Natalie Elise Marie Knight
15 posts
26 || Single Mom to Kian Elijah || Just moved back home after being gone for almost seven years, and yet it seems like nothing has changed.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
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In this verse your muse is employed by Dunder Mifflin, Kola branch. Nonsense abounds, but with an enthusiastic wack-o for a boss, what do you expect? You might have to show up to work everyday, but no one said it had to be boring.
If you would like to participate in this verse, please REBLOG OR LIKE this post & post any starters in FCKIT:OFFICE.
For more information look below.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Message me if you would like to plot together!
I only have the one muse and I can’t really like all of your starter calls because this is also a side blog but I would like to get Natalie out some especially just being new to this group. I also have a starter up already so you all are more than welcome to reply to that as well! So yeah let me know if you guys have any ideas you would like to do! I’m up for anything really all you have to do is ask! I look forward to writing with each and every one of you 😁😁
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Like any normal human that walked this earth, Natalie needed to go to the grocery store to stock up on some things that she didn’t have due to having just moved in. Usually Natalie and Kian would go with one or both of her parents, but this time it was just her with her son. Walking up to the store with the car seat hooked on her arm, she stopped dead in her tracks at her name being called to see a familiar face that had lurked in the deep in the back of her mind for the past seven years. This one she thought she would never see again in her lifetime, especially after what had happened. “C-Carson?” she questioned, blinking her eyes a couple of times to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on her. She was almost speechless, it was clearly expressed on her face as she stared down at her ex-boyfriend she dated through high school. “What do you mean what am I doing here, what are you doing here?” She asked, only to realized that she repeated what he just said. She was completely caught off guard, her mind went blank and she unsure of what to do next in this unexpected situation.
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Yet another place he got turned down based on what he did. Sure, he knew finding a job would be hard, but he didn’t expect it to be that bad. Particularly when all Carson wanted was to get a job, get his life back on tracks, and prove everyone he’d changed. Yet no one seemed willing to give him the chance to prove that. But perhaps that was fate that got him rejected again, as the moment he walked outside, he came face to face with someone far too familiar. “Natalie?” The expression on his face quickly went from deception from his rejection, to surprise. “Wha- What are you doing here?”
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
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Natalie: That’s alright, I’ve been gone for so long anyway Natalie: Oh jeez, do you want me to call crying saying you need to take me to the hospital? Natalie: or have any other plans for me to help you get out of there? Natalie: I’ve been good, we need to get together soon haha
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CARCOSA: i know we haven’t really talked in awhile but CARCOSA: i’m on this nightmare of a date right now CARCOSA: and i need a good distraction from this train wreck for the next hour and a half CARCOSA: and maybe even a possible escape plan?? CARCOSA: so… how’ve you been?
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Natalie didn’t mean to overhear the young woman’s conversation while she breast fed her newborn while sitting on the same bench as her. “No, no problem at all.” she said looking up at the woman. “I completely understand your position, I’ve been exactly where you’re at.” She admitted hinting at the baby in her arms.
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  sitting on a bench by the park she was talking on the phone with her mother. “No mom I am not coming to see you, and I am not going to stop working i’m pregnant and not sick. Jesus.” she said and then just hung up. “Sorry if I was to loud.” Mila then said talking to the person who also was sitting on the bench.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Natalie looked up from drinking her coffee to the man who was inquiring about her. “Yes..?” She answered hesitantly while setting her coffee down on the table.
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{ main verse - open starter }
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  “Aye excuse me, but can I ask you something real quick?” elijah asked the person sitting at a other table by the local café.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Manny had just come home from another day of working summer school, slightly exhausted from the attempt of teaching students with no desire to learn, they’d grabbed a coffee on their  way back home to the apartment complex. As they shuffled around for the key in their bag, they overheard a unfamiliar female voice mumble to someone, picking up what was said, Manny caught glimpse of the boxes, tossed their coffee to the side and approached the mother… “ You know,  I don’t have many plans until the new episode of the Love Island comes on tonight, guilty pleasure, don’t judge, so, if you’d like some help with the rest of your boxes…so you can get to feeding your baby, I don’t mind at all…” they insisted, eyes widening as Manny extended a hand. “ Forgive me, that came off a bit forward, I’m Manny and I live a few apartments down from you and I just overheard you…and figured I could be of use.”
