mm-nani-fics · 1 day
PLEASE write something cute and fluffy for Kunessi (doesn’t have to be long) where despite Kun’s retirement Leo jokes about now having Kun all to himself
Anyhow here is what I actually wrote and i thought it was appropriate to unleash this upon the kunessi girlies going through it during the WC
Title: Things may end
Pairing: Kunessi
Paris is noisy. Well technically he’s still in the airport because there is some delay in getting his car rental. But the airport is noisy and there’s 5 pages of French gibberish between him and his car. There’s an English copy but it’s barely any more helpful. He still clicks a few photos of the pages and texts it to Joe Hart with no more context than a ‘?’ after – it’s a habit he’d picked up in Manchester, when they were both in Manchester and the English were a constant source of conundrum in Kun’s life.
Finally, an out of breath airline hostess rushes into the tiny little office he’s sitting in with the hateful scraps of papers in his hands. She introduces herself and says the magic words, ‘I can translate.’
Paris is still noisy when Leo texts him.
‘mi amor,’ it says, ‘how do you get stuck in an airport 🤣’
Kun ignores it, mood souring even more. He should have just taken a taxi then and revealed Leo’s residence to the no doubt curious driver. Information like that will fetch a good price even. And he could even use the income. He doesn’t really understand the investment and dividends that Masche’s broker keeps sending him e-mails about but something about selling Leo’s private data feels like an honest, tangible barter.
Besides, it would serve that smug bastard right. Kun can fund his trip and take revenge in one fell swoop.
But if he would allow himself some honesty, he’s annoyed because he’s ruined his own surprise. Surprised delight is a good look on Leo, for a man who has so much, it’s endearing the way Leo lights up with even the littlest thing Kun does. And if he’s being really honest, he’s here in this foreign land he doesn’t know very well, in search of the one place he can call home. To flood the darkness growing inside him, stall it for the few days that Leo has to spare.
His phone buzzes.
Vehicle you booked out of order. Refund will be in your bank acc in 3-5 business days
Too late, he thinks. It’s too late.
The hostess already told him.
He knows there’s no car waiting for him.
He bounces his leg idly. He’d always thought it would be that. His leg. Everyone fears for their legs or even shoulders, head even. Every injury is an abyss that one must cross blind, not knowing what form you’ll emerge with on the other side. And people have held his hand through them, till he’s emerged on that other side, changed but adapting, compensating for a weak right ankle, a creaky knee, speed with strength, strength with instinct.
There’s a tight feeling in his chest.
His heart.
There are hands clutched in his but there’s no shoreline in sight.
So how long can he hope for them to hold him.
His phone buzzes.
‘I’m in the garage near terminal B’
Is it selfish? To need a spotlight. To need a beacon to guide him home?
He swings the not-a-gym bag overnighter over his shoulder and starts walking. Bitterly, he thinks it doesn’t matter. Lights aren’t always bright in the way signs aren’t always clear and airline translators have more customers than just him to serve.
Turns twists escalators, the chill of the airport. The sheen of a car belonging to a rich asshole.
The windows roll down to reveal the smile of a dear friend.
‘It’s good to see you carino.’ Leo says as he emerges from the car, pulls him in for a hug. And when they finally separate, Leo stretches out a hand, waiting for him to put his bag in them.
The tightness in Kun’s chest unfurls.
And in his chest - a little worse for the wear though it may be - his heart beats.
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mm-nani-fics · 7 days
joongkhaotung [nonsexual?] puppy play
“P’Khaotung do you want to come upstairs?”
The question is superfluous, he’s already parked in his apartment’s garage. But Khaotung doesn’t move until he asks. Khaotung’s response is to slowly amble out of the car and entirely wordlessly follow Joong to the elevators.
Joong gets to look at him in the elevator, likes how they stand nearly at height but Khaotung still somehow manages to look tiny and cute in his oversized shirt, lips pursed in thought as he plays with his sleeves, ignoring Joong.
‘Just like picking up a stray,’ Joong thinks, as Khaotung falls in step behind him on their way to his apartment. Khaotung hands Joong his bag and takes off his shoes but otherwise doesn’t move from the entryway, not until Joong has brought back his collar.
Khaotung finally looks at him when he’s fastened the buckle of the simple black leather band around his neck. He undresses Khaotung with slow, lingering touches and whispers the little ‘sit’ in reverence when he’s done.
Khaotung drops to his knees immediately, leans into Joong when he pats his soft hair, “there, there pup. You did good today.” Khaotung whines a little in his throat then crawls on his hands and knees to follow Joong into the house. He stops and whines when Joong picks up his controller. 
Joong drops it immediately. Khaotung might have said that he’s happy going along with whatever Joong does in his house when they do this but it’s become fairly obvious that there’s only a few activities that Khaotung finds actually relaxing.
