missmontez · 2 years
Gabriella let out another giggle before sighing. “Honey, I really don’t know. We should just go on a date together and say enough is enough!” She was joking, she really hoped she sounded like she was. She didn’t want to make her friend uncomfortable by trying to hit on her on the spot or something. “It’s a lot scarier to tell a girl that you really like them than a guy. A guy gives you a basic and simple answer. A girl? Oh god, it’s just so intimidating!”
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“Less lame… not lame at all, really.” For someone with mostly guy friends and more guy crushes than she’d like to admit, Honey was in agreement with that. Maybe even more so because of those guy friends and guy crushes. “And cuter. And they smell better. God, Gabriella, remind me again why we even put up with guys again?”
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missmontez · 2 years
⋆⋆⋆ ☾ ⋆⋆⋆
It was easier to feel comfortable in such a big crowd after a drink but she couldn’t help the awkward shuffle as she looked past faced she didn’t recognize. After getting out of the cottage she knew it would take time to make friends and socialize, that didn’t mean going to an event of this size didn’t make her a little anxious. That’s why she’d asked Flynn to go with her, as embarrassing as it was saying her regular bartender was one of her only friends. She was just thankful he was nice enough to agree since she didn’t think she’d go if he hadn’t. “It’s gorgeous on you, I’ll have to stop by sometime.” So far so good, it seemed like she hadn’t minded her striking up another conversation. “Dorky? No way, I was the one who asked for help so I am the dork. Aurora, nice to meet you officially,” she said giving a small laugh. “It makes sense you didn’t, I was just a random girl asking you about a crossword after all. I can’t blame you.”
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Gabriella chuckled, but she knew that she was the nerd in this situation. If this girl only knew the dorky activities she did for fun...she’s probably run for the hills. Gabi knew that the only people who could tolerate her on best days were fellow musical theater nerds and scientists. “Well, now that we got that awkwardness out, everything moving forward should be a breeze!” She was joking and she hoped her joke itself wasn’t awkward. “Can I get you a drink? And then we can discuss crosswords and all kind of puzzles if you like that stuff. I have made it embarrassingly clear that I am obsessed with that kind of stuff and am totally not great at small talk, so, the ball is now in your court. Which is a stupid basketball pun because that’s the only sport I can stomach to watch.”
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missmontez · 2 years
"You said it was a great love, one for the ages." - Troy
Gabriella nodded her head, feeling both happy and sad from hearing her own words thrown at her. She didn’t regret her words one bit; when it came to her relationship with Troy she knew how she felt and she wasn’t ashamed of that. Her time with him was some of the best and sometimes the most painful moments of her life. She would do it all over again, still. He brought a wave of nostalgia that no one else could and when the two of them were able to have these moments uninterrupted it reminded her that the world really did seem to fade away when it was just them. She didn’t have to hide anything and she didn’t have to pretend to be strong when she wasn’t. She was always going to try, but it never really got her very far with him. She didn’t know if everyone was lucky enough to have an epic first love like she did with Troy, but she hoped that they did. She wouldn’t know how to even navigate romance and love if it wasn’t for the way she felt for him.
“I did,” she finally said softly, looking up at him. Her basketball guy. “And I will always speak fondly of our love. I don’t know why you’re bringing it up right now..” she admitted with a small blush to her face. “...but I don’t mind it. It’s nice to look back on the good times, right? I mean, it’s really nice that we can do this and it not be weird or really sad, right?” She felt a sadness but it wasn’t because of her memories. It was more so because of her present. She never had wanted to let him go, but she knew it was for the best. He always reminded her of that, so she knew there would just be wasted words trying to fight it. Troy was a lot of things, but he was honest with her. She never took that for granted and she didn’t question it, either. She trusted him with her entire heart and then some. “Are you feeling okay, Troy? I...I just want to know where your mind is at, wildcat.” @boltonoftroy
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missmontez · 2 years
continued from this. @starboyjim​
Gabriella was mortified. She couldn’t even blame alcohol for the slip of words she just used. One minute they were joking and being themselves and the next she was saying stuff like that. She knew that her heart had a habit of betraying her at the worst moments but his confusion just showed that all she did was maybe mess something up she should not have tried to mess up. A large part of her was tired of dancing around her feelings and not going for something she thought could be great. Another part of her wanted to shove all of that deep, deep, down and stay single and just never ever take a shot because the last time she took a shot, she missed harder than she could handle. 
