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mitchmitchel19-blog · 5 years ago
Discipline, perseverance, variety of movements and functions. Cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular resistance; strength, flexibility, power, speed; agility, coordination, balance and precision. Weights, ropes, ropes, tires, sacks, your own body. Back or Front squat, Deadlift, Snatch, Hang clean, Hang clean, jerk, Planks, Bench Press. All that and more is CrossFit.
Carlos Omar Amores writes (*) CrossFit is a system of conditioning and physical training based on constantly varied exercises, with functional movements and executed at high intensity, which uses a large number of exercises and sports disciplines to be applied to daily life. This teaching method arose in 1974. At age 18, Greg Glassman, working with athletes in various gyms in Southern California, realizes that traditional bodybuilding routines were inefficient and did not improve fitness relative to the amount of Dedicated training time, thus deciding to focus on a training program that emphasizes the various functional movements performed at high intensity.( winstrol cycle before and after)
The North American who was dedicated to training police officers with this method in sunny California, managed to get the first Crossfit affiliated gym in the city of Santa Cruz in 1995, and became the epicenter of the movement. Later it was used for the training of US Marines, firefighters, and military. Today, Greg Glassman continues to lead the movement - with more than 2,700 CrossFit Box affiliates worldwide. 
In Lima there are currently around 15 affiliated CrossFit boxes. CrossFit is an international brand that a center accesses through a certification that is achieved through an examination; Representatives of the brand (United States) come to Peru once or twice a year, during which time the person who owns a box passes a test in order to apply for membership,
Cocktail Magazine toured three of the boxes that are giving talk in Lima to learn about this type of training that takes place late in our country. The first point was La Parada (Av. Ernesto Diez Canseco 220, Miraflores). We spoke with Hernán Castillo Mouzet, owner and coach of La Parada CrossFit and Marcos Libonati (Argentine), coach and crossfitter. For Hernán, CrossFit in Peru has not grown as in other Latin American countries, so La Parada CrossFit has emerged to face that reality. 
Castillo is Peruvian but he lives some years ago in Argentina, where he has a box and a couple of months ago he decided to venture into our country with the sports method with which he succeeds in Argentina. Hernán Castillo passed all the tests obtaining for La Parada CrossFit the official affiliation. “Certification is a crucial procedure for the formation of the pits in a legal and honest way. But in Peru –and it also happens in other countries– large gym chains take part of the term CrossFit (without having the authorization) and tell their students that it is the international brand ”, he tells us.
Why call a CrossFit box La Parada if one of its slogans is the diverse movement. Well, Hernán responds with conviction: “I was working for a long time in La Parada (the supply center in the center of Lima), and as we know, the so-called stevedores are there very early. The sturdy ones are the ones that can be seen in the early hours, they are the ones that carry bags of at least 50 kilos, boxes of about 30 kilos, etc; and to carry all that on your back, shoulder or carrying it requires a certain technique to avoid injury and they do it at great speed. 
In addition, the stevedore does not know what he will have to carry day after day. All of that is CrossFit. We want to be a very Peruvian box ”. For Marcos Libonati, athlete and CrossFit athlete with extensive experience as a gym coach,
The second place was Barranco CrossFit (Jr. Independencia 268 / Av. Grau 916, Barranco). Here the heads are Arturo Delgado and the coach Fernando Carranza coach. For these young trainers, the radical difference between training in a gym and a CrossFit box is that in the gym they give you your routine and they will always do the same exercises, either daily or daily; while at CrossFit different exercises will be done every day with different intensity and different times. 
“There is nothing monotonous, people are going up and down, jumping and running, rowing and nothing; things like that. In the gym you keep sitting with your dumbbells or lying with your barbell or locked in a machine. We do not use machines, here the machines are us ”, emphasizes Fernando. One of the classic questions that you can ask yourself when you want to start with this method is: Can people who already train in a gym also practice CrossFit? -All the other coaches we interviewed answered yes- "There are some areas of the body that can be specifically exercised with a gym machine and they can also help you to perform the CrossFit movements more easily," adds Arturo.
Finally, we visited the Caution CrossFit South (Club Unión Arabe Palestino. Jr Nicolás Rodrigo, Surco). We were greeted by Alan Nieto (administrator and firefighter) and Carlos Zúñiga Cazú (gynecologist-obstetrician, fertility specialist). For these experienced CrossFit men, there are many myths that have been created around him. Alan mentions some of them: “that women have a man's body removed, that movements are very technical and that is why it hurts, that it cannot be practiced by anyone, among others; This has made the development of CrossFit so slow, despite the fact that it has existed in our country for 7 years now as a training alternative ”.
