mintemis · 1 year
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I hardly ever see content from her so here is my little contribution
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mintemis · 2 years
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Did someone say Leyendecker study 👀
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mintemis · 3 years
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Just two pretty best friends talking abt genius stuff at the annual Fowl Charity Gala
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mintemis · 3 years
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mintemis · 3 years
for girls: how do you feel knowing you're amazing?
Juliet: Amazing at what? Fighting? Fashion? International relations?
Minerva: I think they mean it as a state of being.
Lazuli: Awww, that’s so nice of you to say... that’s also a lot of pressure...
Minerva: I am amazing by default, now I aspire to be effervescent.
Holly: “Effervescent.” That was No.1′s favorite word last week.
Minerva: Who do you think he learned it from?
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mintemis · 3 years
My contribution to AU day: au in which Artemis and Minerva are childhood friends!
(not romantic!!)
(also in this au Minerva has been moved up one year to put her in the same school year as Artemis)
Artemis's school runs a foreign pen-pal scheme, paired with a girls' boarding school in Nice
Needless to say, Artemis is fairly unenthusiastic about being forced to communicate regularly with a child his own age
So he writes something fairly basic, enough to satisfy the teacher, but not complex enough to actually require any effort on his part
Then Minerva writes back, and for a start, her English is flawless, and secondly, she picked up on his comment about science being his favourite school subject
Turns out she's just as interested in quantum physics as he is
Artemis is absolutely beaming, because finally, somebody who understands him, and can talk to him about the things he loves
They quickly swap email addresses so they can talk more often, and without their teachers reading their letters
Eventually they meet up in person, with Artemis (and Butler) flying over to Tourette-sur-Loup
After all, with Fowl Sr missing and Angeline unwell, it's not as if anybody would miss him
They spend a weekend scheming together, coming up with ideas to get the money for an exploration to the Arctic
When they are eventually made to go to sleep, Artemis wakes up in the middle of the night from his recurring dream*
He sits up and pokes Minerva awake
"Minerva. I have had an idea."
"what the hell do you want it's two in the morning"
"I have an idea for how to raise the money."
"can you tell me when I'm awake please"
"No, this is too important to wait."
Minerva sighs and reluctantly sits up
"What if we kidnapped a fairy?"
"what?? go back to sleep Artemis"
They end up kidnapping a fairy (aka Holly)
Yes Minerva is there at the Fowl Manor siege
Holly tries to turn Minerva against Artemis by claiming that he will turn against her in his quest for money/power
Minerva just smiles brightly and says "oh I know, that's why I'm going to betray him first!"
She does not end up betraying him
lmk if you guys like this or want to see more, bc I have Ideas abt how the rest of the series would go down in this au that I'm happy to share if y'all are interested
* yes I'm going with the quasi-canon idea of Artemis having lingering memories of the People from the mind-wipe in TTP
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mintemis · 3 years
the fic idea of minerva and artemis getting sent back to the 1960s paris and trying to get back home to 200-wheneverthefuck occupies my mind more than id like to admit
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mintemis · 3 years
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thinking thoughts abt 1960s/mod fashion…..also thinking abt minerva & artemis…….yeah
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mintemis · 3 years
For the ship thing, Love #8 and #9, and Domestic Life #7 for Artemis/Minerva?
ooh, ok! that’s dope
-love #8) who’s better at comforting the other?
oh, that’s hard. i would say minerva - she’s not one for harboring negative feelings, unlike artemis, so i think she’d be better at it. plus, artemis is v awkward in that type of situation; he means well, but being vulnerable w a person, or someone being vulnerable w him, is not something he’s good at dealing w.
-love #9) who’s more protective?
probably artemis. once he forms an emotional connection w someone, he’ll do anything for them, including being protective if need be.
-domestic #7) who kills the bugs in the house?
HAHA DEFINITELY MINERVA (artemis tries, but she’s much more quick & permanent about it lol)
tysm for the ask! i love they :’)
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mintemis · 3 years
headcanon that the whole "minerva ran off w an alpine skier & dumped artemis at a nobel prize ceremony :^)" is all a ploy by the two of them. they decide together that they no longer want their relationship to be public, so dramatically "break up" at the ceremony (where the press will see them). the alpine skier is rly minerva's friend who agreed to say they eloped together as a cover story.
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mintemis · 3 years
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Artemis Fowl fancast ↳ Garance le Guillermic as Minerva Paradizo
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mintemis · 3 years
[minerva paradizo voice] artemis fowl??? nah what a jerk what a— [trips] [hundreds of thousands of photos of artemis fowl spill out of jacket] w-what  a fuckign asshole i these arent mine im just [gathering them up frantically sweating] listen i just listen fuck [thousands of pictures of artemis fowl scatter across the floor] shit fcuk im holding them for holly just listen 
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mintemis · 3 years
do you think minerva wears heels
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mintemis · 3 years
artemis: i have two hands.
artemis: one for holding minerva's, the other for hacking into several goverment-owned corporations.
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mintemis · 3 years
headcanon that minerva and artemis are huge hypocrites like
minerva, furiously doing calculations on her sixth classroom-sized chalkboard: artemis darling it's 2 am you should sleep
artemis, taking apart more fairy tech: no, not now, love, also pass me that gold bar
minerva, yeeting it with one hand without looking: fair enough do you want coffee
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mintemis · 3 years
Artemis is asexual/biromantic, Minerva is homosexual/panromantic, they are in a healthy and supportive relationship with each other, and I will die on this hill
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mintemis · 3 years
you know, even though I don’t “endgame” ship minerva and artemis I am actually totally cool with them attempting to have a relationship (and it eventually falling apart) as per colfer’s post-book explanations, because that’s something we see so rarely in YA - like the majority of the time, whoever gets together by the end of a YA book either ends up married with 2.5 kids and a dog (-side eyes HP and THG-) or one half of the ship tragically dies (-side eyes Divergent and Bartimaeus-), but in reality teenagers usually don’t end up marrying their first girlfriend/boyfriend (and usually they don’t break up through death), and the idea that artemis and minerva simply dated for a while and broke up is so realistic that it’s like a breath of fresh air, tbh. 
I can imagine them maybe being a bit hostile towards each other for a while afterwards (because they might be genii, but they’re also human, not to mention teenagers), but once they mature and move past it (and find other people?) I bet they’d reconnect and basically be really good friends.
and like, former romantic interests who break up and remain friends afterwards (without any stupid ~lingering feelings~ and “complications”)? that’s goddamn revolutionary for YA (sad as that is), and I wish it could have been explored in canon because it could have been a brilliant deviation from the norm.  
but no, instead minerva simply dropped off the face of the earth post-TLC. thanks for that, colfer. 
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