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Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(Back at it again with the Doom Vader au)
It was an old J-type 327 Nubian cruiser, like the kind her father had told her the rulers of Naboo used to use. Of course, Leia could see even from the control room that it had been heavily modified.
"Princess," General Rieekan said in a low voice, "The ship didn't transmit clearance codes. We don't know if they're friend or foe."
Leia felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she watched the black ship approach.
"I think the answer would probably be "yes", General," she murmured. Her eyes never left the screen. "It would be in our best interests not to antagonize him."
At the back of her mind, concern and curiosity were placing wagers on whether the appearance of the Avenging Angel was a good omen or a poor one. At the forefront of her mind, the princess wondered whether Luke had finished his patrol yet. He would want to know that their birth father was invading one of their bases again for unknown reasons.
On the rare occasion that he did enter a Rebel base, he never explained himself. The most anyone ever got out of him was a verbal greeting, and that only if Luke or Leia was physically present.
Leia left the control room and donned a heavy coat before going topside to watch the ship land. She could save everyone a lot of unnecessary fright if she knew what Vader wanted at the outset.
The Nemesis exited his ship with his usual lack of hesitation. Under one arm, he carried a bundle of cloth. That seemed odd, but Leia was more concerned with how he had found a base they'd only been in for a few weeks.
"What are you doing here?" she asked tersely.
He never seemed to mind. Considering his own blunt way of conversing, Leia suspected that Vader preferred when she got straight to the point.
Snow gathered on the ridges of Vader's armor and helmet as he paused in front of Leia. He inclined his head a little, then gestured towards what little of Echo Base could be seen over the snowdrifts. Then he continued walking, and Leia understood that he meant to enter. She waved away the guards as she followed him in. They wouldn't have done any good anyway.
"You do know we have clearance procedures for a reason?" Leia sighed. "All you had to do was announce yourself and we would've let you through without me escorting you in."
"My ship is announcement enough," Vader answered calmly.
Leia snorted, but did not disagree. She still remembered her first encounter with the Nemesis, as a little girl. When her mother had uncovered proof that a high-ranking Imperial was engaged in the slave trade and they'd both been held hostage, the instant that cruiser had entered the atmosphere they'd known. Breha had immediately reassured her daughter that all would be well, now that the Avenging Angel had arrived.
Leia walked alongside the towering warrior and watched him warily from the corner of her eye. Usually, if Vader turned up, it meant something very dramatically bad was about to happen. Generally involving the Empire. Was there an invasion on the way?
Vader did not stop moving until they'd reached an empty chamber. There was nothing of importance inside. It was really little more than a storage closet. But evidently Vader wanted to speak with her in private.
"I did not come for your Rebellion, Princess."
Nearly three years had passed since the fateful meeting on the Death Star, and Vader still called her Princess, or Organa, rather than Daughter. According to Chewbacca, this was because the people that Vader tended to associate with most held adoption in very high regard, and that Vader may have felt indebted to Bail and Breha for raising and loving his child when he was presumed dead. That he acknowledged the Organas as her parents whenever they spoke was simply his way of honoring that. Leia was grateful for it, really.
Without further comment, Vader held out the bundle of cloth. Gingerly, Leia took it, surprised by the weight. Within the white cloth were several ingots of a shining metal. Turned one way, it appeared blue. Turned another, white. When her fingers touched the metal, Leia swore than she felt, just for an instant, the presence of her parents once more.
She looked up. "What is this?"
"I have gone to the graveyard of Alderaan, Princess," Vader answered. "There remained elements of your ancient armories that could be purified and strengthened. Repurposed to a new use."
Alderaan. Leia was holding a fragment of a home that no longer existed. Her grief rose unexpectedly and spread behind her like dragon's wings.
"On Alderaan," she said, "I used to go into that old armory museum to see a sword on display." She wasn't sure why she was telling Vader this, but he seemed to be listening. "I always loved the way the cross guard was made to look like a rising sun."
Her smile turned bittersweet. "I don't know what context my name had when you chose it, but on Alderaan Leia is a homophone for an archaic word for sunrise. Mama used to call me her sunshine for that."
