misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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// I have so many threads on this account I kind of scared myself off of it. Some older-old-old ones may be dropped but recent ones and starters I still owe a reply to are definitely gonna continue, as well as festival threads. Thank you so much for your patience everybody, and let me know if you wouldn’t mind if your thread was concluded or don’t mind waiting longer for a reply. Love ya much!! See you soon! //
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
    IS he being admired or mocked? It was hard to tell given the years worth of doubts that had crept up thanks to the sudden change in environment. Of course, thinking on it now, everyone would praise their King’s appearance out of necessity rather than free will. The same instant adoration simply wouldn’t happen when you don’t rule over the place, though the doubts came more from that realization rather than the lack of attention received over the years, not that he’d shown so much as a hint towards that.
     Still, while he was wary of the reaction Taishiro had, he couldn’t help but give a quick few spins just to show off.
“ Why wouldn’t I? I’ve a very expensive taste that simply can’t be satisfied by these common foods. ” His nose wrinkles slightly at the sight of grilled squid being eaten so sloppily before stepping onto the cooler box with a handkerchief that seemed to have just popped right into his hand just like magic.
“ I simply can’t go sunbathing and trying to draw in attention on an empty stomach, so I had quite a few pastries and other meals made for me before I got here. ” Lazily, he gestures for Taishiro to step closer with the handkerchief raised.
“ Let’s see… What did I buy. I know there’s few cakes and… I think they’re called subs in there -? Plenty of cheese cubes to go with the meat and… I forget what else was in there, really. I just bought whatever looked delicious and picked it up the next day. Guess you’ll have to wait and see once I find the perfect spot to pose and lay about. Which reminds me - you’re quite tall, handsome. If you had to make a guess, where would you say is a good spot where I could be easily noticed…? ” 
Twirl, twirl. A cute display that was kind of spoiled by the following nose wrinkle. Taishiro pouts back. He didn’t fancy being scrutinized for his eating habits in the least.
“Well it’s good ya brought your own food, then.” the reply came off flat, the now bare stick between his teeth.
Paying no mind to the handkerchief, Taishiro’s mind makes a list of images of the foods King Knight describes. No use being upset for too long, all of that really did sound tasty…
Picking up the cooler easily with a thoughtful grunt, a bit of muscle under his layer of fat flexing, he looks around.
“Too much sun and y’might burn. I already put m’sunscreen on, what `bout you?”
That’s good spot for swimming, not too many people though. Quiet time was for the bonfire, he figures, so he keeps scanning the beach. Stick bouncing up and down up and down…there!
“A bit of a compromise, but a lil’ less folks walkin’ by’ll save us from sand in the face.” and teeth. And food. And clothes.  
Not too far off from the jet skis, a lot of people were admiring the race from a safe distance, but still a decent walk away from the docks to avoid getting splashed. People would come and go from the docks to the more open beach area, so it seemed like perfect traffic, but not too crowded, either.
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
“Need a lift, ya short little punk?” a deep, loud voice rang behind her, and while the voice was familiar, the grin, his size, his tanned skin and his messy blonde hair would be the only visuals recognizable about him. 
“You can sit on my shoulders if ya want, you’re gonna miss the parade in a crowd like this!” 
He wore a patterned button up and cargo shorts over his swimming trunks, flip flops at the end of chunky, strong legs. The day had been an exciting one and he was ready to wind down with the sunset. He was sad to see her struggle to get a spot in the packed and excited crowd. 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
     The man had a point. How he missed this walking mountain was beyond him, but it wouldn’t have been the first time he’d done something stupid. Still, getting shouted at (in his view) was less than favorable, but once the man’s tone seems to settle, Okuyasu calms as well.
“ …Okuyasu Nijimura - you sure you’re not gonna die on me? Your face is fuckin’ red like a damn tomato. ” He exhales, gazing back out towards the street as he wondered which door he should go knocking on first. The idea of parading into someones house for a small cup of water didn’t seem like a favorable idea now that he thinks on it. The guys big. He needs a big source of water, like a gallon or something. He rubs his jaw and slowly comes to a stop, thinking to himself. What could he use…?
     What to use…!!! Well that was something they could use. Of course, he’s never once touched one of these things before. Only seen them used on the television on shows or movies.
      Carelessly, with hands dug into his pockets and rests his foot against the bright red fire hydrant he’d spotted a few feet away. Squinting now, he figures the easiest thing to do would be to simply open it. Or…
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     …He could just erase it!
     With one quick swipe from his stand, a good chunk of the fire hydrant had been erased which led to an unpleasant consequence to his rambunctious thinking. The water is shooting out powerfully into the streets which is great! He can proudly shoot the man a grin. A confident look that says “come get a sip” and feel smart for those few seconds! Until he really lets the situation sink in.
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“ …This shit runs outta water after a while - right? ”
“Okay, okay, Oku-boy, jus’, jus’ call me Taishiro...” wiping sweat off his face with his hands, which was a pointless effort in itself, “I said I’ll be fine, as long as I stay standing, got it?” 
