mistyswifey · 2 days
Ada Wong microwave edit
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mistyswifey · 3 days
Ada Wong microwave edit
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mistyswifey · 1 month
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mistyswifey · 1 month
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mistyswifey · 4 months
Harmful Memories
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{• y/n & Gwen • }
(TW: Sh, depression, etc)
Y/n was, well not the brightest kind of kid. They would always do weird stuff, they were always seen as the ‘weird kid.’ Y/n didn’t care, or thats what everyone thought. but when they’d get home from anywhere, they would feel overwhelmed and have the urge to cry. Y/n had been bullied their whole life. Y/n’s big sister, Gwen, had no idea what Y/n had been going through their whole life. Gwen didn’t notice the changes in Y/n’s mood, style, etc. Before Y/n had been so talkative and they would always spend time with Gwen, now they barely talk to Gwen. Gwen didn’t think anything of it, she just thought ‘Oh but isn’t this how all teenagers act?’ not until she found a razor in your/n’s drawer.
you heard a knock on the door.
“Come in.” 
you said, scrolling through the old pictures on your phone. You’d do that often, you’d scroll through the pictures with your best friend, old best friend. She had passed away a couple years back. which also resulted in your mood changes and depression.
Gwen walked into your room with a sad look on her face. You didn’t think anything of it, until you saw the razor on her hand.
“Gwen where the hell did you..? how the hell.? i thought i- you know what, never mind.”
you said. your voice was hesitant and your hands started to get sweaty.
“Show me..”
Gwen said, calmly. You shook your head.
“Show me.” 
She said getting frustrated slowly. You shook your head but she sat next to you on the bed. She started to look at your arms, trying to see any signs of self harm, but your arms were clean. 
“Show. Me.” 
she said again. you rolled up your sweat pants. You looked at your sister who now had tears in her eyes. She hugged you. Your scars were fresh, still red. you had some faded ones too, but very few. 
“Y/n please dont do this to yourself..”
Gwen said sobbing. she held you tightly. You remained silent, but you hugged her back.
“Please if you ever need anything, just talk to me..”
Gwen said as she finally let go of you. you thought for a second, before coming to the conclusion you should just tell her everything.
“Gwen i.. im sorry ok, you have absolutely no idea how hard it’s been. i don’t understand it? why don’t people like me? did i do something wrong? the only person who didn’t hate me fucking died? did i deserve this?”
Gwen hugged you tighter.
“Y/n dear.. im your big sister, you still have me.. i love you, i could never hate you. i don’t know what i’d do without you, please you need to stay strong..”
she said rubbing your back softly. her voice was comforting, you had never thought she could be so comforting and sweet.
“Thanks Gwen.. I’ll try..”
you said.
“if you ever have the urge to self harm, please talk to me, ok dear?”
she said as she let go of you again. she threw the razor out of the open window in your room. you were about to yell at her but you knew it was for the best. she left the room smiling at you before closing the door. you felt happier than before. now you knew your sister actually liked you, you had another reason to keep on going. you didn’t want to give up, you wanted to be clean.
{ • AN: Im so sorry this is so short! hope you liked it! i wanted to try something a bit sadder, as i’ve been feeling down myself lately. i kind of just put all my thoughts into this one. :) • }
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mistyswifey · 6 months
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I want them to carry me
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mistyswifey · 6 months
Am I the only one who would watch a whole spin off of American Horror Story, revolving around Misty Day?
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mistyswifey · 6 months
𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲.
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{Larissa Weems}
(TW: Suicide, death, etc.)
Larissa had been busy working at the Nevermore Academy for outcasts. As a headmistress she was in charge of everything happening around the academy. 
But today, there was a new student coming in. Wednesday Addams was the daughter of Morticia Addams, Larissas old Roommate. Larissa had always been in love with Morticia, but Morticia had always been in love with Gomez. Morticia had obviously ended up marrying Gomez, and Larissa didn’t even get an invitation to their wedding. Larissa had been furious for weeks if not months, but later on tried to forget about it. She had still always loved Morticia. 
She heard a faint knock at the door of her office. 
“Come in!”
She said. A red-haired woman stepped in and stood in front of the door. This red-haired woman was called Marilyn, Marilyn Tornhill. Marilyn was one of the teacher at Nevermore Academy, and never failed to impress Larissa. Her teaching skills and methods were something Larissa had never seen before. It took Larissa a while to realize that Marilyn wasn’t alone. Behind her stood the Addams Family. 
Marilyn said and Larissa snapped back to reality. 
