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sorry to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming but I rewatched atlantis yesterday and was plagued with visions
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missgoldilocksryon · 10 days
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The venison purrito~🦌 He taste like strawberry but he bites back 🍓
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missgoldilocksryon · 14 days
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Angel Alastor 💗
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missgoldilocksryon · 14 days
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Day 6 - Romantic / Platonic Date
Past me: "Should I draw a picnic? Nah, too cheesy. What about having wine on the couch? Nah, too boring. What about a throwing axe date? *finger guns* Son of a bitch, I'm in!"
I think this is THE most romantic date for these two (Also, Alastor likes "badass Rosie")
day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7
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missgoldilocksryon · 14 days
Someone said Al could get himself down from the sky but I don’t think he could!!! And here’s why;
1. No shadows in the sky, can’t travel 🪦
2. Going big = bigger deer pancake 🪦
3. Tentacles can’t reach. If he tried to helicopter down with them, I think they’d get tangled up 🪦
Plus Luci can use his portals to gain height CRAZY fast, imo. So after doing the math in his head 🧮, Al ended up doing this;
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And then luci asks him “what if i turned into an ant?” And Alastor had to recalculate his survival tactic to: snitching 📢📡📻🗣️
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missgoldilocksryon · 14 days
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missgoldilocksryon · 15 days
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🍎 📻
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missgoldilocksryon · 15 days
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missgoldilocksryon · 16 days
why didn't we see a wedding or them kiss at the end???? i demand a sequel
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missgoldilocksryon · 17 days
yk i only watched "atlantis: the lost empire" because milo thatch is human alastor
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missgoldilocksryon · 17 days
i swim pretty girl !!
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missgoldilocksryon · 19 days
i would've laughed my ass off
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missgoldilocksryon · 20 days
i say "unbelievable this guy" in that exact same tone whenever anyone annoys me, and i was wondering why i even developed this habit
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missgoldilocksryon · 20 days
i had this thought about his mother and i came up with a you-can-call-it-a-theory kind of idea. we almost know nothing about alastor's mother, and she could be a sinner, as we have nothing to prove otherwise. she could be the one who made the deal with alastor for his soul. i don't believe alastor is forced to smile, but i thought that if he is, it would be possible that his mother is behind it. wasn't she the one who taught him to always smile? could be part of her end of the deal iykwim. some might ask, why is he so desperate to get out of that deal if it's his mother, whom we know is his favourite person? well, even if we have the most perfect relationship with a parent/guardian/parental figure, we still wouldn't appreciate, to say the least, them having so much control over us. now i'm not sure about this myself, i mean it's obvious i'm not with the team writing the show, so take everything with a pinch of salt :)
what if alastor's mother owns his soul??
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missgoldilocksryon · 20 days
what if alastor's mother owns his soul??
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missgoldilocksryon · 21 days
why tf is fifty shades of grey written like a wattpad story by a 13 year old???? really disappointed ngl
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