For Nieto, it is a constant job for coaches to break those myths: “What hurts are bad coaches, people who do not know how to teach or students who do not want to listen to the instructor. The ideal is that everyone give 100% of their capacity in their training, whether it be that of a crossfitter, the coach or a student ”. Carlos, champion several times of various CrossFit competitions, points out that “CrossFit is for everyone, but not everyone can do it, because you have to have a certain discipline and the ability to challenge yourself every day. People who come to a box are intimidated because they see the weights, people who are very muscular and athletic, but they are not. Most of our students are not athletes or competitors, they are chubby, sedentary, old, pregnant. ”
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mitchmitchel19-blog · 5 years ago
Denis Côté • Director
"If I avoid the interviews, the informative and the statistics, what remains? There are bodies left" At the Locarno film festival , Cineuropa met with Canadian Denis Côté to discuss his latest film: the surprising and aesthetic A Skin So Soft  [ + ] , with which he participates in the international competition of the Swiss competition. Denis Côté is a regular from Locarno, where she returns for the fourth time after Drifting States (Golden Leopard of the video competition in 2005), She Wants Chaos (Best Direction Award in 2008) and Curling (same award and, also, best actor award in 2010). Skin So Soft tells us about the fragility of bodies: adored, glorified and mortified.
Cineuropa: For what reason did you decide to enter the world of bodybuilding? Denis Côté: For a long time I wanted to make a documentary about one of the protagonists, Benoit, but I had no desire to show me his private life, so the project remained in my memory. I had health problems and observing how men pursue an ideal seemed to me very concretely a way to enter into conversation with my own sick body. I became interested in them again when I saw all the amazing photos that are posted on their Facebook profiles. I interviewed several and then completed the casting.
His film is very powerful but, at the same time, extremely human, overcoming the bodybuilding cliches. How did you "protect" your characters and avoid the voyeurism trap?
First I saw the classic Pumping Iron, with Schwarzenegger, and I told myself that we had already seen everything there was to see about bodybuilding. Then there are countless television reports and other highly conventional documentaries on regimes, drugs and training.(buy winstrol depot online)
 I said to myself that the "subject" had been filmed enough frontally, so I decided to take a peripheral tour, let's say, or even go off on a tangent. Beyond the gyms there are ordinary boys with families, less glamorous moments and intimate territories that do not interest movies on this matter. 
The idea of impressionism was taking shape and the fragility of these monsters was made with my attention. These guys did not always understand what he was looking for. They wanted to shine and explode on the screen their throbbing muscles but I asked them to wash the dishes. At the end, they were glad to show another face. 
They find it "different". I filmed the passions and not the feats of the characters. We feel the tender and benevolent look because it is a movie about human beings with passions, not a movie about bodybuilding.
In A Skin So Soft dialogues are scarce and music and voiceovers are conspicuous by their absence. “Human” noises, however, abound and even appear amplified. What did you want with this decision?
It has to do with that need to film what we least see in the rest of the filmography about this universe. If I avoid the interview, the informative and the statistics, what remains? Bodies remain, bodies in suffering, bodies satisfied, rested or in a state of almost bliss. I chased even the slightest physical manifestation and the slightest sign of distress. They are always playing a role, they are very aware of their image. Sometimes the camera bothers them and sometimes what bothers them is the excitement of achieving their goals. I had no script so I just looked for these signs of vulnerability. 
The bodies he stages are hyper-perfect, sculptural but at the same time flesh and blood. Did he intend to turn around the established roles regarding seduction relationships, thus breaking with the stereotypes associated with the insensitive and macho muscular man?
Since my first visits to the gyms and since I first attended a competition, I noticed the absence of sex appeal and the game, say, "normal" of seduction. It is a very little sexualized universe, even when everyone is almost naked. 
They are territories of pure performance. Men and women do not look at each other with desire. Everything is seen through the prism of performance, perhaps with an inch or two of envy. 
They spy on each other head to toe and give 10 marks in silence. We are in territory far removed from the sexualization of relationships here. That surprised me. To the distant eye, therefore, all this perfectly unconscious homoerotic burden among bodybuilders collides. The most impressive bodybuilders are not very macho. They don't talk about sex. They don't flirt. That seems strange to me but it has its logic.  