Normally, she kept a pretty clear head and her words weren’t such a jumble mess of apologies and blushes, but now that she had said what she said she could not reach the control panel in her head that helped her sound composed. “Everything is so fine!” she blurted out, louder than she had intended. Good job, brain. Filled with so much academic value and for what? “We can totally pretend I never said anything. It was just a very odd slip of the tongue! Nothing that needs to be dwelled on. Um. Yeah. I don’t...I don’t really know what that was. Sorry? Again. Um. What were we talking about again before that?”
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missmontez · 2 years
🏠 A song you could live inside
no tears left to cry by ariana grande
Right now, I'm in a state of mind I wanna be in like all the time Ain't got no tears left to cry
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missmontez · 2 years
"There's a lot of lame guys out there." - Honey
“You’re right, and I just happen to be attached to the two that I think are anything but lame.” Gabriella buried her face in her hands. She had no idea how she got her love life so messy. It was all one-sided too, which felt worse honestly. No matter how many times she tried to move on and find other guys and sometimes even girls she ended up back where she has been for the last year or so. It was so exhausting. “I don’t know if I’m lucky or really unlucky, Honey,” she said looking up from her hands. “Maybe we should swear off guys now. Girls are a lot less lame when they aren’t being super intimidating.” @chmiclreaction
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missmontez · 2 years
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, turning to her as he bit his lips. Troy clung to the taste of cold, bitter beer on his hand, placing it on his lips as his only saving grace. He’d made bad decisions in response to the questions in his head. He was young and naïve, and he thought he was missing out on life by being with the woman he loved. Gabriella sat next to him, her warmth and incredible smile still as bright as the first time he saw her. Troy began to ask himself questions. Why? Why out of all people, have you left the only person that made you feel alive? He kept staring at her, unable to utter a single word. He was a fool in all aspects, and yet he couldn’t force himself to say anything for fear that Gabriella would turn him down. She was already doing so well in her life, striving in all aspects of her career without him.
“Sorry, I—, I still like to look at you.” He admitted, catching himself from staring too long at her. Troy wanted to touch her, hold her hand, and pull her into his embrace. If he were to drop all his cards, that would also entail a confession about his past with Sharpay. He knew Gabriella wouldn’t forgive him. The thought of completely losing her hurts more than settling into this comfortable distance. Perhaps it was okay, to see her, and talk to her when happenstance passed by. This was enough, for now. “Are you with someone?” He asked, though he wasn’t really ready for her response. “My team went to visit, you know I can’t say no.” Troy explained.
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Gabriella had thought she had done something wrong. He was looking at her and looked like he was in pain and she just wanted to wrap her arms around him and tell him that whatever was troubling him would be okay. Despite everything she wanted to be the one to help him heal. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. None of this felt like it was supposed to be going this way. She couldn’t help but wonder how this would be going if she had been able to keep him from wandering from her. If they would have entered the event hand in hand like they used to. If he would have kissed her on New Years...It was maddening. She was going to drive herself crazy with the what ifs and what could have been, but she always seemed to get that way when Troy was involved. He made her really wonder what she was doing this all for. She made her heart sore and ache at the same time. He was...everything to her. Even when he wasn’t supposed to be. She felt a little stupid for clinging to her first love so hard but he just made it so easy.
When he spoke she couldn’t help but feel as if she could start giggling and lose her senses like a silly high schooler. “No need to apologize,” she said softly. At his question she wished she had a more confident answer. That she had someone and was trying to do as he did and move on. That she was trying not to hold out for him even though her heart was protesting. “I...no, I’m not with someone. Taylor and Chad had their own plans, which I’m sure you already know...” She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I do. Troy Bolton, loyal as always. Probably the most loyal and honest guy that I know.” He was such a good person. It was hard for Gabriella to be hurt when it was by such a good guy. “My mom needed me then too. I mean, it was kinda inevitable that we would leave early, but sometimes it’s nice to dream.”
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missmontez · 2 years
Gabriella knew that parties could be wild and unpredictable, but she was not even a little bit prepared for Jim to interrupt her conversation with Troy. It made her blush right away and she tried to hide her face in her hands so that neither of them saw it. She felt like she was getting caught doing something messy and she didn’t want to feel like that. Their conversation was getting so deep and Gabriella had a choice to either see if it kept going anywhere or go off with Jim. She really didn’t know what the best choice was. 
