missbabychick · 8 years
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( wake me up inside )
                                                              CANT WAKE UP
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missbabychick · 8 years
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     IF YOU’LL BE MY STAR                                                                        I’LL BE YOUR SKY
                                           galaktiku     |     zvaignes                                                 the terran twins
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missbabychick · 8 years
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   Daily remainder that Pixel is amazing and im love them???  like seriously I cry???? and im loVE??????
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missbabychick · 8 years
She doesn’t blame Aura for having such spite.  After-all, she had been closer to her mother then she herself had been.
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   “ I only wanted... to check and see how you were doing, Aura.  That’s all. “
❥ — @missbabychick
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“And so, the princess returns.” Aura’s voice was full of nothing but spite and sarcasm. It was really not a good day for her to be interacting with anyone. “What do you want?”
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missbabychick · 8 years
TEXT MESSAGE STARTERS ! Send one of the prompts below to get a response from my muse.
drunk texts:
( ✉ → sms ) plea se eh elep me im drunk and i dotn know whe re i am
( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
( ✉ → sms ) i csnst stop throwiging up
( ✉ → sms ) fu ck you  for hurting me
( ✉ → sms ) why dotn you ever call me anymore huh
( ✉ → sms ) stop being so fuckigjn borign and coekm to my party
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
hateful texts:
( ✉ → sms ) you’re pathetic
( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable
( ✉ → sms ) fuck you. delete my number.
( ✉ → sms ) you never meant anything to me, anyway.
( ✉ → sms ) fuck your apologies, you can keep them.
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
( ✉ → sms ) and next time you feel like calling me… don’t.
( ✉ → sms ) i don’t want anything to do with you anymore.
( ✉ → sms ) if your goal was to make me hate you, then congratulations. mission accomplished.
misc/random texts:
( ✉ → sms ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ → sms ) help me think of a name for my new dog
( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
( ✉ → sms ) should i get pizza or chicken wings for dinner?
( ✉ → sms ) no one’s ever made me feel the way you do.
( ✉ → sms ) i borrowed your weed. hope you don’t mind.
( ✉ → sms ) why do they say drugs are bad when they make you feel so good
( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…
( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
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missbabychick · 8 years
hey so uh. I was gonna be active after 10 (I work late since we have an agency staff tonight). But uh... Today... Really has me right now so I'm... Gonna be visiting someone for some time... So if I'm not here or on k¡k that's... Why.
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missbabychick · 8 years
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missbabychick · 8 years
[TEXT SENT] —> Boss as Mr. Wright: I
[TEXT SENT] —> Boss as Mr. Wright: Yeah… It is… I want to visit her this time.
@defensisms [TEXT SENT] —> Boss as Mr. Wright: Yeah! Yeah I’m fine it’s just… A really special day and I guess I forgot to call out! I told Apollo to tell you! But… It’s Apollo. 😒
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missbabychick · 8 years
@defensisms [TEXT SENT] —> Boss as Mr. Wright: Yeah! Yeah I'm fine it's just... A really special day and I guess I forgot to call out! I told Apollo to tell you! But... It's Apollo. 😒
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missbabychick · 8 years
I think I might make a k¡k verse on here???
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missbabychick · 8 years
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                       MY HEART WAS STOLEN BY A THIEF GIRL
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missbabychick · 8 years
Prosecutor Debeste :
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    ‘     Isn’t that what I exactly just said?! You haven’t seen me so you’re clearly a rookie. A-hem, I am Prosecutor Sebastian Debeste. While I haven’t done too many trials since I received my badge, I clearly live up to the title of being the BEST. ‘
Was he serious. . . 
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   “ Well, if you were the best wouldn’t I have heard of you?                 After all, I’ve been around the WAA for two years now!  And if you haven’t done many trials... how does that make you the best? ”
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missbabychick · 8 years
Prosecutor. . . ? :
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              ‘  An attorney? Hah! I’ve never seen your face before in the court room, so either you’re a rookie, or you’ve never had the chance to be faced with the BEST prosecutor that has ever graced the legal system. ‘
This kid is joking, right. . .?
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   “ . . .  Rookie?  Who are you?  I don’t think I’ve ever seen you on any trial tapes. “
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missbabychick · 8 years
          & the story goes on ! ( @missbabychick )
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   ❛  you’re making too much noise, jesus chris.  ❜  
his words fell in hushed whispers that gathered in layers in the air; even now he was calm, preoccupied mostly with the figure chasing him and the heavy steps that came closer and closer. of course he should have explained – should have mentioned the intent of violence, a revenge directed at him. but there was no time, so he opted to press a finger to her lips, to narrow his eyes to match a stern expression as if that could help him calculate how close the steps had come.
Oh god, what was he even doing?  The finger against her lips earned a glare in the man’s direction, the sound of footprints steadily catching up and being heard.  Wait, footsteps?  Who else was here?
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She remains silent, ears straining to try and also pick up on the approaching steps.
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missbabychick · 8 years
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It’s time.  
The door is locked and the sound of silence is your only companion now. 
It’s gonna be a long night. 
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missbabychick · 8 years
“I don’t ever want to sleep again. What if– what if I dream about that again?”
A hand scratches at her arm, head turning to the side as eyes look away from the much taller man.  It was difficult for the both of them it seemed; that night haunting them for what was most likely going to be an eternity despite the true perpetrator being discovered and locked away.
. . .  Then again, it was most likely much harder for the prosecutor right now.  Considering all he had gone through, Athena didn’t blame him for the anguish and anxiety crying out from his chest.  
She swallows, braving a smile for the both of them whilst turning her attention back to him. 
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    “ Then dream of me and I’ll come help you out!                 We’ve got eachother again, It’ll be okay! “
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missbabychick · 8 years
There’s no way you’re going to be able to eat tomorrow, so for now you’ll pick and snack on some veggie straws and a water.  Today wasn’t much for your stomach either, and the Saturday isn’t looking so good either.
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