Even just a couple cups of water could help him get back home, but in the haze of heat exhaustion it was hard to think or talk much. 
What was he doing? Wait. Don’t. No, the tops come off sometimes for some water, don’t they? Yeah, so--no no no no NO NO NO NO NO WHERE’D HALF OF THE FIRE HYDRANT GO?! 
“THAT’S--” he wheezes, hands on his head in disbelief as he walks half way into the street, panicking. Water shoots upwards and out, and cooling as it was, that’s, “--that’s destruction of public property, kid!! AND STEALING!! THAT’S ILLEGAL!!!” 
His legs gave out underneath him, landing on his backside with a big thud. His head hangs back, finding it hard to speak, thinking to himself. How’s he gonna explain this to his fellow bureau chief? 
He doesn’t answer Okuyasu’s question. 
At least...the water feels nice...
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
     ANY opportunity to wear anything out of the ordinary was considered a fine day. With a chance to show off at the beach, nothing could stop him from going all out and buying himself fancy wears and fancier equipment. With expensive white sunglasses and flip flops to match a very much expected over the top, shiny rose-gold bikini, Augustus surprisingly totes around his own bulky freezer box, filled with champagne and a wide variety of cheeses and other sweets. Far better a treat than the greasy foods he’s certain litter the place.
     He’d spent a majority of his time trying to spot a clean space to lay down a towel and enjoy himself, but just as he’s about to settle and swipe a mediocre spot, his attention is called to the delectable sight of a cute face and…
      His sunglasses slip just a bit with his mild look of awe. The slightly over-exaggerated expression washes away with a coy smirk as he slams down the box with a sigh.
“ I’d say they owe it to us after what we’ve been put through. ” He states, taking advantage of his dark tinted sunglasses just to eye the other head-to-toe.
“ Are you busy at all, darling? Think you could help me set up my things real quick? I ’ L L   s h a r e   m y  c h a m p a g n e . . . ”
Taishiro can’t hide his look the same way Augustus could. Instead his eyes widen, and his lips pucker out almost to whistle, but tightly shut before it makes much of a sound, smacking quietly. A ‘wow’ just barely escapes when it opens. This guy really has style. The pink on Taishiro’s face could be blush or the heat. 
To be fair, he was quickly learning the other man loved a lot of glittering, expensive things. He understood but couldn’t quite relate. But he didn’t so much mind, knowing he was trying and enjoying simpler things too.
“Champagne?!” he blinks in surprise, looking at his box, then him, then the box again, mouth agape. “Y’got a big fancy picnic in there `er what? I mean, don’t mind if I do...” he trails off, stuffing his mouth with the grilled squid in his hand, half of it and the stick out. “Find a good spot to sit?” he talks around it, before digging into it and chewing. 
If he keeps staring at him, he’ll really need to sit. 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
@misterfatgum  ⊱ ⊱ 《♥》
The buzzing of the crowd draws her in, making her way towards the volleyball court where many spectators were cheering on the players in the sand. She notices him immediately, her fellow bureau chief who was intently watching the game, and taps him on the shoulder.
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❝ Well well, you seem quite intrigued by the match, Bureau Chief.. ❞ she nudges, voice light and playful as she directs her analyzing gaze to the players as well. ❝ Look at these amateurs. I bet you and I could make easy work of them… ❞
Taishiro’s watching them with competitive spirit burning inside, wanting to join in but lacking a partner to do so. He barely even notices the tap, attention more caught by the other’s nudge. 
“Heya! Nice to see you enjoyin’ the festivities out here!” 
He would wonder how she recognized him out of his costume, he doesn’t think about it for more than a couple seconds. Can’t really hide a shape like his even in considerably less clothing. Open button up, swim trunks, flip flops, a black hair band keeping scruffy, messy blonde hair out of the corners of his chubby face. 
“Y’bet they’re a bunch’a amateurs! C’mon, let’s show ‘em how we do it!”
Inhaling, he hollers as one set of two leaves their spot; 
The crowd nearly jumps, anxiously parting as he makes a path to the sandy court, taking his flip flops off at the edge of the line. 8′ 2″, this giant with a fire in his eyes and grinning teeth already put a layer of intimidation over their poor opponents. They can’t really say no, nodding while they wait for him to finish stretching and for the both of them to take position.  
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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“….Are they sure they don’t need security for this?” He mentioned, looking around before looking at the other. 
“Yeah, what’s up with that...” Taishiro squints, glancing about while he chews idly on a leftover toothpick. Looking back down at him, he sighs before looking over the crowds again. 
“Gettin’ to relax like this is nice an’ all, hate to see it get crashed by anybody. People managin’ themselves is probably what they’re hopin’ fer. Ain’t somethin’ to trust though. Quiet truces don’t last long.” 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
This little party going on was quite something, if he had thought people were getting a little wild during the day with the jet ski’s and sports they were showing their truly wild side now. From the dancing to the music … Yes this was an environment he could thrive in.
And just when he’s wondering who he should go after, who gets the treat of an enticing night with him- he hears a familiar voice. Someone else in this city he had been waiting to see again.