At the same time...Troy was still talking to her like what they had was over. So she shouldn’t be trying to make something work that the other person didn’t want, right? She shook her head at Jim’s question, standing up and clearing her throat. “Umm..no. We were just finishing up. Hey, Jim.” She gave him a small smile. “Happy New Year to you too. I’m sorry you got stuck at work...” She gave Troy an apologetic glance before guiding Jim to walk off with her.  “I’m sorry about that....you for sure just saw me running into my ex. I...I don’t know. We were just talking about high school and things like that...Nothing major. And before you ask, I am okay. Do you wanna head into the party? There isn’t as many people there now.”
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//closed starter @missmontez​
Jim wasn’t able to attend all the commotion from the NYE party in town. The holidays were always the busiest season for the Benbow Inn which meant he had to work overtime. It was only after midnight that he finally got the approval from his own mother that he could head out. She was grateful to him for staying, but that also meant that he had missed out on a lot of things. Morph still wanted him to come, so he might as well visit the after party and see if he could still catch up.
Jim was wearing only his usual clothes, a brown polo under his black suede jacket. He walked his way towards the party, only to realize that he stuck out like a sore thumb. Jim also won’t be donating a single thing because he has no money for it. With a sigh, he instead walked around the outskirts of the place until he saw Gabriella sitting on the bench with some other guy. Jim smiled, waving at her, and calling out her name. “Hey.” He said as he approached her. “I just wish you Happy New Year. I wanted to see you before it happened, but I got stuck with work.” Jim sheepishly grinned, scratching his head before realizing that the other guy seemed to mind his presence. “Oh. Am I interrupting something?”
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missmontez · 2 years
Gabriella was feeling....odd with the way her night was going so far. Running into Troy and Jim had her flustered and she needed to do something to distract herself. Running into a sort of familiar face was just what she needed, and she blushed wildly at the compliment. She wasn’t a fashion girl or anything like that by any means, so it meant a lot. “I did! I got it at that one store in the Amity Park mall...Angel’s? It was really cute and I just couldn’t resist!” She rubbed the back of her neck, trying to ease her blush. “And yeah, that’s me! Dorky crossword girl. My real name is Gabriella. I’m sorry I wasn’t being formal with you before.”
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who: @missmontez where: lava springs nye
Aurora had asked Flynn to come with her so that she wasn’t alone after finding out she knew like no one going to this thing. As much as her parents wanted her to be social at these sort of events but she normally just wanted to enjoy the music and have fun which was never as good without people to do it with. They’d gotten separated after she ran to the bathroom and couldn’t find him after she returned. Aurora stood at the edge of the dance floor while still trying to look around in case she saw him and that’s when she saw someone she thought she recognized. “Wait, aren’t you that girl that helped me with my crossword? Gabriella, right?” She smiled wide. “Your dress is freaking gorgeous, you didn’t happen to get it in town, did you?” It was a long shot but Aurora wanted one for herself, maybe in a different color. 
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missmontez · 2 years
Of course New Years Eve parties made Gabriella feel a weird sense of nostalgia. It was where everything began, really. It was how she met Troy, it was how she found the courage to sing in front of others; there was a lot of milestones that happened that fateful night during karaoke. As much as she wanted to say she wanted to go and have fun and all that, she really was going to avoid it. But it was for Sharpay and the drama department and even though she was sure Sharpay was going to say something about her going, she did want to help out. It tugged at her big heart and she wasn’t going to stay home for no reason. So she tried her best to get dressed up and head out to Lava Springs, which was a completely different wave of nostalgia. 
The party was a lot bigger than she expected and it didn’t take her long before she looked for a designated quiet spot. She hadn’t expected to see Troy and she knew she probably should turn around and pretend she didn’t, but instead she called out his name softly and took a seat next to him. “Happy New Year, Troy,” she said softly. She took the beer he offered her even though she hadn’t made her mind up yet about drinking it. As he spoke, she felt like her heart was beating so fast she was going to faint. No matter where they were in life, she always got like that around Troy. She just couldn’t help herself. “I don’t regret anything either,” she practically whispered, like it was a secret just for the two of them even though they were already alone. “It was a lot simpler back then. We really learned who we were together and I will never ever feel bad for that.” She decided to finally open up the beer can and took a sip, scrunching her nose at the taste. “Life is always complicated. It just doesn’t always feel that way when you keep good company.” She smiled at him. “Sometimes I do wish I could go back to that first New Years Eve....I wouldn’t do anything different but...I would appreciate it more. Maybe not leave so fast.”