When she heard the unfamiliar voice talking to her, she spun around with a box in her hands to give her attention to the stranger as her eyes grew wide with the offer to help. “Oh, no judgement here, but are you sure you don’t mind?” I would hate to be such a bother to you.” She put the smaller box to her side as if she was holding her son on her hip and shook their hand. “No, that’s alright. I’m Natalie, nice to meet you, Manny.” She looked at the ten boxes she had left to bring inside, a little to hesitant to put such a burden on her neighbor, only to have her mind made up for her when Kian started crying again. “Some help would be very much appreciated.” She admitted and gave them a small smile before putting the box in front of her again. “If you just want to grab them and stack them up in the living room, that would be great.” she said before turning back to her apartment to drop the box she already had off.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
“Okay, Okay. You win Tans, we’ll stay in” Natalie laughed while holding her newborn as she watched her old friend come into her apartment with food and make herself at home. Tansy was right, they hadn’t hung out since high school, and Natalie couldn’t believe that it had been that long. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, they both just went separate ways with their lives, but as soon as Natalie moved back to town and got her own place, she invited Tansy out to grab a meal and meet Kian. “Is there anything I can do?” Natalie asked.
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open starter in the main verse from shitbag tansy.
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“I am not taking no for an answer.” Tansy said as she placed the bag of take out on the table. “It has been like, seven years since we actually sat down and had a meal together and I’m hungry, you’re hungry, we’re not going out, we’re just gonna stay in.” A small frown pressed on her features as she turned her attention back to them. Truthfully, she was being dramatic, and, their lack of quality time was entirely her fault. She was the one who never seemed to be around anymore.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Natalie looked over at the man with a tilted head as he spoke to her on the bus. She had Kian in his stroller next to her, who was fast asleep on their way home. “I guess that makes sense, then again most people don’t like the feeling of cold scales, and when was the last horror movie that came out about cats?” She asked, not really sure if it was smart to engage with this person and whatever state he was in to talk to her about such an odd topic.
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open starter ;; main verse
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“snakes are objectively adorable, alright? like, kittens can bite the shit out of us too but people don’t freak out about cats. it’s the same thing with snakes.” maybe it’s not the best conversation to be having with a complete stranger, but maybe he smoked a blunt before he left the house this morning and he has a lot of emotions about snakes. at least no one can say he’s lacking passion, even if he’s a little weird.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Natalie had taken Kian to the park to get some fresh air seeing that there was no reason for them to be stuck inside on such a nice day. Being only four months old, Kian was too young to play on the jungle gym, but he seemed to be enjoying the activity pad she had brought from home and laid him under. She was occasionally watching the kids play at the park when a curious toddler came up to them and onto the blanket they were sitting on. Natalie greeted him with a smile and a gentle hello as she watched the toddler become suddenly fascinated with the new born. On his journey to the newborn he tripped over Kian’s diaper bag, knocking out the milk she had pumped before they left the house which now was seeping into the blanket and her pants. 
Natalie jolted in reaction of the milk splattering everywhere, only to look up and see the presumed father of the child extending his hand out to her. “No, No it was an accident no worries.” She smiled at him before standing up with his help and began to clean up the mess by wringing out the blanket and packing it away in the bottom of the stroller. “No need to cry over spilled milk.” She joked as she took the wet wipes out of the bag and began to clean herself up the best she could. “Well unless you can pump 10 ounces of milk out of your chest to refill what was spilled, then no. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen, it was an accident, no harm done.” Natalie smiled when she finished her pants and went to pick up Kian from his activity pad. “So, who’s this little rascal?” She asked the man holding the toddler.
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open starter in the main verse from shitbag cooper.
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“I am literally… The most sorry right now.” Cooper said, a small smile on his lips but it wasn’t from joy, oh no, he was flooded with anxiety as he looked down to see just how bad the damage his son did was. Going to the park was always a good time, that is, after Tate got over the initial excitement of being there. Picking his son up off the ground he extended his hand to the other. “Is there anything I can do to make up for this? I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Moving In || Open
“I know baby, mama is making loud noises and you’re hungry, I just have to get these last few boxes inside and we can eat and take a nap. Okay?” Natalie attempted to coax the fussy newborn from the apartment hallway as she picked up her boxed up belongings and carried them into the apartment one at a time.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Seven Years Time || Self Para
I left Kola, California for the big city of New York to attend Cornell University, right after high school. While I was studying to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Studies and Language with a minor in Teaching, I spent a few of years overseas in different countries learning languages and having a great time being fully submerged in the cultures. I loved it so much, I didn’t want to leave.
