but it is a biomechanical disadvantage that causes the body to adjust to certain movements. The above video demonstrates a below-the-knee amputee demonstrating his golf swing. Below the knee amputations is also known as transtibial amputations. Knee rotation is very important in the golf swing, something that amputees are unable to do. Starting with the preparation phase we see a regular set-up where feet are shoulder width apart and shoulders are squared. However, his left wrist is slightly over-flexed opening the clubface. With regards to the execution phase, due to his condition he is unable to maintain stable balance causing his left foot to slip. With his back leg he is not able to get proper hip rotation and knee flexion, causing a loss of power in the follow through phase. While we see some phases done incorrectly due to his condition, we can still appreciate a skill being executed regardless of the disadvantages. 3
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mmdjsquad-blog · 8 years ago
Overall, it is evident that human growth and development introduces an abundance of anatomical changes that occur throughout one’s lifespan. Ultimately, these changes alter how motor skills are executed. The videos and descriptions above emphasize the delicate differences that are apparent in the golf swing execution at various growth stages, and allow us to have an in-depth understanding of the golf swing, as well as craft a cross-sectional analysis of the changes that take place over the course of the lifespan. As we have just witnessed in the above videos, there are several key changes that occur during the golf swing, and in young childhood we see the most discrepancies, particularly due to their smaller size. Some of these discrepancies include lack of pelvic rotation, knee flexion, and hip rotation. Additionally, younger children lack coordination and balance, however throughout the process of motor development, these abilities are greatly enhanced. Upon reaching older adulthood, there is decreased flexibility, and this directly impacts motor performance, especially in the golf swing, as older adults cannot execute a complete follow through after the downswing phase. However, this was not apparent in the videoed older adult. It is also vital to note the importance of Newell’s Model of Constraints, which highlights the task, individual, and environmental constraints that impact the motor developmental process . Constraints discourage certain movements, while permitting other movements. The five videos displayed illustrate the intricate relationship between such constraints, ultimately shaping the execution of the golf swing at various points in human development 4. When we look at individuals with knee amputations, for example, their performance is limited as they have minimal range of motion in the knee, which is an instrumental joint to the execution of the golf swing. Furthermore, when studying human growth and development, it is vital to consider these conditions when assessing motor development and how such development impacts skill capacity and capability.
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