Infinite Lives, Buddy
559 posts
The Name's Mitchell. Mitchell Shelley. You know the saying "Been there, done that?" Well, add in "Died That Way, and I have. (Independent RP Blog for DC Comics Resurrection Man. VERY MUCH pre New-52. Faceclaim: SG1 Richard Dean Anderson)
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mitchresurrected · 8 years ago
Just another resurrection (open rp)
Mitch cracks his knuckles as he feels the blood flow returning to his body. Turning to his traveling companion, he grimaces. "I'm about to curse like a sailor. Just a heads-up." And curse he does, in English, French, Italian and even Thanagarian.
Stopping to take a breath, he looks back to the other. "Ok, so we're clear, I don't intend to catch any more grenades. Is that ok?"
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
Mitch leans down, giving Zatanna a light kiss on the forehead. “Thanks. You’re always a rock for me,Zee. Having you in my life makes me happy.”
“Was that a come on, Zee?” He shakes his head and takes her arm. “You don’t need to hold me that tight. I promise you, I’m not going to die while I’m with you. After that though, the bets are off.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
After making sure that that there’s nothing left to salvage/steal, Mitch arrives at the lab a few minutes after Karen does. “What is it with this city and AI’s” he finds himself wondering. How many robots have been made or broke in the last few years alone?
“It’s a lab by the harbor. Gray-Goodman. Thanks for the offer. I’ll meet you there in about ten minutes.” He starts scooping up the parts of the now slightly used mech. “What do you think caused the rampage? Sunspots? Brainiac? Accidentally downloading a virus from a forwarded email?”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“Was that a come on, Zee?” He shakes his head and takes her arm. “You don’t need to hold me that tight. I promise you, I’m not going to die while I’m with you. After that though, the bets are off.”
“I have the utmost faith in your magic, Zee.” He holds open the door for her. “It’s my luck I don’t trust. I could be taking part in a buried alive escape, and the powers that be would decide it needs to be literal.”
Mitch takes a look down the road, as if expecting a Uber driver to barrel over the curb to kill him. When that doesn’t happen, he breathes a sigh of relief. “So, what are you in the mood for? Chinese, German, or Thai?”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“It’s a lab by the harbor. Gray-Goodman. Thanks for the offer. I’ll meet you there in about ten minutes.” He starts scooping up the parts of the now slightly used mech. “What do you think caused the rampage? Sunspots? Brainiac? Accidentally downloading a virus from a forwarded email?”
“Well, that’s one way to handle it.” He looks over the robot, checking out the core components. “Ok, good. The power cells and data banks are still intact. I can bring this guy back to Central City so they can figure out what made him go berserk. You did a good job!”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“Well, that’s one way to handle it.” He looks over the robot, checking out the core components. “Ok, good. The power cells and data banks are still intact. I can bring this guy back to Central City so they can figure out what made him go berserk. You did a good job!”
@mitchresurrected- continued from here {x}
There isn’t much time to react as he zooms through the air. Soon, he makes contact with the robot, and using the power he gained from his most recent revival, causes it to shut down. As he splashes off the robot’s body into a silvery pool the robot’s red eye turns off.
Mitchell soon reforms into his normal humanoid shape and gives Power Girl a thumbs-up.
Just to be sure Karen leapt up and slammed down hard on the machine, her fist slamming through the metal and into the asphalt below.  Now certain it was dead, or at the very least broken, Karen smirked and gave the man a thumbs up.
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“I have the utmost faith in your magic, Zee.” He holds open the door for her. “It’s my luck I don’t trust. I could be taking part in a buried alive escape, and the powers that be would decide it needs to be literal.”
Mitch takes a look down the road, as if expecting a Uber driver to barrel over the curb to kill him. When that doesn’t happen, he breathes a sigh of relief. “So, what are you in the mood for? Chinese, German, or Thai?”
“Cupcakes aren’t food?” He puts on a feigned look of shock. “That sounds good to me.” He breaks the hug slowly, and gives Zee a smile. “Here’s a thought. Every magician needs a stage assistant, right? How about I work for you? You can put me in the sword-boxes and chinese water torture cells, and know that I’ll just spring back to life if anything goes wrong.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
There isn’t much time to react as he zooms through the air. Soon, he makes contact with the robot, and using the power he gained from his most recent revival, causes it to shut down. As he splashes off the robot’s body into a silvery pool the robot’s red eye turns off.
Mitchell soon reforms into his normal humanoid shape and gives Power Girl a thumbs-up.
"Ok, this is going to be an odd request." Mitchell says, his body giving off a silver sheen. "But I'm going to need you to throw me at that robot." He motions to the robot rampaging in the street. "If I can get in grappling range, I can interface with and shut it down safely."
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“Well, I was going to punch it a few more times, I figured if I could break it with a couple more hard hits, I mean it look like it’s just a tough metal. But if you insist,” Karen said grabbing the man and throwing him as hard as she could manage. 
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“Cupcakes aren’t food?” He puts on a feigned look of shock. “That sounds good to me.” He breaks the hug slowly, and gives Zee a smile. “Here’s a thought. Every magician needs a stage assistant, right? How about I work for you? You can put me in the sword-boxes and chinese water torture cells, and know that I’ll just spring back to life if anything goes wrong.”
