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Eliza Ann Schuyler. 29 years old. Kindergarten teacher. Seeing the potential in our children and rising up to the expectations of equality. Askbox: Open Tracks: misselizaschuyler RP Group: Hamilton-RP
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“He does. He understands where I’m coming from, so at least there’s that.” She grinned over. After what had seemed like years of trying to make her father happy, it had finally been time to do something that would make her happy, and while teaching was a task made for those special individuals with enough patience, to see the children’s faces when they succeeded at something or had a lightbulb go off was completely worthwhile. “Stories about the kids in the classroom? Oh there are plenty of those that I love to gab on about. There was one child just a few years ago that wouldn’t listen for the life of him, but, as the year progressed, he became a model student, working at his own pace and finding his rhythm. And now— He’s in the fourth grade now, and whenever I get the chance I always talk to him about what he’s learned. Really, in the end, I think he just needed to find someone who cares. Some of these kids I work with— they don’t always come from a great background, you know?”
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“I haven’t talked to him in a while, but I would have to disagree with him. Seeing you run around with children, helping them with their studies. Shaping their young eager minds, I’d like to think he would enjoy that more,” he nodded. Rarely did he think it was wise to go against predestined wishes, especially since he is following his father’s own plan but Eliza’s plan seemed much more beneficial in the long run. And from her smile it made her happy. “Like any good teacher I know you have some really good stories, and I’d love to hear them.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
I understand. It really does mean a lot that you feel comfortable enough to open up like that. That’s all I really want. You deserve to be less burdened, and— I can always listen for whatever it is that’s on your mind. I do, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. It’s the right thing for me, and if it helps you in any such way, that makes it all worth it. Thank you.
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.. If you’re sure, then. It’s a lot to get into, and it’s something I don’t really talk about all that much for a lot of different reasons, but. Thanks for listening. Even if I didn’t want you to hear it in the first place, hah. It’s nice to just kind of.. let it be, y'know? Or, separate it from my subconscious for a little while. – You want to help? I – that’s.. that’s a pretty gargantuan task. Not that I don’t think you’d be able to do anything, because I’d like to think I know you well enough to say you could. You’re a good person, Eliza. And a very good friend. Your support is cherished, trust me.
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“I will say that from everyone I talked to, not many people see the side that we see, so that makes it all the more special. Yes! People would go ballistic over it, right? It would be so incredible! They would fly off the shelves in no time. Both of their bags were killer, and so very useful. I can only imagine a world in which we’re living with such technology!”
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“It is pretty sweet. Gentle? Yeah, that’s a word that definitely describes him, just not many people use it. Haha, yeah. I know the feeling. I’m trying to figure out the physics behind it. I mean, fuck being president if I can create the world’s first Real Mary Poppins bag! Hermione’s bag in Deathly Hallows was even smaller, too.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it.
what i strive for (via fluerly)
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Have you been talking with my dad? I’m sure he would have liked that more than being a teacher, but, I’m just glad to be helping the minds of tomorrow! Really, our future is in our kids.” She nodded happily along, a short grin reeling across her face. “You are so very welcome!” She greeted happily across the room, placing the bowl on the table and taking a seat herself.
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“—That’s too bad, because many patients would love to have someone as kind as you as their nurse,” he teased. The careful attitude she has as well as the kindness, there was no doubt in his mind that she is the model kindergarten teacher. The moment she walked back in he could see it as clear as day—Eliza rounding up the children for story time, and maybe by the end of the day ending up with a few golden stickers stuck on her forehead. “Thank you Miss Eliza.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Yeah.” Eliza started, happy to see all the work and care George had for his paper now. It really was something and it was nice to see people passionate about the things they did. “That’s beautiful! I’m glad that you were given the opportunity!” She grinned back with a nod in his direction as she finished her scone.
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The mood of the conversation had shifted from–annoyance, reluctance and to finally a general sense of ease. But all of this talk of the news pulled out a passionate part of him, he rarely got to showcase. “Skewed doesn’t even begin to cover it,” he started. “Before taking over for my father I didn’t really care too much about the news just that the best story was put out but now I see the dedication, as well as the blood sweat and tears and it makes the entire process worth while.” George looked at Eliza, feeling more at ease and even a little bit more motivated to finish up as much work as he could later on that night. “You’re more than welcome.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Yes! And we can’t disappoint her. And, no matter what, I’m sure you’ll be ready when the time comes!”
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“Whatever works for you. Lord knows mom would love having a whole bunch of grandchildren to spoil. Either way, hopefully Aunt Peggy will have all her babysitting credentials by then. Or at least I’ll have moved up from plants to pets.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“That really sounds sweet. And yes, it was nice. He’s so...gentle. I like him, a lot. And yes of course! An endless supply of things you could always have on hand with you. That would be something. Someone should really work on something like that!”
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“Well, there are better ways to spend sleepless nights, but exploring and going out to the places that no one else sees are the best ways to spend some of the nights you’re given. Ha, yeah. I heard you two had a very good time! I’m glad, really. He’s great. Thank you, thank you. I really do just let it air dry with some mousse, apparently that doesn’t work for some. I’m truly blessed. Oh, I mean, I wish I had a never-ending bag. Do you know how lit that’d be? Do you know how many cosmic brownies I could store in there? It’d be wild.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
No, no. The burden is nothing. In fact, I’m glad you told me. Really. After all, what’s better than being able to share your thoughts with the world. You don’t need to go through this alone. I wouldn’t be able to stand for it. —Let me help you. I may not understand exactly where you came from, but I will always do my best.
