miss-nerdstiles · 16 days
What Aidan said on Patreon about fivelila and the program:
X: Aidan, What was the most difficult scene for you to film in season 4?👀
I think the kiss...it was hard to make it real. I really had to let go of myself and be Five. It's really not easy to give a kiss and make it real. There's a lot of the relationship with Lila that we filmed but they cut it. It took weeks to film it and they used a few minutes in a montage. That wasn't right. It also made it very hard for viewers to believe when we spent weeks filming scenes to set up that scenario Ritu and I were there for weeks before someone else came to Canada to film our secret scenes first
There are also articles online that are not true. For example, David never had any problem with the romance between Lila and Five. Neither did Ritu. That's completely made up to attract clicks.
● umbrella academy
X: What was the most difficult thing for you recording the last season
Knowing it was the end
We also didn't know how it would end. Steve always hides the last script until the very end.
Steve basically wrote what he wanted and we were paid to do it.
No cast member has a vote on anything.
I would change it back to the original 10 episodes that Steve wrote.
When Netflix told him to cut it down to 6 episodes and remove all the expensive scenes, I'm sure that hurt the season a lot. It's like reading a well written story that has everything you ever wanted to explain about the show.
I mean, I understand that the show was no longer profitable, so it was a business decision.
We were lucky to be able to get a fourth season; it was actually a gift from Netflix to the fans because they didn't make any money on it
Actually, you should thank them for season 4. Any other network would have just cancelled the show. I heard they tried for years to fix the deal with UCP to make it profitable to move forward and UCP didn't do it.
OK, so UCP owns the show and struck a deal with Netflix to distribute it on their network. But with each season, the show cost Netflix more and more money from UCP. By season 4, it was no longer profitable
Anyway, I'm glad they made UA. It almost never got made. For years it was going to be a movie
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miss-nerdstiles · 5 months
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miss-nerdstiles · 5 months
I Believe (In Altos)
From my cabaret, The Tough Made Lemonade (also on my YT).
Speaking up for fellow altos, because lord knows somebody has to.
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miss-nerdstiles · 5 months
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miss-nerdstiles · 5 months
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miss-nerdstiles · 5 months
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miss-nerdstiles · 10 months
One year ago today, the word “bearotonin” was born. To celebrate this anniversary, here is some of the bearotoniniest bearotonin we have
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miss-nerdstiles · 11 months
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Team Sondheim! ♥️♥️
Meeting this lovely pair made our morning.
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miss-nerdstiles · 11 months
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NYCC day 1.
It’s hot up here.
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
The West Wing but it's just the bits my partner @miss-nerdstiles and I are constantly referencing
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
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The Newsroom | 1x05 “Amen”
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
Tonight’s Picard is giving me EMOTIONS.
No spoilers in here, just general squee.
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
For Passover…a PSA, of sorts. In song!
(More of this sort of thing on TikTok, should you be interested - I don’t remember to post here as often as I should do)
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
One thing that I bet was keeping you up at night was - "but what REALLY were Cat's thoughts on Andy Botwin? BOY do I wish they would go into them in great detail some time!" See, I knew you were totally thinking that. Anyone tho gets both parts of the joke in the title, I like you. 
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miss-nerdstiles · 1 year
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