Foxie’s Den
321 posts
Northern Colorado NON SEXUAL Sitter/Diaper Fantasy Facilitator I love creating and facilitating a safe and fun space for other AB/DL’s to explore and to feel comfortable truly being themselves.Especially, while being in their most precious and vulnerable state.I’m very well vetted within the community and have many that would vouch for my character and trustworthiness.Link to Wishlist and Cash Apps: https://linktr.ee/MissFoxiePlease private message or email me at, [email protected] for questions and pricing.Serious inquiries only please.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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missfoxiemommy · 23 days ago
Hey Foxie,
I don't know if anyone has ever asked you this, and I'm keen to hear your thoughts on the matter given your experience and interactions in ABDL, do most people with a diaper fetish develop their fetish later in life, or from an early age? I've been pondering why I have such a fetish and have been exploring other peoples perspectives to better understand my thoughts and feelings on the kink, while trying to pin point when it started for me.
This is a great question.
I can’t speak for everyone but out of everyone that I have spoken with, majority of them have developed their love for diapers at an early age.
Usually, revisiting the idea upon puberty. This then, changing their love into something more intimate and sexual for some of them. Some do not find diaper wearing sexual in the least.
There are also those, who are attracted to the diaper wearing only and those who are attracted to what the diaper represents.
For many that representation is regression. Which leads them to wanting no responsibilities, nurture, minimal thinking and losing themselves while emulating a youthful stage or age through different methods. Enjoying the need for the care from another. Some, do not regress but still enjoy many of the aspects of a regressor.
I find near all enjoy the diaper on the body. That within itself, offering them a bit of euphoria, comfort and mental ease.
I’ve heard a multitude of reasons as to when many believe it all began for them. From being a bed wetter to as simple as, parents owning/running a daycare, having siblings still in diapers or incontinence. Occasionally, trauma induced.
With the internet being available, some discover the idea of wearing as a teenager and it begins to peek their interest. Never before, knowing or thinking of the idea until then. Secretly exploring and purchasing diapers during their private times. Some (Like those who discovered during my different stages of their life), too ashamed or nervous to explore until they become adults and move out on their own or offered more privacy if still living at home.
Infantilism was and still is in cartoons, movies for kids, children’s tv shows and so on. Especially, when I was growing up and long before then. Mostly, in the form of humiliation. I wouldn’t be surprised if that too fed and/stimulated the idea of diaper wearing or ABDL kink for many.
So to conclude, the reason may or may not remain unknown. That’s if nothing in particular pin points you to the moment you first became curious. I do hope however, that you overtime have developed a healthy relationship with your kink. I hope you live a life of love, shamelessness and moderation.
Thank you so much for the ask. I hope this helps and that you have an amazing day! 🖤
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missfoxiemommy · 1 month ago
Does Bunny get jealous when you baby other littles?
Good question!
No, he doesn’t get jealous.
We put in place a set of rules that are followed to ensure trust. It just happens to be how I prefer to play, anyways.
If anything, he is extremely incorrigible. We keep communications open and honest. We regularly discuss our feelings about it all. Along with, doing regular check ins with our feelings about what I do and how it makes us feel.
We both feel that what I do brings so much joy to so many and myself. It’s just so fun for everyone involved and extremely therapeutic for myself and many others.
I cant imagine doing anything g else during this time of my life. I think I’m doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing .
Thanks for the ask and I hope you have an amazing rest of your week.
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missfoxiemommy · 3 months ago
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Let momma get that for you, baby. We both know that you’re too bitty to do it. 😘
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missfoxiemommy · 3 months ago
Does anybody ever ask for you to have bunny part of your in person session as like a brother role for that person?
Hi and thanks for the ask.
I haven’t had anyone ask if Bunny could join in on our in person play. More so, they ask if he can participate in my custom videos or pictures whenever I offer them.
Thanks again and I hope you have a fabulous rest of your week. 🖤
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
Does bunny get a little jealous when you are a mommy to another person for a session?
Good ask!
Bunny and I are in regular communication. In the beginning it affected him a bit on the uneasy side.
However, my joy in what I offer and how these plays make me feel brings him joy. He regularly compliments me on a job well done and sees what I offer as not only therapeutic and a stress relief for those involved but also, as a community service.
His compliments leave me feeling like I’m putting good out into the world and I love what I do. I’m so thankful that he is so gracious with his support and with sharing my affection and support with others. I couldn’t ask for a better life long partner and husband.
Thanks for the ask and I hope you have a wonderful week! 🖤
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
Miss foxie I am a diaper lover who never been a little in his life of his ABDL side how would an in person session with you be?
Hi and great ask.
All of my plays begin with a virtual meet over video. This allows us an opportunity to break the ice and see if we’re compatible on multiple levels. As a (I might be making up this word but…) viberatious player, it allows us to also feel out how we vibe. Most importantly, it offers us a moment to discuss beforehand, what our ideal play together would be.
So to answer your question, a play with me would be based off of how that video call goes.
Each of my plays have basic play ideas like, story time or the many other things that you see in my photo journal but also, includes very personal ideals and details. Doing so, create a lovely natural environment instead of a cookie cutter experience.. Having the play feel natural is extremely important to me.
I do not offer a one vibe play fits all service. That would truly leave us both feeling a lackluster. Instead, my little plays are more so like a thumbprint or snowflake. Unique to the individual and myself with common play elements as the center.
Thanks for the ask and I hope this finds you well 🖤
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
posti una foto dove usate un pannolone M4's by Abena
No tengo uno foto así 🤷🏼‍♀️
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
Dove posso vedere o acquistare i tuoi video completi?
I suggest emailing me for video availability and pricing.
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
Do you mind changing messy diapers ?
Hi and thank you for the ask.
I do not mind at all. I don’t use any special tricks like, vape under the nose when doing so. I want it to be as natural of an experience as possible. So, I just dive right in.
Just like any mommy, auntie, etc… might do, I might tell you how stinky you are, tho 😉
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missfoxiemommy · 4 months ago
In your in person sessions would it be possible for mommy to wear a diaper as well?
Thank you for the ask, that’s a great question.
I do not wear diapers during my in person plays. I only wear them during my private time.
Doing so would change the vibe in a direction that I’m not interested in partaking in.
Thanks again for the ask and I hope you have a great weekend.
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missfoxiemommy · 5 months ago
Sunday Funday
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
posti una foto dove hai i capelli attaccati e un po arrabbiata mentre cambi il pannolino a lui
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I have many pictures that looks as if I’m upset. That’s if you didn’t know me, anyways. I’m actually, not angry. Im just concentrating and have a natural rbf if I’m not smiling. Haha
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
Do you change poopy diapers?
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I sure do 💩
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
You look so hot if you were my mommy you would need to keep me in chastity all the time!!
No I wouldn’t.
You would just suffer in silence and respect my boundaries. Whether, you were wearing or not 😉
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
Are you and bunny still making content on your other account?
Hi and thanks for the ask.
We are definitely still making content. I just only post every now and then on tumblr, tho.
You can find all of our content on our instagram account (must be 18+ to see it), @paddlesandpampers.
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
Would you change my diapers?
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I’ll do it …
For 5 Million Dollars 😏
For tho, it would cost ya. Soooo… message me for pricing.
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missfoxiemommy · 6 months ago
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