Vader reached out suddenly to fold her hands completely around the ingots.
"This was meant to be your armor, Princess," he declared. He ignored her startled look.
"You will wear it when you find those responsible for Alderaan's destruction, and you will teach them to fear the dawn."
Leia's eyes sharpened, and she nodded slowly. "Yes. I will."
She was just beginning to consider what kind of armor could be made from the ingots when a faint sense of unease stirred in her gut. Across from her, Vader looked up abruptly.
"Where is your brother?" he demanded.
"Doing a patrol sweep. Last one before we shut the blast doors for the night," Leia said. "He was out with Captain Solo..."
But Han had returned not long ago. And he'd mentioned Luke wanting to investigate some kind of meteor.
Vader turned on his heel and exited the room quickly.
"Do not seal the doors yet," he warned. "I do not know what Luke has found, but it is not an ally."
#Doom Vader#fanfic#other people's fanfic#Darth Vader#shadow puppets (cut my strings)#Leia Organa#prism of flame#Luke Skywalker#bright enough to burn#twin stars#split infinity
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Things Clone Troopers do to subtly annoy their Jedi, without it seeming like they’re doing it on purpose:
-Constantly pretend the Jedi got their names wrong and gently correcting them
-(Commanders and ARC troopers): switch which shoulder the pauldron is on, and when questioned, act like it’s always been there
-tell wildly different stories about the meanings of certain hairstyles or tattoos
-clear your throat every time your Jedi says a certain word during a briefing
-yell “YES SIR” as loudly as possible, no matter how close your Jedi is standing
-talk loudly to each other about the Force, getting things as wrong as possible, within earshot of as many Jedi as you can
-whenever a Jedi gives you Sage Jedi Advice ™ turn to the nearest brother, tears in your eyes and go “so wise. So knowing. My life is changed. I am hydrated” etc.
-walk down the hallway past your Jedi, making random absurd mouthsounds to your brothers. Claim it’s a Unique Clone Language. Change the nonsense syllables every time and see how many Unique Clone Languages you can convince them you have.
-Whenever anyone mentions Yoda, say “Force rest his soul”. Keep doing it no matter how many times your Jedi insists that Yoda isn’t dead.
-choose a random, innocuous phrase, like “extra charge packs”, and whenever anyone says it, for whatever reason, burst into laughter and roll around on the ground like it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard in your life. If questioned, say “oh, it’s just a clone joke, sir, you wouldn’t get it”
-Choose a random, less innocuous word, like “cockles” and see how many times you can work it into a mission report, debriefing, or planning session without arousing suspicion
-coordinate with every single other trooper on the ship to simultaneously drop whatever they’re holding at the exact same time
-(Cody): sneak into Obi-Wan’s quarters whenever he leaves and trim off the bottom inch or so of all of his tunics. See if he notices before he ends up wearing crop-tops.
-(Rex): get Hardcase to wire a mouse droid to untie Anakin’s bootlaces and re-tie them together. If you time it right, he doesn’t notice until he tries to take a step.
-constantly confuse Jedi with other Jedi, pretend to be as bad at telling them apart as most non-clones are at telling clones apart.
-fake absurd over-the-top hero worship, for another unit’s Jedi, post fanart in places where your own Jedi will see it regularly
-Convince your Jedi that today is a Special Clone Holiday, and we just can’t work today sir, not on Jango Day. See how many fake Clone Holidays you can convince them to let you take off.
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Antelope Valley Poppy fields, California [1080x1350] [OC] - Author: eevesan on reddit
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This little hoot looks like a real-life Muppet! A brave little great horned owlet at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Alabama clacks its bill as a threat display. Great horned owls have many different calls and are known to clack, bark, hiss, rattle, whoop, shriek, and of course, hoot. Young great horned owls will fledge the nest around seven weeks old and are capable of short flights soon after. They’ll hang out on nearby branches or on the ground, and their parents never stray too far. Please if you come across young birds this spring, give them space – especially if they have most of their feathers. Good people trying to help sometimes do more harm than good while attempting to “rescue” baby birds. Video courtesy of Tom Ress.