“Come boy,” He says, “Let’s make dinner.” Khaotung follows him, still crawling across Joong’s spotless floors and climbs onto one of the dining room chairs with his knees folded and feet up on the seat. Joong only allows himself glimpses of Khaotung when he’s like this, relaxing in his house, naked as the day he was born. It’s difficult to know how much he’s allowed to stare. 
But just these glimpses are - they’re already fairly rewarding. There’s an easy, lazy expression on Khaotung’s face as he watches him work. The lines of Khaotung’s biceps are sharp from the strain of holding his knees up on the chair. Joong runs his hand through Khaotung’s hair, enjoys the pleased little smile it evokes especially when he ends the gesture with gentle scratches behind his ear.
Joong brings out his tablet and sets it on the table in front of Khaotung. The FaceID unlocks the tablet for Khaotung and he immediately clicks through to the bird catching game meant for actual cats. Joong had downloaded it as a joke, fully expecting Khaotung to play one of the games meant for people but he’d seemed delighted at Joong’s foresight and had happily tapped the birds with his nose.
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mm-nani-fics · 8 days
ah this is truly such a wonderful response to my ask which was about *you* being a brilliant writer who I've been blessed with <3 I'm only a third of the way through and ICNDY is amazing and heartfelt and just very cohesive in terms of the way the characters act and the story flows using a generous amount of real life incidences between FK I feel really honored that I've played some part in making your fandom life fun and more relaxed. I'm so glad you owned up to being the author because everyone should know its you!! Also you're fine in regards to commenting. I actually noticed your username in my kudos long before you followed me here because I would see it fairly consistently and every time I say something funny like there's four people invested in my writing that number generally includes you hahahaha You've really made my day too. I am looking forward to rest of ICNDY and anything else you release (I'm just as slow a reader as I'm a writer though so slfjdldjglsdjg don't feel discouraged if you don't hear from me soon)
Okay can I just say that I have had I could never deny you marked since some people tagged one of my fk meta posts with oh this sounds like icndy and I just I am losing my mind that you for writing everything inside my heart your fic has changed my life I am so happy right now reading it
Okay but oh my god you are literally my FK writing HERO???? I actually just screamed when I saw this in my inbox and now I'm shaking as I'm writing this reply I can't believe you are reading ***my*** fic???? Every FK fic I write (okay I've only posted the one but I have like 1000 WIPs) is so, so deeply inspired by all of your amazing FK writing?!? Also, literally, you were the very first blog I followed here on tumblr when I joined last fall (specifically to get into the fk/only friends fandom)!! I'm sorry I probably haven't kudos-ed/commented on most of your FK fics yet because I was still quite scared of admitting to reading/writing RPF when I started ICNDY T.T (I posted it anonymously at first). But you've always had such an incredibly chill and level-headed mindset toward it, which helped me feel less shame and be less worried about harassment <3 Now that I'm more chill about it I plan to go back and comment on all my favorite FK fics once ICNDY is done and I allow myself to actually read again T.T
Anyway sorry this turned into my fandom life story but you have actually helped shape every aspect of my FK fandom experience so.... I think this might be the best day of my life.
I hope you enjoy the rest of ICNDY!! And the last chapter will be out next week (excluding the epilogues of course. and the sequel...) I'm going to go scream into a pillow <3
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mm-nani-fics · 8 days
[untitled surreal fk]
trying to write a fic in kind of an experimental style and....my god my vocabulary for spatial descriptions is truly abysmal askfjdfhdk lets not talk about how many times the thesaurus had to be consulted to write the following:
First meets Khaotung at the end of the world. But it’s not actually the end of the world, even though it certainly feels like it, and it’s not Khaotung. Well, it is Khaotung but First still doesn’t know. He won’t find out for another two days. Right this moment, Khaotung is just a boy– albeit one that immediately catches his eyes– browsing through the meager selection of fruits at the farm stand where First has stopped for a smoke. And a banana. The boy picks a bruised orange, the least bruised orange in the lot of mostly bruised oranges and brings it to the table right in front of First’s. There are only three tables surrounding the dilapidated farmstand, a relic of it’s rich and boisterous history of fresh goods and clamoring patrons. Now there’s only First and-not yet- Khaotung chewing idly on their fruits sitting on dusty and wobbling plastic chairs, mostly not looking at each other. Well First is mostly not looking, the boy though is staring directly at him. First looks just enough to notice.
