misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Akira smiled as he continued to please the love of his life, sweat beginning to drip from his brow. He loved this, pushing into her, hearing the wet slaps of her flab jiggling and bouncing off of itself as he made love to her...though he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t exhausting him. But he kept going for as long as his stamina could last He knew that he was going to have to spend some of the metaverse fortune they had made back when they were a bit more...lithe. In all honesty he took great joy in the menial tasks of helping Ann out. Moving her about, helping clean her and feed her. It was a tough job but it was one he loved doing. Still reality was reality and he knew he had to give her these amenities “Hrmph...heh experiment huh? That’d be nice. Maybe when we could do it in the summer?” He panted out as he could feel the warm soft blubber of Ann begin to press against his shaft. He knew he couldn’t last much longer, but he was going to try and savor every moment “I feel like thats when it’d be at its best...with you sweating buckets...making natural lube”
“Ahh, on my tummy makes more se-UUUURRRRP gghh
it’d be hard to breathe on my back.” Ann mused to herself. Moving her like this was a challenge enough, but getting her from sitting down to a laying forward position was a toughie. If they could blow their metaverse money without drawing some outrageous attention to themselves, Ann probably would’ve splurged on stuff to help move her fat ass, but they had to be careful.
With her tits now only slick from Akira’s saliva and her nethers getting rather warm, she squirmed in place and gave him a bit of a worried look. “You can
.you can do it right? I’ll help if I can but like
only so much I can.
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Akira did just as he was told. While he was definitely in a position of power when it came to their relationship, he wasn’t really that assertive a person. Leaving the immobile phantom thief to wear the pants in this relationship (even though she could never feasibly wear pants again). He put a hand on each large cheek and began to knead it gently. It really was just a sea of lard, each small motion he made resulting in a wave of jiggles. After a couple seconds he began to put a bit more power into it, using his weight to his advantage as he massaged his lovers ass “heh, yeah I guess I am pretty happy about that. You’re top heavy and yet still have such a huge ass! Its a pretty good win-win scenario” He laughed before he leaned in, planting a kiss on each of her cheeks. He knew that would get her, at least a little bit. “and also right again. Any random fold on you could do, and it’d be pretty nice if I’m being honest~” He mused as he got ready to insert himself into her “Your mouth is a delight...and I could definitely fuck your belly button. Speaking from the experience of cleaning it out ever now and then-that thing is VERY fuckable. Heh, at the end of the day your entire body is perfection!” And it was on that note that Akira decided to begin, thrusting his cock into her warm embrace, setting her entire body into a jiggling motion
“Ahh, on my tummy makes more se-UUUURRRRP gghh
it’d be hard to breathe on my back.” Ann mused to herself. Moving her like this was a challenge enough, but getting her from sitting down to a laying forward position was a toughie. If they could blow their metaverse money without drawing some outrageous attention to themselves, Ann probably would’ve splurged on stuff to help move her fat ass, but they had to be careful.
With her tits now only slick from Akira’s saliva and her nethers getting rather warm, she squirmed in place and gave him a bit of a worried look. “You can
.you can do it right? I’ll help if I can but like
only so much I can.
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
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The father
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the son
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and the holy spirit
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
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When your girlfriend is cute and flat chested
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
👙 Kobyashi
“aren’t beaches still closed?” Kobayashi blushed as she tried as hard as she could to hide in the changing room. Tohru had insisted that she go and try out some cute new bathing suits she had bought. Ordinarily the salary woman would have flat out refused, but she felt a bit bad since Tohru went out of her way to actually buy them  “Yeah, but come on! I just need to see!” The dragon maid called out, the excitement shining through in her voice. Kobayashi let out an audible sigh, opened up the changing room door and waddled outside, the ground shaking ever so slightly with each step She was in a nice orange two piece that eccentuated her figure. The bikini bottom hugged her hips, pinching into them a bit. Not enough to be painful, but definetly enough for Kobayashi to notice. She gave herself 10 more pounds before these would snap. The back of the bikini had been eaten up by her two globular asscheeks and backfack. In fact, if seen from the back, one would be forgiven for thinking the obese red had was wearing nothing at all. 
