mlghty · 1 year
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❝ eugh, don't put that idea in my head ! ❞
it was lighthearted, but a genuine thought. she didn't want to get into any spontaneous battles; but that was the life of the yiga, it seemed. she didn't mind fighting- it was fun ! but sometimes it was so much better to get to relax. to hang out and breathe the air calmly, for once.
❝ but… if we were about to be in a battle, who do you think it'd be with ? the hero ? another member ? each other ? ❞
the last part was said as a joke, a lopsided smirk on her lips.
Of course, he'd been listening the whole time, but decided to go with feigned inattention. Indifferent.
"I guess it has."
Truthfully, he was grateful for it. It got so damned exhausting, always being in danger, tense and physically active. It was nice. to have the rest, but at the same time...
"...almost feels too quiet though," he sighed. "Y'know, like that tense calm before a fight?"
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mlghty · 1 year
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❝ hmm... it's been quiet today, hasn't it? ❞
in truth, she hasn't been looking for noise. in fact, she's having a fine time with the supposed peace --- as fleeting as it may be.
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mlghty · 1 year
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hello, could you please ♡ / ↺ this post if you'd be interested in interacting with a yiga clan oc ? ( sideblog / follows from @archaictunic )
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mlghty · 1 year
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penned by tune. / carrd
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