mischiefcoining · 13 days
Please interact with this post if you're a trans or gender non-conforming age regressor/age dreamer so that we can all see we're valid members of our community who aren't alone!
🩵🩷🤍🩵🩷 💛🤍💜🖤 💜🤍💚
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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a gender relating to a trash dump, broken things, and toxic waste and fumes from broken engines and chemicals in said dumps.
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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Oversilvanymph / Silvanymphmore
[PT: Oversilvanymph / Silvanymphmore]
An overhuman/humanmore[link] term for being both human as well as a forest nymph alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for oversilvanymph/silvanymphmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths in various shades of green, with darker shades on the outside and lighter shades on the inside. Two thin stripes near the centre are a much paler green than the others and the centre stripe is a greenish-teal.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The stripes are varying shades of green, with darker stripes on the outer left and inner stripes on the inner right. There is a thin stripe near the bottom right corner that is a much paler green than the others and the two corner-most stripes are greenish-teals. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified green drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in green.
The third flag is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in green in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a darker green border. End IDs]
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Overcryptid / Cryptidmore
[PT: Overcryptid / Cryptidmore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as a cryptid alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overcryptid/cryptidmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths in various shades of red and blue, with the outer stripes being dark reds, the inner stripes being dark blue, and two thin bright red stripes being near the centre.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The stripes are various dark shades of red and blue, with the outer left stripes being black and dark red and the inner right stripes being darker blue and green. There is a thin bright red stripe near the bottom right corner, and the two corner-most stripes are muted greens. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified red drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in bright red.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in red in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a bright red border. End IDs]
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Overophanim / Ophanimore
[PT: Overophanim / Ophanimore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as an ophan/ophanim alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overophanim/ophanimore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths with the outer stripes being pale blues and the inner stripes being bright yellows and oranges. There is a sharp contrast between the inner and outer stripes.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The outer-left stripes are shades of pale blue and the inner-right stripes are bright yellows and oranges. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified blue drawing of DNA on a white circle, outlined in yellow.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in blue in the centre of the flag. The white circle has a bright yellow border. End IDs]
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Overeldritch / Eldritchmore
[PT: Overeldritch / Eldritchmore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as an eldritch horror/monster alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overeldritch/eldritchmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths with the outer stripes being dark blues and the inner stripes being medium-dark and medium shades of blue. Two thin, brighter blue stripes are near the centre.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The outer-left stripes are shades of dark blue that get lighter as they go towards the inner-right stripes. The corner-most stripes are much lighter blues than the others. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified blue-grey drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in blue.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman symbol in blue-grey in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a blue border. End IDs]
Flags made using the original coined flag[link] as well as a simplified base flag[link]
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo DNI (full DNI in pinned)
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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☕️ ❛ domestic pigeon & feral pigeon therian! ⚣
pt: domestic pigeon and feral pigeon therian. end pt.
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︵︵﹒definition | a flag for when one is a domestic pigeon / feral pigeon therian!
pt: definition, a flag for when one is a domestic pigeon/feral pigeon therian! end pt.
☕️ ❛ tags! ⚣ @crossstains @chivalrynt @seapupz @angeltism @jigumis @zoeynovie @dovehil
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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☕️ ❛ wolf quitherian! ⚣
pt: wolf quitherian(link). end pt.
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︵︵﹒definition | a flag for when one is a wolf quitherian! based off of @strayhounds's og quitherian flag!
pt: definition, a flag for when one is a wolf quitherian(link)! based off of @/strayhounds's original quitherian(link) flag! end pt.
☕️ ❛ tags! ⚣ @kagamine-twinz @rabidbatboy
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
(EDIT: term name has been changed from othervior to othersimil cuz vior refers to a different term in the mogai community. othersimil comes from the latin word similis which means similar) you know what? fuck it we ball
Othersimil: a term that has two different meanings:
not exactly being a creature, but sharing or having behaviors and traits that are similar to that creature
identifying as SOME aspects of a creature, not all
an example of this would be a dragonkin who has cat-like traits and identifying as catsimil. they may not be a cat themselves but cats do play a role in how they identify a similtype is written like (creature) - simil another example of this would be me, i am wolfsimil. i feel as if my kintypes may have wolf-like behaviors (such as howling, snarling, etc) and i do identify as a wolf to some extent. but i am not FULLY a wolf. so its basically a much stronger connection to a hearttype, but not as completely identifying as a kintype. if that makes sense lol theres no symbol or flag...yet. but i might make one let me know if this has been coined before but i was tired of not having a term to describe my coastal wolf similtype lmao mostly meant for otherkins and theriomythics, but anyone who feels like this fits them can use this!
uh yea please reblog so that this term can become more well known i guess :3 (not forced)
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
[pt: pastelgothkuromic. end pt]
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[ ID: three similar versions of the same flag, the outside two identical. The flag has seven stripes in varying style. The colors are dark coral almost black, coral, a lighter coral, white, very light pink, pink, and a dark pink almost black. The flag in the middle has an image of Kuromi from sanrio end ID ]
—- A gender connected to Kuromi from Sanrio, pastel goth and the creepy cute aesthetic. —- This gender isn't necessarily feminine, it can be used in a masc, neu or fem way.
