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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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New York Daily News decides to go full-on journalistic malpractice.  
Talk about stirring the pot!  
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
Any cop who erratically shoots an unarmed kid out of "fear" and "paranoia" probably shouldn't be a cop in the first place.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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Solidarity, on a global scale.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
people go to court over parking tickets but murder is…. debatable
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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The National Bar Association calls out the injustice of the Mike Brown Shooting Death decision. 
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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The Day After, Pt 1 (11/25/14): Ferguson begins to rebuild. We stand with you. Prayers, blessing, and peace to the residents and protesters in Ferguson. #staywoke #farfromover
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
People in Ferguson don’t have the luxury to ignore what’s happening right now. Black people don’t have the luxury to ignore the racism they’re forced to constantly face. I hope you realize how much privilege you have when you’re literally given the opportunity to ignore what’s happening.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
white people: *forcibly brings black people to america*
white people: *years later* IF THEY DON'T LIKE IT THEY CAN LEAVE
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
Do thinks like ferguson actually happen in Canada?
I’ve seen a lot of people either ask why Canadians should be talking about police brutality and racism when “it doesn’t happen here” or try to talk like Canada is so above this shit so here are a few examples
The Saskatoon Freezing Deaths or "Starlight Tours" where native people have been picked up by police, dropped outside of the city and abandoned, often resulting in a person freezing to death, have been documented from 1976 - 2003 but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened a lot more often and has just gone unreported. Neil Stonechild, a Cree teenager, was found frozen to death in a field in 1990 and had last been seen cuffed in a police cruiser. Rodney Naistus and Lawrence Wegner, both native men, were found frozen to death in the same place in 2000, and the same place where Darrel Night, another native man, was left by police, although he survived and the cops were put in prison for 8 months. Two Worlds Colliding is a film about him.
John Joseph (J. J.) Harper, from the Wasagamack Indian Band in Manitoba, was killed by a cop in Winnipeg in 1988 who insisted that the gun went off accidentally, and was later exonerated.
Robert Dziekanski, a polish man immigrating to live with his mother in BC, was tasered to death in the Vancouver Airport by three cops in 2007. Eyewitnesses, including another traveller that took a video of the entire incident (which later went viral), led to the realization that the police had lied about the circumstances surrounding his death.
Dudley George an Ojibwe man murdered in 1995 by an Ontario Provincial Police officer while he was protesting for sacred burial land on which a military camp was built under the war measures act in WWII to be given back to the Stony Point First Nation in theIpperwash Crisis 
Frank Paul, a Mi’kmaq man from British Columbia, was arrested for public drunkenness and left in an alley by two cops, where he died of hypothermia in 1998
Crystal Taman, a mother of three in winnipeg, was killed in 2005 when an allegedly drunk, off duty cop rearended her vehicle.
Anthony Griffin, a black nineteen-year-old, was killed by a cop in Montreal in 1987, which led to discussions of the widespread racism and racial profiling that happens in Quebec and among Montreal police. At the time of his death, his killer had already had to pay fines after allegations of racism stemming from other incidents
Eric Osawe, a 26-year-old from Nigeria with two children, was shot in the back by a cop during an apartment raid in 2010 in Toronto. The police officer responsible for his death was charged with murder, but later exonerated
Duane Christian, a 15 year old black child, was killed in 2006 while driving a stolen minivan. He was shot at five times.
Junior Alexander Manon, an 18 year old black teenager, died in police custody in 2010 due to injuries caused by police in apprehending him and tackling him to the ground. Eyewitnesses, including one that was trained in first aid, said that one police officer had held his arms while another slapped his face, and that it was apparent he needed CPR which they did not perform.
Reyal Jensen Jardine-Douglas, a 25 year old African man with a history of mental illness, was shot and killed by police in 2010, after his family had called to have him taken to the hospital. this article names some other people shot by police under similar circumstances
Matthew Dumas, an Aboriginal 18-year-old, was shot and killed by police in Winnipeg in 2005 for carrying a screwdriver.
Phuong Na (Tony) Du, a 51 year old in Vancouver, was killed py police on November 22nd, 2014, for brandishing a piece of lumber.
