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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson96
こんにちは。今日で暑いのも終わりでしょうね。Hello. I think hot days are over today.
半年間、お付き合いいただきありがとうございました。次の番組はどんな番組でしょうね。ワクワクして待ちましょう。では。Thank you for staying with us for half a year. Let's wait with excitement Then, see you again.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson95
おはようございます。秋分の日を迎えてすっかり秋ですね。ではまいりましょう。Good morning, It's totally autumn with the autumnal equinox day, isn’t it? Then let’s get together.
I’m back.
Ho, ho, hoh, you are in a good mood. Did you have a dance lesson today?
No, Dion. You went to a concert today, didn’t you, Sho?
Yeah, i went to see Arisaka six at the live concert!
Arisaka six? Oh, they are so KAWAII.
So, how was it?
It was the best concert ever! The whole audience was dancing.
Sounds fun.
Yeah, their dance moves are really cute.
I know that song.
We love you!
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson94
おはようございます。午後からカラオケに行きます。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. I’ll go for Karaoke in the afternoon. Then, let’s give it a try.
You know, my hobby is playing a musical instrument.
How nice! Oh, you play the violin?
Well, let’s take a look.
Amazing! What am interesting sound!
It’s called a musical saw.
I’ve never heard of that. Is it easy to play?
Give it a try!
Put the handle between your knees. And bend the saw into an S shape.
An S shape... like this?
That’s it. Now, play it with the bow.
This is harder than I thought.
No one can play it well at first.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson93
こんにちは。ガラホからスマホに変えようとして猛勉強しています。ではまいりましょう。Hello. I’m now studying hard so that I can use a new smartphone changed from a garapho. Then, let’s get started.
The wind is getting stronger. I hope that kids and dads are OK.
Don’t worry. They are at a movie theater, so they’re indoors.
What’s happening?
Is it a blackout?
Where’s my phone?
Maybe at the circuit breaker. I’m going to take a look.
Be careful, Bettina.
The breaker is fine! It must be a blackout.
Oh dear.
Wait there! I’ll bring a candle.
A candle, great idea!
There we go.
That’s a really small candle.
It’s better than nothing.
It’s all I have. It’s a leftover candle from a birthday party.
The lights are back.
Thank goodness.
Happy birthday to you? You?
It’s better than last time. 前回よりましかな。
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson92
こんにちは。今日は天気が悪いですね。さっそくまいりましょう。Hello. The weather is not so good today, is it? Then, shall we start soon?
Phrases this week
I’ve had enough. もううんざりです。
Have we met? お会いしたことはありましたか。
My driver’s license has expired. 運転免許の期限が切れてしまいました。
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson91
おはようございます。今日はすっきり目覚めました。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. I waked up clearly this morning. Then, let’s get started.
Hi, Miku.
Miku. Are you free this weekend? We can go to the movies, or go for a drive.
OK. Sure.
I knew you would say that. Hah? Did you just say “OK,” sure?
Let’s go for a drive. I really like to drive, but I haven’t had a chance lately.
Sounds good to me. By the way, you do have a license, right?
Of course, I do. Look.
Uh, I see. Nice picture.
Thanks. Wait... What day is it today?
It’s September 15th?
Oh, no. My driver’s license has expired.
What? Well, it’s a good thing you noticed.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson90
おはようございます。最近充実しています。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. I’ve been substantial recently. Then, let’s give it a go.
Hello. I’m Susan’s husband. Thank you for help us find the perfect home.
Nice to meet you. How can I help you today?
Actually, I’m going to buy a car. And I’m looking for a parking spot.
Let me see. Here are some available parking spots.
Thank you. Ah, excuse me but, have we met?
Mm. no, I don’t think so.
Susan said that you used to live in Kobe. I live there, too. Let me think. Ah! You are Santa Claus!
Oh, yes! I used to dress up as Santa for Christmas events in Kobe.
My daughters loved you.
What a coincidence!
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson89
おはようございます。今日は免許更新に行きます。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. I’ll go to renew my driving license. Then, shall we go?
I already told you, No. I’m hanging up now. Good bye.
What’s going on? This sales person already called 5 times today.
5 times?
Crazy, right? Hah, not again! It’s probably the same guy. I’ve had enough.もううんざりよ。
Let me answer, Miku.
Leave it to me.
Hello. then, from also Resu company? We already said, No. It’s against the law to continue calling us. You know that, don’t you? He hung up.
Wow! I can’t thank you enough, Eddy.
No problem. I’m your hero, Miku.
Yeah, you are. That was amazing.
Oh, oh, thanks.
I had enough of your behavior. そんな振る舞いはもううんざりよ。
I had enough of this weather. この天候にはもううんざりだよ。
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson88
おはようございます。Good morning.
Phrases this week
May I try them on? 試着してみてもいいですか?
I’d like to see these in gray. このパンツのグレーを見てみたいわ。
It must be tough. それは本当におつらいですよね。
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson87
おはようございます。最近睡眠時無呼吸のため眠りが浅かったのですが、本日はよく眠れました。朝から調子がいいです。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. I slept lightly recently due to sleep apnea, but I slept well today. I'm in good shape from the morning. Then, let’s get going.