I'll release a real preview when I've written out the first chapter (if I ever do 😭)
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mm-nani-fics · 1 month
First Kanaphan Kissing Booth
Hello, hello! This fic is inspired by @khaopybara's absolutely brilliant gifset from the even more brilliant gmm's men kissing men gifset series which in turn is inspired by @ranchthoughts amazing kissing multiverse analysis. Overjoyed, by the findings that my slut trio took gold, silver AND bronze I have been floating on cloud nine ever since and then khaopybara included hoefirst threeway kiss in her set and my fate was sealed. Look away if you don't like RPF! You have your warning and I'm not responsible for you reading beyond this point.
Title: the First Kanaphan kissing booth Rating: Teen and Up Pairing: FirstNamtan ; FirstBright; eventual FirstKhaotung endgame Status: Incomplete! But!! You can help! Do you ALSO have people you wished First kissed but hasn't? Please let me know such that I can include it!!!! Right now I'm planning to include Earth, Tay and perhaps Jennie (I really don't know which of the GMM ladies First is close to)
When First gets roped into picking up a shift at the kissing booth for his faculty’s fundraiser, he hadn’t really thought that he would be the one kissing anyone.
For you see, there are several, in his opinion, way cuter-than-him cats there, sitting and dozing in little baskets meant to be the stars of the show.
But suddenly there’s a looming presence that’s blocking the sun from his line of sight and he looks up to be met with the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen in his life. She’s not from his faculty but she’s a cheerleader, he’s seen those piercing eyes with perfect winged eyeliner many times before, often his friends talking about her pictures on socials.
“Hey,” She says and First can’t say that he’s completely unaffected by the confidence in her tone, like she’s someone who’s used to getting her way, “How much is it to kiss you?” First’s heart starts beating a little faster but after a few moments of staring at her in shock he has enough presence of mind to stutter out a little, “I’m not part of the menu.” He remembers her name mid sentence and there’s an awkward pause before he very respectfully adds, “P’Namtan”
She rolls her eyes but she’s speaking much gentler than she was before, “I know I can read. That’s why I asked you the price.”
First doesn’t really know why, but he does know that when beautiful women ask you to do something, you should do it. At least this is what his friend Neo keeps telling him and he’s never found a reason to question him. But it turns out he has many questions about this logic. 
None that matters to her though as Namtan starts tapping her finger against the table restlessly. It’s not helping First decide what to do but he doesn’t think she’s conscious of doing it either. He starts stuttering again and scratching his head as he starts reasoning out a price. Namtan stops him with long, delicate fingers on his chin, then slowly leans forward, with enough time for him to pull away, and kisses his cheek.
“So? How much do you think that was worth?”
First feels like all he’s done during this exchange is stare and ramble unintelligible phrases. He figures that if this was Neo, he would say something a lot smoother like ‘it’s priceless’ but the only thing he’s capable of saying is.”
“But am I not supposed to be kissing you?”
Namtan grins and there’s a mischievous look in her eyes as she leans slightly towards him.
“Huh?” She says tilting her head, “I suppose you are.”
If kissing a cat is 50 baht then surely he must be worth at least 200 right?
He doesn’t quite include his services into the menu card displayed in the front of their tent but word spreads and there’s several people who come in the next hour to be bestowed with his kisses. 
He’s turning a profit much higher than any of the previous shifts had and he can’t help feeling a little proud about it. At this rate he will have beaten Big Ben as their highest earner in a few hours.
Suddenly there’s a 1000 baht note in front of him.
“P’Bright!” He exclaims when he notices that devilishly handsome face. But Bright doesn’t have that kind, patient smile he always reserves for First and his myriad awkward antics. First doesn’t know what exactly he’s feeling right now but the intense look in Bright’s eyes has a nervous warmth spread through his chest. 
“Ah! I can make change for that, go ahead.” He says as he gestures towards the cats. “Somporn seems to be a little tired, if you kiss him make it quick or he might swat at you.”
“I’m not here to kiss the cats.” Bright says and doesn’t elaborate further but the easy smile on his face as he checks out First, has that same warmth from before prickle down First’s neck and pool low in his belly.
“Oh.” He says and twiddles his fingers. His cheeks flare up and he suddenly can’t look his beloved senior in the eyes anymore as he stutters out a little, “How-how many?”
“Just the one.”
First nods and reaches for their little money till, still feeling like his whole body is on fire, when Bright’s hand comes down over his to stop him from opening the box. When he looks up, he gasps from how close Bright suddenly is.
“Nong Fir.” Bright says and his whole body is filled with sparks, his hand clasped in Bright’s starting to get clammy. Bright taps his own lips and says, “Do you object?”
To his own surprise, First shakes his head and then he’s being pulled forward by their joined hands, Bright’s free hand snaking around his waist. He has never appreciated fully just how firm or solid Bright’s chest is until now that he’s laid his palms flat on it, truly focused on how it feels to be this close to Bright now that his eyes are closed waiting for Bright to close the distance between them.