Though that was a different story upfront. Stretched all across her lower belly was the large orange bikini. It hugged her belly a bit to much as well, much like her hips. Though supposed this had a real purpose. Because of how snug it was, it kept her belly from jiggling and swaying all over the place. Kinda like a bra though...only for the belly And speaking of bras, that was where Kobayashi’s biggest dissapointment lie. While she was plenty soft and jiggly down below, up top was a different story all together. Compared to everything else they looked like mosquieto bites. It irked her, just a bit, knowing for a fact there were several men she knew who had bigger tits then her! :”AAAAAH! You look soooooo cute, everyone is going to be looking at you! They’re all going to go ‘oh wow, whose that new cutie? I wonder if she’s single?’ and then I’ll be there to defen-” “yeah yeah, Tohru you got enough of a look right?”  “Huh? Oh uh, yup!” “Great then come with me into the changing room. I need you to take this off” “....wha?” “It was hard enough getting it on but if I....if I try to take it off I think it might just break. So I need you to take it off for me” Kobayashi blushed horrifically, thanking god she was turned away from Tohru. Her maid on the other hand just smiled and quickly came over to her, happy to be of service 
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
“Hah...hahaha!” Akira gave out a quick laugh as the task was done. It was quite the ordeal, the boy now covered in sweat. Some of it his, though most of it was Anns. The room shook somewhat, the natural result of something Ann’s weight falling over, but that just made things better in Akira honest opinion. He bent down next to her beautiful plump face and gave her a kiss on the cheek “As graceful as ever~”  After that he made his way back to Ann’s large bountiful ass. It was really something to behold, the phantom thief giving out a small whistle as he just admired it. The smell was intoxicating. he was sure that if anyone else was here they’d be driven to tears, coughing and wheezing at the stench, but Akira loved it. “heh, ya know, with how much you sit on it, your ass is quite a rare sight” The boy brought forward his left hand and grabbed on to as much blubber as he could, but it was impossible. There was just too much.  “Though I’d be lying if I said that rarity didn’t make it even better”
“Ahh, on my tummy makes more se-UUUURRRRP gghh
it’d be hard to breathe on my back.” Ann mused to herself. Moving her like this was a challenge enough, but getting her from sitting down to a laying forward position was a toughie. If they could blow their metaverse money without drawing some outrageous attention to themselves, Ann probably would’ve splurged on stuff to help move her fat ass, but they had to be careful.
With her tits now only slick from Akira’s saliva and her nethers getting rather warm, she squirmed in place and gave him a bit of a worried look. “You can
.you can do it right? I’ll help if I can but like
only so much I can.
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
“B-Bring you home?” She stuttered just a bit as she imagined him lazing around her house. She really did just turn on a dime when it came to being dominant and being submissive. The ‘kinky lady’ comment definetly didn’t help. “h-heh if you wa-want to then yeah you can come back to my place and we can do stuff” A small blush crossed her face before dissapearing, her more dominant side “and yeah, of course I know how to treat hotties! What, do you think this is my first rodeo?” It in fact, was her first serious outing with someone. But that didn’t stop her from mustering false bravado. 
@outrealm-gates Miu shuddered a bit as she walked down the street. This was going to be so kickass. She’d cracked the code on her biggest invention yet, it was going to be HUGE. Like, hung pornstar levels of HUGE! She had actually done this a while ago buuuuut the problem was she didn’t have anyone who was willing to test it out. Fucking candy ass bitches, every last one of them.  But a month or two ago she had actually hound someone who was willing to help her out. Hideri. He seemed enthusiastic
which, yeah! He should! She was a genius that only came around every thousand years or so! If anything he should be more enthusiastic and grateful for her! That didn’t matter though, right now she was going to find him.. Apparently he had to go to ‘work’ and do his ‘job’.  “He better be doing a pretty good FUCKING job! If he’ doing this instead of helping me with my genius then he-” her rant continued for a bit as she kicked in the door to the cafe
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Fattening Shindan Masterlist
This isn’t by any means all of them of course, but these are some that deserve highlights and can be used for prompts in writing/starters.
