missdeedsy · 5 years
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missdeedsy · 6 years
“Depression is humiliating. It turns intelligent, kind people into zombies who can’t wash a dish or change their socks. It affects the ability to think clearly, to feel anything, to ascribe value to your children, your lifelong passions, your relative good fortune. It scoops out your normal healthy ability to cope with bad days and bad news, and replaces it with an unrecognizable sludge that finds no pleasure, no delight, no point in anything outside of bed. You alienate your friends because you can’t comport yourself socially, you risk your job because you can’t concentrate, you live in moderate squalor because you have no energy to stand up, let alone take out the garbage. You become pathetic and you know it. And you have no capacity to stop the downward plunge. You have no perspective, no emotional reserves, no faith that it will get better. So you feel guilty and ashamed of your inability to deal with life like a regular human, which exacerbates the depression and the isolation. If you’ve never been depressed, thank your lucky stars and back off the folks who take a pill so they can make eye contact with the grocery store cashier. No one on earth would choose the nightmare of depression over an averagely turbulent normal life. It’s not an incapacity to cope with day to day living in the modern world. It’s an incapacity to function. At all. If you and your loved ones have been spared, every blessing to you. If depression has taken root in you or your loved ones, every blessing to you, too. No one chooses it. No one deserves it. It runs in families, it ruins families. You cannot imagine what it takes to feign normalcy, to show up to work, to make a dentist appointment, to pay bills, to walk your dog, to return library books on time, to keep enough toilet paper on hand, when you are exerting most of your capacity on trying not to kill yourself. Depression is real. Just because you’ve never had it doesn’t make it imaginary. Compassion is also real. And a depressed person may cling desperately to it until they are out of the woods and they may remember your compassion for the rest of their lives as a force greater than their depression. Have a heart. Judge not lest ye be judged.”
Depression is not a synonym for being sad or having a bad day/bad week.
(via stuck-in-the-labyrinth)
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missdeedsy · 6 years
Definitely agree with all of this, also people need to realize that not all dogs are dog people. My own dog is very nervous around other dogs, if another dog comes up to him while he is on a leash he will lie down and wait until the dog has passed before he will move on. He’ll shake and bare his teeth if they get too close. But otherwise totally friendly. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve told people that he is not great with other dogs and they haven’t listened to me! And he is not small, he’s an 80lbs border collie mix. It is dangerous, they’ll let their dogs come right up to his face and sniff around him and everything.
If someone is telling you that your dog is not welcome around them or their pet then you need to respect that. Too many people act like they know better and that needs to stop. 
We have to stop acting like dogs are angels
Okay so here’s the thing. I love dogs. Dogs are amazing wonderful creatures. But we have to stop acting like dogs are perfect, or safe to be around every one and every thing.
I just watched a gif of a man walking his dog when they came upon kittens. The dog immediately lunged - only to have the mother cat barrel in and scare the dog off. I was furious, because the owner sat and watched as his dog lunged at a kitten - and had to be beaten off of it by its mother.
In the comments people were discussing it, saying “That dog just wanted to play! He wasn’t going to actually *hurt* the kitten!”
And I’d really like us to stop this. 
“He just wants to say hi,”
“he’s just trying to play”
are two phrases commonly said by people who do not understand their dogs behavior, and make excuses for them.
That dog did not want to play. When dogs want to play, they change their body language and start using different behavior - most obviously the play bow. They sniff first, and get introductions out of the way. If your dog lunges for something the moment they set its eyes on it - they do not want to play. Just imagine, if you were a kid who had never met someone before and they just straight up attacked you. That would be different from someone walking up and saying “hey, do you wanna play/wrestle?”
And here’s the thing. There’s nothing wrong with that dog, it just should not be allowed around animals smaller than it. Cats, hamsters, rabbits, hedgehogs, even toy breeds of dogs, I wouldn’t consider safe. And thats OK! You can have a perfectly happy life with your dog never harming any animals as long as you know this and make sure to pay attention. But if that dog harms a kitten or other small animal, I blame the owner, who should have known better.
We have to be responsible owners and know our dogs. And as people, we need to stop making excuses for other animals and instead do our best to make sure everyone in the situation is safe, not just the dog who “just wants to play” or “was just trying to say hi”, while barreling straight for something.
Just because you love your dog doesn’t mean its not aggressive in specific situations. Doesn’t mean its safe for all to be around. Doesn’t mean its incapable of fault. 
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missdeedsy · 6 years
hey if you identify as a woman and you don’t shave your legs everyday and let your stubble grow free and natural for long periods of time could you reblog or like this post, I’m trying to make a point here, cause apparently I’m a weirdo for not shaving for weeks or months at a time
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missdeedsy · 7 years
Personal Rant
Do you ever have one of those people in your lives that seem to have it out for you in everything you do? I work in a veterinary clinic where I am the supervisor and one of the other staff there is older than me and has worked there for one year less than me. She has been making my life a living hell for at least 6 months now. She’s worked at the clinic for 2 years and for the first few months she was working out great. She was super helpful, very nice and super motivated. Now she is complaining about everything, constantly snapping at everyone and half the time she is no where to be found in the clinic. It’s driving me crazy.
Negative energy just surrounds her and she acts like she is so positive and patient and helpful and it is the opposite of her real personality. When she first started working at the clinic she and I were really friendly and hung out outside of work a bit but when i disagreed with her about something at work and our boss took my side on it and then he promoted me to supervisor she stopped trying to put in any effort and to really talk with me outside of work at all. 
She’s very commandeering and controlling of out newer staff members as well and one of our vets has even complained about her and said that her performance on Saturdays (when I do not work with her - we alternate Saturday shifts) is not satisfactory and now I have to change my schedule to work Saturdays with her so that I can make sure that she is actually doing her job properly. It is completely ridiculous. I feel like I am baby-sitting someone who is 16 years older than me.
Any changes at the clinic she complains about and she refuses to take responsibility for anything that she does. I am at my wits ends with her and do not know what to do.  
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missdeedsy · 7 years
to no one’s surprise, i got jason. 
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missdeedsy · 7 years
How well do you see color?
I’m cry I scored 60, I feel blind
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missdeedsy · 7 years
when you’re told you’re privileged because you believe not taking your animals to the vet is neglectful
ok im gonna add onto this, if u dont mind
if youre going to have pets, their needs are a TOP priority
if you cant afford vet bills, PLEASE dont get pets.  
its not about poorer people not “deserving” pets its literally just. a shelter may provide better care than you can 
not taking your animals to the vet is medical neglect and its cruel
their needs come above your wants because theyre living breathing creatures who depend on you
you are their whole world. take care of your animals
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missdeedsy · 7 years
the force awakens au where everything is the same except “poe’s interrogation” scene audio is replaced with shrek’s “the muffin man” audio
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missdeedsy · 7 years
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missdeedsy · 7 years
“i can’t do that because of my religious beliefs”
“you can’t do that because of my religious beliefs”
not okay
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missdeedsy · 7 years
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missdeedsy · 8 years
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missdeedsy · 8 years
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This is why representation matters
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missdeedsy · 8 years
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My name is Lemony Snicket. It is my solemn duty to bring to light the sorry history of the Baudelaire children as it happened so many years ago. But you in the audience have no such obligation, and I would advise all our viewers to turn away immediately and watch something more pleasant instead.
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missdeedsy · 8 years
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missdeedsy · 8 years
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Uh, what are you doing? I’m giving you a hug.
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