Their lips meet softly, a gentle brush that slots them together. And only a few seconds pass before Bright is pulling back with a little nibble on his bottom lip. He makes the mistake of opening his eyes so he can see Bright’s lashes fanned across his cheeks up close and surely First thinks that 1000 baht should get Bright a longer kiss.
But before he can make that point, there’s a little scream at the entrance of the tent. It startles them both and they quickly let go of each other, to put some distance between them.
There’s someone who appears to be Ciize, now unconscious and being held up by Khaotung. There’s an inscrutable look on Khaotung’s face and he’s looking at them with an eyebrow raised. It’s not a bad look and Khaotung doesn’t say anything as he pulls Ciize to sit on a chair. He get a water bottle out and wets a napkin from their booth’s supplies and puts it to her forehead.
“Don’t worry about it.” Khaotung says, when Bright moves forward to help him, “It’s heatstroke. She’s nearly fainted once already, that's why we’re here. Sorry to interrupt.” First can’t find anything wrong with what Khaotung said or even how he’d said it but there’s something about the way that Khaotung is yet to acknowledge him, can’t even be bothered to spare a glance, that his heart sinks. 
He feels like he should apologize but Khaotung hasn’t asked for any such thing and if he were to really think about it then he really doesn’t know what he would be apologizing for either. First stays paralyzed at his spot while Bright is crouched in front of Ciize with Khaotung. When she finally stirs, Bright says something comforting to her that makes her blush and Khaotung look, for just a moment, sour.
Bright comes back to First and brushes a hand against First’s back, ‘I'd better be off. See you around Nong Fir.” He finishes with a wink before walking out of the tent.
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mm-nani-fics · 2 months
RPF Fic: Khaotung's No Good Very Bad Night Out (Excerpt)
Hello if anyone knows boner fic then...well I had once started writing a sequel which is the same story from Khaotung's POV we haven't actually gotten to the night out part in this excerpt but its still cutesy best friend assery and I thought I'd let it air outside my docs wip graveyard Rated PG for Khaotung essentially being in horny jail this whole fic
It hits him like a ton of bricks
First’s big, glistening eyes, the distraught in them and the silent plea as he looks back at Khaotung.
How many times has Khaotung seen this very sight before? First knows exactly how big he can make his eyes and how effective it is in getting him absolutely anything. 
From Khaotung or otherwise.
But something about seeing it an inch from his own face after having tasted First’s lips and telling him what he means to him - even if it was as Ayan to Akk - somewhere in the space between his ribcage the words ring true and entirely short circuits Khaotung’s brain. Akk and Ayan’s first kiss, wonderfully romantic and tempered with the doubts and terror of a teenage boy falling in love with another teenage boy…
…and all Khaotung can think about in that moment are various scenarios of First looking up at him just like that, wide eyes thoroughly wronged but begging for it, while Khaotung holds him captive against an array of surfaces; mostly, but not exclusively, horizontal.
‘Cut!’ P ’Golf’s voice cuts through his thoughts and he’s glad for the distraction even though the slight note of irritation makes Khaotung cringe inside, ‘Khaotung, don’t wait so long before saying your line. Just slowly count to three in your head and say it, okay?’
Khaotung nods and shakes his shoulders and hands to bring his focus back, surely he can survive three seconds of looking into First’s soulful eyes without losing his mind entirely.
Khaotung does make a valiant attempt to rationalize his newfound desire to see First cry. More specifically, crying because he’s overwhelmed with pleasure, preferably delivered from Khaotung himself. His obvious reach is character bleed. It’s Ayan and his obsession to poke and wheedle into Akk’s life also has Khaotung gagging for every sliver of First’s attention. 
It doesn’t matter that he already possesses the lion’s share of First’s attention. No matter how much First fusses over him, laughs because of him, worries about him, follows him around or heck, even gets mad at him - nothing seems to satisfy his desire to monopolize First’s time.
But it’s not weird, obviously, because Ayan is the same about Akk. So when Khaotung’s every waking thought is just one degree separated from straight up locking First in his basement, it’s purely because he’s an excellent actor deeply invested in genuinely portraying his character.
His carefully constructed reasons as to why he suddenly wants his best friend to choke on his dick starts falling apart rather quickly when First gets injured. It’s three weeks of break from filming and while Khaotung is enjoying this interlude from Ayan and a chance to decompress, his affliction involving First has acquired an alarming prognosis. It’s growing within him like a bottomless pit. The more he feeds it - and with First clinging to him like a helpless kitten he’s been feeding it a lot - the further he loses sight of there being an end to this hunger.
Khaotung still did okay when he felt too guilty to have impure thoughts about First when First was freshly injured and the helpless kitten act was less of an act.