What do you think?
They look great on you. The material is a little bit shiny. That’s very popular nowadays.
Yes, I’d love this texture.
These pants also come in other colors. We have gray and blue.
Is that so? I’d like to see these in gray.
Sure, hold on.
The gray suits you.
Thank you.
Wow Asami! You look fantastic.
Do you think so?
Yeah. You can wear them with your shirt tucked in, too.
Because of the classic silhouette they go well with anything.
Good point, Bettina. You are making me want to buy them.
You know, Bettina is one of our best salespeople.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson86
こんにちは。もうすっかり秋ですね。それではまいりましょう。Hello. It’s already total Autumn, isn’t it? Then, let’s give it a go.
Hi, Bettina.
Oh, Asami. Thank you for coming.
What a lovely shop!
Isn’t it? The owner selects each item personally.
I can tell.
Hello, there. Welcome. Bettina, is this a friend of yours?
Yes, our daughters go to the same school.
Excuse me, I’ll be right back.
Sure. There are so many beautiful items in this shop.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I take a look?
Go ahead. Please take your time.
OK. Thanks. Oh, I like these pants.
Nice choice. These wide leg pants are very popular right now.
May I try them on?
Of course. Right this way.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson85
こんばんは。今日はイオンにジャンパーを買いに行ってきました。それではまいりましょう。Good evening. Today, I went to Aeon to buy a new jacket. Then, let’s get started.
Excuse me, Brenda. Here the papers you asked for.
Thank you. Just put them there.
Yes, ma’am. Umm, is something wrong?
My sweet Max passed away. He has gone to heaven,
I’m so sorry. Who is Max?
Our family pet.
I see.
This morning, he finally stopped moving.
It must be tough.
He couldn’t fly anymore. It’s the end of summer, anyway.
Fly? Was Max a bird?
No. He was a kabuto-mushi.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson84
おはようございます。きょうは参詣と図書館に行きます。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. Today, I’ll go out to the shrine and the library. Then, shall we start?
Phrases this week
Let me have a look! わたしにもちょっと見せて!
Let me join you. ぼくも入れて。
What made you angry? なんで怒ってるの?
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson83
おはようございます。運動会やオリンピックはやっぱり秋がいいですね。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. Athletic meets and the Olympic game should be held in Autumn, right? Then, let’s get going.
Hello, Makoto-san.
Oh, Susan. Hello. Is something wrong?
Yes. I need to complain to someone.
I’m happy to listen.
Thank you. I’m just so upset.
What made you angry? Is there a problem with the house?
No. The house is fine. Problem is my husband.
What did he do?
He forgot an anniversary. We’ve been together thirty years. Can you believe it?
I’m sorry to hear that.
I made him a lovely anniversary dinner, and wait for him to come back. The food was cold when he came home.
Oh, dear.
What made you upset? どうしてそんなに怒ってるの?
What made you tired? どうしてそんなに疲れているの?
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson82
こんにちは。姪が結婚します。よかったです。ではまいりましょう。Hello. My niece gets married. That was fantastic! Then, let’s give it a go.
I’m home. Hey, Dion.
Hi, Sho.
What are you doing?
I’m planning something. Today, I happened to meet one of Zach’s friends.
Yeah. what’s up?
We talked about Zach. He still seems depressed.
I see. Because he heard about Victoria’s boyfriend.
Mm. Exactly. I want to throw a surprise party to cheer him up.
That’s a great idea. Let me join you.
Sure! Actually, I need your help.
Hey, he’s back.
Oh, oh, oh.
Hi, Zach. Did you have a good day today?
Hey guys.
He definitely needs a cheer up party.
Let us join you. 私たちも仲間に入れて。
Let her join you. 彼女を仲間に入れてあげなさいよ。(親が子供によく使う)
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson81
おはようございます。8月も終わり、秋の気配ですね。ではまいりましょう。Good morning. August almost finishes, and Autumn sign is approaching, right? Then, let’s get started.
OK, time for lunch.
I’m going out to buy lunch now. Shall I get something for you?
No, thank you.
I’ll get takeout from that curry restaurant. I want to try their chicken curry.
I love that restaurant. Actually I think we got a flyer from there.
Which curry restaurant are you talking about?
It’s between here and station. That chef is from India.
I found it. It says they deliver if you order three items or more,
Nice. Why don’t you get curry, too, Eddy?
OK, sure.
Hey, they have a new menu item. Curry Tuke-men. Mmm, I’ll get this.
Let me have a look! I’ll have the same.
Me, too.
Me, three.
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もっと伝わる即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson80
おはようございます。誰もが金欠ですね。でも頑張りましょう。Good morning. Everyone is lack of money, right? But, let’s hang in there, and give it a go!
Phrases This Week
What a shame! 残念だったね。
What a waste of time! なんて時間の無駄だったの!
How kind of you! なんて親切なんだ!
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