I graduated in five years and afterwards I stayed in New York where I worked a few in between jobs that involved translation for cooperate companies. That is how I met Jaxon Reed. He was apart of a high end business CEO training internship, and our paths just kind of crossed accidentally one day while we both sat in on the same meeting with an over seas company that I had to translate for. After the meeting we talked for a bit getting to know each other. It wasn’t long until we started going on dates, then actually dating and then planning on moving in with each other.
It was about a year after Jaxon and I met when I found out I was pregnant, and Jaxon wasn’t a bit thrilled. He became very aggressive and said that I was jeopardizing his career, that he didn’t want nor had time for a family right now, and that I should just get rid of it. That hurt, very badly. I wasn’t intentionally trying to start a family so soon, it was a surprise to both of us. I did what he asked going against my raised beliefs about it and walked into an abortion clinic, but after sitting in the waiting room for only five minutes, I couldn’t do it and I had to walk out of there.
Growing up Roman Catholic in an Italian household, my family believed that everything happened for a reason. That blessings arrive in you lap as disguised from what they truely are. I was twenty-five, and I didn’t know when I would ever get pregnant again because I knew that I wouldn’t be dating for a very very long time after all of this. Maybe this was God’s blessing in disguise, that it was time for me to be a mother as scary as that seemed.
That night I called my mom and told her what happened, she told me that if I really wanted to do this, and he didn’t want to be involved that I had to get it written agreement saying so. So that is what exactly what I did, I called up a lawyer and met Jaxon for lunch and laid out everything. I told him that I would be keeping the child and that:
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I explained to him that he would have no rights to the child, no visitation or contact what so ever, as if it wasn’t even his, just like how he wanted. I was not to ask him for any kind of child support or alimony, that I would be doing this all on my own. As annoyed Jaxon was with the situation and me bringing in a lawyer, he agreed to everything and signed away the rights to the baby.
About six months after that was handled, I moved back to my parents’ house temporarily in Kola, seeing that there was nothing keeping me there in New York City anyway. During my pregnancy I continued to work, just little jobs that were easy for me, day cares, call centers, substitute teaching, things like that. For eight months and a week, I endured every punch that came with my pregnancy and kept going. I went to all the baby classes by myself and kept my head up high to be strong for my son.
I went into labor on the bus ride to my parents’ house from work and I was so scared. I was alone and had nothing ready for the hospital. I called my mom as soon as I could and talked her through everything I needed and told her to meet me there. The bus driver was nice enough to drop me off at the hospital, and congratulated me on my ‘little blessing’.
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When I saw my mom, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I had no idea what to do and I was just overall just scared that this was finally happening. She was able to get me to relax and told me. “This baby needs you, Natalie. You gave him this life, now let him start his journey on living it. You will always be there for him no matter what, don’t let him down now because you are scared. Show him how strong you are, how dedicated you are to being his mother. _:”
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After being in labor for almost 14 hours, 7 pounds and 10 ounces, Kian Elijah, named after my father Lucas Kian and my grandfather Elijah, entered our lives and would forever change them. I couldn’t have done it without of the support of my family being there for me. After Kian was born, having their help was a great blessing, but I knew that I had to step up and take responsibility. So Kian and I left my mother’s house and moved into a small one bedroom apartment, that way I have some independence when it came to raising my son. I am not too far away from my family, so they are always nearby if I need help which is nice. But like I told my mom, “This was my choice. If I am going to do this, then I need to do this my way and raise my son to be the great man that I know he will become. He will be unconditionally loved by everyone in this family, and that is all he needs, is this family.”
Kian is now four months old and I am blessed for his happiness, health, and strength. Not only his, but the strength he has given me as being his mom.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
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FULL NAME: Natalie Elise Marie Knight
FACE CLAIM: Gina Rodriguez
AGE: Twenty-Six
SEXUALITY: Straight / Heterosexual
DATE OF BIRTH: April 16th, 1992
OCCUPATION: Subsitute High School Language Teacher / Translator
USUAL HANG OUTS / PLACES YOU FIND ME AT: Apartment, Parents’ House, Work, Grocery Store, The Park, Local Cafe, things of that nature.