Right now though, First is clasping his mostly healed hand and looking up at Khaotung with the most devastatingly needy expression, eyes so big that the only place for it to go is straight to Khaotung’s dick. First even throws in a little, ‘Ai’Tung~~~pleaaase it hurts’ to really fuck with his sanity.
First is trying to convince Khaotung to run down to the 7-eleven to replenish their stock of beer while Khaotung tries to prolong the pretense that he won’t do it. He can’t admit to First it’s because of how much he enjoys First acting cute and wilful around him and thankfully First is too drunk to notice. 
First has just finished consuming the last beer can in Khaotung’s house, his third of the night and it has colored his cheeks with a pretty blush that makes Khaotung’s heart race alarmingly fast. First presses his toes against Khaotung’s thighs, gently trying to pry Khaotung’s butt off the couch and smiling with that mischievous little quirk of his lips. 
First is comfortably lounging back against the armrest like he’s in his own house and has his head tilted to the side as he repeats himself, ‘Please, Ai’Tung. I’ll do anything you ask me to.’
Khaotung has to wonder if First knows exactly how much danger he is in. It’s not entirely First’s fault that Khaotung’s little malady has turned every little exchange of theirs into an opportunity for First to invoke the temptations of Aphrodite upon him. 
The unfortunate nature of their long friendship means that they often play silly little gimmicks with each other. This particular gimmick happens to involve First acting slutty and making innuendos that Khaotung is supposed to laugh at. Then Khaotung is supposed to take him up on his lewd offer and fulfill First’s request. But the incredulous thing about this gimmick is this next part where Khaotung is actually not supposed to make First do anything lewd! This is somehow First’s way of communicating to Khaotung that the pile of dishes in his kitchen sink has reached a critical mass offensive enough for First to wash them for him in exchange for a paltry favor.
He remembers how it started. 
First had had enough of Khaotung’s mess one day and just cleaned his room for him like a scorned mother on a mission. But then he’d gotten yelled at because he accidentally threw out a valuable art print that Khaotung had just bought. First defended himself with the excellent point that he could have never known what it was because it was still inside its packaging and Khaotung was using it as a coaster. 
Nevertheless, a sweep for precious possessions is currently basic protocol before First is allowed to tidy his room. Somewhere down the line they added whatever this eyelash batting, body offering thing is that First insists on doing (that Khaotung has unfortunately always heavily encouraged).
Now though, Khaotung is ready to vacuum his own floor, to First’s preferred level of cleanliness even - at least two levels above the national average - so he can use the favor to push First down onto it instead. On his knees in front of Khaotung, staring up at him with his big, glistening eyes that are more thrilled than scared, lips gently trembling from the anticipation of Khaotung feeding him his cock.
Khaotung takes a deep breath to still his heart jackrabbitting in his chest and rolls his eyes as exaggeratedly as he can, making a big show of getting off the couch, ‘Fine. But you owe me big.’ 
He retorts before making his way to the nearest 7-Eleven.
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mm-nani-fics · 2 months
Tumblr media
nothing is stopping him from live blogging the heart killers when it starts coming out atp
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mm-nani-fics · 2 months
Can You Blow My Mind Pt 3/3
Title: can you blow my mind Pairing: SandRay Rating: Explicit Summary: Thirteen years of marriage has taken its toll on Sand and Ray's relationship, they rummage in the rubble to salvage what they can. Author's Note: JFC I finally finished! And it's a happy ending! Rejoice!!! Excerpt from chapter 3:
“You trust me with money.” “Of course-” “But not to stay faithful.” Ray lets him go, as though stung by the words coming out of his mouth. He loosens Sand’s hold from around him and steps out of his space, “That’s not. That isn’t–You don’t owe me anything.” “Ray,” Sand says, stalking closer again and taking his wrist, he slides his hand up until his thumb comes to rest against Ray’s knuckles, “Of course, I owe you things.” Ray looks down at their joined hands, Sand’s finger pressed against the empty tan lines on his finger, “And me? What do I owe you?” Ray asks, pitch slowly rising, voice becoming tinged with his casual condescension. “Do you trust me?”
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mm-nani-fics · 3 months
Firstkhao royalty AU
I wrote this piece nearly two years ago around their eclipse fanservice and it baffles me that if just switch the characters it fits their current dynamic perfectly too. Not to mention Khaotung already said First acts like his bodyguard lol
Originally I wanted to just release everything I wrote as is for the sake of archiving but maybe I should actually just switch them?
‘Khun Thanawat!’ First shrieks, even those few syllables slurred from a night of drinking. He kicks his feet into the air trying to throw them off balance. Khaotung who has First in a bridal carry only tightens his hold around him, ‘let me go!’