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mitchmitchel19-blog · 5 years ago
Creatine or Protein: Which is better?… Discover it here
If you must choose between creatine or protein, which one would you take? These are hands down the two most popular supplements among athletes, powerlifters, and bodybuilders - and for good reason! Both offer tremendous benefits such as: increased power output, and aids in muscle growth; Something that everyone wants!
Although creatine and protein are both great supplements to keep you in top shape, neither is really "better" than the other, as they are two completely different things. However, if you lack some money and you have to choose one or the other, this article will surely help you make the best decision.
At Zentenoshop  we have exposed the basic concepts about what these supplements are, what they can do for you and which one will benefit you more than you are looking for, according to your own athletic goals(.arms stretching) Creatine Creatine is actually a natural compound already found in the body that is used not only in muscle tissue but also in many other organ systems. Creatine can be obtained through our diet only through meat and dairy products, which means that those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet should consider supplementing with it. Although we get some creatine from food, we never fill those creatine tanks with diet alone. The ideal creatine maintenance dose is 5 g per day (that's a lot of steak!) And this can only realistically be accomplished when taking creatine, in addition to your nutrition plan. For this reason, creatine monohydrate supplementation like MUSCLEMEDS Creatine is a sure way to saturate your creatine stores.
What is creatine? Simply put, creatine is an energy source for your body. Your body uses three main energy pathways to do work, such as lifting weights, walking, or running. There is the anaerobic glycolytic pathway (which provides energy between 30 seconds and two minutes, such as bodybuilding-style training), the aerobic energy pathway (used during long periods of exercise such as steady state cardiovascular work), and the phosphocreatine pathway ATP (used to shorten bursts of powerful movements, such as sprinting or lifting extremely high loads).
Creatine is consumed fairly quickly and only provides energy for about 10 seconds, so keeping those creatine tanks filled to the brim ensures you get the most out of your heavy weight lifting sessions. Here are your favorite protein supplements Why do we love creatine? In addition to the reasons mentioned above, creatine also attracts water molecules to the muscles where most of it is stored. This keeps your muscles hydrated, which, along with good nutrition and a solid training plan, can aid muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown when you're in a calorie deficit (i.e. diet). It can also help you increase your strength by allowing your body to gather the extra energy, which does make a difference when you consider the long-term effects when doing the extra reps can have on your progress. In other words, Dymatize Micronized Creatine supplementation has the potential to help you be an absolute beast!
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mitchmitchel19-blog · 5 years ago
On December 19, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., the Annual Meeting 2015 began, NOCAr at the headquarters of calle 57 no. 1484 in the city of La Plata with the presence of:(ab exercises)
1- Cecilia Montenegro 2- Victoria Iglesias 3- Carlos Castro 4- Cristian Gómez 5- Fernando Adrados 6- Paula Mollo 7- Adrián Oliver 8- Martin Aguilera 9- Varas Mariano 10- Nora Carrizo 11- María José Pertossi 12- María Bordagaray 13 - Carolina Marinangeli 14- Matías Ávila 15- Leonel Rodríguez Pardini 16- Fabián Alfonsín 17- Mercedes Torres 18- María Elizabeth Molina 19- Ariel Pelliza 20- Gonzalo Núñez 21- Víctor Matellica 22- Juan Velázquez 23- Marcos Tobio 24- Dante Farías 25 - Candy Matelica 26-Encinas Marcelo
This amount will be awarded at the discretion of the organizer and not necessarily distributed in the percentages stipulated for the Over All Major. These motions are accepted by the majority and then the second order of business continues.
Second theme of the Agenda, is the development of the award system by categories, the President proposes in the event that the categories are greater than 3 athletes, that all those athletes who do not enter the podium are 4th places, before the Awards are called by order of number in front, they are presented with the Great 4th Place, medal or diploma (at the discretion of the organizer) and later they will be invited to leave the stage and the podium award is carried out, announcing in First place, 3rd Place, followed by the Winner and finally the second place, it should be noted that any athlete who wants to know their classification can contact the foundation up to date, after an exchange of proposals in this regard, the proposal of the president.
Third order of the day, wardrobe for female athletes, which due to confusion, and the tendency of athletes to take the edge of the regulation, regarding the type of fabric, aggregates is unanimously decided that from the first event on the calendar 2016, the fabrics of the Mayans must be of opaque, smooth or printed Lycra, only, metallic fabrics, velvets, fabrics with sequins etc. are ineffective. Regarding footwear and a slight Bijouterie, the criteria of the current regulation continue to be maintained.
