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Ambessa Medarda, Valeria garza and sevika my wives
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miss-lesbian16 · 17 hours ago
After the storm
Warning: bad language, gun, a little abuse, kissing, and depression?
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What was supposed to be a quiet afternoon at Valeria's farm turned into hell, just because I didn't want to go out with bodyguards and decided to spend almost the whole day visiting my grandparents' house alone. Unfortunately, one of the men from the farm informed the "Nameless" that I went out alone. Upon arriving at the farm, I found Valeria in the living room, sitting and waiting for me.
The living room feels suffocating due to Valeria's fury. The bodyguards are not in their respective places just because Valeria Garza is furious. The only thing that can be heard is the wall clock, which is the only thing breaking the silence. But Valeria, unable to stand it any longer, in a swift movement shoots at the clock. I startle a little, scared and trembling with fear.
—"Where the hell have you been, bitch?" —she says without looking at me, sounding furious, clenching her jaw and fist, leaving the gun on the coffee table in the living room. —"Did I say where the hell have you been?" —she rushes towards me, her footsteps resonating throughout the living room. When she gets close, she grabs my arm tightly with her right hand.
—"I was at my grandparents' house, Valeria, don't get upset," —I say in a worried and scared tone, trembling with fear.
—"How the hell do you expect me not to get upset if you're alone? Besides, who gave you permission to go out?" —she says while looking me in the eyes with that look that provokes more fear. Her grip on my arm becomes tighter and more painful.
—"Valeria, I want to go out alone, not with your goons," —I say in a trembling and painful tone as my hand tries to loosen her grip on me.
—"Yeah, babe, but remember those 'goons' are watching over you so nothing happens to you. Don't you understand what the hell I work for?" —she says yelling at me with fury and clenching her jaw.
—"I understand that, Valeria, but I feel weird being watched and I don't like having your goons near me; it makes me nervous," —my tone grows more desperate and painful because of her grip— "Okay."
—"Look here, babe, you can only leave here with my permission and with my men escorting you; but no going out 'alone.' Got it, babe?" —she says in an irritated tone but with the same fury; her grip becomes more painful hurting me a bit.
—"Valeria, wait; it hurts. You're hurting me; please let go," —I say in a desperate tone as tears begin to run down my cheeks.
Valeria suddenly releases me; I fall to the floor looking down while trying with all my might not to break down crying.
—"I hope this makes you understand that next time you let me know and leave escorted by my men," —she says in a cutting tone as she walks away leaving me alone and lying on the floor.
After what happened, Valeria locked herself in her office, ordering that no one disturb her. Meanwhile, I am in our room, lying on the bed and crying inconsolably, with a bandage on my arm. Valeria's grip on my arm left a bruise that hurts just to touch it.
After 30 minutes, Valeria knocks on the door.
—"Chula, are you there?" —she says in a calmer and somewhat remorseful tone.
—"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" —I shout in anger but also sadness. The room was dark and suffocating, strange; as if the argument we had caused all this. —"Leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to you." —I try to sound firm, but my voice trembles because I've been crying.
—"Chula, I know I was an idiot for treating you like that, but understand me, I was scared that something bad would happen to you, of never seeing you again." —she says in a remorseful and frustrated tone, with her forehead pressed against the door and her hand on the doorknob.
—"But that didn’t give you any right to treat me like that!" —the tears start flowing again. I try to calm down, but it’s impossible; I begin to cry again.
But this time she doesn’t say anything. After 10 minutes, I hear the door open. I quickly get up from the bed and see Valeria entering.
—"I told you I want to be alone." —I say grabbing an ashtray that is on the nightstand—. "Get out or I'll break it over your head." —I say furiously, holding the ashtray tightly.
But since Valeria had military training, she moves quickly to take the ashtray from my hand and throws it to the ground. She holds my hands behind my back while with one hand she firmly yet gently grabs my waist, pulling me closer to her.
—"But what the hell—?" —I didn’t finish speaking when I felt Valeria's lips against mine. It was a somewhat possessive kiss, yet soft and loving. I try with all my strength not to let myself fall, but Valeria's kisses make me touch the sky. As the kiss deepens and she introduces her tongue into my mouth, I gasp and then we separate from the kiss leaving a string of saliva connecting lip to lip. While we look into each other’s eyes there was no more sadness or anger; much less desperation; there was only love and forgiveness.
—"Chula, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness for what I did and for what I said, but you don’t know how much fear I had when they told me you went out alone without knowing where you would go. Just imagining that something bad could happen to you... But I know I reacted badly by shouting at you." —she says in a trembling tone as if she were afraid of saying something wrong again but firm in affirming her love. Then my Valeria sees the bandage on my arm; she releases my hands to gently touch the bruise and looks away. She focuses on the bandages; her lips are slightly parted—. "Hurting you... I want you to understand that I do this to keep you safe. You are the most valuable thing I have in life and I'd kill everyone from those souls for you." —With those words she kisses me again, but this time it was a shorter kiss yet filled with love and regret.
I move my hands to her shoulders while sobbing a little on her shoulder.