‘We are almost at your chambers, Khun Chai.’ Khaotung responds patiently, even as First’s fists thump at his back. The guard outside First’s bedroom salutes at them, his prince and his commander. It’s business as usual for him; Khaotung carrying a drunk First back to his chambers is not an uncommon sight.
The guard closes the chambers doors once they slip inside and Khaotung beelines for First’s audaciously large bed, dumping him on it as unceremoniously as possible.
‘Hey!’ First yells again.
‘What? I thought you wanted me to let go.’ Khaotung retorts back
‘You did that on purpose.’ First pouts, patting at his own hips like he’s hurt.
Khaotung rolls his eyes before sitting down on his knees at the foot of the bed and making a grab for First’s ankles, ‘I was having fun.’ First grumbles, ‘and you’re a bully!’
Khaotung pulls on First’s ankle to straighten out his leg, so he can take First’s shoes off, ‘You were 3 minutes away from a scandal with the Duke of Thon Buri.’ He loosens the ties of First’s ceremonial shoes one by one carefully, then yanks on the boot roughly making First yelp out in protest. Khaotung softly smiles at the grumpy look on First’s flushed face.
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mm-nani-fics · 3 months
Happy TayGun kiss everyone. To celebrate I am releasing a GMM orgy fic I started...years ago by this point. Even though its Firstkhao centric you will find that it is still on theme: Rating: NC-17 What it is: Khaotung centric gangbang; this excerpt features Off Gun and New. All explicit scenes under cut. --------
Khaotung sits down on the couch squeezing in between Off and New and they offer him a drink that Khaotung takes eagerly.
‘What is this?’ Tay has to lean in to hear him because First is afraid that if he voices it in anything but a whisper it would all turn out to be true.
‘An orgy.’ Tay replies simply, like it’s not the most insane answer that could have come out of his mouth.
‘And Khaotung?’
‘Is the main attraction. Some people like Earth and Mix,’ he gestures his head to the corner where they are canoodling lost in their own world, ‘prefer to just do their own thing and are content to watch. The rest draw lots to take their turn.’
Their turn? 
It’s not like Khaotung is a ride at an amusement park, how could they talk about him like that?
The respite of Khaotung drinking on the couch - like he would at a normal party - doesn’t last very long as Gun who has somehow defied all logic to perch across Off’s lap, leans over and pulls at the hem of Khaotung’s tank. Khaotung seems to be on the same page because he quickly puts away his half finished drink and takes off his tank like an overeager puppy. New’s hand closes around his neck and pulls him back so Khaotung’s back is against his chest. 
New tilts up Khaotung’s head so he can place wet kisses against it. First swears that for a second Khaotung’s eyes snap to him from under his lashes, sultry and beckoning. First feels frozen, unable to look away even as Khaotung’s attention is drawn by Gun’s fingers running down his chest. Khaotung bites his lips as Gun thumbs over a nipple. 
First needs more time to sit with what’s happening, 5 to 7 business days at least, to sort out how he’s supposed to feel about watching his friend, someone who is as close as a brother, get fondled and kissed like this. The same person he spends nearly every day with, stuck to his side through lunch hours and free periods, following him home or dragging him to his because First can’t be alone. 
But Khaotung - from the way he moans when Gun leans in close, breathes fanning across delicate collarbones - obviously wants this. Khaotung had wanted to come here, without First, in order to do exactly this. And to think that someone he thought he knew inside out, could hide something like this makes First’s stomach lurch in distress.
He thinks he’s supposed to do something about it, in fact he’s sure he’s supposed to do something about it. He just doesn’t know what.
Off who’s been sitting back and letting Gun call the shots till now, suddenly leans forward. Gun slithers off his lap in a coordinated move to sit on the other side of Off, while Off takes his turn with Khaotung. Off’s hand skirts around the waistband of Khaotung’s jeans sometimes dipping underneath it. First thinks Khaotung hasn’t even noticed that Gun’s hands on him have been replaced with Off’s busy as he still is, leaning back against New, lost in his kisses.
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mm-nani-fics · 3 months
[kristsingto] driving home
Rating: Gen Pairing: KristSingto Summary: Kristsingto being driven home together after a long day of interviews and pressers.
I saw @thebroccolination's KS handholding then and now post and then promptly lost all my braincells. I am very new to this pair. these are my first impressions my apologies if its OOC - im learning!
Deep breath in.
The car door slams shut.
A slight jerk as the car sets into motion.
Slowly out.
Krist needs that moment to himself, that little breath before he turns his head and acknowledges the person next to him; Singto tapping something away on his phone. It reminds him to make sure that his is still in his pocket. Finding its shape through his pants, Krist knows to look back when he hears the click of Singto’s phone screen being turned off. Singto is smiling at him, a happy crinkle to his eyes as he too turns to Krist, “You did a really good job today, na?” 
