mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
“I really want to believe that one day I’ll meet someone and have no doubts that I’m supposed to be with him for the rest of my life and that he’d never hurt me and that I can completely be myself around him. But until then I’ll keep texting boys I’m already over and getting drunk with boys I’m not sure about and learning lessons that I really need to learn.”
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mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
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mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
Maybe you should trust the missed connections, the calls gone unanswered, the opportunities that had every reason to work out but didn’t. Maybe you should trust in the small signs before they become big ones. Maybe you should trust those tiny contractions, the nights that exhaust you and the people who don’t see you and the places that make you feel that subtle uneasiness. Maybe you should learn to trust in what passes you by so you’ll begin to trust in what lands right in front of you. Maybe you should trust that in what isn’t working, because it might be trying to guide you to what will.
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mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
i think love is stored in nighttime conversations and “did you eat yet” and books left outside your door and “i waited to watch this with you” and splitting something in half to share and “im proud of you” and folded towels and “you can pick” and heads on shoulders and “you’re right, that was shitty. im sorry” and knocks on doors and “DINNER!” and stupid jokes and “hey i got this for you” and coffee made just right and… there are so many ways people say i love you silently every day over and over again if you only listen
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mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
Stop letting people consume you. they didn’t call? go to sleep. they didn’t message you? put your phone down and have a better day. they left you on read? delete the conversation. they didn’t make an effort? match their energy. never let your happiness depend on anyone
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mixedfeelings24 · 1 month
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mixedfeelings24 · 2 months
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mixedfeelings24 · 2 months
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mixedfeelings24 · 2 months
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mixedfeelings24 · 2 months
“Have the maturity to sometimes know that silence is more powerful than having the last word.”
— Thema Davis
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mixedfeelings24 · 2 months
One of the most dangerous things in the world is not being able to say no to people because you don't want to upset them or dissapoint them. This will completely ruin your life in every way possible, at work, in your private life, your sex life and your friendships. It's a way of removing your own consent in your own decisions and go against your wishes, it is always a crime against yourself. Let yourself have a say. Upsetting people is better than traumatizing yourself.
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mixedfeelings24 · 4 months
Reminder that you don't need to get people's approval to go for something. All you need is ownership over your choices.
Want to go on a weekend spa solo and you have the finances for it? Go for it, you don't need your friends' approval to validate your decisions. Want to get a dog because you've always wanted one? Just do it, you don't need your family's approval to make a decision as an adult. Want to reconnect with an old friend or travel to another country? Just do it. Always had dreams of becoming an influencer? Just start posting fancy stories on social media.
Understand that this is your life, and you can do as you please without someone confirming you're allowed to do it. The only person who needs to agree is you.
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mixedfeelings24 · 5 months
“When did being single become a bad thing? I love being single, I love making spur of the moment decisions & not having to worry about them effecting someone else. I crave independence, I need to be able to move around, to meet new people. I enjoy having my own space & sleeping in the center of my bed. Don’t get me wrong I am not opposed to relationships, but for now I prefer to be single.”
— Single // Alexandra 
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mixedfeelings24 · 5 months
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mixedfeelings24 · 5 months
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mixedfeelings24 · 5 months
Sending love to those who are struggling with their long-term relationships and considering breaking up/breaking them off. Long-term relationships are a different type of experience, and ending them can be filled with unknowns and a sense of grief. It is okay to feel these things. It is okay to be angry, sad, or guilty when you realize you do not want to be with this person anymore. Whether they changed, you did, or you both did— these things happen. You deserve a relationship where you feel fully accepted, loved, and loving in return.
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mixedfeelings24 · 5 months
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