mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, I went to the foundation to volunteer. My task was to arrange tons of notebooks in a cupboard from the boxes that can be seen on the attached photo. It was pretty satisfying to arrange the notebooks. When I finished I had to look for computers on the internet and places with computers in Warsaw which you can rent. This is needed for a workshop that is going to happen soon. My final task was to search for hotels for their kayaking trip in the summer. Helping at the foundation makes me feel needed and important because I can provide support and complete small actions that make a different in the world. It took me 6 hours.
LO: 1,2,3,4,6,7
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, I went for another walk, which took around an hour. I covered over 4 km. It was a very nice day, the air was fresh and I needed to take a break from the screen and give my body a stretch. Exercise is so important when staying at home all day and having a sedimentary life style.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today I baked some chocolate chip cookies with my sister. We created the recipe ourselves so it was a total experiment and they did not turn our perfect, but we are aware of our mistakes so we exactly know what can be improved next time. it took me 2 hours.
LO: 1,2,3,4,5
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, I was at the foundation and my task was to search for some household items on the internet. Then I was asked to write a brief regarding a new project with PEPCO, I also had to create a name for this project and explain what is going to be done as part of the project. Finally, I also had to create a word document with a motivational exercise that could be used during various workshops. The atmosphere at the foundation was as always wonderful and very supportive and positive. I am really good at searching the internet and looking for household items already because I have so much experience. It took me 4 hours.
LO: 1,2,3,6,7
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today I went for a walk with my friend. We were walking for around and hour but we chose a route full of mud because it was raining during the day. We were pretty discontent with the conditions in which we had to walk but it was a very efficiently and actively spent time.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Soon it is going to be my friends birthday and she loves axolotls. Therefore, I had this wild idea of sewing her an axolotl plushie. I followed a tutorial on youtube, so I thought I would not have mamy issues during the process. Unfortunately, I came a cross some obstacles. The first one was that my felt was a bit too stiff so the axolotl was not soft enough. The second one was that it was pretty thick too so I needed a lot of force to push the needle through it and it was especially hard to saw three layers of felt together. Furthermore, I have cut out slightly too small pieces and when I had to turn the axolotl inside out it started to look a bit strange. It was my first time doing such a creative task so I dod not expect it to turn out perfect, but I know that with more practice I will be able to make such items ideally. It took me 5 hours to make it.
LO: 1,2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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For lunch I made a savory dish, which was spaghetti with tofu and vegetables. It is a vegeterian dish because I am trying to limit my carbon doktorant by reducing my consumption of meat products. Making such dishes is very easy and allows me to be creative with the vegetables and the source of proteins. I can experiment with different flavours and textures. Plus I enjoy cooking and creating something out of nothing. This lunch took me half an hour to make.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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I completed a cardio and stomach muscles workout which took me a little bit over half an hour. I had a longer break from doing cardio so I experienced being a bit more tired than usually, however I still would say that it was a good and effective workout that allowed me to move my body and work on my stamina and muscle strength.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, I helped my sister study for her English test from the unit of Fashion. I shared my tips on effective studying with her and thought her how to study individually because this will be useful for her in the future. I also had to be considerate and not give her any too difficult examples for practicing the passive voice because she is not on the same level as I am. This time was beneficial for my sister and allowed me to master my skills of patience and empathy. This took me an hour.
LO: 1,2,3,4,5
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today I went for a 1,5 hour walk and covered nearly 4 km. During my walk I was enjoying the streets that were covered with snow and I was listening to a podcast about mental health. I wasn’t focused on walking fast because I wanted to enjoy myself and the views around me. I think that this activity really allowed me to enjoy the fresh air, nature and the perks of physical activity.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today I made mini pizzas for lunch for my entire family. I made the dough from a recipe from my grandmother, rolled the dough out and started cutting out little pieces of it. It was a quite difficult task because the dough kept sticking to everything. Then I added tomato sauce and could be creative with the toppings. I decided to make some fun images or faces using some mushrooms, bell peppers and corn. It was very fun to make all of these faces and express myself through cooking. On one pizza I even made a white eagle in a red scarf and on another one i made a butterfly. The pizzas looked a bit worse after baking because the faces were not so visible in comparison to before baking. nevertheless they still tasted delicious. This whole process took 3 hours.
LO: 1,2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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For this service activity I helped my sister with her English homework. She had a lot of work to do during the winter break and she did not understand the task and the new vocabulary that they were learning so I offered to help her, as a good older sister should do. It took us an hour to go through the exercises and we also revised some older chapters so that she is updated with her material and this took us another hour.
LO: 2,3,4,5
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today my sister, my cousins and I made gingerbread cookies once again. We made them to have them for christmas. We added a lot of cocoa to the dough to make it darker. The dough was delicious and the cookies didn’t get hard even after some time has passed which is a great accomplishment. The family loved them and all of them were gone during christmas eve. It took us 4 hours to make and decorate them using colorful icing pens, sprinkles and sugar icing.
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, one of my supervisors from the Foundation called me and asked me to make a list of some food products that do not need a fridge and some hygiene products for their Atalaya christmas market. I felt very honored that it was me who was asked to do this because it was a special task and I put my entire heart and filled the list very diligently. It took me an hour.
LO: 1,2,3,4,6,7
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today after I finished my classes I was very tired but I still had a lot of homework and I had to finish writing my TOK essay so I knew that I couldn’t let myself succumb to exhaustion so I decided to go for a walk because I knew that fresh air would help me to focus on my responsibilities. I went for a 1,5 hour walk and covered over 6 km. I listened to classical music and to my favorite podcast which allowed me to rest and unwind after a full day of online school.
LO: 2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today, I went to visit my friend and we baked some gingerbread cookies. It was a new recipe that we have tried out and we had to double the recipe because we wanted to make twice as much of the cookies as was expected from one portion of the dough. When cookies were ready we decorated them in a festive and colorful way. It allowed us to be creative because we had three packets of different sprinkles, two packs of colorful icing pens, coconut shreds, dried fruits, nuts, honey, icing and even food dye. We had a lot of fun and created diverse cookies that turned out delicious. Everything took 4 hours.
LO: 1,2,3,4
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mmajewskacas · 4 years
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Today I went for a long walk. It took me over an hour and I managed to cover nearly six kilometers. My pace was quite fast because I enjoy a rapid walk.
LO: 2,3,4
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