miyafuta · 7 years
Crash Landers
pairing: kageyama tobio/ tsukishima kei  prompt: tsukkikage + pacific rim AU (SASO ‘17) summary:  In which Tsukishima Kei, J-tech mechanic extraordinaire, tries to stop an infuriatingly stubborn Kageyama Tobio from piloting his Jaeger solo. Pacific Rim AU.
also on ao3.
“I’m not doing this,” Kageyama snaps, making a beeline for the exit, only to be manually dragged back onto the bed.
“Pilot induction program,” Tsukishima announces, and Kageyama splutters. (It is not one of his prouder moments.) “Now sit down and listen.”
“I’ve been piloting for four years,” Kageyama retorts, feeling personally attacked in spite of himself.
“Which is why this is long overdue,” Tsukishima says, coolly. “Now, pay attention to point number one on the screen. Did you know that, even after controlling for confounding variables, the odds ratio of mortality associated with piloting solo is-“
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miyafuta · 7 years
prompt: miya atsumu &/ miya osamu + psycho pass AU (SASO ‘17)
It’s 4 AM in the middle of the night, and four hours into their pathetic stakeout, when Atsumu pours himself his fourth cup of drink and downs half of it in a single gulp. The liquid is a dark, cloying maroon; looking at it makes Osamu’s stomach churn. 
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miyafuta · 7 years
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and so she did
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miyafuta · 7 years
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miyafuta · 7 years
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cute setters
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miyafuta · 7 years
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miyafuta · 7 years
Fandom Veteran Gothic
One of your favorite old fics has been taken down. You can find it on Wayback Machine, but it’s only the original Geocities site. The font is Comic Sans and there’s a tiled repeating background of stars obscuring the cyan text.
You read a fic at some point in a fandom you no longer participate in. You want to re-read the fic, but the title and pen name of the author keep escaping you. You don’t even know where it was posted. You can find dozens of other fics with a similar concept but not that one.
An author you used to follow moved their work from their personal website to their friends-locked blog. You sent them a request three months ago. It is still marked “pending.” You wonder if you will ever get to read their work again.
You get a follower out of nowhere. Their screen name is familiar. It’s the person you RPed explicit chat logs with when you were sixteen. You’ve changed screen names four times since then and don’t know how they found you.
You forgot the password to your old FanFiction.net account. There are terrible relics of your past as a writer archived there. They must be destroyed. You can’t recover the password because the email account no longer exists, and the site isn’t answering your emails.
You were in this fandom when it was small and just getting started. Now there’s a whole expanded universe of new material, and you just want to read fics in your original fandom. Only the new characters are popular.
Three fandoms later, you run into someone you had fandom drama with five years ago. You wonder if they ever forgave you for your part in what happened. You’re too shy to ask. Interactions are tense and you go your separate ways. You travel the same fandom circles for a while, but never speak.
You have WIPs on your hard drive from years and fandoms ago. You want to finish them, but the fandoms are no longer active. You wonder if anyone would read them if they were done. You sometimes open them and wistfully read their partially-finished stories.
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miyafuta · 7 years
folks, I’m just gonna say it. I don’t think it rains for long enough periods of time. it rains hard, it sounds good, I’m comfortable inside, but within 5 minutes the jig is up. the dream is over. I think it should rain for longer periods of time than it presently does
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miyafuta · 7 years
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i need more aofuta in my life
Based on one of these prompts 
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miyafuta · 7 years
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EXERPT from >a short but hilarious fic< that has the top 4 next year miyagi captains on camera for a tv spot, some taking it more seriously than others
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miyafuta · 7 years
tagged by @iiejn \o/!
relationship status: [clutches sports animanga to m yheart]
favorite colour(s): really fond of various shades of teal & mint green, and red!
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick (lipstick dries my lips out a lot, so only sometimes)
last song i listened to: liszt’s transcendental etude no.4 entirely because it was required listening for this fic (muffled sobbing)
last movie i watched: hidden figures!
top 3 fictional characters: this is nigh impossible to answer because my faves are constantly eclipsed by whichever series i’m currently invested in, but my current top 3 are 1. miyuki kazuya (daiya no ace) (muffled sobbing continues) 2. miya atsumu (haikyuu!!) and 3. oikawa tooru (also haikyuu!! also an eternal fave)
books i’m currently reading: ‘painting country gardens, in watercolour, pens and ink’ + some assorted other books about painting flowers in watercolour (which is its own specific category, which is great!) except i haven’t actually read them much since i borrowed them from the library ;;
tagging @moostachah & @mahoushoujc, if you feel like it ! <3
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miyafuta · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kagamine-sphere ♡ [05/22/17] ↦ all gifts // sign up 
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miyafuta · 7 years
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street cats
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miyafuta · 7 years
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kaori + yukie
the rest of the fashion girls set!
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miyafuta · 7 years
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tiny matsuhana chibis from twitter c:
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miyafuta · 7 years
Me: When you get older, you just never find the time to read books anymore.
Me: *finds time to read a 200k fanfiction in the span of two days.*
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miyafuta · 7 years
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tokyo punks and their feet
(based off this text post)
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