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      WHAT’S that sound ?? Oh, nothing--- just the sound of his phone hitting the wall after he threw it across the room. Excuse him as he curls up in the fetal position underneath the SAFETY of his blankets.
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♋ sin me up friend 8')
♋ for a fucking sext
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There’s… probably no point to even trying because it’s Midorima, but he’s bored and that’s always when he makes the worst decisions.
[text: shin chan♥] shin-chan im so lonely[text: shin chan ♥] i wish you were with me right now[text: shin chan ♥] our bodies pressed together[text: shin chan ♥] i wanna trace your muscles with my fingertips as you run your hands up my thighs[text: shin chan ♥] make me moan into your neck as I sink my teeth in[text: shin chan ♥] i want you to kiss me until i cant breathe and touch me until i cant feel anything else but you
He’s lying in his bed wheezing with laughter, but of course that doesn’t come through via text – thankfully.
[text: shin chan ♥] youre not one to run from a challenge, are you?[text: shin chan ♥] come on dont tell me you havent thought about having your way with me at least once[text: shin chan ♥] no need to be shy
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“Uh – what?”
Takao blinks, and when the scenario before him doesn’t change, he blinks again. His stomach has done a flip at the unfamiliar voice addressing him – by name, and that’s what doesn’t make sense. Someone as prideful as Midorima Shintarou would never remember someone as insignificant as he is, and yet – there’s no mistaking he’s being approached directly. But why…? Even when he wracks his mind, he can’t think of a single logical explanation as to why he would have left an impression on Midorima. Sometimes he’d fantasized about going off to high school, becoming a key player on a strong team, and leaving a real impression, not just on Midorima but on the rest of the Generation of Miracles, as someone who could face them after all. But this is all wrong; Midorima’s talking to him now, for no fathomable reason.
He takes a wary step backwards, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly at the boy peering down at him. His emotions are a strange mixture of suspicion and resentment, confusion and distaste – not a single positive feeling to be found.
It’s pretty rich that you of all people would ask me if I’m all right, considering – As much as he’d love to be vile and lay it on him, Takao refrains if only slightly. “I’m surprised you even took the time to learn my name,” he says levelly, and as he does the thought occurs to him that perhaps Midorima only did so to antagonize him more completely, to rub in Teikou’s win on a more personal level. Takao wouldn’t put it past any of those prodigy bastards to pull a stunt like that. “But seriously, what do you take me for, an idiot? I know you don’t care, so cut the crap and leave me alone.” 
Okay, maybe he’s not refraining much after all.
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      HE wasn’t sure what stung MORE--- the point guard’s shock at being addressed by him, or the h a r s h words and tone that he used to answer him with. Contrary to popular belief ( though he’d never admit it to anyone’s face of course ) he was more SENSITIVE than he let show. So needless to say, Takao’s currently brash attitude was rather DIFFICULT for him to cope with. Though it DID prove to him that something was indeed very wrong. When he put more thought into it, back in these time he really HADN’T bothered to learn the shorter boy’s name--- then again, he didn’t waste his time with any other opponent’s names back then either. POINTLESS, was how he had viewed things like that. Thinking even MORE deeply about it, he remembered that upon first meeting each other in school he hadn’t even recognized Takao despite only having played against him the year before. 
                                          But Takao had ALWAYS remembered HIM.
      Seeing the point guard like this, everything made a little more s e n s e in the shooting guard’s mind. His best friend, teammate, and BOYFRIEND had really and truly DISLIKED ( perhaps even HATED ) him at one point in time. It was different from what he was used to, and all he could feeling was an OVERWHELMING amount of guilt and digust--- aimed purely at himself, of course. How could he ever fault the brunet for feeling BITTER towards him after that match ??  If he had been in the other’s shoes, he would probably hate himself too. Taking in a deep breath, emerald hues UNCHARACTERISTICALLY lowered themselves to stare at the ground, unable to look the point guard dead on. 
      ❝ You’re hardly an idiot--- and believe it or not, I care more than you think, nanodayo. ❞ It was PAINFUL to speak to him like this, and he could feel his throat tighten as those last few words fell from his lips. The unusual ACHE in his chest only worsened as his brows furrowed together in FRUSTRATION. I he had indeed been misplaced in time, back to before he and Takao had even become friends...how was he supposed to face him or explain himself ?? Wasn’t it DANGEROUS to mess with the ever F R A G I L E sands of time ??
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mun and muse: frowning v loudly @ the dash rn tbh
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“I’m fine.” She answered immediately– automatically, without thought and without a blink. She wasn’t fine and she knew it; she shook her head after answering and strolled across the court with her hands in her pockets, idly kicking at the ground as if kicking invisible stones. “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t know how to talk about it.”