Tags; @the-mogai-archives
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[ ID: A DNI box that says "Do not interact: basic DNI, anti alterhuman / otherkin / therian / etc, anti xeno / neo genders, anti-mogai, pro endo / non traumagenic systems, anti good faith / contradictory labels, proshippers and supporters." Next to the words is the xeno gender flag end ID ]
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
Tips on sourcing:
Endos have a knack for demanding sources and take a lack of sources on our parts as a victory for them. So, let's talk about how to deal with that.
First, it's important when providing sources to have a good idea of what your goal is, and to find sources to help accomplish that.
As fellow anti-endos, your goal with your sources is going to be to shutdown arguments and make people who know The Truth feel better about themselves with the least amount of effort possible.
With that in mind, here's how to do it:
Google a question.
Find an article that seems like it might support your opinion. (Not Wikipedia though. You don't want to be too obvious.)
Copy the link without reading or trying to understand the article. Remember, looking for sources that support you takes too much time, and wasting your time is the only reason endos want you to provide evidence to prove your point. Don't fall for their dastardly trap.
Paste the link with no further context or quotes from the article.
Try repeating steps 2-4 many times over so you can get so many sources that the endos won't want to even click on one.
What if I use a source that doesn't support my argument? (For example, citing something that says DID usually comes from trauma in order to prove all plurality come from DID.)
Don't worry about it.
Your job is to be a magician! You're giving the illusion of having sources by overwhelming people with the quantity of links.
If you do everything right, nobody will even notice! Trust me!
What if an endo does notice and calls me out on it?
If an endo does click on your sources and notices, we have one special tool we can use against them.
It's called the block button.
Remember, this is our stage and by noticing out sleight of hand, the endos are heckling us. And you wouldn't let someone heckle your magic show, would you?
You kick them out!
Liberally block anyone who tries to correct you on anything. That way you can preserve the illusion of your show.
What if another anti-endo notices?
They won't. Trust me.
But what if they do?
Seriously, this won't be a problem.
Okay, but, just humor me...
Fine... God, you're so needy and demanding.
Look, no anti-endos will challenge you because they don't want to look like they're pro-endo. They're too attached to their friends and the relationships they've formed. Even if they think wrong thoughts, they're not going to say those wrong thought aloud. That would be crazy.
On the off chance they do speak their wrong thoughts aloud and question your sources, then you can use your social leverage against them. First, block them to limit their influence. Then publicly paint them as a pro-endo and no longer safe to interact with.
Wrong thoughts are like an infection. Once they start spreading, they can infect the whole body. Your goal is going to be to cut off the infected limb, leaving them separated from our community so they can't infect anyone else.
Remind people that you have sources, that those sources are Correct, that anyone questioning those sources will be treated the same way as the Infected, and trust that nobody else will dare question your sources again.
I hope this guide has proven helpful and can aid you in spreading your Right Thoughts.
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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🐾♡ Transfemmascbitch / Transmascfembitch
A gender connected to being transfemmasc, and being a bitch, a transfemmascbitch // A gender connected to being transmascfem, and being a bitch, a transmascfembitch
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🐾♡ Transfemneubitch / Transmascneubitch
A gender connected to being transfemneu, and being a bitch, a transfemneubitch // A gender connected to being transmascneu, and being a bitch, a transmascneubitch
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🐾♡ Transbitch
A gender connected to being trans, and being a bitch, a transbitch
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Eye just now realized xi spelt one as trand, not trans 😭
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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a gender under the genderprogram system related to computer programs and angels , being a computer program and an angel , being a computer program of angels , etc .
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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A xenogender related to dragons and being a boy
Coined by Cyrus
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
I actually haaaate being in the posic + objectum community 😭😭😭 Idk about the objectum community but the posic community is mostly if not ALL endos. And we are nnnnooot comfortable using labels used by 90% endos and 9% non endos who probably don't even know what systems are and 1% anti endo + anti non traumagenic people. We should start using aeposic or smthn similar, fuck endos
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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A gender that is nothing but still a boy/a gender that is nothing in a boy way.
For @ars3n1cc
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
btw reupload any terms we made all you want! i dont care! as long as someone finds it eventually im chill with reposting- as long as u dont claim to have created it
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
welcome to the neopronouns collector blog!
[pt; welcome to the neopronouns collector blog! pt END]
this blog is ran by @sage-draw and @sillywillyman!
this blog is a anti-endo mogia blog -rockstar
mod sage / rockstar intro:
colective pronouns: he/they/xe + more neos age: [REDACTED] gender: transmasc, enby, xenogender user disorders: cluster ABC, DiD, audhd, + more
mod tat / katty intro:
prn: he/they/thon/it age: [REDACTED] gender: transmasc disorders: PTSD! questining system!
basic DNI.
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mischiefcoining · 13 days
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A gender relating to graveyards, cemetaries, and grave incoming doom
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