minuke · 5 years
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The dystopian industrial landscapes of Theodore Major
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minuke · 5 years
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marco polo. that’s the joke thank you for your time 
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minuke · 5 years
When EMTs and film/tv production crew comment on twitter threads about Amazon warehouse working conditions like “I work 12 hour shifts too, suck it up” like…………guys. You shouldn’t be working 12 hour shifts either. As few people as possible should be working 12 hour shifts
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minuke · 5 years
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minuke · 5 years
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When seal meets Picasso!
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minuke · 5 years
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Happy Birthday David Hockney! 
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minuke · 5 years
“It was witches who developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs and drugs, while physicians were still deriving their prognoses from astrology and alchemists were trying to turn lead into gold. So great was the witches’ knowledge that in 1527, Paracelsus, considered the ‘father of modern medicine,’ burned his text on pharmaceuticals, confessing that he ‘had learned from the Sorceress all he knew.’”
— Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Witches, Midwives, and Nurses - A History of Women Healers (1973)
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minuke · 5 years
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Lured (1947) dir. Douglas Sirk
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minuke · 5 years
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minuke · 5 years
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minuke · 5 years
Fake Orchestra - Alias Conrad Coldwood
This song speaks to me in a spiritual level. 
You know what the name of a “Fake Orchestra” means? 
In videogames, you get upbeat music when you win. Orchestral music that makes you feel happy and safe that you won. 
But a fake orchestra would mean that you didn’t win. A fake victory. There’s no winning for you. No safety and no happiness. 
You may have tried to do something right, expecting to recieve your dose of happy end for your efforts.
But you can’t. This isn’t a win. You’re not done, and the battle continues. There’s no end to your suffering and effort as you must continue moving forward. And keep moving. Forever.
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minuke · 5 years
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Castleton, Peak District
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minuke · 5 years
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M.C. Escher - color woodcut
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minuke · 5 years
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image description under the cut because this is a whole-ass 5 page comic. (sorry!)
happy pride. i drew this instead of things i should be doing. it was a good excuse to draw a lot of beautiful girls using references (found under the cut). it’s messy and bad, but i think the message gets across. i love being a lesbian because it helped me love myself more.
Keep reading
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minuke · 5 years
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minuke · 5 years
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Minecraft Monsters Humanization!
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minuke · 5 years
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Black women something amazing 
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