“Oh yeah, you were gorgeous, Zee. I heard some Victoria’s Secret Angels saying that they should just not do the photoshoot any day you’re performing. Something about you hogging the spotlight.” He can’t help but smile. While his statement is hogwash, he doesn’t have any objection to playing to Zatanna’s ego.
He sighs, sinking his head into her shoulder. “Hmm, is that a new perfume, Zee? Kinda reminds me of home.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“Oh yeah, you were gorgeous, Zee. I heard some Victoria’s Secret Angels saying that they should just not do the photoshoot any day you’re performing. Something about you hogging the spotlight.” He can’t help but smile. While his statement is hogwash, he doesn’t have any objection to playing to Zatanna’s ego.
He sighs, sinking his head into her shoulder. “Hmm, is that a new perfume, Zee? Kinda reminds me of home.”
“I just feel sometimes like I’m the universe’s whipping boy. I could be on the top of my game, taking down Intergang one day, then some kind of chain reaction kicks in and I find myself toe-tagged, with the cause of death being ‘errant energy blast.’ I still have to thank Booster Gold for that one.”
He raises his hands, trying to articulate his next thought. “Even coming here to see you, I died. All I wanted was some time with an old friend, and I got mauled by giant hornets. Am I just fated to have terrible luck because I continually return from the dead?”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“I just feel sometimes like I’m the universe’s whipping boy. I could be on the top of my game, taking down Intergang one day, then some kind of chain reaction kicks in and I find myself toe-tagged, with the cause of death being ‘errant energy blast.’ I still have to thank Booster Gold for that one.”
He raises his hands, trying to articulate his next thought. “Even coming here to see you, I died. All I wanted was some time with an old friend, and I got mauled by giant hornets. Am I just fated to have terrible luck because I continually return from the dead?”
“I was at one of your shows when the first terrible death happened. Tried to talk down a fledgling technopath who was freaking out as their powers manifested. You probably heard how a popcorn machine in the theater’s lobby exploded. Guess who was standing in the path of that hot oil and broken glass?” Mitch sighs and takes a cupcake. “By the time the medics arrived, I had already bounced back.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
Send me 💋 to give my muse a kiss on the lips
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“I was at one of your shows when the first terrible death happened. Tried to talk down a fledgling technopath who was freaking out as their powers manifested. You probably heard how a popcorn machine in the theater’s lobby exploded. Guess who was standing in the path of that hot oil and broken glass?” Mitch sighs and takes a cupcake. “By the time the medics arrived, I had already bounced back.”
@mitchresurrected continued from here
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Zatanna bit into the cupcake and closed her eyes with a sigh. This would have been one hell of a bribe if that was what it was, but just being a gift from a friend was even better.  “Sorry, I don’t get many people bringing me stuff to just be nice. Not unless they are fans.” Those brought her gifts all the time. Sometimes they got a little to personal though.
Pulling up a chair in front of him she sat down and handed the box to him. “I can do that. You want to talk about what happened or just fill the air with some mundane chit chat. I can think of a few stories about my shows.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
“Eat the cupcake, Zee.” Mitch shakes his head. “I’m not here to bring trouble. Just baked goods and a chance to catch up.”
Mitch pulls up a chair. resting his head on his arms. “I’ve just come off a long string of embarrassing deaths, and I wanted something that passes for normalcy. Sharing sweets with a gorgeous woman sounds like a good way to do that.
Mitch hands Zatanna a small box of cupcakes from a bakery called Lucky Spoon. "How are you today?"
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Zee smiles as she takes the cupcakes and opens them. “I am doing wonderfully now that I have these.” Taking one out she licked the frosting off the top and looked up at him. “What do you want and am I going to have time to eat one of these before the trouble starts?” 
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
Just once, please (Open RP)
Mitchell stands up from his most recent resurrection, and looks over at the robot that just splattered him against the wall.
“Ow...” He looks over to the other person. “Just once, I’d like someone to be happy to see me. Is that too much to ask?” After he takes in a few breaths, he opens his hands, lightning crackling  between them. “Ok, let’s do this. You want to help?”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
That hurt (Open RP)
Two minutes ago, Mitchell accidentally reenacted King Kong with a certain psychic gorilla. After he fell off the building and resurrected from the impact, he looks over at the onlooker. “Two things: Number 1: Grodd’s up there. Number 2: Ow.”
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mitchresurrected · 9 years ago
That’s a new one (Open RP)
“Well, that’s certainly the first time I’ve ever been killed by a metahuman phasing my heart out of my chest.” Mitchell stands up, shaking off the last of the dizziness that comes from resurrection and looks between the metahuman and the new person on the scene.
“Be with you in one second.” Mitch turns to face the metahuman and whispers in his ear. The metahuman turns pale, throwing the heart into a dumpster before running through a wall.
“Now that that’s handled, what can I do for you?” Mitchell dusts himself off and strips off the shirt that’s now drenched in his own blood. “Damn shame. I liked this shirt.”
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