Fourth item on the agenda, 2016 NOCAr International Cup, mr. Carlos Castro proposed to take the event to a single day, rendering the double day ineffective, based on the streamlining and systematization of registrations and the judgments, arguing that it can take place in a single day, this proposal allows for a very enriching debate, It is decided by majority that the two days continue to be maintained as it is traditionally done, the Homo Atlético category is passed for Sunday and a discount is implemented for those who wish to be present both days, this proposal was contributed by the Mr. Marcelo Encinas which was accepted by the majority.
Fifth item on the Agenda, topic: 2016 Calendar, it was decided not to carry out the Closing event in 2016, the organizer Mr. Marcos Tobio took the floor, where he explained to all those present the reasons why the event It happened from Saturday, November 28 to November 29, and he proposes to polish details of organization so that he can organize it again in 2017, which listens attentively and mostly accepts Marcos' proposal. As well, the possibility of organizing a Closing event NOCAr 2016, by our delegate Cristian Gómez, was confirmed, therefore the tentative calendar for 2016 would be as follows:
September 10 - Opening of NOCAr Gral. Peak organized by Alejandro Crego.
October 1 and 2 - NOCAr International Cup 2016 La Plata Organized by NOCAr Fundación
16 de Octubre - HULK Cup NOCAr 2016 - La Plata organized by Martin Aguilera
November 12 - South American NOCAr 2016 Concepción de Tucumán - organized by delegate Javier Monerris
03 de December - Argentine NOCAr 2016 - Bahía Blanca - Organized by NOCAr delegate José María Rodríguez
Sixth and last topic on the agenda, Judges and Judging and Life Ethics course, regarding the course will be held in the Auditorium of the University of La Plata, estimated date in August along with other details and topics to be confirmed , followed if he emphasized attitudes in juries, lacking in decorum within ethics, observed and contributed by the members of this meeting, making it clear that disaffection of said function, decision of the majority, is not exclusive of their development within of the Foundation or in other functions within the institution, if they so wish.
The President of the Foundation closes the meeting giving a state of situation regarding issues inherent to the Headquarters and to the judicial cases which are still on the right track. 8.30 pm the meeting ends.
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mitchmitchel19-blog · 5 years ago
Can CBD help you sharpen your muscles?
Athletes and active people often have supplemental and personalized diets that help them achieve their exercise (modified plank goals) and increase their nutritional demands. Often in this arsenal of molecules, additional multivitamins, amino acids, minerals, and macronutrients, such as proteins and carbohydrates, coexist.
If your plan is to develop high quality pure muscle, then in addition to taking the supplements mentioned, you must have a proper diet and rest. But there is also another piece of the puzzle that could help you build your muscle mass over time and help you recover faster: CBD. Its properties make it an attractive option for those who go to the gym, regardless of their experience. Its molecule has anticatabolic effects that can improve your sleep quality, as well as modulate the inflammatory response.
CBD is one of more than 100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. There are those who use cannabis due to its high, a phenomenon caused mainly by the cannabinoid THC. However, many members of the cannabinoid family, including CBD, are not psychotropic, and therefore do not induce a high. CBD is fairly well documented within cannabinoids, and has been establishing itself as a health supplement and even a drug after pioneering scientific studies and mainstream media attention. This molecule has drawn a lot of attention in clinical and preclinical tests by showing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective and anticonvulsant effects.
CBD achieves some of its pharmacological effects by influencing the endocannabinoid system, a series of receptors that are expressed through the immune system, the central nervous system, the skin and the digestive system, among other areas. This system is regulated by internal cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids, that bind to places where CB1 and CB2 receptors are found. Cannabinoids like CBD share a molecular structure similar to that of these internal chemical compounds, and therefore are capable of exerting these effects through the endocannabinoid system.
CBD has little affinity for CB1 and CB2 receptors, but is still able to influence them to some degree. For example, the cannabinoid has the ability to block CB1 receptors and prevent endocannabinoids from being reabsorbed. Cannabidiol also binds to other receptors in the body, including vanilloid and serotonin receptors.
Some of these mechanisms of action are precisely what make CBD beneficial for athletes and people who go to the gym with the idea of increasing their muscle mass. In addition to providing relief from symptoms, CBD is also used as a daily supplement, as if it were a vitamin. If a person is deficient in vitamins, minerals, or some other nutrient, then health problems can arise. Well the same can be said with endocannabinoids. The term clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD) describes a lack of internal cannabinoids, a condition believed to be related to diseases such as migraine, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome. Despite the fact that most people naturally produce enough endocannabinoids, CECD sufferers can benefit from the use of cannabinoids like CBD.
