mloyan · 1 year
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morning doodle
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mloyan · 1 year
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mloyan · 1 year
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small sketchdump featuring mostly watercolour sketches from recent travels to update this old tumblr - it feels a little odd to think that this specific place has been around for so long - 12 years ish.
i'll just be babbling below about what's been going on, sort of, have a nice day if you simply keep scrolling :)
this panel is mostly flashes i made as a tattoo artist but also some research for a lithography print i got to make with talented independent art publishing house azulil in Marseille (well, I drew on a slab of stone, and they explained and did the actual printing which was amazing to witness), here's a link to my print in their shop so you can see bigger pictures than on IG: https://azulil.com/eshop/007-peaudepierre2-vitoriavilela-iriso-9mrgm-3sala-jjmmd - it is h u g e (56x76cm) compared to what I usually draw (A5 and smaller) so that was fun. please do check out all their work, and the other artists they work with, it's humbling to be a part of all this.
another humbling thing: i've done around 860 tattoo sessions (excluding touch ups) ever since i started this thing three years ago. baffles me a little a lot that people have trusted me that many times to put my drawings on their skin, and some have been returning clients right from the beginning. it feels unreal that i'm able to make a living off my drawings, and borderline insane that i get to share this on a daily basis with people who make the effort to come see me.
this job comes at a price, like any job, and i definitely need to take a real break some day, one without worrying about bookings and guest spots and potential tendinitis and all the usual physical and mostly mental health stuff, but i wouldn't change it for the world. if you're a friend, someone from the family, one of my past or current client/supporter, thank you.
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mloyan · 1 year
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rough sketch from a few months ago as I was trying to figure out whether i wanted to get a new set of riso prints
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mloyan · 2 years
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mloyan · 2 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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Hello! It’s been a while :) Not even sure any of my old tumblr pals are still here but just in case, here’s a quick update:
I currently live in Paris (have been for a few years now), started tattooing after the first lockdown in March, and have never stopped drawing.
Times are rough for many, but I’m lucky considering the context. Sending you all good vibes and wishing you all the best! Might drop by tomorrow, or in six months, ttyl, lots of love, and maybe see you later on IG :)
Take care,
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mloyan · 4 years
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a @/stillherestilllife (IG) test
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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today’s doodles - live on twitch
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mloyan · 4 years
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mloyan · 4 years
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