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Full circle rainbow spotted by my partner during our drive through Sarchí, Costa Rica. [3024x3773] [OC] - Author: veeemmare on reddit
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Waves and rocks on the coastline of Madeira (1280x1920)[OC] - cryptodesign - EarthPorn
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Happy 4th of May!
#ooh!#pretty!#fanart#Padmé Amidala#painted glass#Anakin Skywalker#rising to the fall#fractured mirrors
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You bored, or feeling artsy but don’t have any inspiration...? *updated!*
Do you need to distract yourself? Or are you simply bored? Here are some great websites to make the time pass.
create pixel art
Awesome photo editor and art program, all free…!
Totally free transparent textures
make a cute chibi
draw some cool generative art
be a graffiti creator
create a picassohead (you don’t need to be a picasso to do so)
paint online
another awsome site to create pixel art on
and another one
create your own mandala
or color one
create an avatar
or you can try creating your own superhero
here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes
here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,
Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown
here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music
Need a model in a certain pose for drawing? here
Want to build your own planet
here is a website where you can create your own galaxies
make your own pattern (very useful if you need a new background)
create next hit comic
make a city which looks like something from 90′s games
draw a mandala like design
jig saw puzzles
more jig saw puzzles to solve
create a stunning HTML5 animation - no coding!
make a movie
create and dress up dolls
play a piano
you can also play a guitar
create sounds
another sound creator
create a logo
design your dream home
sketch rooms
explore fashion trends and create your own sets
build a website
try this app for building a website
Or maybe start learning how to code!
design your own t-shirt or a beanie or sweatpants and order them
design your own phone case
pretend to be a graphic designer with this cool online tool
Make your own Glitch art
Here’s another glitch art maker
And another!
Holy hell, here’s a third!
make an image look like it was created by a commodore 64
freaking cool text generator!
Easy to use word processor
Make up really cool patterns or run your photos through it :)
Write an essay on anything with no hassle
Wanna see how something you write would look like if it was on JacksFilms YGS((Your Grammar Sucks videos on YouTube))?
Make pictures out of text
ASCII word generator
Need an idea for some fanart-here :D
sleep calculator essay typer
rice questions
artsy-fartsy pretty thing
survive nature
tumblr music
calming rain
backgrounds [x]
loads of references
Still haven’t found something that would float your boat? Try these:
watch a documentary
learn to code
do something yourself
workout with the help of this great youtube channels
learn things
play pokemon or zelda or other awesome old school games
waste your time on miniclip
play games at additing games
or try games at agame
calm your thoughts
the quiet place
it will be okay
vent or listen to someone
pour out your soul
explore the sky
look at art from around the world
virtually visit museum of iraq
explore world with arounder
create a music playlist
list through rare books
scroll useful science website
create sand art
brain games
try out tastekid and discover new favorite band or movie or book
interactive 3D anatomy
random street view
post a secret
create a family tree
find our what’s the difference between x and y
help scientists and become volunteer researcher
create your own font
read a classic short story
In the mood to read, but not sure exactly what book to go for?
scribble on maps
listen to letters
play with acrobots
listen to podcasts
make a bucket list
Ever want to see the most truly useless websites in creation?
Prank a friend with this blue screen of death!
Zone out watching the colors drip down
Sprite generator!
Face Generator/Creator!
Maybe none of these peeked your interest-maybe you’ve been wanting to create an o.c, but never really knew how to start-or you just enjoy making O.C’s….Or maybe you have a Gemsona that you want to create, but don’t have the energy to draw!
This masterlist is to help you in making your own OCs….it can also apply to developing RP characters i suppose! (´ヮ`)!
Gemsona stuffs;
Just a straight up character gemsona creator
Here’s another
Not sure what gem to go with, or where?
OR maybe your unsure about more than just that?
How to Write Better OCs:
basic tips on how to make your oc even better
tragic backstory? learn how to write one/make yours great
writing specific characters
a wordier, great guide on how to develop your character
kick out those vague descriptions and make them AWESOME
Character Development:
how to actually make an OC
Q&A (to develop characters)
more Q&As
giving your character a backstory
how to write an attractive character
Need an Appearance idea?