He says rubbing his shoulders and Krist smiles because no matter how many times you’ve done this, no matter how good or how practiced, no matter how many bigger things, more tiring things you’ve done before, it’s always nice to hear a sweet word at the end of a long day.
Who better to understand that than Singto?
“You too, na phi.” He says, he probably says something like this Singto everyday nowadays and is always surprised by how much he means it every time. Singto truly, in the most objective sense that Krist can construct, the very best at what he does. And Krist can’t believe he gets to stand next to him and bask in it again. It’s easy, it’s too easy to sit next to him and gush about his talents. A little harder to bite it back, to stop elaborating, to stop explaining everything that he’s feeling right now, everything he feels all the time at the thought of those little crinkles by Singto’s eyes; how he gets to see them more often now, gets to feel Singto’s joy underneath his fingers, than just behind a phone screen.
He scooches in along the lines of that outstretched arm till he can rest his head on Singto’s shoulder; head heavy but heart light with Singto’s hand coming to rest between them. After that it’s only natural that Krist takes it, their fingers coming together. Krist wiggles the a little watches Singto mindlessly - he’s on his phone once more - shift his fingers to accommodate Krist’s restless ones
There’s nothing left to say, there’s nothing left to hear other than the sound of the car’s engine and Singto’s gentle tap tap on his phone, his fingers resting between Krist’s, entwined without a sound in the light of the outside world passing them by. It’s mundane by now, the contrast of their skin and the lines of Singto’s knuckles and the softness of his palm. But there’s a part of Krist that can feel, maybe always feels, the way it had felt taking that hand for the first time. 
There’s a ghost of that little pebble lodged in his throat, and the murmur of the butterflies that had filled his stomach, a little tingle of the wonder when for the first time he’d thought of a man he’d thought unreachable, ‘Oh, I guess we’re close’ and a hefty wave of that comfort of, ‘Oh, he understands me,’ as he’s lulling in the car, Singto’s shoulder bony but jacket soft under his cheek.
‘P’Sing’ He calls.
And in the second that it takes for Singto to answer with a little ‘hmm?’ Krist has drifted off to sleep.
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mm-nani-fics · 3 months
lamb, glasses and makeup for akkayan (or khaofirst, as you prefer)? 🙏🙏🙏
send me earthmix/khaofirst prompts
I had to abandon lamb because i could only think of crack but i want to write Serious(tm) fic about them so enjoy (I hope...)
Rating: G
‘Are you breaking into my house now?’
Akk can’t help the smile that pulls at his face at those words. They’re spoken without bite and Ayan looks almost disarmingly soft curled in his blankets, hair relaxed but brows furrowed in mock annoyance, wire framed glasses hanging delicately off the bridge of his nose.
He looks a little bit like an old man and it fills Akk with a warmth he’s slowly getting used to.
‘You told me where the spare key is, Shorty.’
Ayan pouts and mumbles something as he curls further into the blanket, pulling the book he was reading up to hide his face.
Akk rolls his eyes and climbs onto the bed next to him. If there is a part of him that wonders how he got so comfortable with Ayan, in Ayan’s personal space, then it remains traitorously quiet as he pulls the book out of Ayan’s hand without any preamble and peers down at his face.
‘Hey! What do you think you’re doing, Bigfoot?’ Despite the unhappy downturn of his lips Ayan’s sounds a little breathless, like he always does when Akk is close. Ayan’s eyes dart across his face, as heady as a touch, as Akk finally manages to get his hands working long enough to grip Ayan’s chin and turn his face to inspect the bruise there.
He clicks his tongue and there’s a flash of pain that crackles through the core of him, as though he was the one who was punched, ‘I told you the curse is dangerous.’ Akk says, pleading in the way his thumb rubs across the purple-blue tint on Ayan’s face, ‘you have to stop whatever this mission you think you’re on.’ It’s out before he can help it, before he can preface it or justify it. Like clockwork, Ayan pushes him away, ‘I wasn’t mugged by the curse.’ Ayan says and he only sounds mildly annoyed this time. He’s gotten better at it, at not accusing Akk of sins Akk isn’t sure he’s committing.
‘It didn’t look as nasty this morning, did you forget to ice it?’ And Akk has gotten good at it too, at not talking about the things that will tip this delicate balance between them. He doesn’t know why Ayan lets him get away with it but he doesn’t protest when Akk gets close again, joins him under the covers.
Akk holds his breath when Ayan’s head falls on his shoulder, ‘your skull is getting so thick at that shit school, I covered it with makeup earlier.’
Ayan has said something that he should protest but his shoulder grows heavy with the warmth of Ayan’s head on it and Akk can only stutter, ‘how could I possibly guess that a guy would be wearing makeup.’