—"I was so scared of how you shouted at me, Valeria; of how you hurt me." —I cling to her as I feel her hands moving up to my head to gently caress me.
—"I know and I'm sorry again, chula." —she says in a worried but firm tone. She pulls my head away from her shoulder to wipe away the tears from my cheeks with her fingers and kiss my cheeks—. "Don’t cry anymore chula; let’s just go to sleep and forget all this okay?" —she says smiling as I slowly calm down.
—"But you owe me a romantic date and a shopping trip together okay?" —I say laughing.
Valeria laughs a little—. "Alright: a romantic dinner and a shopping trip for the queen tomorrow." —she says laughing playfully.
And I laugh too.
Valeria leans down close to my ear—. "You know something chula: you're the most beautiful thing I have in this life; I don’t know what I'd do without you." —she says softly before kissing my ear.
I laugh more at feeling the kiss—. "Wait Valeria, you're tickling me; me too... Valeria you're the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me in this life."
Thanks for reading.
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miss-lesbian16 · 1 day ago
Between steps and whispers.
Warning: Nothing, it's just my first time writing.
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It’s a night in the bedroom; the only light comes from the faint moonlight filtering through the curtains. I’m asleep, wrapping myself in the sheets, searching for the warmth of Ambessa’s body. Not feeling her there, I slowly open my eyes and see that she’s not there. I sit up in bed, legs folded to one side, looking where Ambessa should be. I glance around looking for Ambessa, but she’s not in the bedroom.
—“Ambessa?”—I feel a bit confused and drowsy. I remember that Ambessa had an argument with Kino, so she’s training to blow off steam. I get out of bed and put on a white robe to go look for her.
I walk for a long time through the halls of Ambessa’s empire until I reach the place where she always trains.
Upon entering, I see Ambessa training in a short black top that fits her chest and exposes her abs, along with loose black pants. Her hair is braided. It doesn’t take long for her to notice my presence.
—“Honey, what are you doing awake?”—she says in a deep voice trying to hold back her fury. She turns to look me directly in the eyes; she seems really angry.
—“Same thing goes for you, Ambessa. What are you doing awake at this hour and training?”—I say in a sweet and calm voice, although a bit shaky. I step closer to Ambessa, coming within just a few centimeters of her.—“I know you and Kino had an argument, but please understand that you don’t want to go to war with the Nathan nation.”—
Ambessa clenches her jaw and fists, dropping her spear to stand face to face with me. In a cold and cutting voice she says:
—“And what do you want me to do? After offering them a trade route in exchange for my protection, should I just accept their rejection? If I can’t have that nation peacefully, I’ll take it by force.” She wipes the sweat from her forehead.— “So in a few weeks, I’ll make the Nathan nation mine; neither you nor Kino will do anything to stop me.”—
I sigh as I approach a table and grab a towel to come back to Ambessa and wipe the sweat from her face.
—“Ambessa, I'm not trying to stop you, but Kino wants you to make one last attempt not to start a war. You know he doesn’t like wars.” —I say as I begin to wipe the sweat from her forehead and cheek. Ambessa places her hand over mine.
—“I know, honey.” —Her tone sounds calmer now, more vulnerable; she closes her eyes for a moment but then furrows her brow.— “Yes, but I won’t beg for an alliance; I don’t give second chances. So all that awaits them is war.” —She says as she takes the towel from my hands and starts wiping the sweat herself.— “One day Kino will understand that not everything can be solved with words.”—
“Ambessa,” I stand on my tiptoes and place my hands on her neck to pull her closer and give her a tender and loving kiss on the lips. “Let’s talk about that tomorrow, Ambessa. Right now, we just need to go to sleep.”
Ambessa stops wiping her sweat and sighs, bending down a bit. She places her right hand on my waist, squeezing it gently, while her other hand is on my back to give me a kiss on the forehead. “Yes, you’re right, let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day, and I’ll talk to Kino about it.” Her expression turns a bit displeased at the mention of Kino, but it only lasts a few seconds. Then she looks at me calmly; it’s rare for Ambessa to show herself as a little vulnerable. However, her look changes to mischief. “Darling, since we’re both here, why don’t we train a little instead?” she says with a cheeky smile while pulling me closer to her body.
Smiling with a playful tone of voice, I respond: “Yes, I’d like that, Ambessa, but...” as my right hand moves to her cheek and the other to her shoulder. “No, I’m too sleepy to do that, so let’s just go to sleep and you can sort out your problem with Kino, okay?” I say with a pout on my lips.
Ambessa rolls her eyes and in a fun and sarcastic tone says: “Alright, let’s go to sleep then, sleepyhead,” laughing cheerfully.
Before I know it, she scoops me up in her strong arms, startling me a bit. “Ambessa!”
With a playful smile, she replies: “What’s wrong, darling? Can’t I carry my wife to our bedroom?” raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, but give me a heads-up first, Ambessa,” I say laughing as I wrap my arms around her neck. “I love you, Ambessa,” I whisper giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Ambessa kisses me slowly and sweetly on the lips. “I love you too, darling.”
Thanks for reading I hope you support me
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