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//closed starter @missmontez​
Troy sat just outside Sharpay’s party, trying to remain low-key as the rest of his team danced and drank themselves all night. Instead of tiring himself out, he had a can of beer in one hand while he sat on the bench overlooking the meadow. The new year was about to come, so he needed the moment of quiet to reflect on his thoughts. There was a lot of self-discovery that he had gone through, and basketball was once again his only companion in life. While he drank in silence, a woman sat next to him on the bench, and before he could speak, he heard her soft voice call out his name, and he knew right then that she was the perfect person to be with at the moment. “Hey.” He mumbled. “Happy New Year, Gabriella.” Troy smiled, offering a can of beer he had taken from the side.
“Just a few years ago, we were at the same party singing our hearts out.” Troy broke the silence, putting the can back to his lips as his eyes kept still on the distant horizon. He was tired from the practice, and the champagne from inside the party had already consumed most of his head. It felt right to sit beside Gabriella on the outskirts of the estate, with the faint noise of the party behind them. “We were so sure of what we wanted back then, don’t you think?” He chuckled, turning to look at her. Gabriella still had the same angelic look as before—beautiful and natural—the kind of face one could only dream about. Troy knew she was doing better ever since they broke up, but his head always went back to her when his thoughts sat in silence. “You, the nerd. I, the jock. A simple equation. Who knew life could have been so complicated?” He could tell that the alcohol was getting to him. The last thing Troy would have wanted sober was to share nostalgic thoughts with an ex. She was his ex, but somehow he still kept their pages open, hoping that one day he’d be able to write again. “I don’t regret it though. Everything we’ve been through, those were still the best moments of my life.” Troy confessed, sighing deeply. 
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missmontez · 2 years
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Gabriella Montez || NYE
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missmontez · 2 years
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missmontez · 2 years
Gabriella going to a library at this time was normal for her. She used her library card to the point where it was frayed a little bit at the corners from using it so many times. She was always reading and always trying to find the next best book to squeal to Taylor over if the moment was right. She had already had her arms full of books and had set them down on a table when she spotted Jim. He looked really focused and she was going to just...let him be, but then she thought that she should be trying more to talk to the guy she sort of liked, right? At least attempt to try to be bolder than she was when it came to things like this. 
When he bumped into her she waved him off. “No, don’t worry about it! Just getting a few new books for my growing collection. And you?” When he explained he was doing an experiment her eyes lit up. “An experiment? Can I help you? I love testing out theories and hypothesis! Like, to me that’s really fun.” She was such a nerd, god. She glanced at what he was doing and frowned for a moment when she realized he was....not doing an experiment at all. It looked like blueprints to an estate and....she really hoped it wasn’t what it could be. “Jim,” she said, her voice serious. “What is going on? Really? We can eat after you talk to me.” She took a seat across from him before he could say another word. “I’m not trying to be...I just want to make sure you’re alright. You seem a little....off.”
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//closed starter @missmontez​
Jim stood hunched down on a table in the library, opening up a blueprint of the Arendelle estate. If Anna was adamant on escaping the shackles of her birthright, Jim knew he was the perfect person to do the heist. He stood in contemplation, memorizing every entry and gateway towards their gigantic house and made notes as to how he’ll get the princess out alive and safe. Truth be told, the rush of figuring this puzzle out excited him. He wanted to win, to tinker around the ropes of this problem, and finally use his mind for something great.
As he kept his focused fixed in the table laden with scattered papers and scribbled notes, Jim didn’t notice the figure standing beside him until he bumped into her. “Oh, shit. Sorry, sorry.” He caught her, holding her by the arms. “Gabriella, what? What are you doing here?” He asked, to which he hurriedly closed off the blueprints and the books in front of him. Jim turned to her once more with a sheepish smile. “Oh, you know? not much is going on. Just a little experiment, that’s all.” He scratched his head, feeling a little foolish with his flat-out lie. “Want to eat? I think we should get out of here.” Jim wanted to redirect her, though her eyes seemed to have seen far too much. 
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missmontez · 2 years
closed starter @sharpayyyyy​ location: club banana
Gabriella did not have any good winter clothes, so it was off the stores to find something decent. She knew she should have gone to Amity Park to shop, but she liked the local stores in Echo Creek. She found better deals and she found more things her style. She had been a loyal customer to Club Banana for a while now and she preferred the full shop instead of the little one in the mall. As she browsed for a nice jacket and was about to tug it off the wrack, another hand reached for the same jacket, causing Gabriella to frown. When she turned to see who was trying to take something she obviously had in her hand first, she saw it was Sharpay and dropped it immediately. “Oh. Sorry Sharpay!” she squeaked before taking a step back. “I didn’t think that one was your style...it’s not as pink!”