Humanoid generator? check
Here’s another one
and maybe if you didn’t like those this’ll work
Need Monsterpeople?
Well, then here ya’ go
Maybe you need Cats?
adding more racial diversity
avoiding tokenism, AKA, how to add diversity to your cast not just because you “need” it
writing sexuality and gender expression (doesnt include non binary, if you have a good ref to that, please add on!)
masterpost on writing more diversity into your story
cultures of the world
guides to drawing different ethnicities (not just a great art reference, but also really helpful in appearance descriptions!)
Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Test to see if your character is a Sue
Explains subdivisions of Sues/Stus
Powerful Characters Don’t Have to Be Sues
villain generator
need an evil sounding name for your evil character? bam
villain archetypes
what’s your villain’s motive for being a villain?
character perceptions (What your character thinks of themselves and what others think of them)
how to write strong relationships between two characters
8 ways to write better characters and develop their relationships with others
OCxLove Interest Handbook
develop your couple with good ol’ Q&A!
how to write realistic relationships
how to write relatives for your characters (this is more OC related to a canon character, but will help in writing family members in general)
12 common archetypes
8 archetypes for male/female characters
female archetypes (goes pretty indepth from two main categories)
a list of archetypes
how to name your character
random name generator
most common surnames
surnames by ethnicity
tips for better design
basic appearance generator
pinterest board for character design (includes NSFW and images of skeletons/exposed muscle (?) so tread carefully!)
clothing ref masterpost
Clothing generator
Another clothing generator
More clothing generator
Aaaand even more
Steam punk clothing
Char Style preference
Dress Generator
give your character better powers
a list of professions
proactive vs reactive characters
positive and negative traits
interest generator
skills generator
motivation generator
123 ideas for character flaws
list of phobias
Oh shit someone died
Backgrounds and stuff? yep
Personality. you need that shit
Need something fandom related?
City generator hell yeah
location? got ya
make your own god damn laws
Need Item names?
Fantasy/sci-fi/etc. medicine names
Stuff to make things more interesting.Weapons, clothes, treasures… whatever your characters need.
Item & Artifact Generators
Other stuffs!
Genre, Plot, & Story Prompt Generators
How did your characters meet?
Fanfic plots. you bet your ass.
Other Other stuffs!
Wanna make a custom minecraft skin?
Well then these’ll work!
This one too~
WAIT!…if none of that worked, then maybe you want to make a southpark style character?
Well, this one’s nice too~
And another..
Aaaand another!
Undertale character speech box creator!
Want inspiration for an Undertale Oc?
OR a super Edgy Undertale Theory generator?
Maybe you just want to read some funny Sans Puns!
How about a TMNT creator?
Or a TMNT meme generator..
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Hassidriss “Oblivion” spring 2020 couture
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Peyto Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta [4174x2721] [OC] - Author: MrMufel on reddit
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via CreativeSoul Photography on FB:
Aaaaaand THIS is how our princesses show up. Excited to share this black princess series which was a personal project orchestrated by Hair by LaChanda. The mission was to redefine and reimagine the traditional princess with our own dash of style, culture and swag. 🥰❤️ Thanks to all of the models and vendors who helped bring this project together. Photography: CreativeSoul Photography Hair/Creative Direction: Hair by LaChanda
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Dun Briste seastack, Ireland [OC][2048x1365] - Author: ihaveadarksoul on reddit
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Spring brings a symphony of color to the North Fork of the American River in northern California. Lush greens and a spectrum of wildflowers paint the steep valley slopes while hundreds of feet below, powerful clear waters smash through rapids choked with boulders. If you need a moment of peace, just picture yourself here. Photo by Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management.
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hahahaha good job
#I definitely agree with the last comment#the two Siamese troublemakers would like to proclaim their innocence#but I am not fooled
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Spectacular skies during sunset at a remote beach in Costa Rica [OC][1413x2048] - Author: tmsvdw on reddit
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Amidst the clouds, Iceland. {OC} (1500x1000) @williampatino_photography - Author: william_patino on reddit
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Explored some Ice Caves last summer, Eastern Sierras, C.A. (oc) (1638x2048) (@jakob_lr) - Author: Jakob_LR on reddit
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