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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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Good Omens -  Entertainment Weekly Photoshoot
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
i have a deep respect for scotland because i was at an ireland vs scotland football match and their chant was “we hate england more than you”
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
Sometimes I just sit and think about how Aziraphale and Crowley spent several years giving some ordinary human kid THE weirdest possible upbringing of all time.
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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Ineffable Husbands Episode 2: The Book
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
Aziraphale is manipulative.
He’s not always good at it, and he probably doesn’t realize he’s doing it, but it’s absolutely something that he does.
He screws up his bookstore hours because he won’t admit he doesn’t want a shop, he just wants a big gorgeous library to live in and show off his collection. He makes those big eyes at Crowley to please clean his coat, please help the nice young lady home - “I am literally tempting you to do a kind thing out of love for me.” 
“You can’t possibly be stating what I infer you’re implying.” As in: I know what you mean, I’m thinking it too, but you need to be the one who says the dangerous or rebellious thing. It’s Crowley leaning hard on Aziraphale all through Armageddon because this is the dance they do, Crowley as the tempter and Aziraphale giving in to what he wanted to do in the first place.  Aziraphale isn’t allowed to want things, to be direct.
But that also has its destructive aspects: please bother this soldier for me. Please wield this weapon. Please take the offensive with the Antichrist. “Please do the morally grey thing so I don’t have to make those choices myself. You already consider yourself to be someone ugly, it’s different for you, and I’ve never considered how that must hurt you.” *
Even Aziraphale’s conversations with Heaven and the angels are like this. “I was just thinking hypothetically with this possible information. Now you can go do what you’d obviously do. Y’know, smiting. So I don’t have to, and I don’t have to ask for it.” 
It is my absolute favorite thing about him. Because manipulation is supposed to be such a demonic thing, it’s supposed to be synonymous with temptation or with deception. But manipulation is really just designed to get what you need from others. A baby crying is manipulating: “This is my need; I am prompting you to respond to it.” A child that can’t even talk yet has no other choice; they can’t just ask. 
But when an adult does it, rather than by being honest, it’s often because they think that’s what works. That the world won’t help you without it. And of course Aziraphale feels like that, because just look at Heaven! They’re supposed to be about universal love and regard, but Aziraphale’s coworkers are self-obsessed and self-important. He’s told in no uncertain terms what he’s supposed to do, without hesitation, and without enjoying anything about life for himself.  He has to huff and puff beside Gabriel for three or four minutes before he finally just asks him out of frustration to slow down, and that’s when he starts to say what he’s worried about directly.
There are other things about Aziraphale that make him “just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.” He’s so filled with the love of things that he gets greedy, gluttonous, possessive. But this is the biggest. That he’s so sure of what he’s supposed to be that he can’t just live honestly. 
That his biggest character development is saying ‘I’ - “I’m too soft to fight. I do not want to fight. I won’t (can’t) speak to you again unless we do something right now, directly, together.”
* Crowley doesn’t say his feelings out loud all the time, either, but he shows them constantly and directly. He didn’t try to rebel, it just sort of happened, but every action he’s taken since is very clear about the kind of person he wants to be.
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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I saw @baloks-puppet ‘s BEAUTIFUL drawing of Crowley and Aziraphale as victorian dandies and it just deeply desperately made me want to see about a million kinds of weddings throughout the ages of our ineffable husbands. This is a possible one. Aziraphale’s outfit is about a hundred years behind Crowleys. This was by design ;) 
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
It Was Never For Mary
Of course we knew that Sherlock never killed Magnussen for Mary but it is nice to get it repeatedly confirmed at SDCC. In this SDCC interview Mark and Steven are asked about Sherlock dealing with the Magnussen murder and Steven answers:
“There was nothing else for him to do to win this particular game of chess other than to kick the board over so he did it. He did it for his friend.”
And in order to remove any lingering doubts as to who this friend is, he later adds:
“It is logically the case that if the only way out of this is to kill a bad man to save a good one, then he’d do it.”
This makes me so happy, getting the confirmation straight from the horse’s mouth after more than two years of talking until I was blue in the face to people who really believed Sherlock did this for Mary. 
Source: X
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
Here, Crowley and Aziraphale are some ineffable combination of best friends and eternal life partners, the only two creatures in the universe who can relate to one another because no one else Above or Below has experienced the things they have. During their many millennia on Earth, they’ve learned not only to love humanity and the wonders it’s capable of creating, they’ve also discovered how much they care for each other and how necessary they are to one another’s lives. (No matter how different they might be on paper.)
Good Omens is a love story on many levels; between an angel and a demon, between two celestial beings and the human world they inhabit, between a group of teen best friends and even between God and Her creations. This is a story about the universality of family (both natural and found), as well as the idea that it’s kindness and care that ultimately will save the world, not flaming swords and holy water. (Though neither of those things are bad to have around, in the end.)
But unlike so many other dark tales on television these days, Good Omens is adamant about the fact that our futures are not fixed. Instead, the story of the end of the world is used as a framework to remind us we are who we choose to be. An angel can befriend a demon. A Hellhound can decide he kind of likes being a pet. A witchfinder can reject his destiny. We can and do contain multitudes.
Thus, when Armageddon itself finally arrives, it feels almost anticlimactic. Satan (Benedict Cumberbatch) bursting bodily from an airplane tarmac is bizarre, of course, but the event’s truly pivotal moment occurs when Antichrist Adam (Sam Taylor Buck) chooses the quiet, frumpy father who’s loved him all along over an absentee demonic dad who promises world domination. His friends, the Them, refuse to abandon him to the manipulation of the Four Horsemen, even when he’s being a complete jerk. And, of course, Aziraphale and Crowley choose one another over all the powers of both Heaven and Hell.
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
Est ....
Your Simple Fantasy Name
Your first initial and the last two letters of your last name.
Tag yourself, I’m Ley.
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
I love these idiots
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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David Tennant and Michael Sheen answer the burning question:  Who was the most insufferable in the cast [of Good Omens]
Interview [ X ] and Good Omens Trailer [ X ]
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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more David Tennant and Michael Sheen talking about Aziraphale and Crowley
they ship it sources: x    x    
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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ineffable husbands + touches
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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ineffable husbands
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
I love how Crowley has this whole ‘cool’ persona that often and only drops in front of Aziraphale.
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mistressholmes · 6 years ago
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that ‘i’m sorry’ look none of us asked for
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