(Remember, muns, if you aren’t satisfied with the prompt but still like the generator(/)get multiple requests for the same muse on the same generator, you can add a space before the character name to gen a new prompt for the same character.)
Send in 🍔 for a supersized prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in 🎰 for an unpredictable prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in đŸȘ‘ for only a forcefeeding prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 📝 for a short prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes, size not always specified)
Send in 📜 for a medium prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 🎁 for an oddly specific prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, includes some slobby scenarios)
Send in 📰 for an extremely descriptive prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, sometimes includes gas)
Send in 📋 for a short, simple prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes)
Send in 🔁 for me to randomly pick a prompt generator for my muse!
Specify muses for multimuse blogs!
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
New W.G. & Inflation Ask Memes!
Was getting a bit bored of the same ask memes, so I went ahead and made my own list. Feel free to reblog and use on your blog too!
Weight Gain-themed asks
đŸ€‘ - Does your muse ever get paid to eat?
đŸ€© - What is your muses dream weight?
😏 - Has your muse ever gotten away with sneaking food?
đŸ€ą - Share an experience your muse has had when they were too full.
😈 - Is your muse a bad influence? (Do they convince others to gain weight)
đŸ€ž - Is there a weight gain experience your muse is hoping to try?
🙌 - Does your muse ever get praise or compliments for their weight?
👅 - Does your muse ever salivate just thinking of something delicious?
👣 - Is it hard for your muse to move around?
👙 - Model a swimsuit!
👕 - Describe what your muse is wearing right now.
đŸ„€ - What is the perfect drink on a warm or cold day (specify!) for your muse?
🍑 - Does your muse gain most of their weight in the hips and bottom?
🍎 - Does your muse gain most of their weight in the breasts (belly if muse is male)?
Inflation-themed asks
🔼 - Magic! Your muse has been cursed, and is now slowly inflating!
💊 - Give my muse a pill that causes their belly to swell 5 feet! Can be stacked too!
💣 - My muse inflates to the point of their shirt ripping off entirely!
❗ - Worst inflation experience your muse has had?
❕ - Best inflation experience your muse has had?
⚫ - My muse is now swelling to the size of a room!
💧 - Does your muse enjoy liquid inflation?
đŸŒ«ïž - Does your muse enjoy air inflation?
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
📖- Fat Neet Kanna
All it took was one day of hanging out with Fafnir and Kanna was hooked on video games. It didn’t really matter what kind, though she did tend to like MMO’s a bit more due to amusing look at how humans portrayed her world. She stopped going to school as much (much to the annoyance of Kobayashi) She stayed inside her room, grinding away as she stared at the screen. What followed was only natural really. The pounds started to pack on her frame and the once lithe dragon began to bloat. The loose pajamas she wore now hugging her form tightly. Gorging mindlessly on junkfood day in and day out. She even became nocturnal for a time because she kept staying up too late. It didn’t bug Kanna at all. It let her play with some Americans which was...interesting Kobayashi had half a mind to barge into the room and whip the girl into shape. Especially with the belches that would thunder out from her room, not to mention the smells! However Tohru always intervened. Saying that this was natural for young dragons and that it would pass. Kobayashi certainly hoped so. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep supporting this lifestyle financially!
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Send 📖+ an AU scenario to get a glance at what my muse would be like in that universe
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Oh, looks like you've been caught getting your nose too deep in the Yakuza's business, "Ultimate Detective". Looks like you need a lesson on who has all the authority here by transforming you into fat gassy piggy pet for the gang!
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“N-No! Y-You can’t do this to me!”
Kirigiri struggle against the strength of her captors, but it was to no avail. The two Yakuza members walked her down a long corridor, Kirigiri’s protests echoing through the hall. They eventually came to a door, behind which was an odd room, one filled with hay and featured a trough placed at the back of the room.
One of the Yakuza pulled something out of their pocket, Kirigiri couldn’t quite see what. With little warning, she felt something stick into her arm. Her eyes widened, fear gripping her mind.
Before she was captured, she had been investigating the rumors of a strange new drug, one that had been changing people in... Unfavorable ways.
And she had just been injected with it.