Related article Marijuana Use Among Professional Athletes HOW CAN CBD HELP TO DEVELOP YOUR MUSCLE? There are two important metabolic states of the body in terms of muscle formation. Anabolic status is related to growth, and is given by the building of blocks such as amino acids and proteins that gradually form larger structures. This process can be maintained through a caloric surplus and an adequate protein intake. The result is an increase in pure or defined muscle.
The opposite of anabolism is catabolism, and therefore the catabolic state involves breaking down these structures. Fat, carbohydrates, and stored protein can be used to meet energy needs. Fat catabolization is the goal of many gym goers, and can be accomplished through a slight calorie deficit and increased protein intake. However, an excessive caloric deficit could cause loss of muscle mass.
The key to defining muscle is maintaining a good balance between these two states. Lifting weights breaks down muscle fibers and produces a short-lasting catabolic state. This breakdown, followed by adequate food and nutrients, causes the body to develop new muscle fibers in greater numbers and densities. So what role does CBD play in all of this? Although its molecule does not work in a directly anabolic way, it does help prevent excess catabolism and also maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss.
If you have a bodybuilding friend who struggles to maintain and develop their muscles, you may have noticed that they eat around 8 small meals throughout the day, rather than a smaller number of larger meals. . The reason for this is to prevent catabolization of the tissues from occurring. Well, CBD has a similar effect. It does not contribute directly to muscle tissue like amino acids or proteins, but it can protect these structures against catabolic states induced by hormones like cortisol.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland and used to control mood, motivation, and fear. Although it is essential in certain quantities, in excess it induces chronic stress, which can have a detrimental effect, producing weakness and muscle breakdown. A study published in the Annals of Surgery magazine shows that acute exposure to catabolic hormones, including cortisol, can trigger a net catabolism of human muscle protein.
CBD can help protect against this catabolic effect by significantly reducing cortisol levels, which in turn protects muscle proteins from hormonally induced breakdown. A study published in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research investigated the effects of CBD on cortisol levels in 11 volunteers. Subjects received CBD doses of 300mg, 600mg, and placebo during two experimental sessions, and found that CBD had reduced cortisol levels significantly, leading the researchers to conclude that CBD interferes with cortisol secretion.
OTHER WAYS CBD CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSCLE MASS Reducing catabolic hormones is perhaps the most profound effect that CBD has on the development of muscle mass, but the molecule produces other effects that work more indirectly. CBD CAN REDUCE INFLAMMATION
Numerous studies show that CBD can decrease inflammation. Building muscle means going to the gym and doing a strength training and hypertrophy program. Hypertrophic training involves large amounts of repetitions at a low weight. This type of training is designed to maximize time under stress, and it can make your muscles hurt a lot and break.
Inflammation is a contributing factor to this sensation. And it turns out that CBD administration has been shown to be effective in reducing acute inflammation and swelling. CBD CAN IMPROVE SLEEP Rest is absolutely vital for working and building muscle, since it is a deep anabolic state in which the body repairs tissues. The pituitary gland also produces growth hormone, a molecule that plays an important role in growth, metabolism, cell repair, and exercise performance. Animal studies have shown that CBD has a positive effect on the sleep-wake cycle, and appears to increase total sleep time.
CBD has also been shown to be effective against anxiety, a disease that can have a major negative impact on sleep. Related article How Cannabis Affects Sleep AND The Ability To Dream CBD CAN IMPROVE YOUR MENTAL STATE Although muscle development is fundamentally a physical goal, it is equally necessary to have a strong mind and discipline. Eating CBD can help improve your mood and motivation, and make you exercise more intensely and for longer periods of time.
The euphoria of the corridor , a phenomenon experienced endurance athletes, is defined as an altered state of consciousness that occurs after intense exercise. This state is characterized by an euphoria and a state of well-being that is attributed in part to endocannabinoids such as anandamide. Anandamide captures CB1 receptors, the same receptors that THC binds to. By blocking CB1 receptors, CBD causes anandamide to remain in a synaptic space for longer, exerting its beneficial effect. In this way, CBD could cause an increase in motivation and mood before and after going to the gym. HOW TO EAT CBD
CBD can be taken at any time of the day. Athletes often find CBD consumption especially beneficial after workouts with the goal of pain relief. CBD pumps and bath salts can also be used for maximum effect. CBD is available in many different formats, from oils and capsules, to jelly beans and sprays for topical use. If you have never taken this cannabinoid before, start with a low dose and check how your body reacts, and then gradually increase your intake.
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