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– See! This is why I didn’t wanna get into it. ‘Cause now you’re gonna think about stuff like that, and you don’t need to be thinking about stuff like that, 'cause you’re too nice and too kind to get wrapped up in the dark shit that goes through my mind. It’s.. weird, I guess, but – when you come from the kind of background that I did, your relationship to death is different from others. It’s a little.. skewed, I guess you could say.
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
My bby, Eliza/Pippa
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
That would be nice! Very nice! I would really enjoy that, thank you!
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I’ll be sure to remind you next year, should you forget. I also know a handful of nice cafes in the proximity to keep in mind.
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Hey, that might not be the worst thing!” Eliza smirked over.
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“A nurse? I don’t think I could ever do anything like that. Get a little too woozy at the sight of blood.” She teased back, though, knowing se had had her fair share of boo-boos during the school day. “Alright. Coming right up!” Eliza entered the kitchen and pour out two glasses for the two of them and brought over a bag of fresh cold carrots from the garden. “A perfect little afternoon snack, just for us!”
“The way you say it actually makes me believe the future could be full of little Frederick heirs.”
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“Kindergarten teacher? Now why am I not surprised. My first guess was a nurse but a teacher was going to be my second choice,” he mused following her inside. “Yes, please.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Well, someone has to be in wake of all the desolation the world has brought upon us.” She replied back in an easy tone, somehow feeling more comfortable around the man more and more. “I am glad that you say that, because, really, sometimes media can be so skewed, it’s awful.” Eliza looked to George and gave back a pleasant smile. “I appreciate that a lot. You should know how much your work affects people and giving us the truth and being able to work with that means a lot to me too.”
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“Such a ray of sunshine,” he muttered a grin emerging on his face widening with each mention of praise. There was nothing but pride welling up in his chest and could could burst from it in an instant. “I agree. News outlets are a dime a dozen, but The King’s Speech has brought accurate news since the invention of the printing press.” That might have been true or a white lie, he had no idea which. “People like you make my work much more worth while,” he said leaning on his elbows. 
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Even here, we’re in such a large and busy part of the world that you can wind up losing yourself, so I think it’s cool that you get to have a chance to make something out of those sleepless nights. Alex and I went around the city acting like tourists all day and really, it was remarkable. You’re doing a tremendous job at keeping up with it, really, and taking good care of it. Perhaps it really has become a sentient part of you. Mary Poppins? I like that, a lot. Honestly, i just like being kind and spirited with everyone I get the chance to meet. I guess all I’m really missing is a never-ending bag, which, would actually be quite handy.”
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“That’s something that I’ve always enjoyed, the whole going out and finding the world all by yourself. Sometimes you can even think that it’s just you, or that you’re finding it all by yourself. I like to go play tourist a lot in the middle of the night, due to being such a large insomniac. That’s some of the best times, to be honest. I always let it air dry, I never straighten it, and I like to think I use only the best. My hair is something very dear to both me and my loved ones, so I like to keep it in tact, and soft, and poofy. You know who you remind me of? You remind me of Mary Poppins and I’ve never been quite sure why.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
“Who knows? Maybe I’ll just grow into an old spinster and adopt. Nothing wrong with it, and I’m sure there are plenty of young children that deserve good homes. I would love a big family, but, I definitely don’t think I’ll have as many children as I do plants either. That wouldn’t fare well with the busy life of New York or even be very practical.”
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“You definitely will. Anyone would be more than lucky to start a family with you. Yeah, I could totally do that! Like, maybe not all of these, because I doubt you’ll have as many children as you do plants.. and if you somehow do, then I am in way over my head.”
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
No, I guess asking you to slow down would take away from the impact that you are making, but on the same leaf of life, there is that impeccable thought of blinking and missing your entire life. It really is remarkable, life, huh? Just...one moment you’re doing great things, being able to care and showing kindness and live in every moment, but then the next, it’s all over.
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Hah. You sound like Erin. Which isn’t a bad thing, but – I don’t think I’m capable of slowing down. In the same vein that you said, where we need to appreciate the present and what we have, we also need to understand how incredibly short those wonderful lives are. And if we don’t fulfill them as completely as we can, did we truly live? Have we done enough? – It’s not the best thing to spend my time doing, I’ll admit, but. I think it’s just in my nature to think about the inevitability of death. How quickly it comes. How we need to seize every single day, because we’re never guaranteed a tomorrow. It’s a lot of things at work, I’ll admit. But, I’m fine. I’m all right.
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misselizaschuyler-blog · 9 years ago
That’s great! Honestly, one of my favorite things to do. Living in the here and now is important, really. Perhaps a trip over during the blossoming springtime would really help, I think I would enjoy it too, thank you. 
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Right? I live in the here and now so I plan on living in and appreciating the moment. You should go, I think you’d really enjoy Keukenhof. Unfortunately, they’re closed again for the year but it’s something to keep in mind for next spring. Oh, they’re beautiful! And they come in so many colors.
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