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mirrorada · 7 months ago
My dad has one of these fucking things. He and my uncle ran a motor cycle club that would fairly regularly do off roading mountain routes for dirt bikes. he was the resident EMT, and this beast of a truck was the off road rescue vehicle- for obvious reasons. While it never endured the absolute satanic level of abuse as the top gear one, it did pretty regularly get driven into huge bolders, crashed into trees, flipped or rolled on more than one occasion. It was equipped with a roll cage (for the reasons mentioned above), 5pt harness seats and was probably made of more bondo than metal by the time he and my mom split. It was also lifted- so It could drive over most of the bullshit up in the mountains more easily. I mention the lift because I need you to understand that this thing's center of gravity was..HIGH and it was VERY prone to tipping over, and given the wrong turn on these tiny ass moutain dirt access roads, very frequently ROLLED over or down into a ravine.
I have first hand experience of being inside said toyota hilux as it flipped and slid down a 45 degree embankment on its roof and walked away with out a scratch. do that in a cybercuck and you'd be full of glass, at the least. I've watched the same truck get righted, hood banged back down into latch and then get loaded up with an injured biker and their bike into the flat bed, and then proceed to DRIVE BACK UP THE EMBANKMENT IT ROLLED DOWN. Cybercucks ain't got shit on the Hilux.
cant stop thinking about this video
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mirrorada · 1 year ago
I can personally confirm both of these cats are HUGE.
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I can, without seeing this cat, guarantee it is not a bobcat.
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mirrorada · 1 year ago
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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mirrorada · 1 year ago
Shop closing down
All the issues on Etsy have been giving me a headache of late. While I haven't really felt the higher fees issue (when I opened my etsy shop 12+ years ago I was paying 5% conversion fees through paypal, so my prices were shielded from a lot of changes over the years), but I have been having issues with bots deactivating listings for the wrong reasons with no recourse. Also I've seen multiple people post that they won't buy from Etsy which makes things hard.
But Etsy is the only place I have found so far which manages all the varying international tax obligations for you, and it's been a large part of why I have stayed. Also I generally don't make enough sales to justify the larger upfront fees of some other sites, so it makes it not worth my time.
So I'm planning to go on hiatus for awhile. I'll be closing my shop at the end of October, and taking some time out to just sew for myself and work out my next options. I will be back selling bjd clothes, even if it's just one off designs, I'm just not quite sure how that will look.
Sales haven't worked well for me for a number of years, so instead I'm offering free shipping for orders over $100 AUD. That's $65 USD, or 60 Euro. I've never really had a following that sells things quickly, so any help getting the word out would be greatly appreciated! I'll no doubt be making a number of posts over the next couple of months.
Shop link: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/dorsetclothing
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
Hi, person here who’s dealt with a house fire and needing to retrieve belongings after the house was deemed “uninhabitable” due to substantial damage. Fire dpt will do a walk through and ensure there are no remaining hot spots, they’ll also check for any potential  areas that may fall/cave in (roof or floor) Gas/electricity will have been shut off already by this point. After that they will make the determination if the building/space can be safely entered by non fire personnel. Ultimately the fire department has final say on if the house is safe for re-entry following the fire, not your landlord. If the fire dept deemed it unsafe for re-entry you will NOT be able to go back and retrieve anything.  You should be able to contact the fire department to see if they gave some sort of no-entry decree, you can also contact them for a report/case number for any sort of renters insurance you have (You can also possibly use this reason to gain access to the building for documentation purposes) In the event you can get back in and get your belongings my recommendations: wear shoes/clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, wear a mask, bring gloves. bring flashlights/head  lamps Things are going to be wet, slimy, sooty, and gross. Any items in rooms directly affected by fire are likely a total loss- if not from fire damage, they’ll bey soaked in burned wood,paint, metal, plastic, etc (all the stuff houses and buildings are made of, washed down by the water) 
For items not in rooms directly affected by fire your main concern is smoke. Bag any anything that is pours and washable in a washing machine (clothes, linens, plushies, etc) that were in rooms not directly effected by fire. wash these as soon as possible. Throw out any larger cloth/textile items that can’t be washed. Box/bag hard surface items and at the first possible chance clean them either with soap and water if possible or damp cloth. for items you can’t wash and may only be able to wipe down, boxing with activated charcoal or baking soda for a few days may help, but some surfaces soak smoke more than others so results may not always be great.
My house is on fire.
Everyone is out safe. I’m at work.
I feel numb.
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
My kid saw this picture and was VIBRATING, got wide eyed and just muttered “so many....” and then wandered away
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rocks are here
last photo is my keepers
my plan is to make custom ceramic and/or wire bases for these
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
oh man, I wish I’d seen this sooner for Xmas! My kid would loose her mind over this sort of thing. She A, Loves minerals and crystals and the like (we have literal pounds of geodes, crystals, stones, gems etc), and B loves collecting random stuff to look at under her microscope. she has a huge box full of acorn tops, dried moss,  random bits of bark, bones, a whole intact bumble bee, shells, broken glass, few old metal bits etc she’s found at school or on walks Definitely snagging her something for her birthday.
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Check out this sweet collection of natural oddities housed in a vintage 1950s mint tin! Get it HERE in my Etsy shop!
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
I’ll have to check our girls when it’s not holy fuck cold out side.
Look. I’m unnaturally excited about this. I learned that owls fluoresce so I had to know: Do chickens? Google wasn’t helpful. But I have all the things I need for this experiment.
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Please please please if you get photos or video of your chickens under a black light tag me or this post! I WANNA SEE!!!
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
Finn’s been at this for a while- red head in the top frame is Finn https://www.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/gogicx/show_me_your_girl_voice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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he’s so right for this
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
Reblogin from Insta! Pumpkin friends are on sale!
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
SONOFABITCH how dare you make me see this with my own eyes. the audacity the nerve the gumption. more must see this.
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
Ours was a female voice... i wonder if it was a regional thing?
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mirrorada · 2 years ago
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Hey babes! I made a cover for the Tapas mirror of the comic, thought I'd share it with this update. :D
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mirrorada · 3 years ago
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