HOBBIES: Reading, Dancing, Listening to music, taking care of Kian (her son), Sleeping
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Conscientious, Sociable, Respectful, Responsible, Humility 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Protective, Honest, Tenacious, Reliable, Compassionate
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: A bottle of wine every once in a while.
Main Verse: Natalie is a single mom who just moved back to Kola and had her son Kian. Kian’s father wanted nothing to do with him and signed away all of his parental rights to him legally. Natalie just wants a fresh start for her and her son and works as a substitute teacher for the nearby high school. She would like to go full time or even in a job that has to do with Translation since that is what her degree is in, but with Kian being so young she doesn’t want to miss his firsts.
Other Verses TBD
She’s a single mom so anything could happen so maybe with her high school ex who is still in Kola or,anyone else who can handle her, her son, and the drama that comes with it.
High School friends
College Friends
Friends from the places she’s studied abroad in: Italy, Spain, Germany, Japan and Korea.
Old Teachers
Family Friends
They started dating in high school, but about 5 years later, with Natalie going to school on the other side of the country, they would have broken up because she felt they weren’t going in the same direction and not wanting the relationship to be long distance. Carson didn’t take it well so he kidnapped her and kept her locked in a room in his house for nearly two weeks before he got arrested and sent to jail.
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
Hello! My name is Audrey, I’m 23 years young. My pronouns are she/her and time zone is Mountain time, even though my bedtime is like 4 am. I use to write roleplay on here before like five years ago, but then I stopped because of school and now I’m back at it again for more of a stress reliever. I’ve always enjoyed this type of creative writing.
I’m kind of down to do any type of plots, and i don’t have a problem with smut either. I do wish though that if you want to write a thread with me that has a certain plot line that you discuss it with me first so that we are on the same page. The worst thing I could end up saying is no to a plot line, but we could find something that makes us both happy.  
I do have a few other accounts that I roleplay on in other groups, this blog is a side blog for this group and helps me keep everything organized.
Main Independent Blog: https://audreyroyce.tumblr.com/
Side Blog: https://missamandagreen.tumblr.com/
Side Blog: https://little-mochi-mocha.tumblr.com/
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Natalie Knight, Gina Rodriguez ( Twenty-Six ) + Be Careful by Cardi B
Again, I’m up for anything when it comes to plotting. I would love for Natalie to reconnect with friends from high school and childhood, since she did grow up in Kola, California, or like family friends, old teachers, things like that! Or just new friends in general or other parents she can spend time with and with her son.
Lets see here. I really like tv shows like Black Mirror and Altered Carbon where its captivating, but I like funny shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Office, Big Mouth and stuff like that. (I know that my charcater may be similar to the plot line of Jane the Virgin but I’ve never seen the show so please don’t ask me if I have) My favorite color is pastel pink and I love eating steak or sushi. I like sleeping in when I can or just having down time. I like meeting new people and getting out and doing things. I don’t know really if you have any specific questions about my likes feel free to ask!
I’m not really sure what I plan on doing besides building my writing and my character. I’ve had this character since the beginning of my writing but I never really got to develop her, I just kind of rushed every plot line and it was just a mess. Now it is just a clean slate for her to grow. I would like there to be some drama withe the baby daddy but how yet I’m unsure. I also want to step out of my comfort zone and really find what type of writer I am. 
The reason why I joined Fuck It is because I was looking for another roleplay group to join and when I found a wanted plot that could go with a character I already had, I decided, why not? Just try it and see, so that is how I got here writing my bio and Natalie’s bio for this group. I look forward to writing with all of you!  
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missnatalieknight · 7 years ago
NATALIE!! I know you, I think I’ve seen you around Kola… or maybe that was GINA RODRIGUEZ. Either way, get your cute self back here within twenty four hours! + wanted connection for carson mcallister has been filled.
&+ FOLLOW @missnatalieknight WELCOME HOME TO KOLA, CALIFORNIA !! Be sure to follow everyone HERE & heads up we will be adding a new tag, FCKIT:OOC for general ooc chatter
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