He seems to have done something wrong again since the weight on his shoulder is gone, ‘some guys do, you have a problem with that?’ Ayan’s warmth now brushes across his cheek and maybe he’s done something right this time. Akk turns his head against his better judgment and his brain empties at the challenge in Ayan’s eyes.
He imagines it before he can shake his head, Ayan’s deep, soulful eyes emboldened with kohl, cheeks and lips brushed with a color he could taste on his tongue. Ayan’s smirk suggests that Akk wasn’t successful in hiding how much of a problem he didn’t have with guys wearing makeup. 
Ayan doesn’t push though - just drops his head back onto Akk’s shoulder - he never does beyond what Akk can take. Ayan’s hands skirts across his middle and settles on Akk’s hips until they’re cuddled together, Akk’s hands rubbing Ayan’s shoulder. Ayan takes his glasses off and holds it until Akk pries it from his fingers and puts it away on the bedside table.
Akk looks at the top of Ayan’s impossibly soft looking head as his breathing grows deep, body getting heavier on Akk’s chest, and drops a kiss hair before he can overthink it. A barely there brush of his nose into Ayan’s hair - Akk tugging gently at the edges of this line between them when Ayan stops pushing.
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mm-nani-fics · 3 months
[PondPhuwin + Firstkhao Fic] Scent of a Boyfriend
I was chatting with @namtantam about how many billion WIPs we have AND ALSO about how Khaotung should kiss EVERYONE anyway here is me trying to share more of my WIPS and also Khaotung and Phuwin making out. Hope this encourages you to keep working on yours bb!!!!!
pair: khaotung/phuwin (for this excerpt), overall fk+ppw foursome rating: teen (for this part); making out and drug use summary: phuwin gets khaotung high and the thing about khaotung is that he's such an agreeable stoner
Khaotung always thought Pond and Phuwin would be too loud to make for company he would enjoy. But then they’d gone to Japan together and he doesn’t know if it’s achieving that milestone together, performing in a foreign country where none of them can speak the language or realizing that Pond was just as much of an overeager puppy as First, but he kind of likes hanging out with them now.
Or it might be that Phuwin has a very large, very beautiful house and weed so good that it feels like it should be illegal. 
Khaotung is floating, pleasantly high, unperturbed by whatever ruckus Pond and First are creating, all the way over on the other side of the room that’s as big as Khaotung’s little apartment. 
He’s humming along to Phuwin strumming a few lazy chords on his guitar, content enough that it doesn’t really register when he’s stopped, the simple melody still playing in his head when Phuwin kisses him. 
Khaotung’s immediate thought is to stop it but his slow reflexes keep him in the kiss long enough to realize that his boyfriend is in the room, as is Phuwin’s. There’s more to this kiss than some cheap thrill of adultery, but figuring out what that is, is beyond Khaotung’s current brain capacity. 
He figures if he keeps kissing Phuwin, Phuwin will eventually tell him. 
Phuwin’s fingers come up to rest on his neck as he deepens the kiss, his long fingers tapping a rhythm that Khaotung immediately recognizes as what he was just playing on his guitar. Khaotung keeps the melody alive in his head to the beat of Phuwin’s fingers as Phuwin slowly runs his tongue over his lips. Like a good guest, Khaotung’s lips fall open, letting Phuwin’s tongue continue its slow exploration.
Phuwin does pull away eventually, maybe even too quickly. Khaotung doesn’t really understand the passage of time at the moment, they could have been kissing for a whole day but he does kind of want to keep doing it. He darts a quick curious glance to where First and Pond are arguing over whether or not a college girlfriend is enough to make Pond’s sim bisexual. 
They haven’t seemed to have noticed Khaotung and Phuwin making out and it’s been long enough that even Khaotung is in need of answers, ‘What was that for?’ He asks when Phuwin finally pulls away. At the end of the day, he’s pretty tired and Phuwin’s weight on top of him does feel kind of nice.
Phuwin’s answering smile is playful, ‘Did you like it?’
‘Yeah, but-’ Khaotung tilts his head just so over in the direction of their boyfriends planted in front of the television.
Phuwin raises an eyebrow at him with a hint of incredulity, ‘My boyfriend really wants to fuck yours. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed? He’s not particularly subtle about it.’
And this time when Khaotung turns to look at them, Pond has somehow flung himself onto the beanbag First was perched on and they are engaging in what Khaotung thinks is a tickle fight. It isn’t entirely subtle but Pond is certainly more subtle than Phuwin.
Khaotung turns back to Phuwin with his mouth in a little circle. He’s surprised but at the same time it does explain a few things about Pond’s little imprinting onto First situation.
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