Kirigiri trembled in fear. She heard the door close behind her, the yakuza that had brought her here having had already left her, no longer needing to concern themselves with her. This was it for her. She began to feel strange. It was like a sickness was washing over her, her mind foggy.
She collapsed to the floor, the little blades of hay brushing against her knees. Now on all fours, Kirigiri felt her body begin to morph.
It began in her gut. She felt it. It was like a weight had been placed in the pit of her stomach, but it felt soft as well. The same sensation spread itself down to the lower half of her body. She was getting fatter. Her belly and ass grew and grew. Her stomach grew so large and doughy that it had unzipped the white blouse she wore under her dark purple blazer. Meanwhile, her booty had gotten so stupidly thick with blubber that it had lifted up the back hem of her short skirt, completely exposing the cavernous crack of her panty swallowing rear.
Other changes took place alongside the initial fattening. All the while she had been crying for health, her voice had been morphing, getting higher and more nasally in pitch despite all of the fat that had accumulated around her throat. Her ears stretched themselves, becoming more pointed, while her nose turned itself upward, becoming a snout. Because of said snout, her breathing became more rasped; snorting and oinking. The fingers on her hands melded together to form two hooves, and she could assume that same could be said for her feet. Her skin had turned from a pale complexion into a bright pink hue. To finish it all of, a little wiggly tail sprout from above her ass crack.
Kirigiri snorted and grunted. Eyeing the trough at the end of the room, she began slowly crawling towards it. She didn’t know what she was doing. In all honesty, it felt like she was acting on some sort of instinct.
Speaking of instinct, Kirigiri could feel a bloating pressure at the bottom of her stomach. Grunting again, the white haired detective let a booming fart blast out of her fattened ass, sending her cheeks clapping against each other.
She felt even more pressure building. Squealing, she resolved to continue her slow crawl to the trough. All the while more gas erupted out of her rear, resulting in the air around souring and heating. Her body began to sweat, naturally greasing up the numerous rolls and folds of her body. But what did she care? Upon reaching the trough, she buried her fat piggy face into the slop, trying to lap up as much of it as she possibly could, belching and farting freely.
Thus, Kyoko Kirigiri transformed from the Ultimate Detective into the Ultimate Hog.
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Fattening Shindan Masterlist
This isn’t by any means all of them of course, but these are some that deserve highlights and can be used for prompts in writing/starters.
(Remember, muns, if you aren’t satisfied with the prompt but still like the generator(/)get multiple requests for the same muse on the same generator, you can add a space before the character name to gen a new prompt for the same character.)
Send in 🍔 for a supersized prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in 🎰 for an unpredictable prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in đŸȘ‘ for only a forcefeeding prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 📝 for a short prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes, size not always specified)
Send in 📜 for a medium prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 🎁 for an oddly specific prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, includes some slobby scenarios)
Send in 📰 for an extremely descriptive prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, sometimes includes gas)
Send in 📋 for a short, simple prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes)
Send in 🔁 for me to randomly pick a prompt generator for my muse!
Specify muses for multimuse blogs!
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
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My favorite Melon Lord
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misskobayashisfeeder · 3 years
Fattening Shindan Masterlist
This isn’t by any means all of them of course, but these are some that deserve highlights and can be used for prompts in writing/starters.
(Remember, muns, if you aren’t satisfied with the prompt but still like the generator(/)get multiple requests for the same muse on the same generator, you can add a space before the character name to gen a new prompt for the same character.)
Send in 🍔 for a supersized prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in 🎰 for an unpredictable prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes)
Send in đŸȘ‘ for only a forcefeeding prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 📝 for a short prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes, size not always specified)
Send in 📜 for a medium prompt for my muse! (small to large sizes)
Send in 🎁 for an oddly specific prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, includes some slobby scenarios)
Send in 📰 for an extremely descriptive prompt for my muse! (large to extremely large sizes, sometimes includes gas)
Send in 📋 for a short, simple prompt for my muse! (medium to large sizes)
Send in 🔁 for me to randomly pick a prompt generator for my muse!
Specify muses for multimuse blogs!
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