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      HER immediate ( almost mechanical ) response only made his concern WORSEN. Sure, Junko could be a serious pain, almost UNBEARABLY so at times, but the shooting guard did consider her to be his friend sort of. Her reaction was unusual, even for her rather blunt and typically GRUMPY and CYNICAL nature. Frowning, he tucks the ball under his arm before adjusting his glasses with his free hand. ❝ I’m certainly not going to force you to talk about it if you don’t want to--- as much as I would like to know what’s bothering you. ❞ He was hardly one to talk anyway--- he certainly never enjoyed talking about his own issues, after all.
      ❝ Would you stop being so miserable if I treated you out for lunch ?? I believe I still owe you that, don’t I ?? ❞
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Shoots a ball at his head. She’s been practicing.
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      WELL, he’s unfortunately a difficult target to miss. Cue an irritated grunt as he’s hit with the ball. ( Thankfully he moved enough so it only hit his shoulder, but STILL--- ) Sighing, he picks up the ball before looking at her. She didn’t QUITE seem like her usual self, which was worrying. ❝ ....it’s likely none of my business, but...are you alright, Yukimura ?? ❞
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      Someone that is NOT him has annoyed Yukimura. UNACCEPTABLE.
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      EVERY single step he took made him feel even more U N E A S Y. Emerald irises flickered this way and that, taking in every single detail before WRACKING his brain in an attempt to figure out WHY he was feeling the way that he was.The time of year was incorrect--- that was one RED FLAG. ( As it was, it was winter where as it had been early spring before he had gone to bed ) Frowning slightly, the shooting guard SIGHED. Locating his teammates should have been easier than this when he thought more on it. Some of them walked along the same route, so surely he should have spotted AT LEAST one of them by now...
      FINALLY. Granted, given the situation he was rather WARY of the fact that out of anyone he could have spotted, it was Takao. What made him even more worried, however, was the way that the point guard was keeping his head DOWN, and not even bothering to look at him or give him a cheerful greeting like he typically would. ( That COULDN’T mean anything good and he knew it ) Also, did Takao look a little...smaller somehow ?? Not that there was an incredible difference, but Midorima was the type that would notice little details like that. Either way, he had to get to the bottom of this. Taking in a deep breath, he carefully approached the point guard, brows furrowed tightly together.
      ❝ Takao, is everything alright ?? ❞ It was such a VAGUE question to ask, but he didn’t know what else TO ask. He wasn’t sure WHAT to make of the situation, after all.
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It’s hard for him to even drag himself out of bed after the recent tournament, but Takao has to – he has to try, for his teammates who are giving up, so that none of their efforts are worthless. Still, he hates school enough as it is to have to face it under the pretense of such a heavy loss.
Recently he’s been looking up high schools that are close by and have strong basketball teams. The prospect of joining one is pretty much the only thing lighting a fire in him these days; it’s hard for him to motivate himself to even practice after school, but he still does it. At least, he does now. Last week had been not much more than tears and anger and resignation. But he’s slowly bouncing back – he’s Takao, after all, nothing’s going to keep him down forever.
Not even –
– Midorima Shintarou, who he has the misfortune of spotting on the opposite side of the street.
Takao knows him – he knows all of Teikou’s team after reading up on them extensively after their loss. But he hardly wants to run into him out of nowhere, the man whose ridiculous high shots and arrogance paired with them had filled his entire team – himself included – with unconquerable despair.
But there’s no way the other would know someone as inconsequential as him, a point guard on a nothing team, so he keeps his head down and makes the effort to move past him as unassumingly as possible.
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"Yeah, just stay at Shuutoku, obviousl-- hey! You never want /me/ studying with you!"
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      ❝ Obviously I’m not actually going anywhere, Bakao. As for me not wanting to study with you— the reason should be rather obvious in itself, nanodayo.❞
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"If you're moving you should just come to LA"
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slides over a packet of marshmallows. "Please don't go to Seijoh..."
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      He’s not a huge fan of sweets, but he’ll accept the marshmallows regardless. Perhaps Takao and his little sister could enjoy them in his place.❝ I’m not going to Seijoh, don’t worry, Ueda-san.❞
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miraclexcenter replied to your post:come to seijou and i'll buy to food for an entire...
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If I’m going to Shiratorizawa then Seijoh definitely can’t have you--- you’re taller than me that’s hardly fair. Don’t be dragged in by the simple offer of food, Murasakibara.
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come to seijou and i'll buy to food for an entire semester.
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I’m not easily swayed by something as basic as food, Oikawa-san.
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okay, shiratorizawa it is then.
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it’s not that bad at all!! but please come to shiratorizawa. 
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yuueda replied to your post:okay but real talk midorima would look hella good...
don’t listen to oikawa-san please
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.....i’ll think about it. his school doesn’t seem THAT bad.
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