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misterscarlet · 2 years ago
Ch 1
It was a dark and stormy night
"What went wrong?"
         "I duno sometimes girls just loose interest"
He hated these kinds of things, people were so complicated. why humans couldn't be ones and zeros would be a mystery to him. He thought he was in, he thought they clicked.
"god dammit"
Mary was always great at these kinds of things, she got people. had this personality that could pull you into a hug. 
          "hay, if she's not looking for a relationship rn, then don't"
          "Just say hay 'wanna fuck tn?' worst comes to worst, you get a 'no' and thats it. ur overthinking things, if she says 'no' then you can just say cool ill see someone else' she'll be the one overthinking things"
The irony of solving his own overthinking by giving it to someone else was much sweeter then an ethical wall he had placed between his identity and mind games of this sort.
so he sent it. 
It was the sheer audacity of it all that surprised him. Impulses like these never worked out. These same passions and spirit of the moment thinking had their place in more passionate acts. Communication though should be orderly and respectful. Good communication in any relationship, platonic, social, or otherwise was more valuable then anything. Even Tinder, sure it was a dating app and people were expecting trashy conversations on it, but that it shouldn't mean that he should continue with that trend. He would be better than this, he would be the port in a storm of crappy fish picks and sexual harassment. When he looked down at his phone, he recalled what he had done. It was shame, shame that washed over him and his soul. Could it be that he was no better then the frat boys and the uncultured emotionally stunted boys who passed as college guys. As he stared into those three 'words' he knew in his soul that, he was better than this, relationships were built, nurtured, enjoyed. Relations were to be connections that you formed with someone, something that lasted as a foundation to build your life on.
Then a text arrived
           "do you have place n can u wear condom" his world had suddenly gotten much smaller. Then he sent "yes and yes". What was once a solid wall in his mind and that was never an option, suddenly had a door; and he was through it already.
           "can u pick me up"
He looked at the keys on the end table, and his response was sent. He had only gone a hair down this rabbit hole and he was
You see, he had to play it cool. "sure, where"
Oh god it was one too may words. he had shit the bed, up shitt's creek without a paddle, killed the goose.
           "where r u by
            im by Lexington Campus"
maybe the goose could be re-alived after all.
"I'm in Lex appts" 
            "oh wtf we're so close".
he was a new man, this might just work?
              "can you give me like 30 min"
What you would do to get ready to get fucked besides take a shower didn't make very much sense to him. He didn't expect it to but, why would you freshen up to get ready for a hot and objectively gross activity? he said none of this...
when she sent over her address, "1 Glen Eagle Dr, Piscataway"
Tinder does magical things.
Honestly, why would she do her hair, a brush and a bit of conditioner would do the trick. He was just going to pull i-
          "do u care if im in my pjs [loudly crying face emoji]"
again, these pointless questions
"I'm just going to take them off,
so no"
yep he was in. sure, he had social anxiety and talking to a woman on the street was harder then a brick. He did have one thing though he had a feeling for when he was in a girl's head.
           "LOL ur cute"
*mental Hi-five*
why not lean into it
"Although if you could do your hair, I would like to mess that up"
              "it's done"
where he smiled to the camera (yes he does this in real life, I am sorry) and with a grin that could only say 'if it works, it works, don't question it'
The walk in the rain wasn't terrible, a drizzle fell gave everything a hazy look. Those nights as summer aren't cold, they simply feel so as you think about the season that just moved on without you.
That night he felt warm, because sex.
simply saying 'here' would be too clinical, too strait forward, to average, sex was something special, so the last thing he wanted to text should reflect that. "your carriage has arrived"
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