“Oh yes, im sorry Marilyn. You can go now, I’ll take it from here.”
Larissa said smiling at Marilyn as she nodded and walked away. The family dressed in all black stepped into the office, Morticia coming in last closing the door behind her. 
“Take a seat.”
Larissa said, not smiling anymore. They all sat down. 
“So you must be Wednesday.”
Larissa looked at the black haired teenage girl sitting in front of her.
“I guess you were born on a Wednesday?”
Larissa asked.
“I was born on Friday the 13th.”
The girl, named Wednesday, said.
“Her name comes from my favorite nursery rhyme, ‘Wednesdays child is full of woe.’”
Morticia, Wednesdays mother said.
“Ah, makes sense. We don’t usually accept students mid term, but as your family already has history in here, we made an exception.”
Larissa said.
“Did your mother tell you we were roommates?”
Larissa asked suddenly, surprised. Wednesday looked at her mother and then back to Larissa, shaking her head.
“Oh well, would you like to meet your roommate?”
Wednesday nodded slowly as she and her parents stood up following Larissa. After couple minutes of walking around the campus, Larissa finally knocked on a door before opening it. The room was colorful inside, way too colorful for Wednesday. They all walked in together as Larissa started introducing Enid, a girl who was sitting on her bed, to Wednesday. Enid was the total opposite of Wednesday, a bubbly extrovert. 
After Wednesday was completely sorted out and ready to start at the academy, Larissa was thinking about Morticia again. She didn’t really have time to talk to Morticia. She thought Morticia had already left and gone home.
Larissa heard a faint knock on the door. 
“Come in.”
She said as she sighed. the door opened and a tall, in all black dressed woman could be seen standing behind the door. It was Morticia.
“Oh Tici it’s you! Did you want something?”
Larissa asked delighted to see her old friend, delighted to see her alone and not with Gomez. 
“Rissa im starting to leave, i just wanted you to know that I’ve missed you.”
Morticia said. Her voice was faint and full of sadness. It was nearly like she didn’t want to leave.
“Oh Tici… I’ve missed you too. You have absolutely no idea how much i’ve missed you.. You know.. I-“
Larissa was about to finish her sentence but she stopped. 
“You what Rissa? Rissa??”
Morticia asked. Larissa sighed, “Nothing, forget. it’s not important.”
Larissas tone changed completely as she said it.
“Rissa please, you know you can tell me.”
Morticia said, with a worried tone of voice. she sat down next to Larissa. Larissa looked at Morticia, who was now sitting right next to her. They stared at each other for several minutes before all of a sudden Larissa kissed Morticia. The kiss didn’t last long as Morticia broke it and stood up hesitating. 
“I still love you, im sorry..”
Larissa looking sad. 
“Larissa i think it’s for the best if i leave, im sorry.”
Morticia said as she left Larissas office. 
Larissa was feeling down for several days, maybe even weeks. students hadn’t seen larissa walking around the campus anymore, and began to feel worried. But Larissa told the same lie ti every student who asked about it.
“Oh it’s nothing, my cat just died, she was really dear to me.”
She would say every time. Some of the seemed not to believe if, but didn’t want to annoy Larissa too much so they left all the questions out. 
Several weeks later Larissa couldn’t take the pain anymore. She had planned this for weeks now and knew, that now would be the right time. 
She hung herself. 
A student found her couple hours after she had died.
Her Funeral was full of people. Mostly just her students, but along all the students, there was Morticia. Morticia was crying, she knew it was her fault. 
After the funeral, every year, Morticia would go to Larissas Grave and whisper the words,
“I still love you, im sorry..”
and leave flowers.
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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Lady Dimitrescu
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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We love muscular women don't we? I really like to think that Brie borrows Larissa's old Nevermore school T-shirt's, since Brie arrived at the school only with her armor uk, this is just a sketch that i cleaned a bit and i wanted to add Cat!Larissa too 😩, i couldn't help it, i'm in love with these lovebirds, i need to draw them more, that's it for now :3 maybe i'll be more active now, pls enjoy 🫂🫂🖤🖤🖤
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mistyswifey · 7 months
can i please get a lesbian princess cadence ? <3 love y’all’s work <33
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the princess of two different L words
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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yes, indeed ♥️
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mistyswifey · 7 months
royalty deserves a proper crown. so, i gave her one.
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mistyswifey · 7 months
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Okay Pinterest. I'm trying. I swear
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mistyswifey · 7 months
Sneak peek 🫣
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