“I’d recognize that voice anywhere, (heart) , where have you been hiding this whole time, Fatgum?”
A booming, laughing voice could be heard even easier a bit away from the thick of the festivities.He was leaning on the counter, chatting up the woman behind the bar with a beer in his hand. This would be the first time Belial would see the man in casual clothing--a patterned, open button up and simple, baggy swimming trunks. A bit hairy in some places, tanned and messy blonde hair with thick eyebrows. The muscle underneath his fat just barely shows through when it flexes. 
“Belial~!” he sing songs, waving, “If y’think a guy my size could hide, maybe ya need to look a lil’ harder! C’mon now!” he teases. 
Taking a pause to sip his beer he nods and gestures a thank you and ‘see ya later!’ to the bartender, before meeting Belial half way in his approach. 
“I wear a lot  o`clothing on the job but that’s just costumed comfort. I don’t expect to be trickin’ anybody.” kicking a foot to adjust the sandal beneath him idly, “In places like this y’can just call me Taishiro, y’know. I’ll have a nickname fer you soon enough.” he winks. 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
with all his escapades and whatnot, snake is very rarely found at his shared condo- only crashing to sleep and eat, but that’s just sometimes even. given that, it was only obvious that he hadn’t met his housemates.
or that his housemates wouldn’t recognize him.
so when he sees the large figure standing across the living, snake holds the stare over his coffee mug, pulling it away just enough to say
“relax. i live here.”
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Did someone break into the house? Taishiro was mid yawn when he noticed the unfamiliar man in the kitchen, immediately taking stance. A couple glances over, the situation better dawns on him. Though with his mouth still half agape while this is happening, it’s awkward on both ends. 
“It’s a good thing ya told me, don’t think ya wanna be a house plant comin’ outta da floor today, huh? Sorry `bout that.” 
Relaxing with an exhale, he tugs down the tank top he slept in over his peeking belly. He gives him a smiling expression before rummaging through kitchen cabinets for a mug and other fixings.
“Well, that explains th`neglected room–I don’t blame ya fer not sticking `round much, living with a bunch strangers from barely a discernible place is difficult.”
Putting sugar and milk in his coffee and stirring, he looks sympathetic before going back to a cheery--though still sort of sleepy--smile. 
“M’names Taishiro, y’ain’t got nothin’ to be afraid of in `ere. I got big teeth but I don’t bite without permission.” he chuckles at his own joke, sipping his coffee, “What’s yer name?”
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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// Beautiful boy here! I’m waiting for another character to get accepted and I wanna catch up on what I owe, so I won’t be doing very many event threads. If mutuals wanna do something short and sweet, feel free to message me or give the boy a holler. // 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
The sunshine and beach breeze was a nice combination, along with the spots of shade. A simple black headband pushes his hair out of his face, an open, short sleeved and patterned button up, orange swimming trunks (just the perfect amount of baggy over his knees), and white flip flops.  
Following his hungry belly he ends up by the vendors with four ikayaki sticks in an open styrofoam box, thinking about what to do next. He could set up a place to lay down for a while and eat, watch the jet skis…yeah, that sounds nice.
With an ikayaki half way in his mouth he stops his walk to wave and holler to Augustus across the crowd. It’s kind of funny–as tall as he is, you can’t miss him, and he can’t miss much either. Though hollering with food in his mouth almost makes him drop it, stumbling to catch it.
They meet in the middle, Taishiro trading hands to hold his box of treats, licking the soy sauce off his fingers before speaking this time.
“The weather’s perfect today, don’t’cha think? Nice of ‘em to set somethin’ up like this.”
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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“Food, drinks, jet-skis `n volleyball! This’s gonna be tons of fun, heh-heh~! Bein’ this tall in volleyball gives you an edge like nobody else!” 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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// My depression’s really been dunkin’ me so I’ve been focusing on self-care/responsibilities and such--and will likely continue to do so throughout the week. I’ll try and see if I can poke at em slowly, I feel a bit guilty for replying to whatever’s easiest for me at the time.
Thank-you everybody for your patience and I hope I can be back up on my feet soon. //
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
👄 they haven't met yet so platonic/non-canon it is.
// KISSY KISSY // Accepting! //
Half way dozing off after a night of drinking, he chuckles and giggles as someone pecks him on the side of the face, tickling his sideburns. Oh yeah. It’s the guy who he bumped into earlier on his way back. 
“Thankya kindly magic bro, fer takin’ me hooome~. Good sleep, night, yeah, that one! …mmmnn…” he drunkenly calls after him, promptly falling asleep on the couch of his condo as he leaves. 
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
vengeful-inferno replied to your post: �� ( a friendly or comical smooch for the ever...
Too slow, buddy. Too slow. ;3
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I’ll let you have it this time but if you try to take from my sweets stash without me looking I’ll twist your arm till you say sorry--
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misterfatgum-blog · 6 years
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// I just did that kiss meme two different ways by accident I’m so sorry my brain is like, half working today I’m so sleepy and out it, fuck--//
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