radfem, lesbianAnti-porn, gender-critical and abolitionist
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Voluntary but unwanted should never be applied to sex but yet it constantly is for women an girls
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like it's taking a lot for me to break the mindset that i can wear dresses without shaving my legs or covering them up by wearing long dresses or leggings to hide the hair. it's nothing to be ashamed of yet i expect nothing but to be shamed and outcast if i don't conform
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“Pornography tells lies about women. But pornography tells the truth about men.”
— John Stoltenberg
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We need female-only atheist spaces. Women are affected by patriarchal religions in some really harmful, sex-specific ways that need to be discussed away from obnoxious white male atheists. I’ve had enough Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins quotes for one lifetime.
I want to talk about how being taught that the all powerful God is a man fucks up your sense of self worth and self esteem.
I want to talk about how being raised in a religion where men are the only figures of authority affects women’s self image and belief in their capabilities as leaders.
I want to talk about the fact that in the Catholic Church, priests get a salary and nuns don’t, and how there’s no equivalent of the Pope for nuns.
I want to talk about how the most important and well known woman in Christianity is given value and spiritual importance because of her virginity and acts as a passive vessel in a way that no man in Christianity does.
I want to talk about how Catholic women would have ten or twelve kids because the Church wouldn’t let them use birth control and how this literally killed women.
I want to talk about how Christianity claims to be pro-life, but women can’t get abortions in Catholic hospitals even if they will literally die without one.
I want to talk about the horrors of the Magdalene Laundries and polygamy and honor killings and arranged marriages to men twice or three times their age and all the other shit women are put through in the name of religion.
This isn’t even MENTIONING all the shit that lesbians have to deal with. We need better atheist spaces online, ones that emphasize healing and unlearning harmful shit over posting the same quotes from the same white men and the same memes that boil down to “Lol religious people are stupid”
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“Woman does not emerge from a man’s rib’s, not ever, it’s he who emerges from her womb.”
Nizar Qabbani
one of the greatest lies of patriarchy is claiming framing the father as the lifegiver
(via lilacmeadow)
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One of the biggest tragedies of mankind through out all of history is all of the female geniuses who were never allowed to reach their potential and contribute their gifts to the world. Think of all the female “Mozarts” or “Einsteins” who could have been, but never were.
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just remembered how women who aren’t from Hamburg don’t realize when they’re being chatted up by a john or a pimp.
some time ago an acquaintance of mine was telling us how she went to Hamburg for the first time and “strange men kept approaching her” someone even directly asked her if she had a job, what kinda job and how much money she was earning. I think she even shared some info? I think so bc I remember being even more concerned after she kept talking, but said she finally went her own way bc the questions kept getting stranger.
I was like “yeah that was a pimp, you have to be careful when walking the city alone, they’re everywhere”
She was shocked… and her and her bf got angry at me for implying pimps or johns would ever approach her, because I was obviously trying to say she looked like a whore and not trying to warn her so her naive ass won’t get kidnapped or worse.
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i love how safe it feels when you are only surrounded by women
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drunk girls will meet u for five minutes and show u more unconditional love and support than ur own father
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En espacios que se autodenominan feministas predomina un pensamiento que es el de inclusión del colectivo LGBT+ con afán de disminuir las “opresiones” que supuestamente viven estas personas por hacerle frente a un sistema que denominan como “heteronormativo y cis”.
Lo más sorprendente es ver cómo las mismas mujeres están dispuestas a borrarse de su propia lucha y espacios en pos de ser inclusivas, dejando de lado una realidad: hemos sido borradas a lo largo de la historia y ahora ese borramiento se disfraza de feminismo y no hace más que perpetuar lógicas patriarcales. Siempre reestableciendo los roles de género que tanto se nos han impuesto, el de ser quienes contienen, quienes abarcan, quienes reciben de brazos abiertos cualquier tipo de reivindicación sin la posibilidad de cuestionarnos nada.
Salir de la plenaria ayer me angustio en demasía. Hoy en día no se nos permite dar una opinión diferente a la teñida de glitter cuya bandera es levantada por el feminismo liberal y posmoderno.
Se nos dice fóbicas, odiantes, fascistas cuando nosotras somos las que recibimos los golpes, amenazas y malos tratos de manera constante.
En vez de permitirnos expresar y mostrar qué es lo que militamos, se llenan la boca con miles de falacias que continúan perpetuando lógicas machistas.
En estas reuniones también se trató el tema de cómo el patriarcado muta y se implanta en muchos espacios, de lo que está gente lo esta gente es que de SU mano estas lógicas continúan invadiendo y penetrando. No hay nada más patriarcal que decirle a las mujeres que vender su cuerpo es empoderante, también se nos obliga a dejar en segundo plano nuestras reivindicaciones, nuestra anatomía, nuestro placer, nuestra salud,etc.
El Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres nació como un espacio por y para las mujeres donde se discuten diferentes temáticas que van desde violencia de género hasta salud y derechos de las niñas, decir que este creció y fue llevado a cabo por las disidencias es desinformar, no solo eso sino también sumándole la connotación de que las mujeres solas no hicieron nada, solo con la incorporación de estos grupos es que se logró algo mayor. Nosotras, siempre hemos movilizado las calles, siempre nos hemos organizado en contra del sistema, hoy somos calladas por nuestras propias compañeras en pos de “inclusión” y venerar las palabras de otro sujeto, posicionándonos en segundo plano, repitiendo la historia que ya conocemos solo que bañada en glitter y slangs pedorros.
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cooking and cleaning is a basic life skill and not a gender role🗣🗣
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Finally got to meet @gloriasteinem at the @WomensMarch #MrsBikoWorldTour #BlackTransLivesMatter
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