Jermaine Carby, a 33 year old black man in Brampton, was shot and killed during a traffic stop on September 24th, 2014. This is a facebook page dedicated to him.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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Please don’t forget Darrien Hunt, a 22 year old cosplayer from Utah who was carrying a replica sword who was shot 6 times in the back while he was fleeing for his life 2 months ago
The cops tried covering this one up too:
He was shot from behind, running away and fleeing like we see in the surveillance tape where he is running for his life
The police originally claimed that he was swinging his sword and lunged at him before they begun shooting him. The police chief ruled the shooting justified. This is contrary to the evidence which indicates he was shot in the back
They allowed a police chief to make this ruling outside of a court of law, the investigation was carried out by an “officer-involved shooting protocol team”
The sword was bought from a gift shop and did not have a sharp edge, yet in the report they claim he swung it at them and they were afraid of getting sliced
The two cops who shot him are both reinstated: Schauerhamer and Judson
The area is 93% white, 0.5% black
The questioning of the cops was delayed and they’ve now altered their story (that Hunt lunged at them and that is why he ultimately died)
The shot that killed him, though, was the shot in the back that he received while fleeing. He was shot a total of 6 times. 
We are allowing police departments all over the country to get away with murder. They are held unaccountable for their murder. This is genocide. People are justifying this just like they justify Brown’s murder. Question everything. Don’t believe a word these genocidal police departments say all over the country. They are held above the law. This will keep happening if precedent is not set.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
I'm sorry about this but...
I’ll be the biggest hypocrite if I cry and cry about Ferguson while ignoring what’s happening in my home country.
Tumblr has a terrible rep for ignoring the issues in Latin American countries. 43 students were killed in Mexico. Many more bodies were found. Women continue to be murdered. The police is disguising themselves as protestors and committing violent acts to “prove” the protests are not in the interest of the students.
The tragedy and injustice in Ferguson deserves the attention it’s getting and more, but who will speak for my people if not those of us who can?
Do not forget Ayotzinapa. Please read up on this: http://www.globalresearch.ca/disappeared-students-in-mexico-global-struggle-for-ayotzinapa-captures-worlds-attention/5415453 https://ayotzinapasomostodos.wordpress.com
This article explains who the victims were: http://fusion.net/video/24660/see-exclusive-video-of-missing-ayotzinapa-students-before-their-disappearance/
Do not trust: mainstream Mexican media (Televisa, Univision, etc), Time Magazine, New York Times, Latin times. Do not trust any media that seems to take a neutral stance on this. Do not trust any media that displays Peña Nieto as someone who cares. He and his family were in China while protests erupted in Mexico. His wife was recently discovered to own an 8 million DOLLAR house. Not pesos, dollars. She claims she paid for it herself, when the biggest Hollywood stars don’t make that much. Here’s a satirical article on that (in Spanish): http://eldeforma.com/2014/11/19/ya-salieron-las-fotos-de-casa-de-chabelo-tras-conocer-el-sueldo-de-la-gaviota-en-televisa/
The US government doesn’t care about it’s black people. The Mexican government doesn’t care about anyone below upper middle class. We are murdered and the media tells us “this isn’t a big deal”. The media is dividing Mexico and creating apathy to keep us from uniting against our Government. Support a coup d’état in Mexico. Spread the news. Do not give in to apathy.
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
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Americans ignore the mass murder of students that is roiling Mexico
The violent disappearance of 43 students from a rural teachers college in Guerrero state has caused a political earthquake the likes of which Mexico has not seen in generations — perhaps even since the revolution of 1910. That makes it all the more baffling how little attention most people in the U.S. have paid to the unfolding tragedy.
To understand the historical significance — and the moral and political gravity — of what is occurring, think of 9/11, of Sandy Hook, of the day JFK was assassinated. Mexico is a nation in shock — horrified, pained, bewildered.
Mexico is on the brink. So why is America oblivious?
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mirakuruun-blog · 10 years ago
Instead of just referring to online news articles as credible evidence, here’s a link to all of the actual released documents from the Mike Brown case.
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mirakuruun-blog · 11 years ago
changed blogs!
i’m over at strawberrychutney now but this is staying up as an archive!
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mirakuruun-blog · 11 years ago
changed blogs!
i’m over at strawberrychutney now but this is staying up as an archive!
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mirakuruun-blog · 11 years ago
changed blogs!
i’m over at strawberrychutney now but this is staying up as an archive!
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