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a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer)
(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)
these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈
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crazy how he turned out to be the only introvert in the group while the rest are extroverts... can you imagine how the rest of the members try to help him?💕 and not to mention he had fought most of them during trainee days😆 they have mentioned he’s okay with the promotions and all (if I understood it correctly) just not with crowded places (and even if they don’t mention it, being mobbed🙄). When will JYPE provide them a better security?🙄 I hope Jisung will take his time and do what he thinks he needs to do with the people that makes him uncomfortable in public or even private places.
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shoutout to all the studyblrs run by disabled/chronically ill people. I know on some days it feels like everyone is being productive but you. that’s not true. taking care of yourself is a really good and productive thing to be done. even if all you did today was take your meds. i’m proud of you. please take care ❤️
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i imagine jae saying this and i'm wheezing
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10 minutes into the reddit q&a and young k has already proved himself to be the most chaotic man……. someone asked what is always in their bag and he said he doesn’t even own a wallet. when asked about which disney character they resemble the most, he said the mammoth from ice age.
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i know kpop ain’t that deep but if you say anything bad about yoon dowoon i will personally cut and break your earphones and then your legs...and then call your family so they know what you’ve done
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Okay now I’m absolutely FUCKING DEVASTATED.
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happy birthday to our chaotic king, the sweetest and most talented hyung we ever could’ve asked for 💖
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I feel like him saying “don’t leave us behind” to stays was also directed at Woojin and wow AM I UGLY CRYING 😭😭
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[Kpop leaders]
Hongjoong talking to Namjoon: So… how’s taking over the music industry?
Namjoon: i-
Chan and Jaebum walking up: hey guys
Hongjoong: oh-
*suddenly loud shouts come from the park where the rest of Skz were*
Namjoon looking at Chan: uh should you fix that??
Chan, without looking back: nope they’re fine
*Jaebum, Namjoon and Hongjoong looking behind Chan*
*Jisung starts screaming*
Chan, massaging his temples: just fine
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it’s okay if you’re learning more slowly than everyone else. it’s okay if you stayed in bed all day yesterday instead of being productive. it’s okay that you don’t like every class or teacher you have. it’s okay if you didn’t do as well as you wanted to on that last exam. it’s okay if you forgot to hand in that last assignment. it’s okay if you make mistakes and fail sometimes.
as long as you get back up and continue to try your best, things will eventually work out. with progress, you will achieve your goals. it might seem scary and overwhelming to start, but trying is never a bad thing at all! sometimes things are going to be hard, but do them because you might surprise yourself. it’s not about perfection, but rather consistency. if you get back up and put in your best effort, you will be so much better off. other people may seem more “successful” than you, but that honestly does not matter. if you take tiny steps, at first it might not seem like you’re getting anywhere, but don’t give up. what other people think is so irrelevant. be patient, and over time, you will realize how far you’ve come. you can do this, and i believe in you!
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Woojin didn’t leave. He was kicked the fuck out. I knew something was off.

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