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missmontez · 2 years
Gabriella perked up the moment the question was asked of her. Of course she knew the answer, but she had to take a good look at the girl as to why. Seeing her do a crossword only excited her more because she loved doing those, but she didn’t want to come off as the loudest geek this stranger has ever heard. So she just simply nodded and smiled brightly. “It’s optics. And it’s super fun to learn about, actually. I have written essays on it in college...” She stopped herself from saying more. “...if you need any more help, just let me know! I love puzzles. And a good challenge.”
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who: @missmontez​​ where: lucky cat cafe
Aurora was staring down a cup of black tea and trying to finish a crossword she was working on. They had become one of her favorite pastimes after living with her aunt’s. Always doing it in blue ink had become the norm but it meant she took her time to make sure it was right. This one had her stumped though. She looked over to the girl sitting at a chair near her after her guess was wrong again. “You wouldn’t happen to know what the science of light is, would you?”
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missmontez · 2 years
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missmontez · 2 years
“Let him.” Jim turned to her with serious eyes. “Let the man go if he wants. You’re too beautiful to be treated anything less.” He added, placing his hand on her shoulder as he leaned his face closer to her. “Far too kind, far too smart, and far too golden for anyone. Keep your doors open until the right person comes along. Promise me that?” He asked, lifting his other hand for a pink promise. “Gabriella should never settle. You are too good for that.” Jim had so much respect for her, perhaps even a slight crush that he’d prefer to keep in the back of his mind. The girl was elegant, and had qualities that matched well with his. She was the only person who could keep up with his habits of talking to much about mundane things. "Oh no, no, don’t say that. What you feel is what truly matters here. Gab. You’ve gotta live with yourself till the day you die. If you keep putting others first, it’ll make you miserable.“ He didn’t know where those words came from, given that he himself was known to put others first. Jim took her hand and held it close. "Tell me, what makes you happy?”
Jim chucked as she tried to describe him with the most far-fetched words to even say. “Oh, you’re high.” He chuckled, messing her hair with his hand. “You’re up in La La land. Here, get more. You might see me as a prince after a couple more minutes.” He let out a laugh, comfortable sitting beside her in engulfed by the darkness of the room with only the moon as their source of light. The question she threw at him had his ears perk up. She always had the questions that made his mind work like a robot suddenly turned on. He paused momentarily, looking at her eye to make sure she was truly serious when asking him about a thing he constantly obsess at. “I’m going to bore you to death, but fuck it, let’s do it.” He stood up, pulling her up with him, as the two looked at the window, staring at the night sky. Jim pointed at the stars and said, “Those are planets, some are bright enough to be seen here. They are commonly thought as stars, but well, there’s no rules in staring at the sky. It shows a story, despite the little particles scattered in the sky. Tell me, what do you see?” Jim placed the blunt on his lips, blowing the smoke away as he placed his hand on her shoulders. “It’s like art, you make do with what you see as well.”
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Gabriella wished it was that easy. With his face so close to hers it almost felt possible to let go of Troy. It almost felt like she could find someone who genuinely saw her and wanted to see her move forward. She  looked at him, then his pinky, before she linked her pinky with his. “I promise,” she said, her breath a little short. He was right in a lot of ways though. Living for others was not the way to live. She had been doing it for so long that sometimes she forgot that. She forgot herself. She didn’t want to lose sight of the things that made her happy and she was grateful for the reminder. It was so hard to focus on anything with his hand in hers, but she didn’t want to ignore him. “What makes me happy? Singing. Reading. Being on stage. Being around my friends....chemistry. Learning new things...a lot of things make me happy. It takes a lot to really get me sad or rattled, really. You’re just catching me on a rare moment.”
She took the joint from him as he instructed and took her time taking a drag this time. She wanted to have a good experiene and she swore she hadn’t felt anything yet, but Jim was about as stubborn as she was, so she wasn’t going to push it.  His stare into her eyes was so intense she had stopped breathing before he was helping her up and showing her the stars from his eyes. Or more so, the planets. Gabriella was latching onto his every work, soaking up as much information as she could since this was a subject she wasn’t familiar with. Her breath hitched once again at his touch and she had to close her eyes for a moment to focus before she properly looked at the stars in front of them. He was right, a few of them seemed to go together and was just painting a picture like he said. She pointed towards the sky in pure concentration. “Some of those seem to be forming a...a man? It looks like a man to me. There’s something more but I just can’t....find the words for what it is. Help me?” She turned to look at him, eager for him to give her the explanations to what she was seeing. She was so eager to learn that she almost forgot how nervous she was. 
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